Sunday, July 1, 2018

In preparation then for the day of your encounter with Maitreya and the dweller

     From out the heart of love I come.  My love is a concern for your very soul, for the perfecting of your path and for your awareness of those reaches of the mind of God that are just beyond your present awareness.
  How can one sense what one knows not, when one knows it not?  How can one sense one’s need to push back the barriers of the mind or sheaths of consciousness outworn?  How can one know the way to go when one does not perceive the need to go any way?  Our Lord Gautama, and Sanat Kumara before him, and so on in the vast hierarchical chain—each in his own way has considered this dilemma of the soul that is in the evolutionary cosmos.  The answer that has come forth is the eternal chain of Hierarchy.
  If you do not know that sensitivity that you ought to have but you do not—I can assure you, the one who is above you in the chain of Hierarchy knows it!  Therefore listen to that one. Follow that one.  Acknowledge that one as teacher, even if it be but in a single field of human endeavor.  Those who think they know it all (and, oddly enough, there are many on this ship of fools called planet Earth)—they end up knowing nothing.  For they know less and less, not perceiving that which they know not.
  Thus the obvious conclusion is that without the Guru one recedes.  There is no maintaining even of one’s present position.  For what is “present position”?  There is none, since life is the Law of self-transcendence, ever unfolding in the Law of cycles.  Therefore you see, if you are expected to be something you are not now in a moment from now, because the Law of cycles governs all—how will you move with that spiral if you cannot take the hem of another’s garment and follow or be swept up in the draft of that one’s attainment?  This is a predicament that is upon mankind.  And they know it not!  For the very lesson I teach is already beyond their present awareness.
  The Great Divine Director has addressed himself to this dilemma.  And he has spoken of it to you in this hall.  I come to give you an understanding of why the bodhisattvas have chosen to be bodhisattvas, tarrying with an evolution blinded and increasingly more blind by its own blindedness.  Blessed hearts, you can see the condition of a planet as we see it.  You understand that, instead of moving forward, the products of the educational systems of this nation have less and less capacity to express the Word—as language skills, as mathematics or as other subjects.  Consequently standards are lowered.  The tests become more and more easy as educators (who ought not to have the name) are not willing to face the fact that they are failing in the transfer of the light of the heart, which is the only true illumination of any soul.
  Without the flow of love/wisdom of Helios and Vesta through the teacher the pupil will not mount a spiral—for the spiral is nonexistent.  And if the teacher be not a part of the chain of Hierarchy, then that teacher cannot attach his pupils to the chain to which he himself is not attached!  Therefore the bodhisattvas maintaining the flame of Hierarchy in the many dimensions and planes of consciousness have come, placing themselves very near to those whom they would push up the ladder of Life.
  O you thought you were being pulled!  Well, blessed hearts, we are beneath you, pushing you up—for the very simple reason that some do not even know the way that is up from the way that is down, simply because they have lost the inner compass of Life.
  Some think heaven to be hell—and hell, heaven!   There are those who enjoy being in the astral realm and would be most uncomfortable in the etheric plane.  Why, there are those who are not even comfortable to be seated next to one of you.  Have you ever noted how they have moved themselves from your side in public places?  Blessed hearts, do not take it personally.  It is their demons who cannot get along with your angels.  Since the angels are most fearsome to the demons it is they who move.  But sometimes you also remove yourselves from those places where your soul would imbibe an unhealthy atmosphere, and so it is wise.
  Well then Serapis has come to apprise you of a love that is pure and perfect—of a spiral that is now released, of a ruby ray that you will only come to understand on the battlefield of life.
  How can we explain and explain again?  We do our best.  We send you out, we let world karma do the rest.  And you come back all the wiser for your experiencing of the path; there is no substitute for experience.  There is no substitute for the teacher who can interpret experience for you and therefore give you the eyes to see—seeing through the veils of maya, seeing through the illusion, the smoke screen of the fallen ones.
  Some have said they never understood what is in the daily newspaper until they heard the word of Mother’s manifestos or the Messengers’ releases for many years.  Some have said they had never understood light and darkness or the conspiracy or the path of initiation.  Thus you see, the Word has a way of communicating itself to you despite the discrepancy between teacher and pupil.  This is a miracle on the face of it when you come to think of it.  It is a result of interpenetration of magnetic fields and electromagnetic currents.  It is a meshing of teacher and pupil.
  There are some who will never be convinced that the Shroud of Turin is the image of the Lord Christ!   These so-called scientists are filled with doubt.  They are like water bags of doubt.  When punctured it would all come out and they would be no more.  For their total identity is doubt, more doubt, and self-doubt!  And then they make their pronouncements of doubt as though they were the empirical method of science itself.  Well, beloved hearts, there are some who can never see beyond or feel beyond the physical person—whether of the Messenger, whether of a loved one, whether of anything from a blade of grass to a star.  How can you expect them to mesh with the Word or desire the Guru who obviously is taking you into spirals passing through your own nonphysical matrix leading to universes of light that are still a part of your very own being?   Thus those who assemble to hear our Word are those not content with the physical grid of Life they use to navigate in the physical octave.  They are probers of the mysteries of the octaves above and below and through the sound ray to the soundless sound.
  The Hierarchy of Light, the buddhas, bodhisattvas and masters of the wisdom ray are pleased with the expanded capacity of the mind of Christ within the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood that has occurred in this fourteen-month cycle.  We see that you are wiser for our teaching, wiser for your experiences in testing the teaching, challenging and then proving the Law—as the Law will prove itself to you, as the Law will never be offended if you challenge it and say “Show me, Lord!  I believe, help thou mine unbelief!  Show me the proof of Thy Word.”
  When you ask for proof be not surprised how it come.  Come it will.  And if you are objective and free, nonprejudiced, you will have to go where proof leads you.  But if you are narrow-minded and bigoted and close your eyes to blatant reality, fearing what will be required of you and your compromise of Life—then, blessed hearts, beware.  For the karma of closing your eyes to the proof of Truth which stands before you is spiritual blindness followed by physical blindness in this or a succeeding incarnation.
  Karma is instantaneous; take care then.  Be honest in your interaction with the ascended masters and we will be honest with you.  Above all do not trifle with the great Law.  Do not play with fire—as your mothers have already taught you.  The same rules apply.  Yet we are in ongoing dimensions of Life.
Thus I come as I concern myself with your awareness of the oncoming Dark Cycle which will begin April 23.  Entering the hierarchy of the initiations of Capricorn, planet Earth and her evolutions will receive the return of their misqualified energies misqualifying the light of the Person of the Father, of His Principle, His Power, His Omnipresence, indeed the misuses of the All-Power of God.
  Here in the Person of the Father, here in the Presence of Alpha who has come to grace the Earth is the Presence of all-power in heaven and earth.  It is that light of Alpha and Alpha’s current that has been misqualified.  Inasmuch as it is absolute power, absolute God in manifestation as Brahma you will be dealing with the perversion of the Absolute as the presence of absolute Evil—personified in the anti-God manifestations of the Nephilim, their mechanization man, their Cain civilization and all that has been built upon this planetary body in the successive spirals going back for millions of years.
  It will be a year for serious consideration.  It will be a year when your tie to the God Star Sirius will be of utmost importance.  For the momentum of the God Star Sirius is the very balance of all misuses of the light of God the Father on planet Earth and in this system of worlds.
  The misuses of power on this planet by the Nephilim are connected with their misuses of power on other planets and systems.  Therefore opening Pandora’s box of this cycle of karma leads to other boxes, and they are as interconnected as interconnecting computers of the fallen ones.  They are as interconnected as the connectedness of all life in the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
  I urge you to tarry at Camelot in the morning to assemble to decree for the sealing of the Inner Retreat and all that concerns it.  This we desire to see completed before the mounting momentum of the next Dark Cycle takes hold.
You have already been warned of and experienced the lashback of the dragon’s tail under the hierarchy of Sagittarius.  Do not underestimate it in these final hours before the turning of the cosmic clock!   There is as well the overlapping into the new cycle of the past cycle.  Thus there will be experienced (as there is now) the overlapping of the revenge of the fallen ones, moving with their momentum of the judgment of the children of the light—the mouthings of the Accuser of the Brethren, their constant criticism and the mode of their mind whereby whatever they look upon that is of the light they automatically condemn.
  They are computerized to condemnation!  Thus wherever spring flowers peep through as the budding consciousness of the chela at subconscious planetary levels there is the put-down of that burst of joy and freedom and light.
  You will notice often when you express your joy midst people—ordinary people, neither good nor evil—that they will somehow disfigure that joy, discolor it, dampen it.  And you go away feeling less joyous for having expressed your joy. Such is the carnal mind.  Such is the mark of the presence on planet Earth of the Nephilim consciousness that affects many, though they be not of it.
  Blessed hearts, the release of Alpha to you is stupendous.  We must not underestimate the going forth of his light or the intense rejection of that light.  Such light incites the very anger that produced originally the arrogance of the fallen ones who seized heaven by force in their perversion of the absolute power of the Almighty One.
  You are Christed ones.  And the Office of Christ is the judgment of Antichrist.  Let us put it there!  Let us stand there!  Let us seal it there!  Let the judgment descend! ere their judgment come as point/counterpoint.
  The Dark Cycle is not the only cycle released!  There is always the Light Cycle in each year.  The original momentum of attainment of all evolutions of this planetary body under the hierarchy of Capricorn out of the Great Causal Body of the Great Divine Director can be invoked by you daily as the antidote to the daily return of mankind’s karma.  Use it!  There are millions of cosmic beings who have won, who have graduated from this system of worlds.  All of their God/Good, all of their light, is accessible!
  Therefore the key in the arch is the call.  Without the call you enter into the spirals of the shrinking-man syndrome of which the Great Divine Director has spoken.  If you do not expand hour by hour, you shrink.  I wink as I say this!  And I trust that in the wink you will not be shorter than you were before.  Do you see, blessed hearts?  I counsel you on the upward way; we are mountain climbers all!  Our exercise in running is uphill.  Then when we are on level ground we are at ease and well-trained.  It is the upward spiral, it does require striving, but there is rest and there is rhythm to Life.
  You are not machines.  You must discover the law of the seven and the seven steps to the precipitation of the flame of your own God-mastery.  If you do not observe them, you will find that though you think you are striving you may have reached a plateau and are entering into levels of mediocrity that you know not.  The full capacity of your God-flame and your continuing in this segment of the spiral of the victory of Earth depends upon your pacing of yourselves as runners in the race.
  The law of the rest is the law of the relief—even in music. Take a lesson from the music of the spheres.  Rest in absolute peace within the heart at regular intervals.  Learn by the discipline of the mind to go within—swiftly!   Learn to hurl the strength of your mind to the Eye of God, to the heart of your I AM Presence—to make instantaneous contact and to discover the rest-in-motion that is the mark of Mercurians and Maitreyans which I trust you shall all be very soon.  The race is to the swift and the strong.  And they have a science to their swiftness and their strength.  Learn it!  Watch them!  “Watch me, I can fly!”
  Blessed hearts, think how long the ascended masters have been going.  They do not chart their course by a mere embodiment but by golden cycles—golden cycles of Life.  Let us take first things first.  The hour approaches and the new day is at hand.  Let us seal the Inner Retreat by our love!  Let us seal this conference by not neglecting this most necessary and most sacred of the Brotherhood’s endeavor.  Let us look alert—and with courage greet the oncoming cycles.
   In past ages it has been the return karma of mankind’s misuse of the light in some cycle of Capricorn or Cancer that has triggered cataclysm.  Let us pray that this cataclysm be neither personal nor planetary but that your liberal use of the violet flame will provide oil in the gears of life and cushion the shock waves of the confrontation of absolute God-power and absolute evil.
  You will see come out of this year—as you approach it with Serapis Bey’s dispensation—great miracles, great acceleration. And after all it is for the opening of the crown chakra under that hierarchy—and perfect love is the way to raise up perfect wisdom through the resurrection flame.  And perfect love is the only way the sons of God have ever defeated the Nephilim and their councils of war.
  I AM Maitreya in the heart of the I where the cross of the t is the formation of a Mother’s heart.  I AM the ray of the Mother’s light manifesting within you.  I AM forever with the Mother on the cross of life, I hold Her in the embrace of love—as I hold you, my very own most beloved.
  In the name of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood I seal this retreat into the heart of the resurrection flame.  I seal you in the heart of God!  I seal the mystical body of God in the heart of Alpha!  Lo, He is come. Lo, He is come!  And it is done, it is sealed, it is finished.    
                               -Maitreya:  4-19-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger ECP
      Hail, O eternal, never-ending Word!  Hail, O Light hidden in the heart now unveiled!  May the lumination of the eternal Christ planted as a seed in the heart by the Divine Mother now grow and expand that the seed itself might bear witness of the righteous Branch.  From the Tree of Life out of the heart of the I AM Presence descends the Son who is Branch, who is Light, who is your very own perpetual Word.
  It is the unendingness as the very nature of that Word of which I would speak.  For the ever-flowing stream, the crystal-clear water [of Life] is a stream of consciousness ordained in the beginning that is thy Life, thy Self—the manifestation of God who is in thee and thy very Self.  Within this stream of eternal Life I AM.
  I AM Maitreya the Cosmic Christ, entertaining, enfolding, including in my own God-awareness the perpetual flow of the stream of God’s consciousness.  Therefore I AM one with you as you arrive at the vibration of that light, as your soul is lifted up, as there is purification and the crystal stream becomes thy very own Self-awareness.  Arriving then at the pure River of Life you understand the meaning of the fount as cause and that which goeth forth from the fount as effect.  And therefore in one you experience the Father and the Son and you know that these twain cannot be separated but must forever be one.
  I have heard and I AM the Word that is spoken in your midst.  Truly it is the vibration of Sanat Kumara by the heart of Archangel Gabriel unto Jeremiah that I would preserve within you.  For his time is also come and his reappearing in this age will also mark the fulfillment of his own self-prophecy.  And you will see that this son of light will be born again.  And you will realize that as your heart is one with the stream of your consciousness you will be found in the ratio of the golden ratio spiral unto his mighty God-flame.
  And you will understand the meaning of the Inner Retreat as the Place Prepared for this son of light and avatars of light who cannot be born on unhallowed ground, even as those in Judah had to exit the city, for it was made unhallow and therefore was not [suitable] to be dwelt in.  So it is with the cities of Earth—the avatars who are to come may not touch the unsanctified ground.  Holiness unto the Lord is the sign of our people.  That holiness is always the place prepared in the heart where the very intense ray of the I AM Presence can manifest in the earth and perform that mighty work that is the answer to the call.
  Call upon the Lord!  Call upon the name, the sacred name I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!  Call upon it unto the cycles of the day and the night for the appearing of the Holy City and the fiery nucleus of the Inner Retreat.  Call for the mighty sword of Life to now raise up all who are of the righteous Branch and of the priests of Levi.  For their number must be multiplied in this Community even as the serpents are cast out; for they cast themselves out by nonalignment with the living Word.
  In the invincible light of God-Freedom I stand.  For it is [by] the very nature of the eternality of the Word and the invincibility of the light, [by] the constancy of the promise, the certainty of this prophecy, this note fulfilled that we will stand and we will conquer. 
  All of Earth puts forth the vibration of decay, disintegration, uncertainty and doubt.  Doubt then is the breaking and the crumbling of the former matrix.  But we come to build!  We come to plant upon the sacred stone where God is; be that stone!  Understand the foundation!  Understand how all things now become physical because you have the ray of illumination—it is indeed the ray of hope, it is indeed the ray of vision.
  By enlightenment you see clearly.  By the vision of the mountain you head for it, you make your way there, you converge at the Royal Teton Retreat!  There you come.  There you understand the meaning of this heart chamber of God, this place of the descent of the root races, this home of archangels and of Gautama Buddha.  You understand the necessity for establishing the outer focus of Shamballa and you see clearly the need for the inner and the outer manifestation to be close at hand.  I look for the fulfilling of the vision that we might then perform together the mighty work of the ages.
  Let us begin anew.  I place my hand upon the forehead of those who would be initiated further in the service of the World Teachers.  I seal all who will hear again and again the word of Jeremiah and take unto themselves this fire infolding itself, even this descent of I AM THAT I AM.  It is not only a gift of prophecy but it is a gift of the future that is become the present.  It is the gift of the descent of your own causal body and all that was ordained from the beginning for you to fulfill in your individual divine plan.  Thus have we tarried, thus does the light go forth from the altar.
  And all who are so blest will understand the need now for us to send forth souls of light for the revolution of Sanat Kumara. It is called Woman’s Revolution.  But the sign of the Woman clothed with the Sun is the sign of the coming of the Guru, the sign of the eternal Mother-flame in the person of the Ancient of Days returned to the very center of the chelas of that fire. Therefore, beloved, it is a revolution of the sons and daughters of Sanat Kumara.  And it is called Woman’s Revolution, for truly it is the initiation of the light of Maitreya—my own flame, and it is a dear flame given to me by God.
  This initiation of my flame and of the Mother-light is for the perpetual flowing from you of the mystical seed of the Cosmic Christ as the preaching and the teaching, as the covenant come again even written in the inward parts of the soul and the chakras and in the heart and in the living temple of our God.  All these things are fulfilled where mind and heart of chela meet Sanat Kumara.
  The meeting place of heaven and earth is in the Word that flows, in the Word incarnate.  Where the Word is precipitated in matter, where you stand at that point of the delivery of the Word there is this meeting place, there is its sending.  And we send you by the light of the Faithful and True; for as we have said there is a war ongoing out there, outside of this circle of fire.  We send you then to defeat the fallen priests, not only of Judah and Israel but of Lemuria and Atlantis—the very same ones, fallen by their misuse of the light of the Mother, the eternal flame of Sanat Kumara.
  Come forth, Mighty Victory!  Anoint those souls of light who will go forth in America to counteract the feminist revolt against the living God, [yes, to counteract] the fallen ones who would raise up the perversion of the life-force and declare it to be the norm of life and therefore by that very act set the seal upon America of the internal destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Let these fallen ones be exposed!  Let the truth be heard!  And let the lambs of God now put on the mantle of the Lamb.  Let the sacred sword of Jeremiah be in your hand!  And let us defeat these individuals who spread abroad [their] lies, who infiltrate families and the home, mothers and fathers, children and [the halls of] education, bringing forth their godless philosophy of the Nephilim in this age called “humanism” to give it that sense of innocuousness.  For who in defending humanism could possibly be against human beings?  And after all is not the age one of human rights?
  Well, we have gone over this ground before.  It is the age of the divine right of the Woman and Her seed.  It is the age of the divine right of the righteous Branch and of the light itself. It is the age of righteousness [and of the soul’s right to be righteous else know the recompense for unrighteous deeds].
Let the unrighteous leader be cast down!  I denounce him as sitting in the seat of the throne of David where he has not the authority of the Word!  Let the exposure come about!  Let it be known!  For I am in the very heart of the Lord God Sanat Kumara and I come for the purging that the true son of God might be raised up.  Let the seed then of the Son of light become the foundation of a new city, a new understanding and truly a new mission.  Let those who in their hearts bear the Banner of the World Teachers, my sons Jesus and Kuthumi, stump for the Revolution of the Coming Buddha who is come.  Let them stump for the light and against the anti-light; let the lines be drawn.
  Let there be a very specific manifesto of this Woman’s Revolution stating the case of the divine right of the true woman of God and those rights which can never be given to the fallen ones, which they seek to take unto themselves having not earned them on the path of light.  There is a sharpening of the tongue of the Lord.  It is a two-edged sword. You will bear it!  You will be it!  You will transmit my fire!  For I Maitreya with the Banner of the World Mother do champion and enter the fray.  I champion the light of the raising of the Mother-flame within you, the prophecy of the fulfillment of Israel.  I champion your word as my word, as the message of Sanat Kumara.  We come for the manifesto of Alpha and Omega.  We come that all may read clearly/simply that which is of the light and that which is not.  Let the preaching and the publishing of the Word be for the rallying of the Hosts of the Lord and the judgment of the fallen ones!
  Let the dance of the virgin souls of my people truly be the dance of Shiva.  And let the Holy Spirit be felt now!  Now therefore I send it as the portion of my own being upon you. Upon all who can receive it the portion of my own Spirit is upon you!  I breathe it forth and I transfer the sacred breath. Purusha.
  And my dispensation and my anointing shall be for all time and space of those who come under the dispensation of the righteous Branch.  I AM the Cosmic Christ representative, very much a part of this Community, very much a part of the day-to-day plans for the Inner Retreat.  Make haste to divest yourselves of those things of this world that are excess baggage.  Let the alchemy of the sacred fire transmute them into supply that may be laid upon the foundation of the city we would build.  Yes, it is an inner city.  Yes, it is an outer city, being a citadel and a fortress unto the lovers of God.
  I am with you now for the victory.  And I watch the signs of the watchman of the night, Saint Germain, who places his hand as the right hand of the age upon the governments and the economies of the nations.  His right hand as the prophet of Israel is upon this and every nation and upon the fallen ones in their meetings and upon those who would betray the people.  The hand of Saint Germain is upon them!  And he does hold them and stay the action of their wickedness that the faithful and true followers of the light might now enter in to the very streets of the earth and command life free by truth and its sword!
  I AM in the Amen and in the heart of the aum.  I AM Maitreya, Mother-flame in action!  It is an exercise of stillness to be in the heart of the Christ and the Buddha.  It is an exercise of action to go forth and implement the Word.  Bless you for your constancy in the yin and the yang of Life whereby we are able to bring to you, Keepers of the Flame, the deeper mysteries of Life.  You are our First Love.  
                           -Maitreya 7-19-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles
      I would speak to you of the Passion Week from the level of the Cosmic Christ and the very personal relationship of the ascended Guru with the unascended chela who must shortly pass through this initiation.
  Truly the flow of hearts—the oneness of our hearts—on that occasion is something that the world must know and be aware of.  As Jesus called me Father, as I served in the Office of Father closest to him so through my heart which kept the vigil of his entire mission he was one with Gautama, with Sanat Kumara, with Alpha, and therefore understood the One Sent, understood the Messenger in heaven as the Messenger on earth as the very extension of the divine light who is God.
  Thus as to me Jesus was an extension in form of my life and as each one above me in the offices of Hierarchy so considered the same we all partook of his cup as the great Law would allow.  For one part of Life—especially when that part of the light is the living, pulsating manifestation of the Cosmic Christ—can only be experienced by every other part of Life who is Cosmic Christ as the essence of one’s Self.
  This unity, beloved, this feeling of every part of Life that is part of God everywhere is something that is dulled to your own outer awareness—not because you are sinners but because you are here in form with many tasks to perform to prepare this manger for the birth of every avatar to come.
Thus if you were to retain the world pain, the ongoing world crucifixion of the Christed ones, you would then perforce be required to sit in meditation like the statue of the Buddha or of Padma Sambhava.  For only in perpetual meditation and in the giving forth of the Science of the Word does one hold the balance for this experience of the oneness of the mystical body of God.  Thus activities change on the ascending scale of Hierarchy.  But remember also that Lord Confucius, one of great attainment and light, keeps himself entirely active in the service at the Royal Teton Retreat while yet maintaining a certain awareness of life becoming Life through the cosmic travail of the Woman.
  Thus I myself in this understanding that I have shared with you was of course one in the very heart and the pierced side, the full experience of the Lord Christ.  And I can tell you that the ongoing invective of the fallen ones endured by the light-bearers over the centuries is just as great as the final conclusion in the physical octave, and perhaps greater.  For as you know and as Jesus has told you, the brief period upon the cross for him was not nearly the suffering that some saints have experienced lifetime after lifetime.  This he said.  And therefore let none accuse him of disparaging his own office or his own dispensation of the crucifixion.  This he has not done nor have you.  But only for the glorification of the Son, wherever that Son does appear, is the Lord Jesus Christ come—and every other avatar whom I have sponsored.
  In contemplation of this week then we approach it not from the sorrowful way of the fourteen stations of the cross but moreover as profound instruction, illumination of the Lord Christ by the Holy Spirit so that each one may squarely understand what he may expect as he sets his heart to the true path of original Christhood.
  “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!”  He spake those words of mine as I spoke them to him, giving unto him the good cheer of my Office and attainment, reassuring him for the victory.  In so many of the phrases that you now read by this illumination in scripture you will feel the vibration of the golden thread of illumination, of the quietness of the Buddha.  The yellow fire is a quiet yet all-powerful strength emanating continually the Word as affirmation of being.
The initiation of the crucifixion—which means the fastening of oneself to the cross of Alpha and Omega to be where there is the convergence of the Father/Mother light—this, beloved hearts, is a calling and a selection which you would not want to miss in this embodiment.
  I urge you then to consider the strengthening of your individual forces in God, preparing you day by day.  As you receive again and again communion so the crumb of Life is a “crumb,” a portion of the whole loaf of initiation until you can truly take in the fullness of the body and blood of the ascended-master Presence, your own archetype in heaven—Jesus, Saint Germain, El Morya—and can contain that light and that being where you are.
  I AM Maitreya—for I AM in the heart of the mountain at the very edge of the wilderness here in this place consecrated to Ephraim’s sons.  I AM here for the reinforcing of the circle of Lord Gautama.  I AM here to remind and anoint you of the desire of Serapis Bey and the hosts of the fourth ray to implant a mighty focus of the whitefire of the Mother.
But caution given from on high must be reiterated.  These servants of the fourth ray of purity have said:  We will not accelerate this focus here lest this very light encourage greater opposition to itself and lest those who support it faint in the very process of defending it.
  The Word has also been given that certain avatars will not embody here until those who comprise the community have sufficient attainment to hold the balance for that light—not because they are afraid but because they would not jeopardize your own path.  And what is the path?  The path is this:  the Passion Week, the understanding of all that it holds for you personally.
  Thus the building of the retreat, so important in the physical octave— because of the loss of the children of light on this planet and the physical door being the only door by which they can enter before they move on to etheric octaves—must not become over-important and you yourself allow the work of the day or of the hour to interfere with the sense of the inner building of the temple, your own temple, so reinforced by the white stone of light—brick upon brick, these stones that must one day hold the full effulgent light of the Lord Sanat Kumara.
It is a respite for the Mother and for all who come here to dwell in this place prepared.  Realize then that it is also a sacrifice to go out from this place and to descend once again into the area where world thought and concentrated world population reinforces the negative aspects of Antichrist.
Remember that only a few individuals having conscious hatred may funnel the hatred of ten million people living in the Los Angeles area.  Even if only fifty harbored resentment or malice toward the Messengers or the students or the church, they are sufficient as transformers of the full momentum of world hatred.
  Therefore you see, it has always been the path of the avatars to remove themselves from areas of density of population and then beyond that to hide themselves in places where no one could find them or know their exact location.  For when this is so they will always place the crosshairs of a focus of the cross itself exactly where the physical anchorpoint of the avatar is to further direct that same energy of world hatred.
  Thus it is necessary then for the sign of mobility to be realized in the advanced chela as the sign of safety.  And it is often necessary to remove oneself to a point in the Inner Retreat, here or there, where only the birds and the angels and the elementals may truly know the forcefield of your own presence.
  Realize that there are little ones who live in tiny bodies, there are little children connected with this activity who rightfully ought not to be in an area of such a dense population.  Often they are weary and burdened and sometimes even out of sorts for bearing so much momentum of world energy.  Let all who are a part of this community, parents and teachers and those who have concern about their own path of light realize that as the way of the messengers of God has been shown, and this one also, so you must follow.  For your day is also coming—and the days will be shortened for you who elect to adopt the full path of Christhood—when you yourselves will no longer be able to bear the burden of the areas of large concentration of population.  It is then that you will require the place prepared and you will understand why the sacrifice was necessary.  Each sacrifice you make then is your own surety against the day of the Lord’s calling to bear more light and therefore more world karma and to be in a place where added unto this there may not be simply the intensity of lifewaves uncommitted to the solar evolution of the Cosmic Christ.
  And what is this solar evolution, my beloved?  I AM evolving in every heart through every Christ Self, through every threefold flame.  And when I say “I AM” it is the Office I hold, it is the Cosmic Christ of which I AM aware.  For no one can contain the fullness of that Christ yet I hold the Office and the mantle.  The Cosmic Christ is the universal presence of the Word—springing forth, budding and taking root here and there.  Thus you see, because I hold the Office I AM there when each avatar is born, when you are born the new creature, when you also elect to be upon the cross.  I urge you as I have already done through this Messenger of my heart that you contemplate in these seven days and the eighth day, which signifies the eternal rest from time and space, these events in the life of one who has so portrayed to you that which is necessary.  I can only tell you that not having drunk the full cup to ascend prematurely would be a mighty disappointment; for each and every one of you as stalwart sons and disciples of the World Mother longs for the fullness of that sacred fire and that calling.
  Because they have done unto him what they would you place yourself also in the place of John the Baptist and Jesus, saying “So also now is come the judgment of this world.  For judgment I AM come, and yet I judge not.  There is one that judgeth, and it is the Word that I speak.”
  Dear hearts, you have seen this Word in yourselves become the judgment of those to whom you have spoken it.  When the Word has spoken through you and the Holy Spirit has passed from you you know surely that this is the extension of the Guru Sanat Kumara in your presence.  And you know that surely in the end, whatever the end means in terms of that individual, the judgment is come—the judgment has exacted the full penalty of the Law for the rejection of the Godhead dwelling bodily in you.
  Now, blessed hearts, you cannot flaunt the Law and be off-guard and even have a twinge of pride that you are somehow better than others and then go and speak your own mind and piece and say “It is the judgment.”  Great, great humility is required of those who are the instrument of the Word.  You may be the instrument of a message of God one day to one soul; but if you are out of alignment for the next thirty days or thirty years, the Word will not speak again.
  And so there is a daily striving, a tuning of the instrument. You must become a virtuoso on the instrument of God that is your body temple.  Would you suspect that a first violinist would perform with a symphony orchestra or play passages alone before large audiences without daily practice, over and over again, and the tuning of the strings?  Thus because you have won a battle do not become over-certain, overly confident and think that somehow you have arrived and nothing can change.  You are always at the alchemy of change, you are always at the altar, you are always in the process of transcending that former state!  It is like being in the perpetual war of Armageddon—the Battle Victorious.
If you are on a certain ground and there your position becomes known and you fight the enemy there, and then another day and another round is upon you would you remain in the same place of the previous battle now that the enemy has defined your point of strategy and of reference?  Why, not so.  You would take yourself and your band to another place.
So you see, as soon as the enemy defines your state of consciousness, as soon as the enemy has so to speak your “number”—which is your vibration and the formula of your being—as soon as you have the victory there you must no longer be found there.  You must be one niche higher on the scale of initiation so that when they seek and look for you in the old familiar place you are not there.  They could not find Jesus until he desired to be found and desired to be taken.  He made it relatively simple for Judas to betray him, for the hour had come for the Son of man to be glorified.
  Thus, beloved hearts, you may be certain that we have a mighty work in store for you, and thus be not tempted that somehow the hour is come for you for a physical change or a physical trial or a physical death—even those who occupy temples of an older age.  This is the point of Serapis Bey where you are so enfired with the white light and the victory of eternal Life that you never submit in consciousness to any projection of the removal of yourself, by divine dispensation or otherwise, to other spheres or octaves.  For heaven descends to the lowest level of the physical and astral planes through you, for heaven desires the total victory in this age.
  The forces of the world are gathering.  The Christ crucified is America.  And America, as a people and a nation, know not that they are undergoing the Passion Week—and the enemy is within, within the very temple and without.  Both the Pharisees and the Caesars of Rome have decreed the destruction of this initiate.  Suffice it to say that the remnant of Christed ones, the anointed in her midst who come from all nations must take upon themselves this national crucifixion and spread the word of the betrayal of the fallen ones and even the betrayal of those who are among the disciples of Christ in the churches.
  Only if the people are informed as to the Son of man within them and their own path—how to find it, how to walk it, how to achieve it—can the nation as a whole rise victorious on resurrection morn.  It is indeed then the hour of the ascended masters’ breaking the bread of Life through you, through all who go forth publishing the Word, preaching the Word.
  All who are a part of this entire pyramid of the establishment of our activity, each one serving makes possible the delivery of our publications, a single book into the heart of one who has so cried out and so longed for truth that that very longing has established the equivalent vibration in polarity of the seraphim, whom you call to bring them to the stores to find those books.
  Blessed ones, think of the fervor of the soul as seeker for the path containing enough light to attract the seraphim that they might be escorted to find a book that to you has been a long-ago stepping-stone on the path, a book perhaps you no longer think about for you have eaten it, chewed it up, assimilated it and you have become the living book.
  The treasure of the book and the many books written by your Father Enoch is still held within the very heart of the earth. Three hundred sixty-six books did Enoch write in the presence of God when he was taken up to the highest heaven. But after this the Flood came and no one yet has found these lost books of Enoch.  Yet they were read by his children before the coming of the Flood.
  I desire you to understand that all of heaven has conspired together to deliver the Word of God, which God gave to Enoch, through these two witnesses.  For this teaching to Enoch was for you personally—for all the descendants of light who came through Adam and reincarnated again, for every embodied angel who embodied for the rescue of the light-bearers.  And these teachings now published in these publications are the very message which God secured to Enoch before his ascension into heaven.
  I pray that you will pursue a study of this text of the Secrets of Enoch and that you will realize how close you are to that ascended master and how dearly he loves you as Father and Father-figure in your midst, and how determined he is to promote your calling, your mission and the spreading of the Word of these books and teachings until all for whom they have been secured may have them and make the choice to ascend to God as he did.
  There is great fervor among all the hosts of the Lord, but there is no greater fervor in any than the fervor of your Father Enoch to deliver to you the writings which he himself wrote in the presence of God as His Messenger.  Do you see how you were all born to be messengers of Shamballa, to carry some portion of that Word—to live it, to internalize it, to be it as a pulsating light on earth?  Remember the calling.
  Messengers of Maitreya, messengers of Shamballa, I pray you, learn the message well.  Shortcut it not, pervert it not, misinterpret it not, but deliver it as the crystal-clear stream of your own I AM Presence flowing through you for the nourishing of life.  The message is the cup of cold water which you give in the name of the Cosmic Christ.
  In the name of the beloved Son, Jesus, and all sons of Liberty whom the Karmic Board has sent in this century I seal you by the intense fire of the illumination of my heart and of the Holy Spirit.  And I will touch you now and by this touch anchor that point whereby you might also receive all that is to be given this Easter week at Camelot.     -Maitreya:  4-4-1982 at RTR, Montana
    In His name I AM Maitreya, glorying in the lilies of the field once again as my own disciples with me form endless fields of white lilies, bearing witness unto the Sun and the golden pathway and the love that is a bond of the ages that sees us through any condition or circumstance that we must bear, as though by our very teeth we should have to break the iron bands which would chain us or enslave us to a world system that is neither our own nor our home.
  Blessed ones, the lilies are chains of light, one together as leaf to leaf the tips touch one another and the breezes blow.  And though we reach each one for our separate star we feel the closeness of Life pulsating within us and beneath the earth, where we share collectively in the mighty foundation of the Mother, in the mighty fire chakra of a planetary home.
And by the consciousness of the Buddha Gautama and our own blessed one we do ensoul the Earth with a thousand times a thousand, and again ten thousand more, of infinity of light of Buddhahood, so that in this hour and in this night the whole earth is aglow with the intense yellow-fire of the crown chakra and the white light of the Mother’s lily.
  And thus the white and the gold intense, the yellow radiance as shafts of light descending from the Central Sun infuse all life with a new opportunity to rejoice in the wisdom of God by contact with His mind through the green stalk of life.  From the heart of the Earth unto the Central Sun so is the passageway of the lily of the field of God’s consciousness, so are your chakras aligned by the green stalk.
  And so are you ready, if you are willing to precipitate the golden mind of Christ, the golden mind of Buddha.  For in the conclusion of the Passion Week and the celebration of the resurrection by the ultimate sacrifice Christ lives victorious and the crown of life is won!
  You see, beloved, the anti-Buddha force and the anti-Christ desire above all to separate Father and Mother, to create all manner of obstruction and confusion and delay for the mighty Mother-flame to rise to the very crown of the Father.  And there the gold and the white as one descend hand in hand in the divine marriage to the place of the heart, there to give birth to the eternal Christ.
  Thus you see, the point of potential of a threefold flame, magnified to the magnitude of the Son of God, is a light of love that does draw forth the Mother-flame and, amplified by the Father-light, pulls up the whitefire radiance until it passes to the crown, and in wisdom and beauty the twain descend.
  And therefore when Father/Mother God also dwell in the heart we see not only Christ incarnate but the Trinity itself and the Mother.  And therefore the four quadrants of being are represented in the heart of God, in the heart of the Son.
  This initiation may also come to you along life’s pathway.  But ere it does you must understand that the ascent of the soul, taking the hand of the Mother, must also occur.  Thus if you understand the riding of the crest of the wave, your soul poised in the seat-of-the-soul chakra may ride the wave of the rising Mother-flame and therefore move step by step through the petals of the chakra, passing each initiation lawfully, one by one around the petals until the soul itself becomes that Mother-flame rising with the step-by-step attainment of the seven chakras.
  Thus I AM Maitreya, and I have come to give you this key of love that you might consider in fact what is the meaning of the Sanskrit delineations of each of the petals—what are their numbers, what are their signs, what is their alchemy, what is the flower of each one, and finally what is the meaning of the “test of the ten,” what is the meaning of the six, what is the meaning of the four and the twelve and the eight and the sixteen.
  You will come to understand this if you place each of these numbers on the cosmic clock.  And so, evenly dividing the clock, you will see how each petal may include more or less of one of the twelve lines.  And therefore one petal of the base chakra means mastery of an entire quadrant and element, but one petal of the third eye is a division far smaller.  And understanding this, you can see that the Alpha/Omega thrust and the detailed mastery required even involves a number of turns of the spiral of being until that full flowering of the vision of God, the mighty spherical vision of God, does occur so below, as above.
  Now I AM Maitreya, and I choose to dwell in the heart of the Western Shamballa with Gautama to keep the flame for the sealing of this year’s commitments, both financially and in many other regards as pertains to world evolution.  I desire to see this conference happen at the Fourth of July with a full desiring to give glory to the mighty flame of freedom in my blessed brother and friend, the Buddha Saint Germain.
  Beloved hearts of light, you must understand that we see the Buddha’s flame burning brightly in many of the ascended servant-sons whom you do not normally refer to as “the Buddha.”  But surely you must understand that buddhic attainment is in this blessed son of the Most High.  And therefore the violet-flame Buddha is with us in the immensity of the great universal causal body of cosmic freedom.
  And thus you understand the divine complement of Portia, bearing the flame of God-justice and bequeathing that flame even into the very heart of your own Messenger, takes a mighty stand for Justice in the physical octave.  And we are determined to see that God-justice applied.  And therefore we direct your attention to the city of Chicago as the heart-chakra of America.  We direct your attention there that you might understand that a mighty battle of light and darkness is now taking place in the mayoral race, for the election of the new mayor of Chicago may have great and widespread effect and influence in this hour.
  As you know there has been a tremendous yoke upon that city through the machine of the Democratic Party for nigh fifty years, and it has also been intensified by organized crime and the Mafia so that the people have been bowed down, bearing the karma of the fallen ones.  Now suddenly we find that the Democratic party has within it, running for that race for mayor, one by the name of Washington who has vowed to do away with favoritism and to tear down that party machine and to bring in to serve the community and its government those who are qualified by education, professional standards,and attainment—rather than those who have received their jobs by favoritism through the machine.  In addition this candidate for mayor, beloved ones, happens to be a son of Afra.  And therefore you find Democrats in great numbers leaping off of the ship of their own party and jumping to the Republican ticket to avoid the election of a black mayor and to give no opportunity to one who has determined to “put down the mighty from their seats and exalt them of low degree.”
  We cannot resist this hour and opportunity, and we must also tell you that it is [this must be] the work of Keepers of the Flame there and worldwide— especially on the condition of organized crime that has held Chicago as a city in its death-grip for so long.  Understand therefore that though we can never guarantee a person or personality, not even one who professes to serve the cause of light, we say that the Law must give opportunity to one who has declared himself to be in favor of those principles of Truth and right action that represent both the path of the Christ and of the Buddha.
  We ask that you understand that there is darkness in both parties—and therefore the use of the judgment call and the binding and casting down of the dweller on the threshold of all those who have pitted themselves against the very lifeblood and heart of America and the very hearts of all lightbearers and of the nation itself can be placed in your calls, can be decreed for.  And this itself will free right action and the people of light to have their victory.
  I say, beloved ones, we desire with a great desiring to transfer the momentum of this conference and this resurrection flame to the turning of the tables and the turning over of the tables of the money-changers in that city.  For to free the heart-chakra of America from the machine, from the Mob, from crime, from favoritism and all that opposes the true path of chelaship would in fact assist every other city in this nation and therefore every other city that is the heart chakra of every other nation on Earth.      
  Blessed hearts, you must realize that the name Washington goes back to the founding father of this nation and the beloved Messenger Godfre and beloved Lotus who had their effort and their thrust in that city.  Godfre being the reincarnation of George Washington, you cannot help but see that this is the hour for the redeeming of the light that was once held in that city many thousands of years ago, as it was a great whitefire focus of the Great White Brotherhood, as the Goddess of Light and the Queen of Light held a most magnificent flame there.  We see therefore the heartening, the strengthening of the heart-chakra of America as strength even in the balancing of the four elements in weather conditions and holding the balance against cataclysm itself.
  Understand, beloved hearts, as we have said:  it is up to the Karmic Board and the children of the light to act in concerted action to give an individual—perhaps unknown, perhaps untried—the opportunity to declare his word and to fulfill it.
  You will see therefore that the greed elements and the politics were never more cutthroat as they are in this hour.  And merely to elect this individual* who has promised to undo the machine itself is not enough.  Protection calls must be given intensely to the seven mighty archangels for the protection of a lifestream who appears to stand for the cause of the Brotherhood and for the protection of all those who must perforce become a part of a committee of lightbearers to form rings of light around that individual.
  It is important to understand that the rightful ruler of the heart-chakra is always the Cosmic Christ and the planetary Buddha.  And therefore you understand that Gautama, serving above me, with Jesus and Kuthumi as World Teachers, form a focus through my heart for the blazing Sun of that city that ought to and must manifest.  Therefore I, Maitreya, take responsibility for my request to you, and I release a certain dispensation of my heart-flame for this to be accomplished and for this individual to fulfill his campaign vows.  Understanding the immense pressures that come upon those elected to office I realize myself that it is not always possible for an individual, especially an idealist or a practical idealist, to do all those things he would like to do once elected.
  We must be certain, beloved hearts, in this case where there is so much of the underworld a part of the situation that there does not break through to the American scene assassination and murder itself as a means of doing away with politically undesirable individuals.
  And therefore nowhere could there be said that there is more danger than in the reversing now of the polarity of that city: from the dweller on the threshold that has held sway there to the magnificent manifestation of the living Christ as the collective Christ consciousness of all people of goodwill and good faith, focused in the one whom I trust Almighty God will give the strength to represent me as I would intend to sponsor that one according to God’s will.
  You must understand, beloved hearts, that ascended masters do take their chances and do attempt to sponsor those, even if the outcome of their freewill and their human will is not known.  We must attempt to drive a wedge of light, and we will use anyone who declares himself to be the instrument of that wedge of light.  This individual has so declared it, and we desire to see also a son of Afra come to the fore and be given the opportunity once again to raise the standard and the self-esteem of all sons of Afra in this nation.
  It is high time therefore that hearts of light realize that the 1980s, as predicted, is a time of tremendous import and expansion for our Teaching, for the golden flame of illumination, for the path of the ascension and the ruby ray. And therefore, beloved hearts, do not despair, do not be discouraged and, above all do not be set back by the thrusts of the fallen ones who themselves read the record of the oncoming light.  Do not think because the darkness is heavy that the light is not greater.  The light indeed is so great that the dark ones are frantic!  And therefore with renewed zest and a mighty zeal in the Lord go forth each day, many times over, even hour by hour, to give this call for the binding of the dweller on the threshold of all individuals who have ever betrayed the light of the Great White Brotherhood in any activity whatsoever of our Brotherhood on this planetary home.  For you will find that the betrayers of the light of the Brotherhood have appeared and reappeared many times over, and they have stood as the spoilers of many of the noblest efforts of Saint Germain in both church and state, in the esoteric movements.  Why, beloved ones, there is scarcely an organization or a movement that is more than thirty-five years old that has not been infiltrated at some level by the fallen ones.
  And therefore once again it is necessary for us to be compromised in our purpose and to have to search for ways and means to drive in a wedge of light, hopefully to overthrow the False Hierarchy wherever it is found, having positioned itself in the place of the Christ Self simply because of unsuspecting and even naive souls who would if they could muster the light to see what they ought to see—if they would only leave off of their own idolatry and systems of favoritism and truly call to task themselves and everyone else and make no one the exception of the path of true chelaship.
  Beloved ones, above all, Serpent and his seed in your midst desire to make themselves exceptions to the rules, exceptions to the path and to appear as favorite sons or having a special attainment or a special position in the organization, making themselves equal with the Messenger (or so they think) in privileges—which in fact even the Messenger does not enjoy!
  Thus, blessed hearts of the victorious light and those who find themselves on the path of the delicious elixir and the nectar of the Buddha, I draw you into my heart by the mighty crystal river!  And rivulets of this river flow to you as though they were mighty light rays but in fact when they reach you you will see a crystal sparkling stream from my heart passing through your own.   For as I contemplated your hearts and souls and body temples this night I perceived somewhat of a weariness—perhaps from the battle, perhaps from the journey, perhaps from the intense receiving and putting forth of light.
  And therefore I to myself:  What may I give to my dearest heart friends but a rivulet of this crystal stream of the River of Life pouring through me that it might flow through your heart, clear the debris and burdens of the fallen ones, clear their hatred and murderous intent, and the crystal ray and the crystal light so fill your heart with joy, so fill it with sunshine and prana and blue skies and rippling waters that you feel renewed and recharged and ready to join in therefore the mighty River of Life, swimming to the victory of the Great Central Sun!
  Blessed ones, as I have given you an example of how the Brotherhood is no respecter of persons—not to the right or to the left, the Democratic or Republican Party, or any parties that you may find in your nations—so you may understand that in every election it is important to consider by freewill and independent action:  Who is that one who can most ensconce the purposes of the Brotherhood and the flame of 
Eternal Life?  It is important to be selective and not follow the party line.  For after all this is not a totalitarian nation, and you are not required to simply go the way of either party because you have so affiliated yourself.
Harold Lee Washington 
 (April 15, 1922 – November 25, 1987) was an American lawyer and politician from the state of Illinois who was elected as the 41st Mayor of Chicago in 1983.  washington candidate for chicago mayor 1980

  Blessed ones, look for the ascended masters’ own choice candidates and vote for the nearest best, those who are most likely to lead America and every nation and city and town closer to the divine standard of the inner Christ.  Help such individuals who are so striving, and call for the mighty light rays and the River of God Himself to cleanse therefore all political organizations, political activities and politicians.
  For like it or not, those who grovel in the earth and who fight one another to win the elections nevertheless become the representatives of the people and sit in the seat of the Christ Self where only the Christed ones ought to sit.  And therefore if you shun politics because it is a dirty game, I tell you, beloved ones, you will be postponing for a long, long time your effective instrumentation as lightbearers.
  Thus with Confucius and Lord Lanto I say, look for the light-bearers who have the potential to lead to victory a city or state or nation!  And go behind those ones with a full fervor of the violet flame.  But be impartial and do not be idolatrous; therefore you will not be disappointed when some for whom you have voted do not fulfill the full standards they have promised or do not follow exactly the line of the Brotherhood.
For sometimes we must all be grateful for small favors; we must be grateful that things are not upset too greatly.  We must be grateful that at least one holds an office and holds the mark against further degeneration.
  If we cannot hope for a mighty acceleration in the flame of peace at least we can hold out the joy for a containment of war.  Thus little by little the path is won, little by little the Earth turns into a Sun, little by little violet-flame flowers of Saint Germain are found here and there and everywhere!
Wherever a heart is glad in the presence of the Master so be glad.  It is so important to be grateful for gifts great and small, for little favors and graces and a true manifestation of mastery.  Therefore, let us vote for God and vote for Christ, have compassion for the vessel and not expect too much of the human but be determined that we shall espouse anyone who shall give his word to overcome corruption on earth.
  I AM Maitreya and I seal you in a most intense golden light. It is up to you then to channel that light into effective action for world dominion of the Christ consciousness.
  I AM Buddha and my kingdom is of this world.     
               -Lord Maitreya:  April 4, 1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger ECP
        Let light dissolve this core of rebellion in every chela! I, Maitreya, stand before you and I challenge you to enter the true heart of hearts of your being.  I demand that you see and know this dweller on the threshold standing in the door—because you allow it.
  The doorway to higher consciousness has been opened by me and by your Holy Christ Self.  But the Tempter remains with arms folded, daring you to slay that dragon of the human will that continually overrides that which you know to be the truth of your homeward path, and you allow it by continual rationalization.  Therefore we cannot go forward with the Teachings that will empower you truly in the tradition of the Buddha unless you begin to take seriously what we say in dictation and message and lecture and understand that we are building before your very eyes the pyramid—the mighty pyramid of your Life.  It is a great pyramid, having many stones.  In fact, the  (Great) Pyramid of Egypt, beloved, is the size you should visualize as the structure of your own mastery in matter.  Ask yourself this question:  how many stones may I leave out or remove and still retain the structure?  As in any building some may be taken.  People may come and take souvenirs from your house of light.  But if you omit the precepts and the instructions you will find that we may not build the next level with you.  This building has come as a spiral from the beginning in the 1950s:   through the first messages through Mark Prophet we determined in Council in Darjeeling to bring through dictations the Pearls of Wisdom and all of our communications, beloved ones, every stone required for a graduate of Earth’s mystery school.
  There are two mystery schools in Earth—one on the outside, one on the inside.  Those who are on the outside must figure out life’s mystery by toil and many incarnations and hopefully insight gleaned from some experience.  Those who enter the inside mystery school come to the very heart of the Sun in the center of the earth, come to the very heart of that spiritual light and a universe all inside themselves.
  Thus, beloved, I teach in the inner mystery school.  I give on the outer ample keys to you who assemble and will build the Inner Retreat as your performance of the building of the Pyramid of Life, even as we build this pyramid with you in the etheric octave.  The keys that I give cannot be interpreted until obedience is given. Therefore, beloved, listen well.  We have accelerated the release of dictations that you might pass through those spirals.  They are not too many to listen to.  The Only Mark albums are [contain] the very keys and steps essential to the Messenger’s ascent as he bore world karma and therefore must bear the Light of the Brotherhood to transmute, to nullify, to put down the Tempter at every hand.
One day another will come and through all of these dictations [that one will] also find a code that tells quite another story of the soul’s ascent.  For you see what has already happened as with the release of this much truth the persecution has descended upon your Messengers.  But the new day shall appear, beloved, when lightbearers—free of the grips of the Toilers and their own subservience to their own rebellion—will find that those keys will unfold and that there will be greater and greater gifts of Teaching when those who are the lively stones of this edifice of the entire Community can better hold the light and the will of God.
  I, Maitreya, come to you therefore to take full opportunity of these fourteen months for the protection and the perfection of the will of God within and without—Omega, the outward sign of our coming, and Alpha within.  You find yourselves on the surface of the Earth even as you find yourselves on the surface of your minds and bodies.  But the journey to the heart of hearts is one to which I call you.  Therefore know that the foundations laid may be traced by you.  And it does not take many years to go through these publications by a diligent attention and a systematic self-assignment of daily reading.
I speak to you who have failed to listen to this call through the Messenger to become who you indeed are as both a spiritual leader and one who sees himself moving toward the building of the Inner Retreat:  I, Maitreya, demand that you ascend to your mantle and cease your argumentation and resisting of the call!  Therefore if those who are chosen do not receive me, shall we go after the not-chosen ones and anoint them when you reject the anointing?  Do not think that this is another dictation intended for someone else.  It is intended for you! And no one can carry the physical burden of this activity in any capacity whatsoeve, small or great, who is not willing also to wear our mantle.  One is not a substitute for the other.
Therefore I say to you, let the dweller at the door of the house be bound!  Let the resistance to the inner walk with Saint Francis be bound!  And let this movement move forward because there is a purging, self-instituted, and a new willing for the new year!
  You cannot forever postpone the Day of Reckoning.  If you do not accept the spiritual mantle, your karma will fall!  I not only predict it, I decree it!  And no cause is so great as to make anyone the exception to the path of our initiation.  If you would stand at the gate of the Inner Retreat and welcome the ightbearers, then stand also at the altar with the Mother and play your role, city after city and nation after nation.  Beloved hearts, let no one who hears my Word consider that I am not speaking to you, for of all mistakes you could make it is the one of pointing the finger at another and saying “I know of whom Maitreya is speaking.”
  If the world has waited so long for the return of my path and if an entire continent went down through the rebellion of the fallen angels against the Buddha and the Mother on Lemuria, do you not think that one of the reasons that we have indeed withheld this manifestation is not only because of the fallen ones but because of the absence of seriousness on the part of the chelas and their commeasurement to realize just what is at stake?  You are tired of the oppositions, the financial lack, the legal problems and all things that beset this organization.  I say, take your mantle and go as Elisha did and part the waters of the Yellowstone and see how Saint Germain will appear to you!  And you will have those experiences,because you are so determined—the experiences which Godfre and Lanello and your own Mother have had.
  Blessed ones, it is indeed an event.  And thousands upon thousands of Buddhists and other lightbearers have waited for this opportunity of my opening of the Mystery School.  Yet so few have understood the darkness of the false-hierarchy impostors who say “Lo, Maitreya is come here, he is come there, he is in embodiment; he is giving messages through me.”
  Beloved ones, I tell you, I have inspired upon the Messenger this lecture on the sugar entity because it is one of the greatest, if not the greatest threat.  Coming through ignorance, this Tempter causes the mind to rationalize and to say “I need this for my disposition or my happiness or my reward.”
Beloved ones, now you know, and you will know much more. But I tell you this—let my chelas who will come with me to the heart of the mountain now forsake this substance of the world.  And consider now as you remove yourself from the arena of all substances of sugar of any form—think of all these things of this outer world of which you will now not be a part, and you will have some sense of the withdrawal to the inner sanctum of the Holy of Holies.
  You cannot have the world and the Mystery School as well. The world has come for the killing of the Buddha and then made it into a faddish philosophy.  O beloved, Serpents come again—their wares are the same.  Go forth in my name and slay the beast of Socialism!  Its stench covers the vast landed areas of the Earth.  Its pollution is everywhere, it threatens the very fiber of this nation.  How is it aided? It is aided by the sugar entity that makes people helpless as vegetables.  And the sugar entity says through them “Take care of me, take care of us; we demand it.”
  O beloved, I tell you, the sickness and disease that mounts in America would be reduced 50 percent if processed sugar were withdrawn.  I say only 50 percent because there are other karmic causes.  But, beloved ones, with a 50 percent reduction and the fine-tuning and awareness of the people and their ability to grasp then with minds full of light the path and the Teaching, the other 50 percent would go down by violet-flame transmutation and by planetary exorcisms such as you have engaged in this night.
  All right, beloved.  Look at that dweller on the threshold now. He is shriveling because I, Maitreya, stand before you and because you are awake!  And you are seeing that dweller of rebellion and resistance to the truth of your holy office for the liar that he is!  And therefore I come now to withdraw the energy vested in that dweller.  And you by enlightenment finish the task.  For it is your freewill—your life, your door, your ascension.
  And I, Maitreya, will not leave off from probing to the very core of your being!  And my angels are fiery spirits and they come with a yellow-fire that you cannot even imagine.  It penetrates and uncovers and exposes.  And if this is what you want from the Mystery School, this is what it portends.  And let all those who want some flattery for their egos and psychic talk of nonsense—let them go out, let them find the false gurus!  For I, Maitreya, will stand with those who are determined to conquer self and conquer the dark ones in the Earth and who are still determined with Saint Germain to make Earth Freedom’s star!
  Beloved of the light, my twinflame is present.  I ask you to stand in honor of the glorious being of light who is my divine complement.  Thus the aura of my feminine counterpart does expand and expand and expand.  And this shakti of light therefore does continue to propel the incisiveness of yellow-fire into the brain, into the chakras, into the crown thereof so that the enlightenment of all of the seven rays may come to you and so that those who are on the blue ray may understand that in the heart of that ray is the multiplication of the threefold flame.  And therefore we would not have you remain solely activators of good, but we would draw you who are the first-ray ones now into that mind of the Buddha who indeed has the God-mastery of the entire Trinity and all complements of rays, secret and outer.
  Beloved ones, illumination is a power to be contended with. Civilization is moved by ideas when conveyed correctly, and these ideas are for the conversion of souls.  Thus the Holy Spirit uses the power of the divine Reason—and not the human—the Logic of the Word, the Understanding.  And you must pray to the Holy Spirit for the gift of understanding, the gift of wisdom and of knowledge—wisdom of the Spirit, knowledge of matter.  And you must pray for the means of conversion by enlightenment.  And you will see that Americans, Germans, British, Australians, Russians—all desire the conversion of enlightenment!
  The world is waiting for Maitreya and Maitreya’s co-workers and servants.  And they are also waiting for my twinflame whom they know not. Thus out of the octaves of nirvana she has descended in a golden orb of light, and you will see how this presence of my beloved will multiply my action in your behalf.
  Now see the great Teams of Conquerors.  You have called to them, they are here!  And if you see them not, watch how you will develop your spiritual senses by divorcing yourself from the world of drugs and sugar and marijuana and alcohol and nicotine.  Beloved, I long to see you free, and we are determined!  And the Presence then in this golden sphere of causal body of light of my beloved does arc the very presence of the Lady Master Venus in that Retreat of the Divine Mother unveiled over the Inner Retreat so that Camelot in this City of the Angels of the Christ and the Buddha shall have that ray and that light of my divine counterpart.
  And you will know the truth of Maitreya.  And you will receive the initiations individually from my heart daily if you but inscribe then a separate letter to me this New Year’s Eve addressed to your Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, to me and to my beloved twinflame.  Then, beloved, you may apply to become my chela, my initiate.  And watch well, for I AM determined to accept almost as many who call upon me, to give you the initiations and let you eliminate yourselves rather than I eliminating you without giving you a clean white page in 1986 to begin anew where you left off on Lemuria.
  And I tell you, you did leave me in Lemuria and I come to claim you again!  And you may determine to move forward, for I will bring you to that point of the union, whether inner or outer, of twinflames as only my Office can accomplish.  For it is my Office that was violated by twinflames, and therefore through me you must receive that reuniting.
  Thus, beloved, understand that wherever there is the beloved presence of Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus there I AM. There I AM as heart filled to deliver their light, as they have taught me forever and taught also Lord Gautama and Jesus and Kuthumi and all who have come to the union of the I AM THAT I AM.  Blessed ones of the light, you must realize that the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is ready to cover the earth with this Teaching through you.  We therefore are determined to make good your word and commitment by giving you the initiations.  I pray that you will pray for the vision to see exactly what they are and to proceed with all due care and carefulness which is indeed the virtue of the Goddess of Liberty.  In carefulness therefore watch and pray.
  I have come for the stripping action.  And you ought to see your own fierceness of soul and your Holy Christ Self expressing through you the shriveling of that dweller as I speak, for I hold the balance.  And when you are in an ascended master dictation that being is holding for you a tremendous balance!
  There is no greater time for surrender and inner determination than when we are present with you in the very room itself.  And you then can go full force to tackle these substances and know you are protected in our auric spheres. And if you would continue to seal it by decrees thereafter you may remain for the maximum blessing and victory which every dictation can afford you.  Now multiply this by all the dictations that have come forth and see how step by step, daily, hourly, monthly, weekly, yearly you can go over those steps and receive the blessing, challenge the darkness and move on.  And it does not take all day, for you will build a momentum, beloved ones.  You develop new capacities to absorb the Word and the spoken Word and the written Word. And you will even come to the place that before you read or listen to the Word the ideas will already be manifesting in consciousness, and as you read them you [will] find that you have already been assimilating them, whether out of the body or during sleep or just preceding the picking up of that volume.
  Beloved ones, we do not set before you an arduous task but the straightest and shortest walk to God-mastery and God-victory which, when it comes upon you, you will see in this activity of light an increase of members by love, by a wall of the ruby ray such as has already been given you and by the action of the light to repel all adversaries before they even begin to conceive of the plot of the sinister force against you!  
  This is the way this citadel of freedom must be guarded.  This is the way an activity of the ascended masters must come to pass.  This is the way the Great White Brotherhood desires to see their chelas function on earth, beloved ones.  We do not see you as toilers, burdened then by the Tempters and the fallen ones.  We see you as God-victorious!  Now let us solve the old problems and let us see you free and joyous, dancing on the hills, rejoicing and singing together all over Camelot, all over the Royal Teton Ranch.  Let joy become the very miracle to repel all darkness.
  And let there come upon the Earth a fear and a silence before the Hosts of the Lord assembling as ascended masters and cosmic beings.  And know, beloved, that the Earth has never been more ready for this message.  And therefore do not allow your own inability to move quickly as lightbearers beyond these walls make you procrastinate in delivering that full message.  And I say to those who say that the world is not ready for Saint Germain and the violet flame, you have no power!  And you will indeed reap the karma of your false prophecies and your psychic predictions when you could have been the mouthpiece of Saint Germain himself in the liberation of people.  You have rejected the decisions of the Great White Brotherhood and their timetable and therefore they have rejected you!
  Hear my Word, beloved.  The world is ready for Saint Germain and the violet flame!  And I, Maitreya, am his chief promoter and exponent.  And I demand that my chelas join me that the world might know this great God of Freedom and be swept up in his very robes of light.  So I have made my demand, it is not a request, it is not a suggestion.  I draw the line:  let all enter who will and who will love and who will be all that they have been taught to be.  I love you with the intensity of the first ray of the will of God.  Therefore let our Messenger be!

-Beloved Arcturus and Victoria:    Ho!  Did you think we were finished?  Well, we of the seventh ray shall have the last word.
 We, Arcturus and Victoria, place our seal upon you and our commitment of the violet flame that you may tackle these very entities so named and do so in the name of Saint Germain that we may look forward to a victorious January 1, 1986 for beloved Saint Germain as our hero and the Master of the Aquarian age.  So there is yet time to give that action of the violet flame to complete all that the Lords of Karma require. This then—may it be our last word on the subject of this responsibility that we have mutually taken on in the name of the God of Freedom.
  So we, Arcturus and Victoria, would sing to Saint Germain the “I Love You Waltz” that cosmos might be bathed in the twin causal bodies of the Hierarchs of Aquarius.
-Lord Maitreya and Arcturus and Victoria:  12-31-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger ECP  
Beloved Devotees of Lord Gautama,
        We bow before his flame.  Together with yourselves we have been in counsel with the Lord of the World.  And now we together—this our initial assignment since the beloved twinflame has come forth to join me in a mighty work for this age with our devotees and disciples, whom you call indeed bodhisattvas—some little while ago we began the procession from the Grand Teton to this chamber in a V-formation, ourselves together at the point of the initiation of the angle of victory, with two lines forming the V of the male and female bodhisattvas who have truly earned their position in the hierarchy of Maitreya and the World Teachers, all of whom serve under the Lord of the World.
  All of these devotees, beloved ones, are wearing a gold costume of formal dress honoring the Buddha.  It is a metallic gold and crystal.  And therefore as we have come, traveling high above the earth, the Sun of Helios and Vesta and the heart-flames of the God and Goddess Meru together with those of Lord Lanto, Confucius, Jesus and Kuthumi and Mighty Victory and his legions have all reflected and shone in glistening white light and gold upon our garments and our chakras.  This may seem like pageantry, but it is a divine ritual—one to be impressed in the etheric octave and in the physical earth.  For this indeed is what is seen in the golden ages of the buddhas and bodhisattvas and Christed ones as the anointed, the disciples of those who have been sent may be seen in various parts of the Earth outside of the retreats, moving together on their missions, crisscrossing the planetary home with illumination and love, song and comfort and teachings for hearth and home as well as universities and great gatherings.
  Beloved ones, in the golden ages presided over by the Ancient of Days the path of initiation of the Great White Brotherhood and of the Lord of the World is seen of course as the highest way.  And those striving ones are to be esteemed and respected for the austerities or sacrifices or attainments which they have made and gained.  Thus, beloved, it is understood that those in training under the Lord of the World are preparing themselves one and all to be public servants in one path or profession or another.  Their retreat is only for the preparation.  In the latter years, so far removed from Shamballa, our disciples have spent one and several lifetimes in retreat in the recitation of the mantra and the inner disciplines whereby they might return to the point of the One and that point of integration where their office should bring them to the fore once again as the community servant.
  Even though outer schools of Christianity or Buddhism or Hinduism may have lost the thread of this reason for being of the path of the bodhisattva, believe me, beloved ones, the epitome of attainment of the six-pointed star of the bodhisattva must include victory as the warrior whereby the individual may fearlessly defend himself and his clan—that is to say, the cluster of devotees in his band—against every enemy within or without, subtle or gross.  A very key point of the six is the attainment of that level of compassion whereby one is able to deal with all parts of life with poise, diplomacy, mercy, understanding and above all justice untainted by sympathy of the human sort but surely adorned with mercy’s delicate flame of the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin.
  Beloved ones, the light of purity crowned by the attainment of the thousand-petaled lotus is most essential.  The one who is warrior must also have in that office the control of power and its uses.  There is then also the necessity for the priest- class as men and women learn to serve at the altar of the sacred fire.  This path of ministration you have also embraced as ministering servants.  And for the gift of compassion you have known the way of the ruby-ray cross.
  There is then the path of the perfecting of the soul always in the heart of hearts of being, as you come to the understanding of that point of communion with the Holy Spirit.  And in the Holy Spirit you become the embodiment of the World Teacher.  Thus to teach, to minister, to defend, to hold the flame of justice—these points of the Law are positioned on the interlaced crystalline triangles.  And you may observe the one that is essential:  the containment of the flame of the Divine Mother.
  Beloved ones, the healing arts also have their positioning.  We would speak therefore of the great hexagon of light—the crystal that must be polished and well-cut before it can be polished—that you might understand the power of the three-times-three in the place of the heart-flame.  We come then with you, beloved, to present some understanding concerning the path that many of you are beginning and that many of you have walked for any number of years.
  The path of the Great White Brotherhood, conceived by Saint Germain and beloved El Morya for the dispensation of this activity, is for the bringing of souls of light to the remembrance of their divine Identity, bringing them to the point of integration with the real by a step-by-step process of choices.  Beloved ones, some have not understood that many are called but not all choose to continue in that calling.  I would present to you this day a diagram of the path that you can see and understand what are the challenges that lie ahead for you and what indeed are the wise counsels to be observed.
  The pattern of the steps of initiation from my Office and that of my beloved twinflame follows the cycle of fourteen known as the stations of the cross.  In this case it is a cosmic cross of whitefire to which the soul decides to be fastened—not as crucifixion but as initiation, which may become the experience of crucifixion if one has not learned the art of receding into the whitefire core of the heart and the secret chamber thereof. For when all the world of thy karma turns about thee truly safety is in the very eye of the vortex of light which thou art becoming, which vortex is also a purging and an accelerating ight.  Thus, beloved, when you determine to enter the path at some point from your first contact with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters to the day of your responsibility for that Teaching there is the beginning of the spiral whereby you yourself begin to walk, year upon year, these fourteen stations. This is why the earlier Teachings of the Messenger on this path must be put together and set forth.
  For the more that is understood in the physical sense as well as esoterically, as well as according to astrology, of the Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun and also of the lines of the chakras, the quadrants of matter and the four lower bodies, the more the chela who would become the disciple and the bodhisattva may proceed with eyes opened, fully aware of the protection of each Hierarchy as well as of the lessons to be learned, the karma which one must confront with all due courage, selflessness and a desiring for God including a certain savvy regarding the fallen ones and the manner in which they manipulate personal and planetary karma against the one who is fulfilling this path.
  Beloved ones, your initiation under my Office cannot take any less than fourteen years.  Fourteen years as a student and on the Path signifies a certain cycle complete.  Please understand that this is indeed a very short period of time.  And it is given and was given as a dispensation in the very earliest beginnings when the first Pearls of Wisdom were dictated to the Messenger Mark in 1958.
  So it is important then to realize that the cycle of twelve is one circle of initiation under the Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun.  And these twelve visitations into the ‘houses’ of these Solar Hierarchies must be understood as the initiations which Jesus Christ and the avatars of all ages, as well as the [representatives of the] Divine Mother, have faced on earth in this and previous ages.
  You know these stations by the description of Jesus from the moment of his condemnation to his being laid in the tomb. The first twelve around the circle then is for the balancing of forces, the clearing of the four lower bodies by the violet flame and by this clearing to reestablish the action of the Trinity, the threefold flame and its functioning through each of the four lower bodies as the light is readjusted, regulated and balanced in the chakras and in the action of the Divine Mother from the base to the crown.
  We desire to see a course of study so outlined that those who may leave the path for ignorance—whether for an inability to perceive or understand the initiations, for something left undone, for some nonawareness or even a neglect of caring for the delicate chemistry of the body and all that is needed to function at the optimum level of Christ attunement—may have this course to fall back on in time of karmic trouble.
So let the path be made known.  Let it be made plain that those who come here may see that the Ascended Masters’ University, the universities of the Spirit and Maitreya’s Mystery School have as foundation this fourteen-point cycle. The sealing of that cycle occurs at the conclusion of the twelve lines—the threading of the eye of the needle through the center of the clock, wrapping around the six o’clock line in a figure-eight spiral and returning to the twelve.
  Beloved ones, at a certain point on the path which may be on any line of the clock the individual will confront a more than ordinary portion of his dweller on the threshold, depending on the point of his original departure from the Office of the Guru, which I have held in the beginning in the Garden of Eden and now hold in the ending in this hour at the Mystery School at the Inner Retreat.
  These confrontations must be observed by the mentors, by the teachers at Summit University, by counselors and fellow disciples on the path.  It is essential that there be an awakening and a quickening of the inner Christ Self of everyone in the Community in order that the signs of duress and distress and burden and of the challenges of the individual’s untransmuted dweller be recognized for what they are before the disciple, not understanding his plight, may lose his balance on this tightrope walk to the heart of the Sun.
Thus, beloved, though some lines are more difficult than others, such as the three o’clock line of the pride and ambition, the conceit as well as the deceit of the human ego, the line that is above all most challenging where many lose the way is the six o’clock line, which is the seat both of the Mother and of the Guru Sanat Kumara.
  This point of encounter when experienced by the individual is always the challenge of the astral body, the electronic belt, and the personified dweller.  At that point the disciple must come into the love of the Buddha, whose being multiplied through Gautama, myself and Lord Jesus, may be known through the love for the Trinity on the twelve o’clock, the nine, and the three.  It is the love of the Buddha as the Lord of the World, the Savior of mankind, and the Ancient of Days who gave himself to this calling that anchors the forces, the primary forces of the soul, to the Trinity above and to the threefold flame.
  This devotion to the Buddha and the path of the Buddha enables the soul to stand on the six o’clock line and to begin to externalize the flame of the Mother in love for her children and her service as well as in the purification of the chakras from the base to the crown.  On this line it is very important to give the exercise of the Buddhist mantras as well as the Sanskrit syllables  that evoke the presence in expression of the divine shakti.
  One must be mindful then also of one’s age, of one’s own years in embodiment.  Thus at the age of six and of eighteen and so forth, the cycle of the six o’clock line repeats itself with measured challenge to the individual.  Beloved ones, all of Earth has been at that point of confrontation with the Divine Mother and with the Guru Sanat Kumara whose seat of authority is on that line of the Divine Mother.
  Thus the loss of the feminine ray and the descent of that light makes this line one that is a particular pitfall.  It is a line, beloved, where initiation takes place and where in most lifestreams in this outer evolution on the surface of the Earth there is the least attainment, for it [the failure on this line] involves the squandering of the light of the chakras and especially the lower chakras.
  And so, beloved, according to the fourteen stations there are two journeys to the six o’clock line—one coming in the first turn [on the outer circle] from the twelve to the six and then finally at the end [in the inner circle] of the figure-eight sealing from the twelve through the center to the six and back again to the twelve.  So understand that all of the gain and the attainment that the individual acquires on the outer rim of the clock must then be sealed as one lays upon the altar of Alpha and Omega that attainment that must then become the gift of individual Christhood by the bodhisattva on the path.
  Though the goal be set [by the Guru with the chela] that the light is given for the selflessness of the disciple in order that in the end the disciple may give that light on the altar of humanity, the conclusion of the lines of the thirteen and the fourteen must prove what is the commitment of the soul and whether the vow to use that light for universal healing and planetary elevation will be kept.
  So we see, beloved, that at the conclusion of the twelve points of the clock, which would represent twelve years of service, there is a primary initiation at what is called the Y—whether now with that apparent attainment and adjustment and oneness with the Brotherhood, a certain degree of self-proof and excellence, the mounting of light [in the ascension coil and the Deathless Solar Body abuilding in, through and around the chakras], having transmuted by the violet flame much debris, that individual will choose then to go his way and enjoy the fruits of that experience privately and unto himself, using that attainment for another round of success or of the getting of wealth or of getting of advantage in family situations and so forth, or whether he will take all of this attainment and mount the intensity necessary to seal it on the right-handed path through the two wings of Mercury, fastening Alpha and Omega to the point of the third eye.
  Beloved ones, along the way of the eighth and the ninth years, the tenth to the twelfth to the fourteenth there are very serious encounters that disciples must face.  I would point out to you some of the problems that arise.
  First of all, let me point out that after seven years on the path individuals begin to feel a certain amount of self-satisfaction, a sense that they “know their way around” the Great White Brotherhood and the Masters.  And so they have adapted the path to their way of life and often so much so that the adaptability of the soul is not there—its flexibility—but rather they have seen the Teaching itself, they have seen its ramifications.  And they arrange the path around themselves instead of themselves around the center of the central Sun of Being.  They have not realized that in the center of this clock of Maitreya are the God and Goddess Meru representing the heart of the feminine ray that is the sign of the coming of Sanat Kumara.  And beyond the God and Goddess Meru are Helios and Vesta.
  It is beneath this canopy and tradition of hierarchs that we come, bearing well our love for Lord Himalaya, Vaivasvata Manu and the Great Divine Director.  It is through these Hierarchs, Meru, and the Father/Mother God of this solar system that these Messengers are assigned to lead you in the path of overcoming.
  Thus there may come upon the disciple a certain sense of self-satisfaction, a certain sense of ritual and routine that whereas he may continue to serve and to give the decrees and to take [to himself] the dictations there is not in fact an apparent inner increase of the rings of the causal body of light that ought to be forming themselves as interlaced halos around the four lower bodies.  The reason this does not take place is that the individual comes to the point where he no longer surrenders each day and hour and year another layer of the tree, the human tree of life, of the electronic belt.  But he has reached instead a point of accommodation, a point of a false sense of equilibrium where he has learned to balance, so he thinks, “the best of both worlds.”  Because the light illumines his whole house and he appears to be in the joy of the path it is difficult to discern that such a one has in fact stopped the flow of progress.
  Thus it takes not only soul-searching and wise observation but the direct counsel that we give through the Messenger to understand whether one’s inner progress has come to a standstill because of this false perception that the circle of Life itself and of the cosmic clock is a treadmill and not a mounting spiral.  And therefore true perception of this circle of Life every day takes one higher in vibration and on the path.  Now the goal of the path must clearly be seen.  It is reunion with God.  It is the becoming of the great God-Self and the dissolution of the lesser self.  If the individual has entered the path without this desire but rather to attain a certain comfort and aura for the human self and the lower self it will literally balk when it comes to the point of having to shed the self for which all the while it has sought the glory.
This is why the path comes to an end for many even before the seventh year.  For there is a great fear and anxiety of the loss of outer identity, an unwillingness to experience the divine interchange with Maitreya—which interchange must come, beloved, if you desire to be real as I AM.  For in the interchange I place my Electronic Presence over you as a sustaining, holding presence while portions of the lesser self then are received over the figure-eight flow by me.  And all the while the light returning to you is building the true Identity of yourself with your full cooperation and co-creativity as you lower into manifestation the elements of your own Cosmic Christhood, for which my causal body and Electronic Presence provides the blueprint and the pattern.
  So you see, beloved, there is the necessity of the trust and the reliance upon the light to let go and know that in letting go one will not lose but gain.  This has been said before.  But it is said again because individuals in this Community are yet passing through this experience with truly no desire to let go of that over-self-concern that is the sign, sure enough, of a diminished threefold flame—one that has gone below the level of sufficiency to sustain a calm confidence in oneself as a disciple moving toward the Sun and a calm confidence that the threefold flame of Gautama Buddha, the God and Goddess Meru and Helios and Vesta will be the sufficiency in the hour of the dark night of the soul and the soul’s testing.
  Beloved ones, there is a self-imposed roadblock where all of one’s life becomes a concern with one’s care for one’s self, one’s insurance, one’s preparation for medical emergencies and any manner of need that could be possibly foreseen in an entire lifetime.  The anxiety concerning one’s physical body, one’s wants and creature comforts becomes so great at this point that the individual cannot see beyond this to the challenge that he is facing as he approaches a test of the six o’clock line, no matter what line of the clock he may be on.
For you know that each line of the clock has in and of itself its own twelve lines in the sixty minutes that go round.  And therefore the wheels within wheels portend all twelve initiations and the fourteen on every line of this fourteen-step path to the heart of the One.
  So there comes the moment when the individual must go forth to satisfy this desire to be in command of all possibilities and probabilities that the human creature could face in lifetimes upon earth.  Unless the individual is able to slay that fearsome fear of the dweller on the threshold he has no alternative but to leave the path and follow this desiring.  This solution may be the best one for such an individual.  But I would point out its cause and its cure to those who, in so having this desire, may be able to make the leap to my heart.
Beloved ones, if the four-footed and furry creatures and the birds of the air and those larger ones of the jungles can leap to nestle themselves around me or around Saint Francis or Gautama and Jesus, do you not think that your soul can also make the leap into my lap in that very moment of self-nongivingness which ought to be self-forgivingness?
  Beloved ones, we approach then the problem of the diminished threefold flame.  There are those who love the path because they were part of it long, long ago.  They retain the memory and they know that the Ascended Masters’ way and Teaching is correct and the true religion that they must espouse.  Yet they have not quite enough magnet of the threefold flame in their hearts to sustain that Omega focus whereby they are in the figure-eight flow with the divine Alpha of the Guru or the I AM Presence or the Christ Self.
Thus their fears overtake them. They become inundated and surfeited on each line of the clock with the planetary and personal momentums of karma which challenge them.  It is exactly these individuals whom we would address with this understanding—you above all have the greatest need for physical contact with the physical Messenger and representative of the inner Gurus. You desire to take the hand of Jesus as Peter did when he did not have the balanced threefold flame or the raised Mother-light to sustain himself in walking on the waters of the astral sea.  As he began to sink beneath those astral waves (which confront you as you enter the third quadrant of the clock) it was necessary for him to take the outstretched hand of the Master in order to be saved.
  This is a step of freewill. But some by their impoverished sense of self through the threefold flame not being expanded enough in this age, do not stretch forth the hand, do fabricate within themselves all type of reasoning and rationalization as to why they do not go directly either to the Messenger or to the heart of their I AM Presence or to the heart of one of the ascended masters or archangels who would speak directly to them—whether through dictations, whether through publications or whether through the Messenger’s own Word.
  Thus the crisis of the undeveloped threefold flame is the one which we would avert, beloved.  The first step is to trustingly place one’s hand in the hand of the Messenger.  The second is to understand that that hand can be held only so long as there is obedience to the Word and to the light.  Thus Jesus said “If you love me, keep my commandments—obey my Word,” for this is simply a definition of the polarity of Alpha and Omega who are One in the current and flow.
  There is a plugging in to the Guru by the chela who is the feminine counterpart.  And, beloved ones, by that plugging in, the flow from the mighty heart of the I AM Presence and Christ Self and from the outer attainment of the Messenger is instantaneously established even as one might receive a blood transfusion or be placed upon a modern machine for resuscitation or for transfer of oxygen which the body may require to continue to function.  Having this assistance it has been seen that the body and the heart and the functions may be restored for many years.  But if the assistance is not given and received successfully, the individual may pass from the screen of life almost instantaneously.  And so it is at that moment of faltering when the devotee through a misunderstanding of who he is as the lower self as compared to the inner self and the highest I AM Presence may thus deprive himself of a victory.
  You see, beloved ones, in the Teaching and in the affirmation of the Word we do stress and confirm that at inner levels, through Christ who is your divine Mediator, you can confirm and claim your divine Sonship . But this claim does not mean that you necessarily have this altogether in manifestation through the four lower bodies and through a developed heart chakra.  Thus there is a distance to be traveled between the knowledge of the Teaching and the soul’s integration with the spirals of the Teaching whereby here below you have a vessel that can contain the Christ of you.
  And so, if you are in that mistaken state of consciousness where you imagine a greater attainment than you actually have as the sacred fire of the threefold flame, the balanced chakras and four lower bodies, then you may consider that you do not need the physical support, the sustaining tie of the Messenger whom we have sent for this very purpose.
  You may think you do not need the reinforcement just in the very hour when because of a lack of it you may take either a detour or a downward spiral as you come round the clock, going beneath therefore the high road of the rising spiral that moves on to the center of Christ in the center of the circle in the path of the fourteen which I am describing.
  And so, beloved, the reading is clear on the part of the Messenger, for we do show the quality of heart and developed threefold flame here below.  And the mistake often occurs in those who have developed themselves professionally, who are highly efficient, who may be accomplished in a number of areas because of good training, good education and good upbringing.  This is as it should be, for all of culture and civilization has been designed by the Great White Brotherhood to give the individual all of these advantages that through these various areas of development he may now turn his attention fully to the development of the threefold flame, which he then finds can be expressed through the various areas of achievement of his lifestream.
  And so, beloved, those who think they have a greater light, those who appear to have a greater light, whom devotees on the path mistakenly consider to have a higher attainment than they do, are the very ones who can fall so easily because they imagine they have no need for the support of the Guru in the outward physical sense.  And they are also the first to be offended if they are not assigned the most prominent positions in representing the Great White Brotherhood.
Thus I come to give you the awareness which has been spoken of in dictations in this past year of the tremendous necessity for concentration on the balance of the threefold flame, both by the devotional songs and decrees to the Christ Self, the threefold flame and the I AM Presence and by the awareness within oneself of those things of karma and personality and underdeveloped chakras that are an actual block, whether to the will of God and its power, whether to the wisdom of God and its practical application or to the love of God and its compassionate, self-sacrificing offering upon the altar.
  In each of the four lower bodies and four quadrants, and therefore on each line of the clock, the opposition to the threefold flame takes another characteristic.  And so it takes the astute and desiring disciple to see how in the daily changes of the signs and those thirty degrees between each of the lines of the clock there is the gradual changing—even as the sunlight changes in the heavens from the dawn to the sunset—of those vibrations of things that oppose the light in manifestation.
  Now, beloved, it is therefore necessary to realize that until you reach a certain level of carving your way through the literal chunks of coal and darkness and hardened substance, as hardened molasses, of this burden of the electronic belt around the heart—until you pass through these blocks in this fourteen-year spiral it is very important to stay close to the heart of the Messenger whom we have sent.  Her most important responsibility to you personally is to represent in true justice and compassion and wisdom the Ascended Masters who are your Gurus, to represent your Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence when you cannot pass through the hardened rock of this cave of your karma to have the direct interpretation of immediate events and initiations.  Now understand that when you see this, when you understand it and when you adjust yourself in humility to a recognition of your need you have entered an area of safety whereby, though your attainment be lacking, you are firmly and staunchly sustained through the Messenger by the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
  This sustaining action comes through your commitment to Saint Germain in the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity and that which the Brotherhood has determined to do for mankind through the Fraternity.  The sustaining of your path is reinforced many times over as you become a Communicant of the Church Universal and Triumphant whose vows therefore that you take are an increasing self-discipline and desire for the purity of the path of the six-pointed star.
  Now we come to the understanding, beloved, that those having either an insufficiency of threefold flame or no flame at all, for they have lost the divine spark, may function very well as chelas on the path with this reinforcing presence of the Brotherhood.  You have heard the message of the Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas.  You have heard that the light and the option for divine Sonship is given through the Messenger to all people, [this dispensation] going beyond the circle of the firstfruits to whom it is offered, to all beings and lifewaves of this system of worlds.
  Thus the absence of a threefold flame does not disqualify anyone from the path as long as the requirements of the Guru/chela relationship are met.  Some having the threefold flame yet fall back into patterns of rote and mechanization which they had long ago.  This does not mean they do not have the threefold flame; it means that the four lower bodies and the human consciousness must be held in God-control by the soul, one with Christ.
  Thus, fear not.  For the human animal in everyone has its mechanization concepts and its rote performances.  These will be rebuked fiercely where seen so that you may quickly choose to become the co-creator and co-worker with the living Christ.
Beloved ones, there is of necessity a fundamental requirement.  As I mentioned  it is the stretching forth of one’s hand to receive help and knowing that in the taking of the hand of the Messenger you take my hand, and in taking my hand there flows to you a light.  To receive this light there must be the quality and the ability of obedience, the quality and the ability to bend the knee and confess the LORD—the LORD God Almighty in the Central Sun, the LORD [the I AM THAT I AM] of Elohim, of Sanat Kumara and the entire Hierarchy of Light down to the nearest angel to your heart who does happen to be our Messengers.
  Beloved ones, you have seen the gross attempts of doctors and scientists to establish heart transplants and other transplants in those cases where they have not worked.  There is the case then when we desire to transfer a portion of our heart and light through the clasped hand with a chela.  There comes then the realization of nonreceptivity, the inability to receive that which is called the “engrafted Word.”  And the transfer does not take.  This inability is based upon the unwillingness of the individual to obey Christ-commands in the simplest matters, unwillingness to establish a priority of the tasks assigned which are always a series of disciplines given only to test the individual’s ability to obey the outer representative of that Christ in order that he might be trusted to obey the inner Christ Self and the peace-commanding voice of the I AM Presence and of myself.
  Therefore in all of his wisdom beloved El Morya, in counsel with Saint Germain and others of the Darjeeling Council, devised this Community and organization with many responsibilities and departments that could afford all types of lifestreams an assignment, a joyous path of contribution whereby they might also receive the testing of their souls of this ability to clasp the hand of the living Gurus, to be obedient to the impulsations of the light from our heart—to receive that impulsation and to allow one’s human heartbeat to now take on the heartbeat of Maitreya by establishing the rhythm of the receiving of the request, direction, suggestion or command and fulfilling it not once but in a daily ritual of performance.
  El Morya has engineered into all departments and services room for creativity whereby in the very process of obedience one has a space and a time also to engage in co-creativity and by freewill to determine the rung of the ladder of responsibility.  Thus each individual has determined what responsibility he could take for myself and Morya or for the Work of the Messengers.  In the determination of how much effort of creativity will be applied to the assigned task, how much giving of comfort, how much responsibility to be that pillar at that post the individual has freedom and leeway to determine just how rapidly he will develop the threefold flame and how much more of the light of our being he may receive.
Thus we come to the place where the individual is in one sense of the word his own guru, setting his pace, determining what he can do and what he will not.  We have heard many to say “I will go this far but no farther.  I will only do so much and then I draw the line.”
  This, of course, is your privilege.  Sometimes it is wise, as you have assessed your potential and the limits even of your ability to function within the givens of time and space, karma and the body itself.  However the stretching of that ability through assignments and demands of the Brotherhood is that which gives you opportunity to expand the threefold flame.  For the threefold flame can expand only by an exercise of freewill and co-creativity based upon a loving obedience.
I trust you will study these words well and come to the realization that rote obedience which establishes a certain rhythm of life is that which enables you to mirror the heart of the Guru.  But the mirror may only reflect and not in fact embody.  To move from being mirror of the Guru to become the Guru’s own creative Self demands the firing of three plumes—the love of the Will of God, the love of the Wisdom, the love of Love for Love’s own sake, the love of co-creativity, the love of engaging oneself in adding to and embroidering upon the nucleus of the blueprint that is given.  And so it is a wondrous path.  And we see this path in the West in those nations that are yet free and freest from the beast of Socialism or totalitarianism or various types of enslavement of the people.
  Now, beloved ones, where the individual declares “I cannot bend the knee, I do not know how, I do not know how to obey.  I am not able to translate a communication that enters my ear and heart into an action that fulfills the Word”—where we do not have this fundamental ability of the lifestream the hand cannot retain the clasp.  Maitreya must let go; the chela also has let go by his own nonalignment.
  This is the sign of the individual’s inability to receive the engrafted Word. This is a word that is very important—the engrafting.  When there is not the Word or the flame the Guru must give you a path and a course where he will graft to your being that portion of his own until your system totally receives it and you have become that portion and extension of Gautama Buddha.  Now you have been taught that the Lord of the World does sustain the threefold flame in the evolutions of Earth by a filigree light extending from his heart.  This then is the bypassing of the individual’s karma whereby there is so much blackness around the heart that the spiritual arteries or the crystal cord have been cut off.  The comparison of this is seen when the arteries in the physical body become so clogged with debris that the area of the flow of blood becomes greatly diminished until it becomes a point of insufficiency and the heart can no longer sustain life.  This is comparable to what has happened on the astral plane.
  So Sanat Kumara came to Earth to keep the Flame of Life. And so does Gautama Buddha keep the flame—the threefold flame (of all life on Terra) at Shamballa and is a part of every living heart.  Therefore as the disciple approaches the path of this fourteen-year spiral he understands that its goal is to come to the place where the threefold flame is developed enough here below that indeed, with or without the filigree thread from the heart of Gautama Buddha, he is able to sustain life and soul and consciousness and initiatic path.
  Beloved ones, this step in itself is indeed an accomplishment which few upon this planet have attained to.  You have no idea how you would feel or be or behave if Gautama Buddha withdrew that support of the filigree thread and the momentum of his own heartbeat and (Life’s) threefold flame.  Most people, especially the youth, do not take into consideration what is the life that they experience in exuberance and joy.  Because of the sustaining presence of the great Lord Gautama it is not always clear who has attainment and who does not since all line up with a certain base equality in his sponsorship and all can perform at a certain level.  But then when darkness becomes greater in the earth and the stresses increase we can see that those who have the developed threefold flame from many past ages are the ones who are enabled to endure.
   Now, beloved ones, moving along on this spiral, sometimes nearing the end of the fourteen years—but as I have said, it may occur at any place on the lines of the clock depending where the individual left off from that inner walk with the representative of the Cosmic Christ—there does come the day when the dweller on the threshold stands there in all of its misrepresentation of the LORD’s Christ.  That initiation comes, and it comes irrespective of the individual’s development of the light of the rings of the causal body around the lower self.
  Thus,it may come to pass in an accelerated and intensive encounter with the Messenger, myself through her, that you will see exactly what that dweller is and know that you are even now at that threshold where you must slay it else you may become the internalization of that one.  In other words, you may become the embodiment of your dweller on the threshold rather than the embodiment of your Christ Self!
This is a moment of serious crisis for the disciple on the path. The dweller is an all-consuming presence.  Alas, beloved ones, not all make it beyond this point.  They do not seem to be able to figure out that it is a moment for a tremendous cry of help for the intercession of the archangels, of casting oneself upon the Rock of Christ in the Great White Brotherhood and in the embodied Messenger.
  Beloved ones, it is an hour and a time for understanding “I of mine own self can do nothing, it is the Father in me that doeth the work.”  At that point you are like a patient and your life is in the hands of the cosmic surgeon, the Lord Christ.  If you do all those things that the divine physician tells you to do and do them precisely so, you will survive this operation.  You will become an assistant in it.  And you will be able, through the power of the Great White Brotherhood, to bind the anti-self even before you have fully developed here below your own Christhood.  And when you stand bereft of the dweller because you have determined to stand, the angels and we ourselves the ascended host, will place our Electronic Presence with you, providing that Christ presence until you have fulfilled and filled in the matrix of your own.
I must repeat that through all of this, if you can only keep the basic requirement of obedience and the bending of the knee, you will survive.  But through various mechanisms of the carnal mind there is a self-defeating process so that even when there is the desire to be obedient the ability to sustain the matrix is lacking.
  In preparation then for the day of your encounter with Maitreya and the dweller—and perhaps the Messenger as the instrument [facilitator] of both encounters—you then, beloved, ought to be practicing your scales in the octaves of your being:  (1) of becoming the internalization of your Christ Self and threefold flame and (2) of developing skills of communication, translating from the Word received to practical action by a system of obedient love.  This is why the path taught by Maria Montessori is so important for children. For they learn to obey the “inner man of the heart” as well as that which is the precise formula for the use of the equipment, the right way of doing things and that which is the wrong way. This is why we do not encourage random use of the equipment but that the child must be taught that there is a step-by-step procedure in these disciplines.
  The step-by-step procedure actually follows the fourteen lines of the clock and develops in the child in the first seven years a momentum of divine order where communication within from the inner teacher and communication from the outer teacher become as one voice.  And the child, independent as a co-creator with the inner Self, is truly prepared for the path of initiation with myself.  This is why we counsel parents to study these works of Montessori, to become a part of the classroom, to place themselves through these steps and stages with their own developing children when it is most interesting to them because they are a part of every smile and move and advancement of the newborn child. Therefore they themselves can be reborn through their own children and the Manchild in their hearts and come to the point of dissolving anxiety and fear and hardness of heart that cuts them off in the hour of maximum opportunity of initiation with Maitreya.
  You can therefore see and define the path of the betrayers of the Word, those who have left off their service at the altar. Some who have seen coming down the road the day of the encounter with Maitreya and the dweller on the threshold have set themselves and set their teeth to a path of mechanization and rote performance and [false] sacrifice.  And they have gone about this with a great intensity, and they have missed the path of obedient love.  They have missed the path of submersion—this baptism by submersion in the waters of the Christ ind.  This is the meaning of the word baptism by submersion.
  Thus, understand, beloved, they have said with Cain “We will walk this path our way.  We will demand that Maitreya accept us for what we do as sacrifice, and we will show that we do not have to bend the knee, that we will enter in by our own way.” When these have come to the day of encounter many have dropped from exhaustion.  Their machine method was unable to pass through the nexus from the twelve to the six and back again as the crossing from the twelve to the thirteen to the fourteen stations.
  Therefore, beloved, they have slunk away into the night.  They have lost all that they failed to gain.  And that which was upon them as the mantle of the Messenger was stripped from them.  And they were once more as they were before they entered the path, except they have become worse off—ten times more the Darkness, for now they have indeed become the full embodiment of their dweller on the threshold whereas when they entered the path they had not yet gone through this transition.  Thus instead of accepting the engrafted Word, they accepted the engrafting fully of the dweller.  And there was unto them therefore no separation between the dweller and the soul, as when cancer fastens itself to an organ or the inner walls of the body and the original body tissue or organ of the individual cannot be separated out from the malignancy.  Therefore the entire organ must be removed if the larger organism is to survive at all.
  When the individual becomes the embodiment of his dweller on the threshold there is the wedding—not of the soul as the bride of Christ to her Lord but the wedding of the soul to the lower nature completely.  Once this is accomplished, beloved ones, it is seen and was told by Jesus to the apostles that following this marriage there is no more looking to the path of the ascension but only to the fire of judgment.  This is a process and outcome of the path.  Thus it is told to you that you might see that the fourteen-year course is bringing you through fourteen thousand years of your own choices.  This most recent fourteen thousand years of your karma, as you know, is also based on prior fourteen-thousand-year cycles. Fourteen thousand years ago you were recently on Lemuria and Atlantis.  You have had those experiences.
  Now in each year you go through all of the cycles on that line of the clock, both the positive ones where you have been victors and the darker ones where you have taken the wrong road.  If you can understand this and read our dictations and see how we have made reference to the clearing of the records of Atlantis and the clearing of the records of Lemuria, you can now understand that beloved El Morya has been attentive to this, keenly so so that you might have every advantage in meeting that which have been your past sowings.  Thus it is always wise to call forth from your causal body of light the most positive momentums of your being and to call to the causal bodies of the ascended hosts of light for reinforcement.
I have spoken on this subject which in itself may be tedious for you, especially if you do not have full background and cannot visualize these stations or are not familiar with that which they entail.  I have presented it to you so that you could understand more clearly the path of Maitreya.
  It is above all our concern to see you through these fourteen years coming out on the other side with that measure of Christhood that you may enter the Mystery School not totally dependent then upon the Messenger but dependent only in certain areas where you are moving toward an inner and outer sonship whereby you become examples in the Community of true shepherds who have earned your shepherd’s crook.  And its sign is truly the sign of these fourteen stations and fourteen years.  I trust that the goal of my message to you this day, which is an alert to endure to the end and truly understand your lines of the clock, shall have been satisfied by your attentiveness, your receptive hearts,and the love of the Great White Brotherhood who have sent me here.
  I trust you realize that there are other cycles, such as personal and world astrology, the dark cycles affecting the planet and especially the association of your astrology with that of your embodied Messenger.  For the clasping of hands is also made less difficult by a harmonious union of the charts of Guru and chela.  And where the charts are not so compatible, the chela then may pursue transmutation on those lines of the birthchart as the cycles appear and request the intercession of the calls of the Messenger.
  We are here then to make plain a path, to hope, beloved, that in your understanding of this path you may see that it is difficult for anyone to pass through a fourteen-year program in the Mystery School, that you will not only set an example but also be watchful with a new understanding of what it is to remain the watchman of the night—and that is to be the guardian, the keeper of the flame who watches those new on the path and helps them so carefully with the profound understanding of Saint John of the Cross of what it means to approach nearer and dearer to the Holy of Holies of the Bridegroom, the Holy Christ Self, Lord Gautama, Sanat Kumara, Jesus, Kuthumi and my own heart so directly involved with your soul’s ascent.
  In gratitude to the Messengers who have made themselves available on a continuing basis that this path might be outlined to you in this hour and physically set forth for those to come, we seal you in an eager and equal gratitude for your receptivity to the Teaching given.  By your sustaining of this Guru/chela relationship you do form the nucleus of the Great Central Sun Magnet that is truly our foundation of the Inner Retreat and the Mystery School.  In the name of the light to which all mankind have recourse I seal you in the joy of the clean white page of the new year in the privilege accorded me to be the first of the Brotherhood to write on that page of your Book of Life.
  It is my prayer that I have helped you and shed some vision on the path, for though the old year and its difficulties have passed you must expect increasingly difficult hurdles in order that you might attain to the point of the bodhisattva that is appointed unto you.  In the name of my beloved Jesus the Christ, the blessed Saint Issa I bid you love and truth and peace and freedom.              
                -Maitreya:  1-1-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger ECP


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