A week earlier, an Iranian council known as the Assembly of Experts, which is authorized to select a new supreme leader if necessary, chose an 89-year-old hard-line cleric, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, as its chairman. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/04/world/asia/iran-supreme-leader-khamenei.html?_r=0
347. One should not be disconcerted and mourn over the past. Even mistakes are obvious yet the caravan does not wait, and the very events press onward. We hurry, and we summon to hasten. The future is crowded, but there is no darkness ahead! -M: Hierarchy1931
219. Verily the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. -Morya: Heart 1932
Let it be made clear that human struggle is the result of humanity's selfishness, of their failure to appropriate the divine abundance and to apprehend the universal purpose. Seeing life then in its smallest dimensions they are not able to grasp the overall picture, for they have already circumscribed the potential of their life with their own sense of limitation....
Yet the bible of nature, the recording of the Law in engrams of light, was then and has always been present within the very atoms of the Earth itself. Just as man today does not build without a blueprint so cosmos was designed after that universal perfection which God was from the beginning and is forever.
Don't you see then inasmuch as perfection is ever the divine lot how easy it would have been had mankind chosen to walk within the confines of the Great Law to perpetuate perfection throughout the world? Yet in the dispensation of freewill as it is held by embodied mankind today there is a chastening that comes from man's inherent freedom to create imperfectly and to live in error. Among the errors which mankind have perpetuated are errors of dogma adhered to by countless individuals who are the blind leading the blind that all mankind may fall into the ditch....
And how they still need with all their getting--even of things spiritual--to get understanding and compassion. -Archeia Mary: 7-16-1972 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, see https://books.google.com/books?id=58cN1K2Jv5oC&pg=PA19&dq=clare+prophet+obsession&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj49Mbn8ozNAhVK7WMKHbM-CtUQ6AEITDAI#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20obsession&f=false
-Archeia Mary, Padma Sambhava--in Prayer & Meditation, 1978
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