The fallen ones are organized. They have taken the consciousness of Love which is the very order of the cosmos and perverted it to their own use. They have organized a warfare of the Spirit, projecting their vials of astral microbes, astral viruses, deadly toxins which they would inject into the mental and emotional bodies of mankind through that which we have called aggressive mental suggestion....Hearken not to their counsel! Hearken to the Lord. -Archangel Chamuel: Pearls of Wisdom 18:39
Sons of the light, here we come! To cast out demons we are come--demons of the mind and memory, of the astral sheath and even those demoniac viruses that penetrate the sheath of the physical cells and bring Armageddon to the intimate spheres of life, assailing the centrosome of the Lamb and the Lamb's wife. -Sanat Kumara: Opening of the Seventh Seal, chapter 25, 1979
detail of Afra, in Prayer & Meditation, 1978
Imperil can spread like a virus unless we decide to stop the chain reaction, hold the line and meet the force of irritation with absolute harmony. -Messenger ECP with P. Spadaro: Alchemy of the Heart, 2000, p. 134
6-20-16 Russian torture
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