Sunday, November 7, 2021

If I should summarize however the greatest dangers

 I come with the Mandate of Alignment
Well, tell me then if in the last decade all of the discussions and all of the demonstrations and all of the wars and all of the grabs for power have netted any light for the children of this Earth or any greater vision of freedom?  I do not see it. Perhaps you do.
I only see the futility of the outer self by a scientific humanism, by Marxism, by a perverted capitalism, by manipulations of monopolies, national and international.  By all of this I see only the lessening of light in the total civilization side by side with the increase of light in the few who have understood the path and pursued it to the best of their ability.  -

        Paul the Venetian, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 10, 1979 at San Francisco, California, Pearl  48:51
  The manipulation of the free market and  free governments of nations through monopoly capitalism or corporate socialism will not work.  It destroys individual creativity and snuffs out the fires of hope that ever rest in the heart of the individual as the desire to be self-sustaining in God. What will work?  Well, I say, that remains for you to discover.  But I will tell you this—it begins with the fundamental principle:  Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap; and its corollary:  Whatsoever a man soweth not, that shall he not reap.
    -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 23:7
  Look to the right not, nor to the left—but up into the very face of your own I AM Presence.  And there determine to follow the Lord, there determine to serve, there determine what part you will play in the building of the Inner Retreat and what part you will play in the holding of the balance in El Salvador, in Nicaragua, in Cuba, in the Caribbean and in all places where voodoo, witchcraft, superstition combine with world communism.  And lulled to sleep by the capitalist monopoly the people themselves are neither here nor there.  They are hardly even in the physical plane but, dwelling rather at an oblique level in the astral plane, they consort with the hordes of darkness and bring forth no good thing. Therefore there is darkness in the Caribbean. Therefore there is darkness in South America.  I raise my hand and I say:
They shall not pass!
May you also stand and raise your hand in this moment and say with me:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!  
        -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet July 4, 1981 at Camelot  Pearl 24:34
  Therefore, beloved ones, I point out to you that this sympathy must go and [there must be] the binding of the dweller on the threshold of this nation of the entire conglomerate of the beast as well as the dragon—the beast of World Capitalism (that is, monopoly capitalism) and the dragon of the international bankers giving power to the beast of World Communism.  This represents a conglomerate of many lifestreams who have entered into positions of immense power to control the flow of light of this nation which ought to go for the education of all lightbearers of the Earth as to their own interior light, their own Holy Christ Self and their own contact with Almighty God.   
        -Mother Mary, delivered through Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet May 15, 1983 at Camelot.   Pearl 26:45
  If I should summarize however the greatest dangers upon earth, I should say that in the macrocosmic sense it is undoubtedly World Communism—fed, ignited, increased by world monopoly capitalism and the banking houses.  And secondly I would say that the false hierarch of oneself, the dweller-on-the-threshold, is the greatest single threat to world freedom when we are dealing with that synthetic self of our best servants.  For these two forces tie into one, cause grief to the chelas and are an open door for the anchoring of the same darkness that is the tyrant in Moscow or Peking.    
      -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1983 at Inner Retreat, Park County, Montana.  Pearl 48:43  

  Though you have joy and happiness together, though you may form a circle of fire and dance in the Sun and in the starlight, may your hearts ever be vigilant and never forget those who suffer the burdens of World Communism and its terrors, World Capitalism and its conspiracy and the drugs besieging the temples of our own.

        Saint Germain, delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 29, 1984 at Camelot, Pearl 27:32

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