Sunday, November 28, 2021

remember to go within to the fire in the core of the atom of Being

 1)  Unfortunately those pseudo-spiritual scientists who invade the lower astral realm for the extension of their schemes–for they have neither the attainment nor self-discipline that is required to function in higher planes–are often content with making what is termed evolutionary astral progress instead of moving steadily forward, from glory to glory, through the initiations of Hierarchy.  In their mad craze for personal grandeur, phenomena and power over others they fail to apprehend life’s opportunity and the fiery destiny of man.  They do not understand the fact that the days can and should be shortened,  and not prolonged, by the deliberate stewardship of the sons of God working in harmony with His holy purposes on the path of self-mastery prescribed by the Great White Brotherhood.  

              -Hilarion:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:37
2)  They are the archdeceivers of mankind.  They would take over the person and personality of the ascended nasters and real Gurus.  Setting themselves up as gurus, they sit in the lotus posture smoking the peace pipe with the false hierarchy, dispensing drugs along with demons and even training their disciples in the manipulation of sexual energies for heightened sensual gratification.  In their all-consuming lust for power they teach the way to God through sexual perversion, abuses of body and desecration of the Mother.  And the light they steal from those they ensnare is used to satisfy their mad cravings and to control vast segments of the population through witchcraft, variance and mortal cursings.…
  And the promise of the Second Coming is fulfilled each time you lay down the life of the lesser self that the Christ might take it again and go forth to work his works through you as apostles of the Church Universal and Triumphant, as disciples of Christ, as ministers and teachers, healers and counselors, as servants, scientists, artists and artisans of Spirit and matter.      
                   -Morya:  Pearl 18:16
3)   Do you dare trust that energy in the hands of the Luciferians,  of the mad scientists who put down Atlantis and Mu?  Do you dare leave that energy uncontrolled?  Only the ascended masters have the right to contain that energy and that power; for human beings cannot be trusted, given the hordes of darkness who will play upon them, who will give them that itchy feeling, that trigger-happy feeling that they will set off that holocaust even without the word of their overlords.  
             -Saint Germain, dictated to Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Colorado Springs, December 8, 1975, Pearl 28:47
4)   To be scientists along the way of that royal road of reintegration, the action of the eighth ray of the Buddha must be employed, for it is an integration of the flow of energies from Spirit to matter. And as Spirit enters matter it gives ,atter the impetus to rise back to Spirit, and therefore movement is the key to the inner science.   …And what was the chariot of fire into which Elijah rose?  Was it a spaceship?  I say, no.  It was the great chakra of the causal body of Elijah spinning to receive him in the cycling of energy in the ritual of the ascension.  And yet those who see only a materialistic science would interpret all activities of the scientists of the Spirit in terms that they understand, and this is understandable.
  But though we understand, must we submit?  Must we relinquish Terra to the hands of mad scientists who are not concerned with the dangers of their experimentations with nuclear energy, with their pollutions of the atmosphere and earth, with all of the poisons of chemicals that they inflict upon the bodies of the children of light as well as the children of darkness?  I say, no.  We shall not relinquish Terra as long as you will take your stand and refuse to relinquish Terra.
  You are the authority!  You are the scientist!  God sent you forth as scientists to take dominion over the earth, to subdue the earth, which means to take dominion in the planes of matter, to control the energies of matter, to demonstrate the laws of alchemy.  Jesus was obedient to that code and to that mandate.  But you have been convinced by the fallen ones that it can only be done through a material science.
  I say, make matter the instrument of your God-flame and see what inventions and discoveries and creative concepts you will bring forth.  For the Lords of Karma have told me to tell you that there are opportunities for advancement of culture into the age of Aquarius for those who will become spiritual scientists pursuing the conquest of time and space and planes of consciousness.  And therefore while you advance your knowledge of current science, remember to go within to the fire in the core of the atom of Being and to meditate with Christ and with Buddha on the holding of the lines of force of energy.   -Leto, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 15, 1976 at Los Angeles, Pearl 63:25
5)  And so, long after the doctors and  scientists and case workers have given up on many who walk the earth this day, the Lords of Karma yet come with that ray of opportunity.  The balance is very delicate, for often these are the most rebellious in incarnation and they have forsaken the Way and rebelled against the law of Hierarchy for many incarnations.  Yet why o why are they given life if not to overcome?
            -Portia, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 17, 1976 at Los Angeles, Pearl 63:35
6)  Beloved ones, our Messenger may not be here nor may you when these expressions are ultimately intended to be rampant upon the planetary body.  Thus I release my Word as a portion of sacred scripture for the Aquarian age that you and your offspring and generations to come may read avidly and righteously out of the very Book of Life whence these truths are taken.
  Our warning of the madness of the mad scientists is not only for the future; it also concerns the past as they have manipulated energy for the sinking of continents and the distortion of life on Lemuria and Atlantis.  

           -Lord Maitreya, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1978 at Pasadena and Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 43:33
7)   God becomes a baby in your arms, an embryo so tiny that those who have the mad power of the abortionists can have the satisfaction of killing Almighty God. And there are people upon the planet who love it.  They do it every day.  It’s a supreme satisfaction.  “God, I have total power over You.  I can kill You”—that’s what they’re saying.…
  Does it come by chemical interference in the system?  Does it come by psychotronic energy?  Does it come by this work of the mad scientists of Lemuria on the brains and genes?  Is it a total disruption of life on this planet where biologically (and therefore psychologically and at the level of the soul) people no longer sense that they are a replica, a living replica of Almighty God?  
            -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 25, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:21
8)  This invasion has come through [the sellers of] chemical dependencies and mind-altering drugs [(among others)] and plain old ordinary food.  Thus the mouth has become a trapdoor for much that has afflicted the soul and obscured the great light of heaven.  
              -Kuthumi, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 30, 1988 at RTR, Montana, Pearl 31:59
9)  For when a people deny their own defense and refuse to champion it and allow a rudderless ship without captain to be their fate, then Hierarchy must intercede [on behalf of the lightbearers…
  Long ago a document was written by Sanat Kumara stating the illegality of those invaders who come to disrupt a planetary lifewave and consider its evolutions to be subject to their control.  Concerning then galactic and intergalactic law, this interference is not in keeping with these rules of conduct of a cosmos.  Those who have no allegiance to Sanat Kumara disregard these laws as long as they can get away with it.
  When you look at an intergalactic conspiracy of the forces of Gog and Magog,  the plus and the minus, those who pervert the Mother and those who pervert the Father you come to realize that these individuals continue on their course, whether in science, whether in the controls of power [or] physical bodies of planets or of men or of nations.  They will be relentless until checked by the hosts of the Lord—through those who are in physical incarnation.
  Considering all of the planetary homes and spheres that they have violated and on which they have overturned the Truth and where they have subjugated peoples genetically by warping the brain and  ability of the mind to think or to contact the Mind of God (as such manipulation has gone on upon this planet as well), you can begin to draw conclusions that though there may be many planetary spheres of similar lifewaves, few there be of lightbearers who have retained in physical consciousness and through their mental bodies a conscious awareness of the balance of truth….
  Blessed ones, I will tell you that the fundamental lesson which I required your beloved Mark to give to your present Messenger was the absolute and thorough knowledge of the continuous, round-the-clock attempt of fallen angels to manipulate the mind and heart and soul and desires of every lightbearer on the planet and especially [of] those who did form the nucleus of this our final endeavor in this century on Earth.  I reiterate it here, for each and every one of you does deserve to receive the training of a chela of God….
  There is no question that fallen ones in spacecraft seek determinedly to control the minds of yourselves through digressions into self-concern, time wasting, projecting inordinate desire, sensual desire and any possible means of taking you from the sacred altar of alchemy where hour by hour Alpha does, Omega does assist you in re-creating yourself out of the image and likeness of the Great Lawgiver and the Great God Parents of your evolution….
  The keys have been given.  They simply require application and the sense that you will need the strongest bodies you can wear and maintain to anchor the maximum spirituality of your being.  To defeat, beloved ones, the powers that be which are visible, those which are astral and alien and those which hide behind many screens and masks will surely take all of your loving, all of your oneness, all of your work….
  This timetable, beloved, has everything to do with the momentum that does continue in the call for the judgment of these fallen ones who do plot their devices.  The response to those calls and the quality of heart of devotee who does offer the call may mean that there is time.  But [there is, there can be no time], absent the physical confirmation of the judgment of these fallen ones who are abject liars, incarnate murderers, those who have not a drop of mercy or a desire to spare any.  These, beloved, unless bound, will carry out their agenda, even desiring to accelerate it, for they know that swift as swift does fly, what they precipitate physically becomes the sooner the safer….
  I trust you will realize that inasmuch as many lifewaves have been compromised, there are but a few by cosmic standards, a handful of lightbearers across the galaxy who have evolved to the position in Community to which you have, to be able to offer in concerted manner, as you do, the call for the judgment and the binding of the seed of the wicked who if left unchecked would surely create a planetary holocaust.
  They are indeed checked by your calls but they must be checked again and again daily.  And as you give yourselves to these calls you gain momentum, you earn good karma, your being is lighter, and in so doing, [when] combined with service, the chakras are cleared. …This is our only hope for mitigation.  We repeat it again….
Leaders who have betrayed will be displaced by still others who shall betray.
Inasmuch as there has not appeared in the land one who could bear the mantle of that office at the level of Christhood required (and unless by some miracle one should displace the candidates who have lined up), we say that the Mantle of Alpha, the Mantle of Omega, of Saint Germain and Portia shall not descend upon the next holder of that office.
  As in the days of Israel when all looked for the Messiah and the birth thereof and parents prepared themselves as initiates on the Path, so in this day every chela of El Morya, out of compassion for his heart and Presence and burden, ought to consider himself in preparation to receive that mantle.
  Blessed ones, you may think you are not the one, [and] therefore [you may] not prepare, but if you are [the one] and you are not prepared, upon whom then shall the mantle fall?…
  Spiritually speaking, beloved, see yourselves as candles on a giant cake, each one bearing that office; for the office itself must not perish from the earth.  It must not, we say.  To retain,therefore the aura, the mind, the heart, even calling to Godfre and Lanello and the ascended Sons and Daughters of God [to place their Electronic Presence over you] is to secure then a continuity whereby the torch may again be passed to one who does arise and is qualified.
  Every mother ought to raise her child upon her knee and dedicate that child to representing the people of a country, a state, a locale. …
  Blessed ones, so long as the flame is carried in the heart, so long as that cake representing the collective consciousness of the spiritual community worldwide has thousands of candles burning upon it, keeping alive this continuity of God-government in the earth, so long shall there endure the opportunity for the representatives of the God-Star to take incarnation, to take up again the calling of restoring and reestablishing the original intent of the Constitution of the United States of America.
  Where shall we go to find the traditions of liberty on earth?  We shall go to the hearts of those who keep the flame of liberty and we shall abide there.  We shall come.  We shall give counsel.  We shall send our angels and our legions.
  Let those to whom is given so mighty a salvation, a concomitant of Hierarchy, a presence so dear, throw now the refuse of their human creation once and for all into the consuming fire of God and, hearing the call of the Angel of Unity,  remember that you are brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of Alpha and Omega.
  Ye are one!  Show that oneness to a world.  Show that mutual support, upholding one another in love.  Show a unity that does tell us that all separation from our throne is collapsed, as time and space will indeed be collapsed for you in the ritual of your ascension.
  O show us, beloved, that the remembrance of our love in the beginning, restoring also your twin flames, is worthy in the ending of your fondest sacrifice, your noblest surrender, your selflessness and your service toward the one-pointed goal of victory!  [14-second applause]
  It is not pessimistic—it is not pessimistic to live every day as though it were your last.  It is not only wise but it is fortuitous.  For such a goal-fitting does allow oneself to keep one’s affairs tidy, to remember to forgive, to be kind and to speak the word of comfort, for another day may not dawn when the opportunity should [again] arise.
Blessed ones, this is the spirit of the conquerors who move across planets with the high step of Archangels, who grasp a planetary sphere and who know that one day their steps shall move on to the stars and [who] are determined to gain a planet for those of lesser comprehension.
  It is time for bigness, bigness of thought, largesse of heart.  It is time to make your decision to fulfill your destiny, for I have come.  I have come to call you home and to enumerate the requirements for your homecoming, and [foremost among them] is to rescue every lightbearer on earth, every child of God marked by the Lord your God for the victory.  Thus let not a day pass that you do not intensify the endeavor and show to yourself some good gain that should please our hearts immensely….O soul, see thyself now stepping across the high peaks of these mountains, moving north—north to the polestar of Being, north to the I AM Presence.  O come up out of the folly of selfishness and self-concern.
  Indeed, beloved, indeed, beloved, I call [upon] you now to sing and sing again to the Wonderful One who comes to minister to you, the Lord Buddha of the Ruby Ray. He does literally rise from his secret chamber in the heart of the Earth for this occasion.  And I fancy in singing that song that you shall begin to embrace coils of his wonder and the fullness of his wonder that he would impart through ruby ray initiation.
  Hosts of Alpha and Omega, come now, for we return to the Central Sun, having so marked Earth as a “Love-Star of Our Oneness.”  We hold in our hearts a replica of the planet and of all     lightbearers, and you shall know our nourishment even as you pursue the resolution by mercy’s flame of forgiveness in all directions.
Let it be real, my dears.
Let it be real.
Let mercy be a living thing,
A tender bird on wing.
Let mercy be thy prize,
Thy softness.
Let mercy be the dove
That carries you beyond the skies
To the heart of Alpha,
To the heart of Omega.
  Beloved, do prepare for the collapse of time and space.  For in an instant in the hour of thy ascension thou shalt know true Oneness which we celebrate now, and it is indeed a celebration of an event not known but one to be known, to be anticipated, to be entered into in meditation.  I raise my scepter and it shall remain raised.  The scepter is the scepter of opportunity.  So long as it is raised from here to the Central Sun so shall thy opportunity be.
  In the heart of Saint Germain and Portia you will always find us close at hand. [21-second pause]  Adieu, until we meet again.  Our trysting place the living heart of mercy, I trust thine own.
 My Wonderful One
My Wonderful One, Thou adorable Presence
       Of God anchored now in my heart
In beauty supreme and in power majestic
       The source of my being Thou art!
I now humbly bow at the throne of Thy glory
       Surrendered forever to Thee
Let all life adore Thee, my life I live for Thee
       Thy vict’ry fore’er let me be!
My Wonderful One, blaze Thy violet fire through me
       Forgiveness divine let me feel
Protect and perfect, all my bodies illumine
       And teach me God only is real!
Completely possess and control me forever
       Blaze through me Thy light from the Sun
Thy power revealing, release mercy’s healing
       My wonderful Wonderful One!

My Wonderful One, blaze Thy glorious light rays
       In, through and around all I’ve met
Then let them transmute every wrong and injustice
       Make all human shadows forget!
Then fashion a gift from the good of my lifestream
       From my causal body of light
Give ten times the blessing of error’s oppressing
       By love, make and keep all things right!

My Wonderful One, let all heaven’s love bless Thee
       As God’s divine plan is fulfilled
Then send me Thy love in its mightiest power
       To make me perfection God-willed!
O Great Central Sun, through our Helios and Vesta
       Bless my Holy God-Self, Thy Flame
Our consciousness blending, at last I’m ascending
       To Thee, my own Wonderful One!

-Alpha and Omega, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1988 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 31:68
10)  Thus to take for granted that that which is above shall descend to that which is beneath is a most serious error. Thus I come in this hour, beloved, with major concerns for the chelaship of my own. …Thus I come to tell you, beloved, that unless you avail yourselves of that which I have already given you and [that which other ascended masters] from the Darjeeling Council have given to you, and that which the Messengers have given–unless that be put to use fruitfully, abundantly, wisely and obediently I will see, for my part, no new dispensation that I may offer [my chelas]….
  Most blessed ones, I draw a circle of the will of God around the fiery chelas, and some who yet tie themselves to Mother’s apron strings will find themselves outside that circle; and it must be so for want of attentiveness to the Law–the Law that is just–on this eight o’clock line where I stand….
  Thus if there be not the confession and then repentance and then willingness to balance the karma, there is not the tight coil of [our] oneness–a coil so tight between us that I desire to have with you, that there be no separation heart to heart, breath to breath, soul to soul, chakra to chakra.  I desire your chakras to be one with my own and my chakras to be yours when you have need of them.      

   -Morya:  August 8, 1988 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 31:27
11)   Now then, what have you received?  Impetus to master the six o’clock line of God Harmony, of the Ascension Flame, of sacred fire, of the purity of the Divine Mother in the base-of-the-spine chakra and hence in all chakras above.
  I may come then as the representative of Cosmos and of God Harmony to give you initiations both within my retreat and wherever you are for the mastery of God Harmony, nevermore to dally in self-sympathy, pools of pity, words of babbling brooks of self-justification.
  Death itself is the misuse of [and the consequence of the misuse of] this chakra. Thus, beloved, it is a fount of eternal life unto those who celebrate life, but it is also a fountain of death to those who celebrate the rituals of death.
  Now then, beloved, my goal is not the mastery of the six o’clock line for you, for this mastery [which you must make your own] is a means to the goal; and the means is the [very] strengthening, the balance and mastery through the Eightfold Path of those eight petals of the secret chamber of the heart….
  Think you that eight buddhas shall not come and manifest in those petals [when you shall have sufficiently balanced and expanded that threefold flame]?  Aye, it is so.
  Thus without mastery of the flame of Mother [on the six o’clock line], without true desiring to dissolve all differences  [inharmony] between thyself and all mothers and the Divine Mother there can be no entering in [to the secret chamber of the heart]….
  Know then that the Divine Mother is the key to the heart of God in the center of being and that Buddha is Father and [that] Father must be approached through Mother….
  The genetic violations of this planet by aliens, sponsored by fallen angels and Nephilim gods and a descending scale of [their creation of] mechanization man are violations of the five secret rays.  An infant humanity undeveloped therefore has shown thus far no ability to in any way resist this violation.
  I, Serapis, predict that when you raise up this God-determined light of the Mother and see the course that is set before you as paramount They shall not pass.  They shall not prevail.  They shall not undo or overtake.
  For they shall be held at bay by the shafts of light of the sons and daughters of God who have made their peace with the Godhead  
         -Serapis Bey, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1988 at RTR, Montana, Pearl 31:64
12)   I AM the glory of the Lord in the midst of the Holy City, and I pluck you out of the earth, O my beloved, each and every one of you who has made your peace with your God, and I assume you unto myself that you might know yourself a part of my own mystical body of light.
  Come then as the mighty eagles gather together in my causal body, as we shall manifest in our day and in this day surely, surely the devouring by sacred fire of all in the earth that would corrupt the saints and children of God and the holy ones and the servants of thy people.
  Therefore, O living ones, know that on this site in ancient days long, long past, in far-gone ages when the continents were not as they are, so there was the declaration of the Lord.  And I come to reiterate that declaration of the wall of fire descending for the protection of the pure in heart, for the protection of the City Foursquare, for the protection of the Retreat of the Divine Mother, arcingthen back to the mighty mountains of the Yellowstone….
[Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree
O my constant, loving I AM Presence, Thou light of God above me whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way:
      I AM faithfully calling to Thee to place a great pillar of light from my own Mighty I AM God Presence all around me right now today!  Keep it intact through every passing moment, manifesting as a shimmering shower of God’s beautiful light through which nothing human can ever pass. Into this beautiful electric circle of divinely charged energy direct a swift upsurge of the violet fire of freedom’s forgiving, transmuting flame!
      Cause the ever expanding energy of this flame projected downward into the forcefield of my human energies to completely change every negative condition into the positive polarity of my own great God-Self!  Let the magic of its mercy so purify my world with light that all whom I contact shall always be blessed with the fragrance of violets from God’s own heart in memory of the blessed dawning day when all discord–cause, effect, record and memory–is forever changed into the victory of light and the peace of the ascended Jesus Christ.
 I AM now constantly accepting the full power and manifestation of this fiat of light and calling it into instantaneous action by my own God-given freewill and the power to accelerate without limit this sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart until all men are ascended and God-free in the light that never, never, never fails! ]
      Angels of the Holy Kumaras now establish that wall of fire round about you, beloved.  Renew it each day, renew it several times a day, and your tube of light may be the wall of fire for the protection of your city, your home, your nation, your hemisphere, your planetary body. Walk the earth therefore as pillars of fire….      
  Even so, the codification of these laws was for the ultimate triumph of the people. But, blessed hearts, there were many corrupt ones, even the fallen angels who moved against the Woman and her Manchild.  And these held sway and held the people in their grip and moved them [to rail] against the pillar of fire who was and is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Thus, beloved, the continent sank into the depths of degradation, as if on a roller coaster, and [some of] those who were servants of God moved on to other places on the planet.  The retirement therefore of the Son of God from Atlantis was the beginning of the end and culminated many, many years later in the sinking of that entire continent for the weight of the forces of Antichrist….
      Where there is a heart and many hearts who will still burn with the fire of the threefold flame that I have rekindled in some of the peoples of the Earth we shall take a stand and a stronger stand each day as you increase your strength and your capacity to receive the strength of Almighty God.  We shall be there if you will be there, and we will not withdraw from the Earth.  We will not be intimidated by the fallen ones who are overrunning the minds of the youth.  We will not so long as you sing the anthems of the free and direct your calls with piercing fire into the cause and core of Evil in the Earth….
     Therefore together in the living flame we multiply all that you are by the power of the love of Lady Master Venus….
       In every direction helter-skelter across the countries of the world there is the attack on youth, there is the matter of drugs, there is the matter of diseases and plagues.  You look here and you look there and you wonder “How shall the daily work proceed and all the calls be made that are necessary?”…
  You must believe and know that your Mighty I AM Presence is the manifestation of the Lord Brahman with you and that the Word with God in the Beginning is manifest [in you as] your Holy Christ Self.  [It is because you believe and know this that I empower you to command me to take command of any and all affairs in the world.]…
       Call then for the judgment of the heinous crimes of the pharmaceutical companies who sell their wares at prices far beyond what they should be and, in any case, do not [even provide] the natural cures dispensed by Archangel Raphael, which many of you know about.  Blessed ones, this is a tentacle [of a giant octopus] closing in on America with an iron grip.
      [But now I empower you to do something about it in record time:]  Simply say, “Sanat Kumara, go after the entire matter of health care for the people of this nation and every nation and bind all forces opposing their perfect health, including .................”Then name [those forces and conditions blocking the health of nations and name the individuals,] the departments of the government, the associations, [the corporations].
      Name them, beloved, and call for the [Lord’s] judgment of individuals who would block the flow of light [to the people] in the [application] of certain herbs and cures and remedies that ought to be made available to them.  
         -Sanat Kumara with the Seven Holy Kumaras, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 11, 1992 at Atlanta, Georgia, Pearl 35:49


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