Korea said Thursday that it has developed a new technology to detect the Zika virus within 20 minutes in a joint project with Brazil.
Only one or two drops of human blood is needed to check whether he or she is infected with the virus, which spreads primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito, according to the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. "It can be used as conveniently as a pregnancy test kit," the ministry said. Existing DNA tests require an analysis at a laboratory, a process that could take hours, days or even weeks. |
III, vi, 16. What teaching leads more swiftly to the broadening of consciousness? It is necessary to admit people completely individually to this meadow. To each one his own herbage, provided the inner fire conforms to human merit and dignity. The sluggish, the conceited, and those raging with suspicion and doubt will not find any nourishment.
-Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
207. Let the teacher keenly discern those able to proceed swiftly. It is not necessary to praise them, but one should clear the path for them. One should create intermediate courses; the fleet ones can run up these steps. Do not conceal difficulties from them. For a certain type of consciousness every movement leading to achievement is already a light and a joy. -M: Community 1926
62. The heart's rhythm can be regarded as the rhythm of life. The Teaching about the heart is as bright as the sun, and the warmth of the heart speeds as swiftly as a sunbeam. Everyone has wondered at the instantaneousness with which a ray of the rising sun warms all things. The heart can act likewise. -M: Heart 1932

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