Monday, November 29, 2021

the entire whole--the fourth-dimensional pattern of both form and soul


1) I AM come then this dawn of the new year
To join the holy energies Gautama has released
And assert the dominance of cosmic peace
That shall never cease
Until the last man, woman, and child is free
To be the exact replica of the divine decree
That forges in the field of time
Some measure of God’s joy sublime
That shines the midnight hour
And takes from evil all its power
Until the light of truth proves well
The hordes of evil to repel
To break the long outwoven spell
That blinded man and beast alike
And chained all elemental life!…
  Long before form was realized the mind and intelligence of God conceived the entire whole--the fourth-dimensional pattern of both form and soul--and the pattern has scarcely begun to externalize here upon Earth.  As we send forth continuously the sunseeds of eternal promise, we want all mankind who are able to assimilate our message in part   -Vesta:  Pearls of Wisdom 8:2

2)   The sons of dominion march by another route.  It is the direct route of the descent of the light of the crystal cord from the I AM Presence to the altar of the heart.  It is the direct route that connects the Mind of God to the mind of man, bypassing the byways of human reason and problem solving.  

  We come bearers of the amethyst jewel—the seventh-ray solution for the seventh age, the seventh-ray freedom for the seventh dispensation.  Let noble knights and ladies volunteer their individual amethyst crystals of the heart for Saint Germain’s three dots—Taipei, Vancouver and Mexico City.  Let diplomatic relations be established between Camelot and the lightbearers of the nations.  Let outposts of Morya’s realm confide the mysteries of the holy grail, as two by two twinflames in love witness unto the nations.
   Let the counterfeit Illuminati, imitators of the Round Table and of the mystery schools, carve up the earth with their secret diplomacy and their trading in souls of light!  Saint Germain and Morya have never lost a fight!  They hold the timing of the victory and they know their chelas whose time has come.
    I AM Gabriel, emissary of the councils of goodwill of the Great White Brotherhood.  I come from Darjeeling where I have attended closed sessions on Project Amethyst Jewel.  Let representatives of the courts of heaven be ministers with portfolio, presenting their credentials by their light and by their record of attainment.  Let them be received extraordinary and plenipotentiary, their expertise in God-government and God-victory gained through the enlightenment of the “little book” and the everlasting gospel  and the tutoring and  testing of their souls by the Guru Mother who surveys the seas that cover the Motherland and penetrates the hermetically sealed alabaster cities of the deep.  

            -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearls of Wisdom 22:3

3)   With great joy in our hearts Lady Master Venus and I bring you comfort and love.  The light from our home star burns brightly tonight, for in our hearts we bear the sustaining light of millions of souls who keep the flame of love for Earth and her evolutions.
    I come to abide with you and with Lady Venus who keeps the Mother-light of Earth.  We bring comfort midst turbulence.  We bring the certitude of love midst doubt and fear and outrageous death which have no reality save the specters of unreality.
   We come to enfold you in the most intense love of God.  For, my beloved, we summon you to the great fury of the light, the fury that is known in the very vortex of the white-fire crystal.  It is the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit.  It is for the gathering of souls, sweeping them up into the fiery center of God’s love.
   We have summoned you in Liberty’s name to a conference where we might come to pass to you the most important torch of all, the torch of love--a kindling love, an all-consuming love, a judgmental love.  Then the torch that is passed when you have passed these initiations of the ruby ray will be that of the ruby ray itself and this torch is for the consuming of error wherever it is found.
   The light of the ruby ray in which we enfold you is a very delicate and deep rose pink rather than shades of intense red.  Ruby is not the color we bear or that we would have you wear, yet the stone of the ruby itself may be worn.  Let your garments carry the delicate pink and the deepening rose of the Mother’s love to all her children, for this is the ruby ray and the level of tolerance of this ray that can be worn without agitation to the nerve centers or the chakras.  

         -Sanat Kumara, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on October 7, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 42:16

4)  In the name of the light of God that never fails, I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara, let the light of the Infinite One descend!  Let it expand now within our hearts!  I call forth the action of sacred fire.  O mighty threefold flame of Life, Infinite One, Elohim of God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, intensify the action of sacred fire!  I call forth the victory of the God- flame.  Seven mighty archangels, come forth.  Beloved El Morya, beloved Kuthumi, beloved Djwal Kul, come forth in the blessedness of the virgin light!  Beloved Maha Chohan, Saint Germain, Infant, thou Manchild of God, intensify the action of our hearts’ love!  I call for the limitless light of Victory!  I call for the limitless light of Victory!  I call for the limitless light of Victory!  Blaze forth the action of sacred fire, and let the intensity of God’s own light descend upon the altar of the holy grail in this hour for the judgment of Herod and his henchmen. Let the mighty action of sacred fire increase.  Let there be the rolling back of the fallen ones.
     Angels of the cosmic cross of whitefire, hear our call and answer. Angels of the Epiphany, come forth.  Angels of the guardian light of the Holy Christ children, angels of the Perfect One, angels, mighty seraphim of God, legions from the Great Central Sun--I call forth the light, the infinite light of the guardian angels of holy innocents upon earth.  I call for the redemption, by the blood of Jesus, of every child of God’s heart in this hour by the mighty threefold flame, by the action of sacred fire, by the light of Mighty Victory.
    Legions from the heart of the Great Central Sun, go to that place in Poland where there is the shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa!  I call for the infinite power of the great God-flame!  Mighty expanding action of the light, let there be a mighty vortex of infinite fire.  Let it descend now by the power of the infinite Word.  Saints of God, place your mighty Electronic Presence there for the guardian action of the flame of freedom in Poland!   

         -Saint Germain:  This delivered by Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 6, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:15  


5)   For I will uphold her (the Messenger) and I will speak to you and I will tell you that the disciplines of holding the line of light are great.     But ye are able!    

        -Jesus Christ via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  November 24, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 37:18


6)   My beloved chelas, do you understand the meaning of this occasion and your presence here? The understanding that I am about to impart to you shall give you, as at no other time in the history of this organization, an understanding of your path.  It is an understanding that is so specific and so revealing of your service that it will lead you to the victory of your ascension.  Therefore I speak of that victory in this hour, beloved, and I announce to you from the Darjeeling Council and from this very podium that this day your beloved Lanello has completed the 100 percent balancing of his karma. [33-second standing ovation]
  Mighty indeed is the pathway to the ascension, beloved, and happy are ye who are content to walk in this path. Those of you who have so walked shall find yourselves coming closer and closer to that point of victory day after day, year after year, decade after decade.  Now I ask you to be seated.
    The hour has come for the Darjeeling Council to acknowledge those in this Community who have tarried long throughout many incarnations and thousands of years of Earth’s schoolroom. Beloved ones, I speak to you of the Guru-chela relationship, for many of you had stalwart hearts and great images of the manger scene already within your hearts thousands of years ago.  But it came to pass that there were centuries upon centuries when you did not have the full teaching of the Great White Brotherhood that you have this very day.
    •      So, beloved, when you found this activity and this path after having looked for it all over the world you knew that you had found the very place in time and space where you might connect with God and know that acceleration.  And when you came to Maitreya’s Mystery School you learned of the violet flame and its multiple applications.  You learned of the power, wisdom and love of dynamic decrees. You learned of the path of transmutation, including sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service.    

        -Morya:  2-26-1997 at RTR, MT,  Pearl 40:43  …………………………………....................

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