1. People carrying zika can via mosquito bites transmit the virus to mosquitos.
2. Asia is not taking any chances with this epidemic.
3. There are many unknowns in the Zika story.
4. S. Korea developed a 20-minute simple bloodtest for Zika.
5. Brazil with ~6000 infant cases of Zika.
6. Oromasis on origin of viruses--see http://balance10.blogspot.com/2016/06/intense-concentrations-of-undisciplined.html
7. related items include these following:
Xinhua News Agency | Thu,2016-03-03 BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhua) -- China will tighten quarantine measures against the Zika virus, authorities said on Thursday. http://en.apdnews.com/xin-hua/349600.html
3-16-16 http://www.gard.no/web/updates/content/20939776/gard-alert-zika-virus-china-port-inspection-requirements
3-29-16 http://www.gard.no/web/updates/content/20930261/gard-alert-zika-virus-south-korea-port-inspection-requirements
The government said it will first work with the country's three major mobile careers to adopt a so-called "smart quarantine system" by the end of this year to effectively prevent the influx of the disease. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/06/116_200952.html
6-10-16 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/epidemiologist-needed-zika-virus-project-miami-station-robin-andrade ................. 3-14-16 An estimated 40 million U.S. travelers went to Zika outbreak destinations last year, including about a half million pregnant women, CDC officials estimate. The CDC advises all travelers to Zika areas to use insect repellent and take other steps to avoid mosquito bites. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-zika-travel-alert-higher-elevations/ |
4-23-16 Due to new cases of Ebola in Guinea, those presenting with haemorrhagic fever will be quarantined until proven otherwise. Anyone can be infected...so every Rwandan should be vaccinated and for the vaccine to work it takes three weeks, so prepare well before you travel out of the country,” she said. Furthermore, travellers into the country but with certificates that do not meet World Health Organisation standards, will be sent back or get quarantined for three weeks, the minister said. http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/Rwanda/News/Rwanda-plans-yellow-fever-and-Zika-vaccination-/-/1433218/3171280/-/oqmsxbz/-/index.html
4-23-16 Due to new cases of Ebola in Guinea, those presenting with haemorrhagic fever will be quarantined until proven otherwise. Anyone can be infected...so every Rwandan should be vaccinated and for the vaccine to work it takes three weeks, so prepare well before you travel out of the country,” she said. Furthermore, travellers into the country but with certificates that do not meet World Health Organisation standards, will be sent back or get quarantined for three weeks, the minister said. http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/Rwanda/News/Rwanda-plans-yellow-fever-and-Zika-vaccination-/-/1433218/3171280/-/oqmsxbz/-/index.html
5-2-16 While it is estimated that 1% of women who have had Zika during pregnancy will have a child with microcephaly, leading doctors in Brazil have told the BBC that as many as 20% of Zika-affected pregnancies will result in a range of other forms of brain damage to the baby in the womb. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-36184799
4-13-16 Brazilian scientists studying 151 patients who recently sought help at a local hospital for symptoms similar to those caused by Zika have made a worrisome discovery — that the virus may be associated with a second serious brain issue in adults. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/04/11/zika-is-tied-to-second-adult-brain-disease-deepening-fears-of-viruss-unknown-dangers/

5-2-16 While it is estimated that 1% of women who have had Zika during pregnancy will have a child with microcephaly, leading doctors in Brazil have told the BBC that as many as 20% of Zika-affected pregnancies will result in a range of other forms of brain damage to the baby in the womb. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-36184799
4-13-16 Brazilian scientists studying 151 patients who recently sought help at a local hospital for symptoms similar to those caused by Zika have made a worrisome discovery — that the virus may be associated with a second serious brain issue in adults. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/04/11/zika-is-tied-to-second-adult-brain-disease-deepening-fears-of-viruss-unknown-dangers/

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