Thursday, November 18, 2021

to all who deny me in each and every child of God

 37)   Then said I to the angel that talked with me,  Whither do these bear the ephah?
And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.
   Now hear this, ye Jerusalem and daughter of Zion--hear this!  For the impostors and the fallen angels and the Nephilim gods, they also sent their own emissaries to join these twelve bands of angels to infiltrate even the tribes of Israel and Judah, and therefore to be dark seed among the seed of light--always con­fusing the issue, always entering in and intimidating and drawing the children of the light into the practices of Evil solely for their condemnation, solely that they might hold them up and say, “See what the seed of light do!  Therefore we justify our own Evil by their error.”  

          -Lord Maitreya, delivered byMessenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet in the Presence of Lord Gautama and Kuthumi on July 14, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:41
38)  Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah, which are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah; Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest;
  And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple.  -Zechariah 6  
  Keepers of the Flame indeed born free to love thy God in the Holy of Holies, we come in the fullness of our twinflames. We come to seal twinflames in the concluding spiral of this summer conclave.
  We come for the sealing of the light of causal bodies.  We come for the direct and physical contact and transfer of light that those whose twinflames are ascended might now have that clearing of the light whereby they might be a greater receptacle for that light of the inner levels.
  We come for the consecration.  We come to release sacred fire and perform certain inner actions according to the light of the ruby ray that the divine service might be fulfilled, that twinflames of causal bodies of souls of light might hold the balance in the earth.
  We come with comfort unto the Mother in this hour, and the community--comfort and compassion to life and the sword of victory for cutting free all of those who came with us.   -Sanat Kumara and
      Lady Master Venus, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 21, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:44
39)   India is their goal.  Your nations are on their target.  Yet the people have not focused because there is no energy in the third eye or the crown, for all wallow in their own sensuality and thralldom.  They party and drink and make decisions great and small affecting the centuries and billions to come.  How long can a body of Lords of Karma sponsor an evolution that fails to challenge the greatest enemy that has assembled itself out of Assyria, out of Babylon, out of the fallen angels?  And if you only knew how as nothing they are.  
    -Saint Germain, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on November 3, 1985 in Flevohof, Holland, Pearl 29:4
40)   Beloved hearts of living fire, it is time, as Saint Germain has said, for that Babylon the Great [its tentacles in Church and State] to come tumbling down and for those who are the tyrants in the earth to find that they are no longer sitting in the seats of power.  It is time that the true religion that is never defiled, that can never be turned back, that can never be diluted because it springs from the wellspring of Life—the mighty threefold flame—come to pass on earth and be preached in every nation and in every field.   
         -Jesus Christ, delivered on December 25, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 29:14
41)   Therefore freedom and liberty aborning in the soul of the seed of light did encounter the most difficult and horrendous of tests. This confrontation, beloved, with the power elite of Babylon, the Chaldeans themselves, is a confron­tation which this reincarnation of the lightbearers must once again face in order to counteract the forces of anti-freedom.
  Understand, beloved, that the mighty men of Babylon and their king did put to the sword the mighty men of Israel.  And among those in Israel who were the princes and the mighty men there were the sons of God and there were also fallen angels. Therefore they put to the sword the serpents of their own kind, for they are in an intergalactic rivalry.  And it is the rivalry for the domination of the seed of light.  Then they put to the sword the Christed ones lest they lead a rebellion of the people, the humble people, against their rule.  
         -Elohim Cyclopea, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 29:66
42)   We would set you now in a new posture.  We would pick you up and set you down as the mighty angel did indeed to the prophet Habakkuk.  
              -Archangel Uriel:  Pearl  29:56
42)   Realize, beloved, that the structure was used to perpetuate that which was anti-Truth or anti-Christ in all who were imprisoned there—a Babylonian/Assyrian building of a tower of Babel, of Babylon the Great where souls would be lost and some of them not to find the living Word until the hour of the Redeemer and of the Holy Spirit and the coming of this dispensation today.   
           -Jesus Christ, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 6, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl  29:67
43)   How art thou fallen, O Lucifer and Babylon the Great?  Shall this city in one night be no more? And shall all the merchants mourn before her destruction?  Shall it come to pass as the prophets have foreseen?…
  Blessed hearts, at least the aggressor has honest and plain intent, whereas your own leaders refuse to read the handwriting on the wall and in the textbooks and in the record of this history.  Need you go back to Assyria and be reminded that Israel and Judah were devoured by the Assyrians now reincarnated as the leadership of the Soviet Union?  Need you be reminded of Babylon, the pleasure cult and its leaders reincarnated in Rome and now in America?  
             -El Morya via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 2, 1987 in New York City, Pearl 30:54
44)   Therefore know:  those who shall take the sword shall surely perish by it and their days shall be known no more, for in this age, O ye of Babylon, O ye of Assyria, O ye false gods, ye shall go down and your judgment shall be final!  
             -Saint Germain, delivered by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on November 29, 1987 at Washington, D.C., Pearl 30:81
45)   I say to all who deny me in each and every child of God and who have mocked my teaching of the potential Godhood of everyone who is the issue of the Most High God:  Your judgment shall come in one night, even as the judgment of Babylon shall come, and in one night you shall see your citadels of power no more! 
            -Jesus Christ, delivered by  Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 3, 1988 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearl 31:48
46)  And thus you see, there does remain from ancient times the severed [tie of the] souls of the twelve tribes, [who were severed] from their God, from their I AM Presence [through their exercise of their own free will].  And [their karma–for all except the remnant have not repented of their deeds unto the present hour–] is the cause of all [of] the woes [that have come] upon earth today and all of the vulnerability of North America and Europe to [a] Soviet first-strike attack. See it, beloved.  They were not wed then [to their Mighty I AM Presence] and they are not wed today [to their Mighty I AM Presence].  Thus Assyria and Babylon came between them and their God[–through the wedge of spiritual pride and intellectual rebellion they had allowed themselves to manifest which became their point of karmic vulnerability].
              -Lanello, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  February 26, 1989 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana,  Pearl 32:8
47)   This city requires a center, beloved. It requires those who will give their light and their all for the saving of souls.  Yet astral thoughtforms and the money beast and fallen angels and a great darkness have kept the light of the people of Light under a blanket of materialism untold since the days of Babylon and Assyria. And may it be told this day, beloved, that all of this must be transmuted and a people must turn and serve their God.  
            -Elohim Cyclopea, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 27, 1990 at New York City, Pearl 33:42
48)  Yes, beloved, nation by nation by nation I am in the hearts of those who have dared to strike against this Moloch of human greed, against the towers of Babylon and Assyria and of the ancient ones of Atlantis who did betray the people.  
          -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 27, 1991 at San Francisco.  Pearl 34:22
49)   Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord, the Almighty One:  for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.
      Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.  For thus saith the Lord of hosts, Sanat Kumara; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you:  for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.   -Zechariah 2
  Ho!  Let the wall of fire descend round about the New Jerusalem!  Let the wall of fire descend!   So the Seven Holy Kumaras command the descent of fire in the earth that there might be the wall of partition between those who are the servants of the light and those who are the servants of corruption.
  Let the wall of fire descend, for the Lord God, the I AM THAT I AM, does seek His habitation.  Lo, He cometh!  Lo, He cometh!  Lo, He cometh with ten thousand of His saints!
  And I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara. And I AM the glory of the Lord in the midst of the Holy City.  I AM the glory of the Lord in the midst of the Holy City, and I pluck you out of the earth, O my beloved, each and every one of you who has made your peace with your God, and I assume you unto myself that you might know yourself a part of my own mystical body of light.   
        -Sanat Kumara with the Seven Holy Kumaras of Venus, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 11, 1992 at Atlanta, Georgia. Pearl 35:49
50)   Well for instance, without the large cities they are certainly without crime and corruption, without gangs, without massive abuses of funds and abuse of the media.  There are many [unwholesome conditions] that the cities bring, as Babylon of old, for the corruption of the planetary body.  But I tell you, beloved, the cities are yet useful [to the vast majority of people and] to the Hierarchy of Light and to the lightbearers, and there are many lightbearers who are caught in these cities.   -
              El Morya, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 13, 1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.   Pearls of Wisdom 35:68
51)  Those commands often went unheeded and, as a consequence, Israel and Judah ultimately were led captive into exile in Assyria and Babylon.  And the lost tribes, save for a remnant, were scattered abroad in the earth and have not yet known or understood the true communion of the Holy Spirit whereby they might also make their mark in this age.   

                -Paul the Venetian:  June 25, 1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 36:33 


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