Thursday, February 12, 2015

whether or not the Union can endure

Lincoln's birthday, 12 February.

The happiness one feels when he consciously directs the flow of his energy one-pointedly toward the goal of union with God is an example of universal harmony....
And Pharaoh in his pride hardened his own heart toward Moses and the children of Israel.  In this instance the LORD heaped upon Pharaoh what Pharaoh had heaped upon God's chosen people.  God let Pharaoh's karma fall and Pharaoh in turn tried to unload it on the children of Israel.   -Lanto:  Understanding Yourself, see

So the point here with Pharaoh/Lincoln is that there was a ripening, a coming to the wye whereby, initiatorily, something had to give.  Either the Spirit upon Moses had the right of way or else Pharaoh was numero uno in the land spiritually and secularly.  Pharaoh could have directed the flow of his energy one-pointedly in a constant-enough fashion or merely accepted the dualism common in life and suffer it.  As Abraham Lincoln he learned to direct his energy flow Aquarian-style, potently, benignly, in high attunement to principle, above person, above rivalry.   -R, Mt. Shasta, CA
Through the common people whom the Lord--and Abraham Lincoln also--loved, Saint Germain's mission to bring individual freedom, peace and enlightenment to the earth continues unchecked and without parallel in the history of mankind.   -Messenger ECP:  11-28-1985 at RTR, Montana, see
in the very crucible of the sacred fire--now determining, as it appeared in the hour of Lincoln, whether or not the Union can endure.   -Saint Germain:  11-14-1981 at Calgary, see
Thus angel mother of Abraham Lincoln so gave and taught to him all that he was and was meant to be; and [he] shall ever be in the hearts of his countrymen archetype of deliverer and prince of peace.       -Elohim Astrea:  5-10-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, see at page 636 of

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