Often they (millions of individuals) apply our admonishments to others without realizing that they must first be applied to the self….If he (each soul) would center his attention upon the laws of God he would see clearly that applying his heart to the power of divine love would draw that love into his life. He would also understand that he need not be sympathetic to the animal magnetism that is of the earth earthy, whether in the crowd or in himself, and that he should desire that escape into purity which will result in his being clothed with a sense of the Virgin Son.
The purity of the Great Law functions in the inward parts of man, enhancing his meditations upon God through the reality of truth and holy wisdom. Lacking confidence in the reality of the Law men take it upon themselves to chastise one another; they forget that the Lord Himself chastens those whom He loves….
From the very beginning all of the religions which have been sponsored by Hierarchy have had as their central theme the ennoblement of man, the exaltation of his consciousness, the purification of the thoughts and motives of his world, and the final perfectionment of the individual as he is fitted for higher things in the many mansions of our Father. If it were not so I would have told you; but I have often told you, and you have been told by Life….
For it is only through communion with the cosmic honor flame that they (all men) shall come to know within themselves that the things which are done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops and that the Lord shall cause it to be done. I think then that the doubts and fears that the negative force has spread among mankind that have caused them to walk in darkness and to experience pain in their lives will be cast aside by them. And I think that the vital flame of a living faith will be sought as the most priceless gift and that the power of my love as it is reflected in the service of every ascended master will be desired as the Masterful Presence in the life of each one whose search is for reality. -Jesus Christ: Pearls of Wisdom 12:51
424. Too often obstacles have been set up and the new conditions of life forgotten. The trend toward infatuation with mechanization can be rationally solved by cooperation.
-M: Aum 1936
13. The being who is filled with doubt is not fit for even a primitive form of cooperation. He cannot even understand all the beautiful discipline of Brotherhood. Precisely discipline, as not otherwise can be named that voluntary harmony which lies in the foundation of the Brotherhood's labors. The Brothers join together for work, and without trust there would be no quality in their labor. -Morya: Brotherhood 1937
53. In addition it would be wrong if only a small group of artists were to create and the fruits of their talents be mass-produced. Such mechanization would not help people. Everyone must try to serve creativeness. -M: Supermundane 1, 1938

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