Friday, March 9, 2018

I have a continuing mission to do this

To Those Joyous Hearts Who Would Expand the Joy of God:

    Our subject is the spreading of the network of joy, the antithesis of sorrow, in the domain of consciousness and its communication into the world of form.  When the individual monad can willingly give up the personal self beyond the point of test in a genuine act of surrender he is soon magnetized to the God ideal of spreading in the world domain the marvelous activity of vibrant joy--joy in self, joy in nature, joy in opportunity, joy in service, joy in music, joy in art and joy even in the process of purifying the self.
  Every facet of life takes on the aspect of chal­lenge to those who daily strive to be more like Him.  But this is not a challenge of discomfort, it is one of hope.  The very fact that the individual can improve regardless of his station, that he can change his concepts, his vibratory action and the contents of his mind as he would his garments is a sign of hope and a portent of delight.
  Energyfields are magnificent when they are properly qualified, for they not only surround the creator of the energyfield with his own vibration of bliss but, according to the law of attraction, they also magnetize the vibrations of happiness and joy from many parts of the world.  We ac­knowledge that the reverse is also true, and seldom do people take into account the fact that from time to time they are surrounded with entities--entities of fear, of doubt and of grief--which seek to invade the aura only because by their own attitudes individuals create the climate that attracts these outsiders.
  In the matter of moods then we would suggest to every student who pursues God’s happiness, whenever he is invaded by a feeling that is less than God-happi­ness--a feeling of discomfort or disquietude--that he begin to look for the cause first in his own subconscious mind and in the centering of his attention around negative ideas which he may have allowed to enter his world and secondly in the person of masquerading or malev­olent entities.
  The nature of invading entities is such that whenever an individual seeks to improve himself by engaging in religious worship, by attending a constructive lecture or concert or by reading religious literature, the vibratory action of the higher pursuit makes the entity extremely uncom­fortable.  The entity, unwilling to relinquish his hold on the lifestream, will then project to his consciousness a feeling of discomfort or unhappi­ness and this, he will assure the individual, is directly attributable to the function in which the individual is involved.
  In this manner many sincere souls are either stopped on the path or they are prevented from obtaining the benefits of higher meditation.  Thus through their susceptibility to invading entities they are deprived of the opportunity to receive transcendent blessings.  This is why spiritual protection is necessary for those who would continue to progress on the upward way--p­rotec­tion not only through the knowledge I am convey­ing but also through decrees, through prayer, and through the determination to do the will of God no matter what the argument of the opposition may be.
  When you are able to cast out from the self the influences of discarnate entities--whether these be departed relatives, friends, or enemies who may be magnetized to your person--when you are able to invoke the protection from on high that will insulate you from the malice of those whom you may not even know are your enemies--whether embodied or disembodied--you will find yourself making spiritual progress at a more rapid pace.
  Because of the increasing threat of witchcraft in the United States as well as in the world, spiritual aspirants must exercise caution and they should learn to weigh the evidence before they credit all of their failures or seeming failures to themselves. Witchcraft has a subtle allure for those who are not grounded in spiritual knowl­edge and who do not understand the karmic penalties that accrue from such dangerous prac­tices.  Often practitioners of witchcraft use their powers to launch a general form of attack against anyone who tries to escape from the mass mi­asma. 
  There is something about progress that always engages the teeth of men’s egos.  When others begin to progress they often enter into feelings of jealousy.  Jesus described this human propensity in his statement “Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge:  ye en­tered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.”
  Many in the orthodox churches are naïve concerning these facts.  They are entirely too standpat in matters of the self.  Quite frankly, as you have been told in this series, the self is little understood.  This is why people often work against their own best interests and against the best interests of humanity, why they are so easily captivated by the idea of massive social gain and why the dark forces are able to create so much unrest in the world, making men and women think they can gain spiritually as well as materi­ally through forms of government control.
  The ideal society is that which evolves out of the higher consciousness when the individual opens the door of his being to God without re­serve.  In such moments of personal contact with Life the entire being of man becomes as a mouth pressing itself against the Infinite in order to receive the subtle nourish­ment that floods into the hungry soul.
  Because the Grace that comes from on high is so creative, so inspirational, so filled with depth and height and volume it literally overwhelms the being of man, and spilling over the lip of life it floods forth as the impulse to be a benefactor to the race.  Such impulse must be guarded under God-control and channeled constructively in order to protect the self and the highest nature in others.
  Each person should realize that the higher intelligence within himself is capable of making accurate decisions as to when he should speak and when he should be silent, when he should offer a helping hand and when he should withhold it.  There are times when nothing is as important as a physical gesture of assistance to another, and at other times there is nothing so dangerous. Some of the best gifts that can be given to men are inward gifts such as the communica­tion of the highest vibrations of hope and comfort.
  The consciousness of the individual should become like a grail, and the knowledge that flows into the grail consciousness should draw more and more of the regenerating Christ conscious­ness into the domain of the self.  Certainly it is true that if a man ask of God bread He will not give him a stone. Therefore consider the fact that constructive endeavor always receives the neces­sary support spiritually, morally and materially proportionately as one accepts the highest sense of his mission in a spiritual man­ner.
  “It is more blessed to give than to re­ceive” yet unless men receive they cannot give.  Therefore the words allotted portion must be understood as the grace of God on deposit in the great causal body for each individual.  Man can expand, as he is able to receive them, the highest judgments and qualities of God.  He can grow in grace and in the knowledge of truth.  He can become tomorrow a greater servant than he is today.
  Yet the foundation stones of the temple must be laid while consciousness is held in readiness.  This is done by an act of willing to do whatsoever must be done in the furtherance of the kingdom of God both within and without.  The self needs to expand.  In order to expand men need to receive.  But all who receive need also to give; for if man becomes an inlet with no outlet he will eventually become a parasite on the world body.
  Man must qualify his energy with divine love just as the pulsing joy of God vivaciously entices all of Nature to perform her wondrous feats—her miracles of temporal reality immortalized as they recycle over and over again.  Thus shall the individual realize that one day the true meaning of his life will be found in the spiritual interchange between the microcosm and the Macrocosm that is known as flow.  Through this process the allness of man flows into the allness of God and the allness of God, flowing into the allness of man, brings about an exchange of the pulsations of identity which make the humblest soul a king of victory and the most exalted to bow in joyous humility.
Truly “he hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.” Truly the living God is crowned in every atom.  Truly each man is the son of the Eternal One.     Move on then to understand that which you can be, for out of the expectancy of hope is born the implementation of faith that establishes the borders of self right where charity is.  When the meaning of true love is known it is found to recreate that supreme moment when the inno­cent soul cried out with divine wonder "Because thou art, O God, I AM!”  Thus we see the links of identity, intelligence, power and love uniting all to the oneness that is God.   Victoriously I remain,    
                          Lanto:  Understanding Yourself, S. U. Press, 1969, 1999, chapter 8
               Count-To-Nine decree by the Ascended Master Cuzco

  In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, the Saviour Jesus Christ and the servant-sons in heaven, beloved Archangel Michael, Prince Oromasis, Mighty Astrea, Goddess of Light, beloved Ascended Master Cuzco, the Faithful and True and the armies of heaven, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water and earth—I decree:

Come now by love divine,
Guard thou this soul of mine,
Make now my world all thine,
God’s light around me shine.
(Visualize the whitelight filling the ovoid of the aura)
I count one, it is done.
O feeling world, be still.
Two and three, I AM free,
Peace, it is God’s will.
(Visualize a band of whitefire around the solar plexus)

I count four, I do adore
My Presence all divine.
Five and six, O God affix
My gaze on thee sublime.
(Visualize a band of whitefire around the neck and throat chakra)

I count seven, come, O heaven,
My energies take hold.
Eight and nine, completely thine,
My mental world enfold.
(Visualize a band of whitefire around the head and third eye)

The whitefire light now encircles me,
All riptides are rejected;
With God’s own might around me bright
I AM by love protected.
(Visualize the whitelight encircling all of the chakras and the four lower bodies)
             I accept this done right now with full power.  I AM this done right now with full power.  I AM, I AM, I AM God-life expressing perfection all ways at all times.  This which I call forth for myself I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet.
            Hail, O infinite light!  Hail to the sons of God!  Hail to the Keeper of the Flame!  I AM Christus.  I AM your brother Jesus ascended, and I AM come in this hour of the glorification of the Son of God that you might learn of me the initiation of the Lamb in the cycle of Aries, in the cycle of the spring and the spring equinox.
  Truly the Lamb who is slain from the foundation of the world does stand in the margent of the earth at the point of the rising of the Sun there to send forth the mighty light rays from out the Great Central Sun, from the heart of Alpha and Omega, anchored then in the hearts of those who receive him now.
  I come in the fullness of my ascended-master consciousness two thousand years hence and almost two thousand years since the initiation of Saul of Tarsus in the way of the Lamb in this cycle.  I desire that you should understand that the blessings given before my ascension to the apostles were therefore by the nexus of the then attainment of my lifestream, and the initiation given unto Saul was by the full power of the ascended Presence.
  In this hour I come having multiplied that Christhood, lo, throughout the Piscean dispensation.  Therefore in the hour that the Father has sent me to return in a mighty and glorious Second Coming I AM this day, as announced to you last evening, now one with every lightbearer on earth, everyone in whom there burns a threefold flame.  I AM there in the fullness of my Electronic Presence, multiplied by the light of the bearer as I multiply that light and soul freedom.
  This then is the glory of this Eastertide:  that I AM come in the fullness of a working relationship with certain souls who have been quickened to the path and others who have not, yet in whom there burns no guile but purity and love--no leaning or penchant toward error or calumny but only the path of truth.
  Wherever the walk is there I AM with those hearts whose fire burns with a love for the ruby ray and will accept the consequences of wearing even with an archangel that mantle of the ruby ray.  Here I AM therefore, O people of God!  And I have had set before you this afternoon the mighty light of record--a portion therefore of the experiences of Paul, whom I named following his conversion.
  Understand that this divine encounter with my ascended-master Presence is what is in store for those who now receive me by this dispensation of my Second Coming in the Electronic Presence, which means in the full magnitude of my auric emanation as the individual is able to bear it and therefore somewhat stepped-down until they themselves can mount to the point of their personal Christ Self and also receive the fullness of my attainment.
  Understand the greatness of the Father who gives to the Son the magnificent opportunity of bearing the burdens of his own and the multiplication of the whole loaf of my consciousness to every living soul on earth in whom there burns the threefold flame, that threefold flame held and intensified as a devotion to Truth--thus not merely threefold flames in embryo or embryonic consciousness, but a threefold flame that has been tried on and worked, identified with, and that has become the guiding light and the lamp unto the soul.  Day by day therefore I trust that as those who are yet infants who develop that flame may also receive my Presence when a certain quickening does take place.
  Let me make clear then, beloved hearts, that this opportunity is one that I have come surely to fulfill and surely to enhance and with that Holy Spirit to make known to you, by the very example of Paul himself, what is the experience that can be anticipated by those who truly have received the engrafted Word, <1> who have received my personal Presence unto themselves as Paul did, who despite the warning of the Holy Spirit and my own determined to go and preach to the Jews in Jerusalem, contrary to the counsel even of my flame and my Presence.
  Thus, beloved, you understand a freewill that was exercised by Paul who insisted in taking my name before those, the very ones and seed who had already moved against me and been instrumental in the acceleration of my own initiation of the crucifixion.  These howbeit were Asian Jews and they came against Paul with a mighty vehemence and, as you have heard the record, determined by a vow and a pact that they ought to murder him.
  Beloved ones, I tell you this day that the murderous intent is also abroad regarding your own Messenger.  And yet this murderous intent takes the form of the determination to destroy this Church, this organization and to destroy the reputation, the character and the image.  But if it were possible they would push their anger all the way and also complete their vow of the death pact against the light incarnate.
  Therefore does the heart of the Messenger leap to rejoice--as did the heart of Paul--to bear my name, to witness of me, to carry a light so bright that it is an offense unto those who pursue the way of the Satans <2> and the desecration of the Mother-chakra and of all of the chakras by their incessant carnal hatred and their incessant chatter, heaping gossip upon gossip that has no origin in fact but only the fancy of their minds and the fantasy that they desire to place upon the image of the one I have sent to you--not only to preach to you but to ordain you and to raise you up that you might know the meaning of the Lamb and the coming of that Lamb and that you might partake of that Lamb of Aries and realize that Sanat Kumara is in our midst, and the dividing of the way is so that the lightbearers may be exalted.  For we cannot lift up the ones who are not of the light.
  Therefore by one means or another they must effect their own exit for they are no part of the light or of the dispensation nor can they receive what beloved Saul received from my heart.  Learn well of me therefore.  For I, the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, did exercise my authority and my right to contact the unascended Saul--true, a Pharisee and a Roman and a Jew, a persecutor of me and of Christians, who stood by even at the death of Stephen by stoning. <3>
  Therefore realize that the acts of the individual are not the final conclusion as to the quality of the soul.  For there were other Pharisees and Sadducees in those days who outwardly kept perfectly the Law but inwardly were ravening wolves <4> and had not the quality of heart to be initiated.
  Understand therefore that no matter what the accusation of physical acts that are charged against the Messengers we have chosen because we have chosen, and the quality of heart is the foundation of the instrument.  Therefore see to it also in thy preparation for our calling that you bring therefore a live coal, a lively coal of fire and fervor for the truth as you understand it.  For this was the quality of heart of Saul of Tarsus--believing what he had been taught, even a false teaching regarding Jesus Christ, my own name and my life and mission.  Therefore he persecuted my followers and in them persecuted my Presence.  For I was in them, and my light was an offense to those who therefore enlisted Saul in their ways of exterminating, imprisoning, persecuting and torturing Christians.
  Blessed hearts, realize then that the fervent heart when hitched to the wrong star may be unhitched and redirected and therefore scale the heights of mastery, leaving behind those who seek to perfect themselves by the Law without the Spirit, who engage in rituals without love, and who are mechanistic in their judgments, very eager to point the gnarled and bony finger against any lightbearer for a single sin which they do think does soil the garment.
  Well, sin may or may not soil the garment; but the Holy Spirit is able.  And that Holy Spirit in me did raise up Saul, and therefore he received upon himself that substance of his karma which created the state of blindness.  And my instrument again, Ananias, therefore did pronounce that he should see by that Holy Spirit—and he did see.
  And Saul therefore became Paul and went forth as a chief apostle, one that I would send to the Gentiles.  And yet he being a Jew determined to preach to the Jews, not realizing how infamous and how wicked was the core of their hatred and their rage against the living Christ.  Thus I came.  Though he did not take my advice, so he loved me and I comforted him and gave to him protection, even through the Romans.
And you see therefore that God is no respecter of persons, and we of the ascended hosts may raise up friends of light where you know not.  And I tell you in these very months, total strangers of this Church and of this organization and of these Messengers have come forward to stand for them in such nobility and honor and truth and defense as to make almost the angels weep; whereby contrast those who, having been with them so long time, should pick apart the hairs and determine that they are not worthy any longer to bear the flame of the World Teachers.
  Thus one is taken and another is left.  And the great sword of living truth will cleave asunder the real from the unreal even within your own members, within your heart and soul and consciousness, dividing the way between truth and error and showing you, if you will be God-taught, what is truly the way to become my apostle in deed.
  Thus Paul spake to them, believing surely that because he was a Pharisee and a Jew of some standing, having great knowledge, having been taught by Gamaliel...(blessed ones, Paul was no newcomer, nor was he without the proper station in life or training or background) and therefore he was determined that his own people should hear him and be convinced and be converted.
  And so it is with the heart of the one newly come into the path of Christ.  There is always the desiring to take up one’s family, one’s own, one’s relatives, one’s community and karmic group and say “See, I am one of you!  I have seen a great light of God.  I have received this blessing, I have been converted, I know the Lord Jesus Christ!”  And they would not hear it, as they stopped their ears in the presence of my preaching through Saint Stephen.  For I did preach through him by the power of the Holy Spirit, his final words spoken which remain for all time a testimony of the Word.  And they stopped their ears.  They could not bear to hear it! They could not bear the sacred fire or the release of light because their hearts were evil.  And immediately they took up stones against that Saint Stephen, and he gave up the ghost--but not before seeing my very face, the face of the Son of God in heaven.  And I received him to myself.
  Understand therefore that in my heart of love I understand your need to bring the greatest light to those who are familiar.  And I understand sometimes what is a fallacy of thought--that because individuals are like you in background or in race or in karmic group or in a similar economic or educational situation, that they will, by the very fact of outer circumstance or perhaps bloodline, receive the mightiest teaching of all ages which is: Christ in you, the hope of glory!  These are my words to Paul, and these are the words he pronounced again and again. <5>
  Therefore not heeding the warning he was almost murdered by those Asian Jews, who determined (they were so highly offended by the light)--imagine, that they would neither eat nor drink until they had murdered him.  And therefore protected, the Romans sent an army to deliver him therefore to Felix where he would appear and also to Agrippa, and finally take his case before Caesar himself before he could be delivered.
  Such a tumult was made by the chief priests, the very same tumult they made against me.  But I was then the ascended master and therefore I placed my Presence over him.  And it was the will of God and of my heart that he should be spared and go forth, having seen through the utter crassness and the materialism and the blasphemy of the Jews--that he might leave behind those who had chosen not to receive the Christ in me or him and go on to the Gentiles who had not the descent of Sanat Kumara, yet in whom there burned an innocence, a hope, a certain faith whereby the field of consciousness was fallow and could receive the spark of Christhood.
  This is the meaning of the tremendous promise of Almighty God that those who would believe in my name, even through my disciples and apostles, that these should also become sons of God. <6> And did I not say that God could “of these stones raise up sons of Abraham”? <7>
  Understand the mystery of Almighty God once and for all.  It is not the physical temple you wear, it is what is inside!  What is inside is the mystery of the kingdom of God, beloved hearts, and it matters not what evolution or what source or where that body temple originated in all of the experimentation of these systems of planetary bodies.  It matters that the heart is inclined toward the Infinite.
  And you will find that the blackest of souls may dwell in immaculate-appearing bodies, moving in the right circles.  And you know these are the Watchers or their offspring, the giants or the demons themselves incarnate.  And therefore there cannot be a flesh-and-blood lineage of any kind but only the infinite bequest of the Almighty of the lawful inheritance of the sons of God who take up their abode where least expected so that the proud may be humbled, so the rich may be embarrassed, so the poor may find the treasure of heaven and therefore shun the things of this world.
  Therefore I AM Jesus.  I come to you in this body, and I would come to the world in your own body as well.  I must give you then more than I can tell, but this I may say:  that the presence of my being with you is the first step; but the quickening, the initiation must come by an inner accord and an agreement that you understand first and foremost that Christ who comes to you to initiate you by the sacred fire of the Lamb of God must cause to have delivered to you a certain portion of your karma which must be transmuted within you ere you can move upon that life of service.
  And therefore by prior decision you must know you are willing to bear--whether it be adversity, whether a physical burden, whether a hardship, whether grief, whether suffering loss here or there.  You will understand that the coming into alignment of your soul with God must be an adjustment.  You have seen the adjustments that have been necessary this year in the nature kingdom for bringing into alignment certain discordant and karmic conditions in Southern California; you have seen the suffering of the people in Northern California and other areas of the nation and the world.  And you have not always understood why, nor have the people who have cried out to God.
  And yet they themselves have desired at inner levels of their souls’ evolution to go farther and higher in the light.  And therefore they have agreed to that adversity and that burden while others themselves, refusing to bend the knee, have had the mountain fall on them, as the Rock itself, even the stone must grind them to powder <8> lest their inordinate pride carry them off in some other area of destruction against the holy innocents.
  Therefore whether by judgment of Almighty God to the nonsurrendering self or by the delivery of a burden of great love, of personal and planetary karma, some have borne a little more inconvenience and indeed suffered loss for the sake of the total evolutionary chain of this planetary home.  For the lightbearers also learn from the judgment of the souls of the wicked.  And the wicked also learn, and they are somewhat contained—though not for very long.  And the lightbearers themselves understand the path of karma even though their preachers will not preach it unto them.
  So I preach it unto you, beloved, that you may understand that no matter what the current fad in doctrine in this or that century, the inexorable Laws of Almighty God move on.  And His mercy is with the lightbearer, and His judgment is there to curtail the fallen one until all balance be brought into manifestation.
  Therefore I ask you not in this hour of this Easter Sunday to make a fervent call to me as you would now, caught up as you are in the rapture of my love, but I ask you to write down a letter of your soul to your own Christ Self when you are alone with your thoughts and with your meditation and to surely set forth in writing what it is you are willing to bear in order to be my instrument.
  And the reason I request this of you, beloved, is so that you will keep this letter in your Bible.  Insert it in the Book of Acts so that you will read the life of Paul.  And you will also have that life delivered to you--preaching therefore on these Sundays, as I shall, showing you step by step the way of overcoming and that you might be thoroughly acquainted with the path ahead.
  Thus it has come to pass often in previous dispensations that I have given my offer unto souls of light, and in a moment of great desiring and devotion they have offered everything.  And when I have given the initiation to them they have utterly forgotten by the weight of their own personal karma that they even volunteered to go through an experience of hardship in order to balance that karma, in order to come to the place of being a part of the mission of the Apostle Paul.
  Therefore not desiring to place you in the jeopardy of the law of your own being and the law of your own word and the attendant problems of the forgetfulness of the outer mind I desire that you should write your letter.  I desire that you should keep it in your Bible as a sacred thing and review it from time to time, and also study the life of Paul and other saints and the martyrs and understand what truly is the meaning of the bearing of my light on earth.
   For this initiation when it come cannot be turned back, cannot be taken from you.  Once you receive it you must move on with it.  And I would not have you fail in the course of your discipleship for the point of Christhood that is truly the culmination of your life’s work on earth.
  Therefore my beloved hearts, I desire you to consider not only the initial burden of bearing to oneself some record of the past with which the Holy Spirit will not endure but also to recognize day by day that as the light increases, as the light intensifies there are many who will be offended--those who are of this world, those who exist to preserve the status quo of materialism, those who are called Jews who originally had a dispensation long, long ago even in other systems of worlds.  And they were given the light of the threefold flame and instead of using it to glorify the Son of God they used it to enhance the development of the intellect, to enhance their position of material control and scientific learning and the manipulation of genes and the creation of life and all manner of advancements that they then did bring with them to this planet, which were outpictured on the continent of Atlantis and even in previous ages not available in the records of outer history.
  And therefore these individuals became laggard evolutions.  A laggard is not one who merely lags behind his evolution, beloved hearts.  A laggard is one who takes the light of the threefold flame and inverts it to the perpetuation of matter rather than exalt it and thereby exalt the Son of God within himself.  It is the utter denial of the living Christ no matter what that Christ is called, no matter what the religion.  It is not so much a problem of Christian and Jew; it is a problem of the individuals in every race and nation and religion who turn their back upon the initiation of the Son of God and desire the light without the sacrifice.  And these are they who prefer to perpetuate this Cain civilization and this darkness.  And therefore they become enraged when one soul of light breaks loose from the grip-hold of the toils and the toiler and does therefore receive the mighty light of the Holy Ghost that does sever the tie and the bondage.
  It does set the captives free!  It does break the chains of the prisoner and loose him and let him go!  And no matter what crime one may have committed in the hour of that freedom one is free, one is on the path.  And because of the quality of heart and the fire of the heart, though that one may err or stray, there is always the lovingness of the ascended masters to draw that one back to the path and take that heart into a higher dimension of understanding.
  This you must realize, beloved hearts, for some fear lest they should make one single mistake and be cast out of God’s kingdom forever.  Beloved ones, this is the preaching of Satan, it is not the preaching of my heart.  And therefore there is no need for rigidity but only diligence on the path.  For diligence is never rigidity, but it is a love so great that with all your might and heart you seek to serve always to the best of your understanding and to be God-taught and corrected when that understanding proves to be not the fullest.
  But therefore you may go on to a new chamber of the Mind of God and find there a higher definition of selfhood, a higher manifestation, and leave behind the old man. <9> And therefore that old man and his garment is cast into the fire.  And I know it, and the Father knows it, and the angels know it, and the brothers and sisters in Christ know it.
  But the fallen ones will hang on to the old image, and they will hold it up and they will say, “See what this individual did in 1913?  They will never escape that sin--no, never--and forevermore be damned!”  And they will go to every past embodiment, and they will go back and finger through the decades and attempt to place their hands upon what they think is or was your identity.
  And never, never, never do these individuals ever take accountability for their own sin, much less the forgiveness of that sin which was given to them while they made an attempt to follow the path of discipleship but in fact never did because the mercy of God was not in their hearts.  Therefore they could not forgive themselves any more than they can forgive anyone else on the path, beloved hearts.
  And so you see by nonforgiveness and nonmercy there is a nonhumility.  There is actually the reservation in the heart that says, “I do not need Christ.  I do not need his forgiveness.  I can climb the ladder by my own personal and human excellence.” Therefore there have been among you those who are humanists to the core, who desire human reward for human achievement, and the human consciousness is exalted.
And therefore, they move against the light.  They bring their suits against the Mother because they desire the reward in the human octave.  And by desiring that reward they lose entirely anything of good that might accrue to their karmic record whereby they could have some opportunity in the very day of judgment to balance their infamy against the light, which is no new infamy but has been carried on for aeons.
  Thus the opportunity of the Mother-flame is a final opportunity of teaching and the path ere the judgment come.  And they are self-judged.  And nothing I might do or say--with all the power and the glory God has given unto me as the Saviour of the world--there is nothing I can do with the unfruitful heart even as there is nothing I can do with the tree that bears not fruit, but it must be withered and it must be cast into the fire. <10>
  Realize then that the fruit of the consciousness of Christ is mercy, is forgiveness, is transmutation.  For change is the order of the path, and all disciples are moving onward in leaving behind the old order.  And when they leave it behind that old man and that old order ceases to exist.  And no one can dredge it up and say “This is really what you are, this is really what he is! He is not what he pretends to be, for we know.”
  And these individuals say “we know” because they themselves have the computerized mind of the laggard races--gathering data against the lightbearers but only human data.  For they have never, never in all eternity penetrated the secret chamber of the heart, nor have they ever observed the souls of the beloved in union with the living Christ in the presence of the Father dwelling in the temple, in that secret chamber where no man can enter except the soul himself drawn by God, drawing himself by love and pursuing a oneness with all fervor and innocence, purity and honor.
  I therefore point out to you that these fallen ones who would drive their armies against the light and against the Faithful and True, did descend on the Apostle Paul.  They moved against him. They formed their mobs.  They hid in secret, they lay in wait as they did for my own soul as David. <11> As Saul’s henchmen sought to kill me, to surround my house and lie in wait so they did for Paul.  So they will do for you.  And therefore this also must be considered as you write this letter to the Christ of your heart and to my own Presence.
  Not being familiar with all of these situations you cannot deliberate on them if you do not know fully not only what are the physical consequences, but what are the forces of hell that come as a weight of the astral plane upon you to hold you down and to be there night and day so that your entire effort of your life must be to praise God, to preach His Word and to release the light of the Word through you by the Holy Ghost.  And that Holy Ghost is a consuming fire that consumes the very hatred that is projected against your own skin, against your own life, your effort, and the very eyes that burn with the coals of living fire.
  Realize then that the continual pushing back of world hatred becomes the way of the apostle who would move among men and nations.  Therefore I would suggest that you try on the shoes of the apostle before you come to me asking for the initiation of the Lamb, that you walk in the shoes of Paul or even walk in the footsteps of the Messengers you know today; and understand what is this life to be lived week in and week out, year in and year out--understanding that I too had no place to lay my head but went here and there because, you see, I was constantly moving to separate myself from those who lay in wait for me, even unto the hour of my crucifixion.
  Thus the very initiation itself was a relief--to finalize and have actualized the presence of my Christhood and it sacrificed for the world and given freely as the life-essence of my being that I might move in the earth as one who is untouchable, not as the lowest caste of the planet but as the highest caste.
  For you see, those who are resurrected in glory are the “untouchables,” and they cannot be touched by the fallen ones.  And therefore you will come to understand why the sons of God eventually take the ascension in the light.  For they bear so much of world hatred--and then, not because they weary of bearing the burden, but because they know in the ascended-master light body they may walk the earth midst their disciples and do more for them and protect them than remaining in the physical octave with so much concentration of hatred against the one Self and therefore against the followers of that Self.
  Realize therefore that I AM here in my Electronic Presence over you to now create the situation whereby though I AM ascended, I AM yet on earth.  In one sense the clock has advanced two thousand years and the new momentum of my lifestream of attainment of these years is in the earth.  And in another sense the clock has moved backward to the hours before my ascension.  For the Presence I place with you, as I have said, is the Presence which you can bear, and it was what the apostles could bear also. Those who could not even recognize me in the resurrected state could of course not receive the full glory of the ascended-master Presence which I was able eventually to convey fully to Paul.
  Therefore it was John who carried the flame of my ascension, and the others were able to carry a certain essence up to the point of the resurrection.  And thus you see each one would bear testimony by the level of his own witness.  And this is why some of the witnesses differ, even those who might be a part of the original band.
  Now understand that my placing of a Presence with you is so that you may have me with you and also that I may retain the frequency of the ascension flame.  This has therefore a twofold consequence.  For having the power of the Presence, the Electronic Presence of my own flame with you, you receive a multiplication of your actions, of your service.  You can go farther and contact more people, and I am there to assist you in sustaining the attempted setbacks or the moves against you.
  On the other hand the power of my Presence will draw an increased level of persecution, especially if you come under the initiation of the Lamb and desire the increase.  It can be magnified tenfold.  Thus realize that the advantage of accelerated chelaship and initiation unto the ascension must be weighed and balanced with the increment’s light and what it will produce as an alchemy in the world today, in the world thought, in the mass consciousness vis-à-vis your lifestream.
  Now therefore I have taken this hour of the celebration of the resurrection to speak to you concerning those things that have been upon my heart, beloved, for hundreds of years as I have walked by your side, as you have pursued the path of the Christian mysteries or been called by me in areas of service even through the last thousand years and beyond.
  And as you have made progress and as I have spoken with my Father and as I have spoken with Maitreya regarding this hoped-for and longed-for dispensation that I might bring to you, their counsel has been that it could only come in the hour of the overlapping--the overlapping of the Piscean and Aquarian dispensations whereby the power of that blessed father Saint Joseph, as Saint Germain, might also be combined with my own.
  And the dispensations and opportunities of the Aquarian age, being for that soul freedom and an opening of the way that could never have been opened in Pisces, would also be upon those disciples.  And it was also necessary that upon you, my disciples, there might be the maximum attainment that you could achieve without my physical presence yet with my guidance and love and Spirit with you in these centuries.
Therefore both have come to pass.  You have moved forward on the path of discipleship.  You have encountered Saint Germain.  You have used the violet flame; you have indeed transmuted considerable karma, even before the divine encounter with me (and this the beloved Paul did not have when he was Saul).  And so you see, the violet flame in itself can cushion a good portion of this initiation.  And this also, this fact, I would have you realize in understanding what is the possibility for us--you and I as two in one and three in one for the Holy Spirit with us, and the fullness of the Father in me, can achieve one by one upon earth.
  I also tell you that the additional blessing of my Presence is that it does take some pressure off the Messenger herself who is not in any way scheduled to take her leave of you and has no concern whatsoever or consideration to be moved by the hatred of the fallen ones and the betrayers but stands staunch in the earth to deliver the Word and to finish a mighty mission.
  And therefore you can understand that when I myself am duplicated many times over there are many more targets.  And therefore by the division itself each and every one who does accelerate into my ascended-master Presence will not necessarily have the full impact of Paul the apostle or others who have stood alone in past centuries without the additional dispensation of Saint Germain.
  Now I have desired to make plain to you out of the love of my heart the various facets of cosmic Law that pertain to each individual’s homeward path.  And the path back home, beloved hearts, does entail many considerations.  And you all have ties not only to wonderful people on earth but, I might say, to wonderful people in heaven--even ascended masters you have known and perhaps served or even done a favor for in past lives.
  You have many more friends of light and cohorts than you realize, and so I have called this the Conclave of the Friends of Christ that you might realize that my friends are many in heaven.  And therefore when I espouse you as my friend here and now you will increase therefore your circle of influence in the courts of heaven by the increase of my own friendship.  For I have many among the ascended masters who will “go to bat,” as they say, for any disciple for whom I request a favor.  These favors are not the favoritism of a decadent system but rather a favor that comes under the heading of the Grace of God whereby a lifestream has truly earned a grace--by a kindness, by a love, by a stand for truth, by an honor of heart, by taking a more difficult way, by self-effacement in allowing another to take the prize or the crown when perhaps it was not due.
  Therefore you see, the friends of freedom, friends of Saint Germain and the friends of Christ are many.  And we look forward to a wide-open dispensation and opportunity because of my descent.  And all of my friends above and below will also seize upon this opportunity to increase light on the earth!  For with the coming of my Presence is also the coming of the judgment.  For it is ever my purpose in the world that the light should bind the darkness and those who willfully ensoul it that the children of the light might be free to express that which is within.
  Now my beloved, in a great love of my heart for Paul, I surely give to you the tenderness, the closeness, the intimacy of our walk together.  If you will study the existing records of Paul diligently you will come to understand just how personal is the interaction.  Paul’s sense of me was the sense of a friend almost physical who walked at his side.  He was ready to live or to die for me because I was so real to him--more real even than anything in this world.  Yet I did not desire he should die but live--and live to be the heart’s instrument of my own flame to those who would receive me, no matter what their background or karma.
  Thus, my beloved, I have a continuing mission to do this.  And those who are called the Gentiles, supposedly those who have not a threefold flame or very little soul substance, are the ones to whom the light must be passed even in this age.  Thus we are in search of the remnant <12>--the true whitefire core of the seed of Sanat Kumara, the seed of Abraham who have never sacrificed their light or threefold flame to pursuits, to greed or its Moloch or to any of the other gods of the Canaanites.
  We are in search of the remnant of the Christed ones, those ancient souls sponsored by Enoch, sponsored by Adam, sponsored by Seth and ultimately Noah.  We are in search of these who must make their ascension at the conclusion of the coming dispensation, and we are in search of those new evolutions, the new lightbearers as well as those Gentiles who qualify as the bearers of the seed of Christ--new vessels.
Thus, see what is the mighty dispensation of the Lord.  I repeat: Judge not, lest ye be judged.  For whatsoever ye mete it shall be meted unto you--measure for measure. <13> And this is the Law.  For a judgment is a pronouncement concerning an individual; and when the pronouncement is made, immediately it must manifest upon oneself.  I speak of that judgment which is the critical analysis and the attempt to define of what sort an individual is.
  The true judgments of God are delivered by the Christ Self in the nonpossessive sense, remanding to him and to the Lords of Karma that judgment.  Yet in the final hour of the Last Supper and in the final hours of my presence on earth I did make the promise,“Whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained; whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted.”  This is the power of the Holy Ghost when that initiation of the Holy Ghost is come upon you and the Christ in you is still the one who determines either the retention or the remitting of those sins.  Realize then that always it is God within the individual who responds and makes the determination according to the level of initiation.
  By the sacred heart therefore I AM the judge.  I manifest my judgments true and holy and clear and just within my Messenger as I so choose.  And I render judgments through your own Christ Self by your giving of the Word and the call.  And some of these are not even known to you, for it is Christ in you and not the outer mind that must make the determination.  And the outer mind may not be ready for the full understanding.  Yet I AM within you!  I AM the Lord Christ and I AM forevermore the manifestation of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit and of the Mother.  For I AM THAT I AM.  I AM that Word!  I AM that incarnation of the I AM Presence!  I AM that ascended-master light!  And I do enter your temple in this hour, in the name of your own Christ Self.  And I come to tarry there until the fullness of your joy be made known, until the fullness of your joy be made known unto me--until your joy be full and I may release to you that which Almighty God can and shall ordain according to your freewill, and only your freewill, united in Christ.
  Therefore in the hour that you ask it will be your Christ Self, it will be my own Presence deliberating with your soul, and we will give you answer as to what part of your demand for initiation shall be met.  For in the final analysis it is the judgment of Christ in you, the eternal Christ that is the only hope of your glory through the sacred path of initiation.
  This is my message which is the promise of the resurrection to those who can hear and understand and know the meaning of hearts one, congruous in harmony as in heaven and on earth.  I now prepare to baptize you.  I desire to perform this that you might know the baptism of my flame and heart to each little one and to each one who so chooses.  Therefore the touch, the gentlest of touch is all that is required, and your names may be read by our scribe.  And thus the name pronounced, given unto the angels, kept of record, will show that I have touched you this day and dedicated you to the will of God.
  And therefore if you would be baptized and receive the certificate of baptism, know that it is a baptism for eternity.  It may not be increased or redone.  And if you have been baptized by the Messengers before, you have received my blessing I can assure you, and you cannot lose it.  For it is sealed by God in a secret place of a certain chakra of your life.
  The baptism is the sacrament, it is the blessing of the consecration of your life to the will of God which is your inner blueprint, given to you and agreed upon by you by your freewill in the beginning.  Baptism therefore does draw you into alignment and even gives some token of a rearrangement of karma for a better manifestation of that which is within.  The light may be received and make you feel uncomfortable for a while, but this is only the adjustment of the chakras that are truly changed and charged by this increment of fire promised of God and given in the beginning and in the ending of the journey of life.  According to the divine plan may this be the victorious incarnation of your soul unto the victory of the ascension in the light.
  I AM Jesus.  Make no mistake, for it is not only possible but actual that I may speak to my own at will through those whom I appoint as Messengers from century to century.  It is actual and physical that I may through the Holy Ghost reach my beloved as tangibly and, yea, more so from the ascended state as I did on the Galilean hillsides.
  Yes, beloved, the Father has not cut off my communication with my own.  And therefore take care against entering the sin of the gainsaying of Core. <15> For those who denied the mantle of Moses as the Messenger of God are the same ones who have denied my own mantle as Jesus, the mantle I placed upon Paul, and the mantle that I have placed upon this and every other representative of my heart.  There are those who will not admit that the Christ Self of every man can speak, can work and perform.  And I AM here to say that your Christ Self is ordained to speak to you of salvation--to reprove, chasten, love, correct, exalt and uplift.  And your soul has a right to that communion and that communication, even as you have a right to hear me through one whom I raise up and train and seal against the hordes of night.
  For I tell you, no true Messenger of my heart could stand in the earth against the hordes of death except the dispensation of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood be upon him. Understand and know therefore that God does pay the price, the Brotherhood does pay the price, I pay the price, and the Messenger pays the price to stand and still stand--to uphold what?  To uphold the very principle of the Word and of communication that by right heaven may descend to earth at any moment and raise up a single soul in glory, that God may descend, that the Holy Spirit may be with you.
  And you are not cut off or forsaken!  You are not bereft!  And there is no wall between heaven and earth except the wall you make, except the wall of the scribes and the Pharisees and their false doctrine and their cutting off of my message and my lifestream and my ongoingness.
  I AM here to testify of me.  For I will testify of me that you may know that I AM in the earth and that I go to El Salvador this day to bind those who move against my hearts of light!  And I ask you to go with me in your finer bodies to overthrow the hordes of the planetary body determined to move against this nation through Central America.  Will you come now?  [“Yes!”]
  Armies of heaven and Christian soldiers, we go!  And we place our light bodies there, our ascended-master light bodies!  For you now have my own, and I wear your physical forms.  And I AM there, and we will roll them back and rout them out.  But I must have the perpetual praise and Word and the dynamic decree, for my angels may only obey the mandates of the daily call.  Therefore in the call itself is the salvation of this planet.
  My beloved, come and be baptized.  For I would also sanctify you to the mission in the heart of the ruby ray.  I bleed for thee--which is to say, I release my heart’s essence that you also might be comforted and drink of me while I AM drinking thee.               
                       Jesus Christ:  4-3-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger ECP

1. James 1:21.
2. See Pearls of Wisdom 26:33
3. Acts 6:8-15; 7; 8:1-3.
4. Matt. 7:15; Luke 11:39-44.
5. Col. 1:27, 28; 3:1-4, 16; I Cor. 3:16, 17; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:16-19; Phil. 1:20; Heb. 10:16-22.
6. John 1:11-13; 3:15-18, 36; 6:40, 47; 11:25, 26; Acts 10:42, 43; 16:31.
7. Matt. 3:9.
8. Matt. 21:42, 44; I Cor. 10:4.
9. Rom. 6:6; Eph. 4:22, 24; Col. 3:9, 10.
10. John 15:1-8.
11. I Sam. 19:9-24; 23:7-29; 24:1-4; 26:1-5.
12. II Kings 19:30, 31; Isa. 10:20-22; 11:11, 16; 37:31, 32; 46:3; Jer. 23:3, 4; 44:28; Ezek. 6:8; 14:22; Joel 2:32; Mic. 2:12; Zech. 8:12; Rom. 9:27; 11:5.
13. Matt. 7:1, 2; Luke 6:37, 38.
14. John 20:23.
15. Num. 16; Jude 11.

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