Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Decreeing is a function of the heart and of man’s devotion.

       We do not need to perfect God or His Christ, but we do require change in this world of chaos, disease, unhappiness and death.  These changes can be brought about only by the drawing-forth of the light of God and the conscious acceptance of that light which never fails to give man his freedom whenever and wherever he determines to give his energy in decrees until God can manifest His perfect work in him.
  Without consciously accepting the answer to your decrees made manifest the pure energies of God may very well remain in the higher octaves of being—a matrix unfulfilled in matter and untethered to the world of material form.  The spoken Word is the key to drawing the light from heaven to earth.  You will remember that Jesus when he healed always spoke the command that released the light in order to manifest on the physical plane that perfection which he acknowledged was already complete in the kingdom of heaven….
  The power of the spoken Word is the authority of the creative process itself.  The first decree ever given was spoken by God who said “Let there be light!” and there was light.  The response from the heart of God was instantaneous, and so the Divine Logos went forth to manifest as form and consciousness, expanding in the infinite sea of God’s Being.
  Decrees are thus spoken by man because it is the power of the Word--and no other power in the universe--that is able to create, to resurrect, to transmute and to perfect the divine Image in the sons and daughters of God.  Therefore decrees should always be given aloud, and only if it is impossible to do so should they be offered silently.
  The light from the Presence is released through various centers or chakras focused in the body of man.  As you decree the power of the Word flows forth from the throat center; this center should be visualized as emitting an electric blue ray.  The heart center is animated by the threefold flame.  The point at the center of the forehead, which is the focus of the all-seeing Eye of God (the third eye) is emerald green; and the golden radiance, or halo of the Christ, is at the top of the head.
  Concentration is of the utmost importance while decreeing, for it is over the flow of man’s attention that the energies of the Presence (I AM) travel to fulfill the spoken Word.  Contrary to the concept of the students who take up the science of giving decrees, concentration is a quality of heart than of the mind.  Your center of attention should be in the heart flame at all times while you decree, for here is your own individual focus of God’s power, wisdom and love.  This practice will avoid mental strain and undue pressure on those chakras that are less developed in Western man.
  Decreeing is a function of the heart and of man’s devotion.  The intellect which has for too long ruled the heart in most people must be reeducated to obey the heart’s call and to be obedient to the intuitive powers of the heart which most often do reflect the inner voice of the Christ Self.
  If the attention is riveted on the desired manifestation and the mind’s eye is visualizing the decree made manifest, the results will be infinitely more effective than if the mind wanders, the feelings are absorbed in various distractions and the eyes gaze at random about the room.  As you become more familiar with the words of the decrees (offered by Hierarchy in pure matrices) you may close your eyes and see taking place before you the action you are invoking….
  Jesus’ description of John Baptist—“He was a burning and a shining light”--shows that he recognized the essential nature of the Christed man to be a flame….John knew that when the Christ came to every man, when the individualized Holy Christ Self was permitted to descend into the crucible of material consciousness and form the quickening of the sacred fire would occur and the dross of human creation would be consumed, or transmuted, leaving man in his pristine purity, sanctified and whole, clothed upon with the wedding garment, (preparing or) prepared to return to the heart of God through the ritual of the ascension.  This is the grand process of perfectionment.  It is won by every son and daughter who determines to reunite with the Father/Mother God through the baptism of the sacred fire (of the original purity).  
  It can and will come to everyone who will apply himself to the giving of decrees each day.  To God be the glory and to man the victory!    Pax vobiscum       
-Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  Science of the Spoken Word, S. U. Press, 1983, chapter VI
-chart of I AM Presence

In the name of God, I AM THAT I AM:
  I AM Presence, Thou art master,
I AM Presence, clear the way,
Let Thy light and all Thy power
Take possession here this hour!

  Charge with victory’s mastery,
Blaze blue lightning, blaze Thy substance,
Into this Thy form descend
That perfection and its glory

Shall blaze forth and earth transcend!

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