Monday, February 9, 2015

the flame shall burn ever more brightly, not in the dungeons men create within

Quite naturally those to whom these truths have not been revealed will cry "Heresy!" should not cry "Heresy!" without understanding some of the points of the Great Law that are revealed to those advancing in the footsteps of truth upon the path....Thus let men understand truth as the flower of the Christ, the Rose of Sharon unfolding its petals within the heart and mind--as a spiral of understanding that rises in the being and consciousness of man....
And the flame shall burn ever more brightly, not in the dungeons men create within, but in the open window and open door.    -Pallas Athena:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:44
The heart is indeed the altar of being.  If the body of man is to express the health of Almighty God this wonderful center within the body temple must be bathed daily in a pool of unselfed love....I wish to warn against the temptation that comes to give you the feeling that you are expressing more rightness than others because you are a center for that which is so gloriously superior to all outer action.  This is nothing more than the exaltation of the personal self rather than the glorification of God....
You are children of the dawn as you commune with the rising Son of your God-perfection which each day imparts to you some recognition from the Godhead, if you are alert to perceive it!....
Let love supersede the competitive disagreeableness of those who seek any degree of spiritual unfoldment for the purpose of mortal exaltation....the body of God, constituting those who can discern the Lord's body in sacred unity, is steadily expanding.  As we enter a time when the survival of man shall depend on this expansion and progress I hope we may count on you as our lists of the faithful are compiled anew.    -Nada:  Pearl 8:30

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