According to him, the agreement did not secure Polish interests in the field of classified information, and did not take into account the interests of NATO countries.  Bączek today in the evening interview for TVP Info indicated that the agreement is secret and can not talk about its details. - I can say what was not in this agreement - he emphasized.  The agreement was concluded in 2013, when minister Tomasz Siemoniak was already the Minister of Defense. (...) This cooperation began after the Smolensk catastrophe, and at the same time the consent is issued in 2011 - said the head of the Service.  He added that after the Smolensk disaster - without a formal agreement or agreement - contacts between SKW and FSB officers began.
1-26-26    According to Gazeta Wyborcza, all officers and employees of the Military Counter-Intelligence Service had to fill in a survey prepared by the Ministry of National Defense in the last days. (:the Smolensk catastrophe).
The questionnaire was to be an attachment to the order issued by Macierewicz's colleague, Piotr Bączek. It was published on December 15, 2015 under the title "Statement" with the clause "Confidential after completion".
The survey is reportedly divided into seven themes. However, the main and most significant ones are those concerning the Smolensk disaster and its archives. There are questions about the cooperation of SKW with the services of Russia. In addition, the questionnaire attempts to determine whether a person has damaged any documents about the disaster or participated in tenders for military equipment.
The newspaper reminds that such a survey meets the pre-election promises of Macierewicz, who said he would plan to review staff in the special services.