Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A New Day: The Demagnetization of Earth

     Beloved of the light, I descend in the flame of Ahura Mazda.  I come in this hour—Zarathustra.  I appear to you out ofdliving flame of sacred fire and out of the tradition of all saints of the Most High to discover the symbol of their divinity not only in the living flame but in the Sun behind the Sun—to know the living God.
  I appear in the hour of translation by fire of the Messenger.  And I consecrate her life to the mission of a living flame that does blaze a trail in the name of Saint Germain until all who are called by God have heard the message and this gospel is preached in every nation.
  Thus understand the fire infolding itself.  Understand the long history of your Messengers who have come after those of us who brought the teaching of the avatars in past ages.
  Thus this Woman of the Sun came after me to secure the teachings of Ahura Mazda, who is Sanat Kumara, transferred to the people of Persia <1> —who in ancient times were a people of light but who have been supplanted in this hour by a people of darkness, warring and making war in the name of Allah rather than making peace in the pure Spirit of Sanat Kumara.
  And their karma is upon them!
And you understand that their leaders who have come forth sending Iran to war with Iraq in this day have caused them to be decimated and have brought bloodshed upon that land once consecrated to the consummate light.  And in the hour of our coming your Messenger also as a queen in that day promoted our teaching and accepted our emissary, the Archangel Gabriel, who came to inspire upon those monarchs, the king and queen, the necessity to promulgate a teach­ing whereby the people should understand the unity of Good and the all-power of Good to defeat the hosts of Darkness.
  We brought a message of Armageddon.  And thus that message not having been kept to this day, we see this people devoured by their own karma, their own laggard consciousness and the devouring of their very souls by the insanity from infestation of demons.
  Observe then how those in the Middle East have tapped into  violence out of the pits of death and hell.  And thus Archangel Michael has already come to you with the message of your own individual mission to become a chela of the archangel and therefore to be enlisted in the ranks of the legions of blue lightning to go forth while your bodies sleep at night for the binding of those denizens in the pit who themselves hold a focus of Darkness for the aggressive activities of those in embodiment.
I come then to report to you that much has been ac­com­plished already at inner levels as chelas of El Morya have been accepted in the ranks of the archangel.  And I assure you that as you press on and remember the words of Archangel Michael of the necessity for that perpetual marathon and  understand­ing of the forces abroad in the land in this year you will see that every protection of heaven will be upon you through every trial until you, with Maitreya in that mighty clipper ship, shall find yourselves united in this community of the Holy Spirit in such a strength and unity and purity of heart that the true message of all of the ascended masters of the Brotherhood shall be known upon the face of the Earth!
  And all who are of the light will see the light and know the light. And the strength of the Spiritual Unity of Nations will shine in the living Sun.  As the living Sun does shine then you can anticipate that through this S-U-N activity one day Mighty Victory’s temple shall be built.  And it is up to you to ratify the proposal of Almighty God and the Brotherhood as to the building of this temple and the consecration of your own living temple to Victory’s flame.  For when this people shall have realized the inner victory then the temple outside that is made with hands be­comes the inevitable expression of God-mastery in the flame of Victory’s love.
  Thus I come to consecrate you in Victory’s flame, to the victory spiral from the base to the crown, to the pure love of ruby ray that you might know that truly our God in your midst is a consuming ruby fire.  Thus the Buddha of the Ruby Ray does appear in the sky and make known to you that the support from that level of the octaves of heaven is unto you in this hour for consuming of forces of anti-Victory that are bent upon the ruination of the rising Sun of these little ones.
And these forces are determined to create chaos and world confusion and cataclysm and war.  But they shall not pass when one Christed one is raised up to become a Central Sun, that ye all might also know the living truth as the necessity of the hour.
  Walk then as children of truth, as initiates of Pallas Athena and the sword and shield of truth.  And know the meaning and power of truth to defend the individual and community against all enemies whose case must be founded upon error or the lie or murderous intent.  Let them then be judged for the motivation of the heart.  And by their own fruits let the Law act.
  We come then for deliverance of the faithful from the self-conceived notions of limitation and remind you again of Kuthumi’s promise, as he has received the dispensation to counsel you in matters of personal psychology and health.  This Master, the World Teacher with Jesus, does indeed have a mantle from Omega to assist you personally.
  If you could comprehend the vastness of the Mind of God in Kuthumi and his ability to deliver you from age-old phobias and     fixa­tions, you would hasten to run to greet blessed Saint Francis who, himself now in the ascended state, has long left behind him that self-condemnation for the failure of  Fran­cis­can brothers.
  Thus understand that in the hour of the crucifixion the saints have taken upon themselves that world condemnation for failure of those whom they have led when they have not fulfilled the fullness of the path that was vouchsafed to them by the original founder.  But in the hour of resurrection they leave behind all that.  Thus the ascended masters progress; thus their chelas may also pass through the gate from the via dolorosa to the victorious golden light of the Sun.
  Blessed hearts, the fire infolding itself is surely the greatest shield.  Comprehend then the message of Good Friday as world forgiveness.  I preach to you a message of forgiveness that you may consider under the heading of enlightened self-interest.  But I see far beyond that side-benefit to a universal momentum of light that is for the raising of the planet into the golden age.
  Consider then the absence of forgiveness, for instance, in this people of Iran and Iraq whose original seed has been lost in the intermingling of rebels against God and laggard races.  Understand that the reason for the war in each and every instance, the reason for terrorism and killing of brother by brother in Lebanon is due to the absence of forgiveness and grace.
  Beloved hearts, understand this message of living fire.  Under­stand the message of the God-flame.  Realize then that forgiveness as a quality of heart benefits the forgiver more than the forgiven.  For when you forgive you deliver yourself of the burden of holding within yourself the image of the one to whom you have given the power to hurt or destroy or maim or in any way offend your very own self.
  Do you understand then that when you fail to forgive you cannot overcome within yourself the scar, the wound, the limi­tation, the psychological problem that was the result of the encounter of discord that resulted in non-forgiveness?
Thus non-forgiveness as hardness of heart, beloved ones, is an activity that does bind your souls.  You may not remember the hour and day when you denied grace to any part of life, when you took offense and erected a wall and said “No more will I associate with this person!”  From that moment on that person that you have denied or failed to forgive has become one of your many gods.  Another would be the carnal mind or ego itself, for the soul in her purity robed in white has no blot or stain of non-forgiveness upon her garment.
  This is why the beginning of the path of Jesus of Nazareth is seen in the changing of water into wine.  It is the forgive­ness of the water of human consciousness that fails to act with propriety, with respect or all due patience or politeness or in any manner or way that you deem proper, especially in regard to yourself.  Thus the corollary in understanding the binding nature of non-forgiveness is understanding of the principle of taking offense.  He who can be offended by acts of any man or woman or child is truly one who will be forever limited by his own offense.  Thus, beloved hearts, it is the eve of an hour of  consummate union of Christ in God.  In this Passion Week you may fast and pray and come to the understanding that the meaning of Good Friday is the glorious gift of forgiveness of the violet flame.  It is important to sort out what is known by the conscious mind and send oceans of mercy to every part of life.  And then ask the Lord Christ within you to follow the tracks of hidden ties, the tangle of roots of the subconscious that lead to other gnarled roots beneath the soil in the collective unconscious of Earth.
  Then understand that you can be free only as you free all life.  And this freedom is a freeing in the very solar plexus, in the feeling world whereby you no longer separate yourself from any part of life and you see all life as only God:  God in manifestation, God as Christ, God as Krishna, as Vishnu—Brahma, Shiva, as the Universal Mother.
  Think of this, beloved:  the Messenger herself would not survive in the giving of her body over and over a thousand times a thousand to hearts who come for healing except she long ago learned the lesson from Mother Mary to understand herself simply as a latticework of light through which  sacred ener­gies of heaven flow.  Thus not identifying as the Giver but only as the instrument, the exhaustless pure stream of the Source never fails to meet the demand of the hour.  This is the great mystery you must learn—you who would be healers and ministers and instruments of grace.  To be the latticework means that there is nothing left to be forgiven, to forgive for, in oneself or in anyone on earth.  But the stream of love, ruby ray, the stream of light pouring through is a blessing to oneself and to all who have sinned and come short of the mark.
  Beloved, understand that forgiveness, a tributary of light through your chakras, does not obviate the necessity for the wrongdoer to balance his karma, make his peace with God and also learn the higher calling of the way of forgive­ness.
  Do you understand the difference between the people of the United States of America and of all other lands?  This people consecrated by Saint Germain and Jesus Christ have therefore been given that initiation of the threefold flame of the heart by the Goddess of Liberty.  And you will find, no matter what the exception to the rule you may observe, that collectively as a people the charity of heart of the American people and ability to forgive and forget is greater than that of any other nation.  And therefore they are least beset by the burden of forcefields of black magicians manip­ulating the nation and the undergirdings of the psyche.
  Beloved ones, you can always think of exceptions but remember there is no nation that is free of intermingling of seed of the tares among the wheat.  I speak of the wheat in this nation.  It is a developed wheat, a developed seed of Christ because of the intercession of the Great White Brotherhood.  When you travel abroad you will see the absence of this, and especially you will discover their non-forgiveness of America herself.
  Beloved hearts, there are people who have a national consciousness of hatred of America that has been programmed and indoctrinated in them but only because of their vulnerability.  Their vulnerability not to forgive this nation for whatever wrongs committed, real or imagined, must therefore be exposed.  And the vulnerability of an individual to fail to forgive another is the vulnerability of  absence of forgiveness of oneself or even the recognition of the necessity to confess before the living Christ, the Holy Christ Self, and to ask for forgiveness.
  The people then who are convinced that they are right, who do not know Christ the Mediator, whose pride exceeds all desiring for grace have thus not understood that the threading of the eye of the needle of the soul unto Cosmic Christ consciousness is in the act of forgiveness.
  O blessed hearts, it may be difficult for you to understand the vengeance that is held in hearts generation after gen­er­a­tion by some peoples of the Middle East who will destroy the third and fourth generation for crimes committed fifty years ago or a century ago.  Yet they still seek to kill those who are of this or that tribe or family.
  Now understand that this has caused division in all nations of Earth—within the nations and in their ability to unite to stand for the principles of Christ.
  If ever then there is an initiative in this nation to stand for the people of Poland or to stand for the people of Korea or of Taiwan or for the oppressed, you will find that the children of light who desire to stand for freedom nation by nation are overcome by fallen ones in leadership positions who refuse in any way to compromise the business-as-usual concept of the economy and international trade for a principle that must be fought for and won for the protection of life.
  The answer lies as always with the individual.  This is the message of every avatar that has been proclaimed by that one and then disseminated by those who have come afterward with a great desire for preservation of the teaching.  You are counted among those who have served together with the Messengers to hold fast pure principles of truth.  And you have been taught the lessons, whether or not you have ultimately learned them, that the only truth that will ever survive is the truth that is internalized in heart and soul and mind and being of that one individual.
  As great revolutionaries single-minded in heart and pur­pose have turned the tides of nations, as communities have held the light in the darkest hours of the Earth, so in this moment know that the Great White Brotherhood yet looks to this com­munity to hold back the tide of laggard evolutions before the incoming light of each one’s Christed presence that shall shine as the Sun, become the Central Sun Magnet focus in the Earth and truly hold the balance against that karma which is return­ing upon Earth.
  Therefore let us begin with the individual.  Let the Messenger be clothed upon with fire of Zarathustra as I place my pres­ence with her to go forth to meet those who have prepared their trial, their accusations, their false witness, their calumny and gossip—all this for the purposes of God that shall be revealed.  For shall we neglect so great a salvation or an opportunity to stand for that truth?
  Thus though the human may be vulnerable, the divine is not.  Stand steadfast in your own pure divinity.  Affirm it for one an­other.  And let the people of God rally close to our            repre­sen­ta­tive that this activity and church and nation unto God might go forward in all holy purposes ordained.
  Courage of heart is a rare gift in this day.  And you yourselves have seen that that quality was essential to your staying power, even in this service here.  Courage is the sign of the coming of age of the heart.  The age of the heart is truly the age of the descent of the Messiah within you, even the Second Coming of Christ.
  I, Zarathustra, anoint you.  And with me always is Melchiz­edek and Oromasis and Diana who lead the fiery salamanders and adepts of sacred fire for the cleansing of Earth.
  I would direct your attention to the fact that in this hour many pass from the screen of life in war or through famine and disease.  Your Friday night service, the Order of the Golden Lily under the Goddess of Liberty and dedicated to the ascension was also instigated at the request of the Lords of Karma because of the great necessity for weekly clearance of the planetary body of discarnates—those who pass from the screen of life whose astral sheath and lower bodies are yet earthbound.
  In order for us to make progress in the light there must be the binding of these discarnates.  There must be calls made for directing of these souls of light by the power of the mighty archangels to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood.
Let the earth, the astral plane, the mental belt and etheric body therefore be cleared utterly and completely, week by week, so that when the day dawns on Saturday the forces of freedom may march unencumbered and uninhibited by yesterday’s responsibility, having to become the cleanup committee to clear the way of this astral debris and therefore not being able to function purely in defense of freedom and for rescue of souls of light on Earth.
  Blessed ones, there is a time and a place for all who pass from the screen of life.  Some must be taken to retreats of the Great White Brotherhood and some there are whose time is up who must face the Final Judgment.  Some prepare for reincarnation in retreats on the etheric plane.  Some pass through the mystery of the ascension in the light after many weeks or months under tutelage of Serapis Bey and others.
  Understand that calls given in the service on Friday evening are for each one to be in his proper place and for the remaining families and relatives to be delivered of their grief and mourning and their burden by the attachment to the discarnate and departed one who himself or herself is not free to move on in spiritual evolution under the emotional pull of remaining family members.
  Beloved hearts, there is much superstition concerning the passing of loved ones on this planet.  And many cling to them, and therefore progression of earthly and spiritual cycles does not accelerate as it should in the Aquarian age.
  I remind you—as a spokesman of sacred fire as God the con­sum­ing fire who revealed Himself to Moses—that cremation is the lawful means of disposing of the remains of the lifestream who has passed from this octave, thereby accelerating and has­tening return of the entire consciousness that exists within the body cells to that one’s Christ Self and I AM Presence for purification.
  Blessed hearts, it is very difficult for those whose bodies are interred to afterwards perform necessary rituals at inner levels to liberate their light and consciousness from that earth-focus.  It is important that there be forthcoming in the Revolution in Higher Conscious­ness a true understanding of sacred fire as the nexus of the figure-eight through which all must pass.  Thus the trial by fire comes in the physical, mental, emotional,  etheric bodies.  And all must pass through that sacred fire.  That which is placed in the flame then is liberated to return to the great Central Sun of the I AM Presence to be recharged and sent forth for new birth of that soul.
  Consuming of the physical body has its corresponding effect upon the astral body that is demagnetized even by physical fire thus hastening disintegration of the astral sheath that may wander about as a discarnate, disconnected and yet affecting others with a heavy sense of oppression and emotion.  This is especially true in the case of suicide, beloved ones, because the one who has committed suicide, being close to Earth and earthbound, may influence other members of the family and relatives [or those of similar vibration and wavelength] to also commit suicide.       Today there is a rash of suicide among teenagers of this nation, and it is because discarnates and disembodied souls are not removed.  The sheaths of the individual, the four lower bodies, must therefore be bound and the soul itself taken to etheric octave to be given instruction concerning the laws of suicide—which are that the individual who commits suicide must immediately reembody to face and conquer all afflictions from which it thought it was escaping.
  Beloved hearts, the children of this nation are taking suicide as an out because they see no purpose in life—because they have not been given the path of Jesus Christ to go to the highest mountains of the Himalayas, to find their reason for being and to be of some value and service to their community.  What they are being taught today does not give them the value of their spiritual beings, their divine beings but only of themselves as humans. And no one can live and value himself as a (mere) human and survive in this age.  One’s survival depends upon one’s acknowledgment of oneself as a fiery, spiritual being, truly a Spirit-spark and a continuum that has always lived in the past and shall always live in the future—except by freewill that one choose to cancel out self through denial of light and God and truth in that very place of identity.
  Beloved ones, I ask you to pray for the youth of America and of Canada in this hour and to understand that they must be protected from making that choice for suicide both by binding of the suicide entity* and by clearing of discarnates of those who have recently committed suicide who wander about attempting to make those who are in embodiment join them.  And this is the nature of sympathy on the astral plane:    those who are confined to it desire to have others join them.
  Blessed hearts, this is a very serious matter.  And it has affected some who are close to you whom you know about, and others of you have been affected, for you have lost friends of light and children from previous lives, not even being aware that this is a national epidemic in this hour.  
  Thus I tell you that never before has the Friday evening service been so important because there is such a fury of action (through efforts of Archangel Michael, his legions and chelas) of the descent of  whitefire for cleaning out of the pits.  And there is much debris and much clearing of planet Earth that can take place through calls to Astrea and the violet flame.
  I speak also of the necessity to call for binding of those whose time is up or who are actually devils in embodiment when they pass from the screen of life.  Their aim immediately when they are disembodied is to find a niche somewhere where they may reembody, and so they go to those vibrating at the lowest level of evolution.  They seek those then who may be about to con­ceive children and they attempt to pry their way into that con­ception and into that body.
  Thus it does come to pass that those who could be taken for  judgment to the Court of Sacred Fire whose time is up, who have no reason to be in embodiment, do actually reembody because those parents upon earth who have no protection for their auras or for their bodies are actually invaded by these disem­bodied spirits.  And this is a great burden to the Lords of Karma.
  The Judgment Call that is given (decree 20.07), the blessing of Helios and Vesta (decree 20.12), the raising of the right hand of the Cosmic Virgin through Mother Mary (decree 56.02)—each is an instantaneous call that can fulfill its mission and purpose and the purpose of the Friday night service by your attendance thereto.
  And I speak to all Keepers of the Flame on the planet that you might understand that the progress of your nations depends upon clearing of records of the astral plane of recent wars, bloodshed, torture, terrorism and all manner of burdens that have befallen your societies.  These can be cleared.  And the Friday night service with Serapis Bey and Astrea, the Goddess of Purity, the Queen of Light, the Goddess of Light, the mighty seraphim of God and all who serve on the fourth ray is such a quickening and so essential and will so advance your own disciplines in the path of the ascension that I would say “If you knew, you would do better.”
  If you could see the blessing of sacred-fire service as the apex and climax of the week, you would know how that service may lend itself also to con­centra­tion on areas of your choice that have been spoken of, such as rock music and drugs affecting and plaguing the nations.
  These are aided and abetted by discarnate entities and devils themselves, as you know.  And therefore they can go to judgment with a fierce determination on Friday evening.  I ask you in the name of Ahura Mazda, I ask you in the name of the Holy Kumaras that when you attend this service you shall wear white and therefore understand that that service        com­memorates the day and hour of the victory of your own ascension.
  Blessed hearts, let us celebrate that victory.  Let us celebrate the victory of sacred fire in the Messenger, in the organization and in the church to stand before the accusers who accuse you each and every one before our God day and night.  We are determined that this era shall pass and that the new day and new dawn of universal understanding of Saint Germain and his teaching shall come to pass.
  By the grace of God we have a Messenger who is also so determined.  By the grace of God we have chelas worldwide who are also so determined, who have seen so much of the Godhead that nothing, nothing that has come from the depths beneath or anywhere has been able to stop them in their absolute one-pointed service to declare Saint Germain to the world, to give the message of his violet flame and to not be put back or tempted or swayed to compromise their mission.
  Beloved hearts, I stand for Saint Germain this day.  I AM Zarathustra.  I lay my crowns and attainment and sacred fire before him and before all who are his Keepers of the Flame.  I tell you, beloved hearts, my heart is determined that this Master shall not suffer setback any longer by condemnation or by media or in any form, but that his chelas and his activity, his books and his teaching shall be known throughout the continents.
  I urge you then to have a plan and a program for translation of his works into foreign languages that the people of Earth might be acquainted with his face and image and message and therefore live and be at peace and come to understand that they truly must overturn not only World Communism but all powers that be in the West who are the cause of support of that system, who feed it with their technology, their wealth, their subsidies.
  Blessed hearts, I am determined by sacred fire that not one of you shall be left without the anointing of sacred fire of my angels.  The angels of Zarathustra are devotees of Ahura Mazda.  They bow before the light of Sanat Kumara and exist only to clear the way for your arrival at the gate of Shamballa.  Thus you are here in the physical.  May your path in the inner octaves of light be clear.  For though you may be within inches of the kingdom of God physically, unless you have accelerated spiritually you will miss the calling and entering in through the nexus.
  Thus unto the capstone I dedicate your souls.  And I place the crown of victory then upon the head of the Messenger that you might know that in the individual is the sign by which all may conquer.  May you earn that crown of victory and illumination and know that I, the Lord God, in the I AM THAT I AM and where I AM as Zarathustra, have come for the deliverance of this valley, this community and every Keeper of the Flame of Sanat Kumara worldwide.
  May you face the Sun of your Mighty I AM Presence and live. Call unto me then, for I am self-appointed and received by God to go before you until the last obstruction is consumed in ruby ray.  Peace, beloved, for this too shall pass!    

            -Zarathustra, delivered through Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Palm Sunday, March 31, 1985 at Royal Teton Ranch, North, Montana, Pearl 29:41
1.  Zarathustra, born in ancient Persia c. 600 B.C.  After ten years of prophesying, Zarathustra received the inspiration to convert King Vishtaspa, ruler of the vast Persian Empire.  Ancient texts record that Ahura Mazda sent three archangels—Vohu Manah, Asha Vahishta and the Propitious Fire—as witnesses to the court of King Vishtaspa and his queen, Hutaosa.  The archangels appeared as effulgent knights in full armor riding on horseback, radiating a blinding light and sound of thunder.  The monarchs embraced the faith, providing the platform for wide promulgation of the Word of the Lord and the teachings of sacred fire.  
*The name of the suicide entity is Annihla, a female death devil.  Call to Archangel Michael and Mighty Astrea to bind Annihla in the name of Jesus Christ and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.

A New Day: The Demagnetization of Earth
      Hail, legions of Helios and Vesta!  
I AM Zarathustra.  I descend in the whirlwind of the sacred fire.  I descend into the very heart of Earth and the Woman and her seed.  And the seed of light in the Mother-flame does receive the impetus now, intensifying by light of the Trinity the action of threefold flame.   
  I come to expand the light of the heart, as the Cosmic Christ has called.  I come to expand this light that you might be bearers of light to descend from the heart of Archangel Uriel and Aurora for the continuing work of the hosts of the Lord in this golden harvest for balancing of the Earth, for clearing of karma.
  Therefore, beloved ones, intensify the reach.  Take now both hands.  Reach into the sky. Now stand on the toes and reach the highest reach you can reach.  Let it be now for raising up of sacred fire and for reaching of angelic hosts who do descend.  For this hour must be the opening of the way of channels of light of the Mother within your temple.  Therefore receive now the angels of the Mother, angels of Uriel and Aurora.  And therefore descend, O mighty angels!
  Chelas of sacred fire, now be seated.  Receive gently the angels of Uriel who come from the Sun.  Receive them now in body and soul and mind, for angelic hosts of sixth ray now pass through the aura with the color of golden light, the color of pink light and purple fire and ruby ray.  They come therefore to deliver unto you in this hour the body and blood of universal light which is Alpha and Omega.  Blessed ones, we are also builders of form.  We are also alchemists of the seventh ray.
  We then, legions of Uriel and Aurora and I, come in the flam­ing flame of Helios and Vesta to charge now, charge and charge and charge your beings and the beings of all devotees of light who truly are the disciplined ones, the striving ones who reach, reach for highest star and pull it down—the star of the causal body.
  Infinite light of Helios and Vesta, I stand with legions of the seven archangels and the twelve.  I, Zarathustra, come again in sacred fire of the Divinity imploring—of the Divine One sent.  In the name of Mother- flame therefore I increase that light here and there and everywhere amongst the children of the Sun.
  Legions of the Great Central Sun Magnet, so the hour is come.  Let the demagnetization of Earth begin.  Let the spiral begin now!  Let the spiral begin therefore that does rise from the center of Earth where the Great Central Sun Magnet does place the focus of itself.  (Only a small percentage of that magnet can be sealed in the center of the Earth.)  Cuzco stands forth with Surya in this hour, and Maitreya does come.  And you understand the need for the fire infolding itself in the heart of Earth to pull from all of the precipitated planetary body, all of the physical earth—to draw into itself that Darkness.
  Thus it is an all-consuming fire.  And by the thread of light, by the tube of light from the heart of the Earth to the Sun there is siphoned from Earth therefore great Darkness that has shrouded every atom and molecule of Earth with the vibration of the fallen ones.
  It is for purification of the Earth body that we come.  It is for purification,  transmutation of illusion, removal of the cause and core of the very consciousness of world condemnation.  World condemnation, beloved, is a burden upon all ele­mental life.
  And so it is the light of ruby ray.  And the ruby-ray Buddha now seated in the center of Earth is emanating that light through and through. Through all of the layers and strata of Earth, through the astral plane, mental belt, through the etheric octaves the light is emanating from the heart of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray seated, as it were, upon a disc of light.
  The disc of light, as the cosmic wafer and Communion, is the sign of the Great Central Sun Magnet balancing all that may be balanced in this hour.  And this is occurring through your threefold flame, beloved, and through threefold flame held and sealed in the heart of your own Christ Self.
  When the Christ Self of you does intensify the light of threefold flame in the heart there is a burning in the heart even as hearts of the disciples burned in the presence of Jesus.  Now you may feel the burning as the true replica, the mighty threefold flame of the Christ superimposed upon your own does impel each plume to reach for the highest one, as you have also reached.  Therefore sacred fire intensifies in the heart to coax your own threefold flame to rise higher, to come into the balance of Love and Wisdom and Power.
  Now visualize the sphere in the center of the chest cavity and visualize also the physical heart sealed in the mighty sphere of the eighth ray.  Visualize the threefold flame in the eighth-ray chakra over the physical heart. [Master chants.]
  In the light of the Divine Mother Sarasvati increase now in Wisdom, increase now in Wisdom!  In the light of Durga increase now, increase now in the Power of God and the power of God’s Love!  In the light of Lakshmi increase now, increase in the full power of Purity—increase in the action of  sacred fire in the pure power of the Divine Mother!  Increase now in the Love ray!  Increase now in light of healing in the very heart of Kali!  In the very heart of the Divine One increase now in violet flame!  Increase all aspects of the three in the seven in the heart chakra now.
  Expand, O mighty Elohim of God!  Set the pattern for budding of the sevenfold crown of crown chakra of the rays of Elohim.  Elohim, Elohim, Elohim, expand the dimensions of the macrocosm within the microcosm of man and woman here.
  In the healing light of Vesta, in the healing light of Vesta, let Earth be bathed and healed and glorified now. By the full power of angels of sixth ray, blaze forth the miracle healing light now.  Blaze forth the healing thoughtform.  Seal now the Earth, O angels of sacre fire!  Seal Earth now in the emerald matrix!  Seal now the Earth and her evolutions!   AUM
  Omri-Tas, release your miracle joy. release mighty spheres of violet flame in this hour.  Omri-Tas, Omri-Tas, Omri-Tas, thou fellow of light of the Violet Planet, intensify the spirals begun.  Intensify in this hour the violet flame.
  Now, beloved, the Lords of Karma, the Seven Holy Kumaras place before you, held in the hand of Elohim, the replica of the sub­continent of India, including Pakistan and Tibet, Ladakh, Nepal.  [Master chants.]
  And therefore this land and her evolutions are brought to the altar of the Most High God.  And the ancient karma of this land and the false hierarchy interfering with light of the Mother in her people is brought to adjudication before the Cosmic Council.  And by the establishment of the Great Central Sun Magnet in the heart of Earth in polarity with that magnet in the Great Central Sun there is an action of Alpha and Omega in this hour for demagneti­zation of this nation of all Darkness, all misuse of sacred fire of the Mother.
  There is an action of light that does go forth from the heart of the Cave of Light of the Great Divine Director.  There is an action from the heart of Lord Himalaya, beloved Chananda, Vaivasvata Manu.  There is an action of polarity from the heart of the God and Goddess Meru.  And there is therefore a release of light and the drawing off of that continent of the Darkness of murder, the Darkness of condemnation and the Darkness of all false hierarchies.  And the bottom ten percent of that lifewave in its entirety is bound in this hour by sacred fire, as well as all evildoers who profane the Almighty One.
  And therefore let the legions of the twelve mighty arch­angels descend to India.  Let them descend in this hour. O living Word, come forth!  Living light of Venus, come forth!  Living light of the Ancient of Days, come forth!
  For we are here for the clearing of the continents.  We are here for clearing of minds and bodies of the people that they might be freed to respond to the name of God, to violet flame—that they might be open to see the presence of the Savioress out of the West and out of the East, that they might know truly the path of the ascension and elect to serve the light and to dwell with the Divine Mother forever.
  So seraphim gather in a mighty action of the solar ring around India in this hour.  And this continent is prepared to endure and to survive in the ages to come and to be cleared—clearing the way for the descent of avatars once again.  Therefore let the seed of the wicked be purged from this nation and let the divine light appear in the incoming children.  We decree it from the heart of Surya and Cuzco!
  And this clearing action, beloved, is held in tow and in balance by the forces in the center of Earth and by your own three­fold flame and the threefold flame of your Christ Self, which is still sustained and intensified in your heart chakra now.
  Oh, place your left hand to your heart, beloved.  Place your right hand in the mudra of the givingness of the Divine Mother.  And let the givingness of that light now be the release from your heart to evolutions of Earth who are of the light that the light might go forth.  And as Earth does spin it does twirl around the Earth and cover the whole Earth by the power of your heartflame.
  Thus in giving the light you may see how you regulate the intensity of light in your heart.  And the burning decreases as you give light to those in need.  And as you desire to increase the intensity you merely fold the right hand back to your heart and seal the heart, and the vessel will fill again and intensify.  And then is come the moment of the givingness again.
  Thus understand, one is filled in order to be emptied.  ‘Tis Divine Love infilling thee, beloved.  And therefore for the balance in thy life it is meet that thou shouldst give and give the light where it is due and only according to the law of the Guru/Chela relationship.  And therefore give light to the light­bearers and ask that the holy angels shall send that light to those who are about to be cut free by Archangel Michael and Mighty Astrea for the gift of salvation and elevation of Mother-light within them.
  This is the mighty turningpoint of the ages, beloved ones. T his is the hour of the descent of mighty light and vortices of sacred fire through all of the hosts of light and saints above and the Elohim. For the Great White Brotherhood has determined now as never before to intensify spirals of the Great Central Sun to give maximum opportunity for lightbearers of Earth to accelerate, to ascend, and all evolutions to choose to follow in their footsteps and bring this Earth into the golden age.
  Beloved ones, if those who are the laggard evolutions reject the light that is descending or refuse to accept it in any way or misqualify it by the power of death and hell or choose to divert it and therefore to get even and to serve their vendettas, then they shall be cut off.  And you will see the separation of the etheric body from the earth body.  And those who are of the light will enter the etheric body and be separated as an envelope is separated, as a sheath is removed.  And the lightbearers shall return to the dwelling place of paradise in the etheric octave and the golden age shall be.  And Earth itself therefore shall become one of these barren planets, for this is exactly what has occurred on Venus and on Mars.
  Beloved ones, understand therefore that the evolutions of light are in the etheric spheres and sheaths of these planetary homes that appear as barren or lifeless or as having temperatures too extreme or climatic conditions not desirable or hab­it­able or capable of sustaining organic life.
  Understand, beloved ones, that one by one the planetary homes have been devastated.  And therefore we desire to see not the separation of the etheric body of Earth but rather that the intensity of light that is descending should impel the majority of evolutions of Earth to choose to live in the golden age.  And if this be the case, beloved ones, and the actual physical Earth should enter the great golden age, then it would produce a chain reaction for conversion of the entire solar system back to its original pristine purity at that etheric octave, capable of being lowered into the physical.
  And thus this would be the spark and signal that it [the chain reaction] might travel across the galaxies of light through the whole matter cosmos, that matter at this level, beloved ones, could be endowed with such light as to be indeed the whole of Spirit in manifestation.  And therefore death and hell would be swallowed up in victory—Alpha and Omega one, as Above so below; and at the nexus then of these spheres of light your mighty heart chakra sustaining below as Above the fullness of the light of the Great Central Sun.
  Either the  matter cosmos is to be endowed with Spirit, else that which is of the Spirit in the matter cosmos is to be taken up again.  Beloved hearts of light, either by freewill the great glory shall come or by the will of God the opportunity then is withdrawn and that which is left is also bound and consumed and that which is the net gain becomes a part of the great blue causal body of the cosmos.
  Understand this which we tell.  We are in the hour of max­i­mum opportunity and givingness and flowing forth of light for the expansion of the flame.  For we the hosts of light desire to see what will happen on planet Earth if the lightbearers have the wind of the Great White Brotherhood in their sails—those that already have the mighty action of sacred fire with them--if these lightbearers that have that action will sustain it and will go forth almost unimpeded to reach all other lightbearers.
  We desire to see what will happen when the evolutions of Earth themselves are stripped of the demons and discarnates and the burdens upon them, when the Liar and the lie are exposed, when they are free to embrace the light.  We desire to see what will happen when, given freewill, the maximum opportunity for right choice is placed before the children of light.  We desire to see what will happen, beloved ones, when the last trump shall sound and death and hell are cast into the lake of fire and there is a binding of these fallen ones and their individual influence is removed and humanity therefore must choose whether to go on in their ancient traditions of Darkness or to choose the light of the Great White Brotherhood and go on in the new cycle of the new day.
  Beloved ones, even if every last seed of the Wicked One should be judged upon planet Earth still there would be the choice of the evolutions who have observed them whether to move on in light or whether to set up once again the civ­i­li­zation of the fallen ones.
  Thus many choices will be made by millions and millions of lifestreams in the decades ahead, and we will see what is the outcome.  And we will know whether the experiment of the hosts of light has been God-victorious, else we shall bow to the freewill of those who have chosen not to be.  And in that hour there­fore one shall see the Holy City and the evolutions of light in that etheric capsule which is indeed the entire etheric shell of planet Earth.
  Understand that it is indeed a New Day.  Much Darkness is behind you. The majority of Darkness is behind you.  And therefore it is well to acquaint consciousness and to adjust the mind to just what is the increased potential of the heart and soul and all of your being, just what is your capability and your ability to deliver this message and this light to the world.
  Beloved hearts, I, Zarathustra, have spoken unto you out of the sacred fires of Helios and Vesta.  May you understand and appreciate the words I have spoken and the light that is come unto you.  May you see that the implementation of the light is up to you.  We trust in freedom’s name.  We trust in freedom’s flame.

(Uriel and Aurora:)
  O mighty action of sacred fire, O mighty pillar of Omega, O mighty pillar of the light, O mighty pillar of Alpha, mighty sacred fire, O willingness of God, O twin pillars of the Sun!  I AM Uriel of the Sun, I AM Aurora.  And in the flaming presence of Ahura Mazda and his messenger Zarathustra we descend now.
  O children of the Sun, you have heard in this hour the mighty dispensations of light.  We now come to fulfill and to plant the rays of Helios and Vesta, to seal now the action of the Great Central Sun Magnet, to contact every child of light upon this planetary home.
  O light of the Ancient of Days, seal now all of planet Earth in this New Day of opportunity.  Seal the Earth in the glory of the Lord.  Seal the Earth in the New Jerusalem.  Seal the Earth in the causal bodies of the Great Divine Director, Lord Himalaya, Vaivasvata Manu and the God and Goddess Meru. Seal the four lower bodies of Earth.
  Clear the way then for the victory of the light and victory of Saint Germain. Clear then the records and let the mighty action of sixth ray of the Lord Jesus Christ and Kuthumi descend and be the pillars of twinflames of all who serve on that ray, including beloved Jesus and Magda.
  We come therefore for the amplification of all full­ness of that light for the purging of a false theology, for the purging of Earth of the false pastors, false priests, false Christs and false rabbis.  We come now for the purging of Earth of the false hierarchies of the world religions—the false hierarchy of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.
  Burn through, O living Word of sacred fire!  Burn through therefore and let the mighty light rays be for the purging action of false hierarchies that have set themselves up as false priesthood mitigating and mediating the Word of God when the Holy Christ Self is come into every man’s temple in this hour and the fullness of the divine descent of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon the evolutions of Earth.  For the Lord does come suddenly into his temple in this hour.
  And therefore the evolutions and tribes of the Earth do mourn, for the light that comes unto them is not their way but it is God’s way.  And therefore it is a purging and a blinding light, and it becomes a painful light.  Yet the Lord does come to raise up the soul and the lightbearer, to bring judgment upon those who reject the light and to occupy the planetary home by the universal Holy Christ Self of all.
  Therefore Uriel and Aurora—we are that One, that I AM THAT I AM.  We are that flaming flame of Love.  We are the emis­saries of the Lord Christ who does descend by the power of the sacred heart in this hour for the clearing of the way, for the binding of that Darkness and ignorance and all malice.
  We are come therefore for the planetary purging and raising up of the Buddha of the Sun by the power of Alpha and Omega, by the power of Helios and Vesta.
  We are therefore declaring the day of the mighty sword of vengeance and the full power of the ruby ray.  And we      de­clare this hour in the intensity of the Godhead, the mighty sacred fire of Elohim, the mighty sacred fire of light of God descending.
  In the full power of the Mighty I AM Presence of the saints of God above and below, let planetary change come forth now!  Let it come forth by the alchemy of sixth ray, that the power of the sixth ray go forth, that the power of seventh ray go forth.  And let there be, by the mighty force and forcefield of that light, the fullness of the integrity and integration of the Godhead of the age of Pisces and the age of Aquarius that the net gain of light of these ages might deliver unto the people of Earth the quickening and awareness and  reaching for that God-flame.
  In the name I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara I AM that action of the light.  I AM that action of the Lords of Karma.
  I AM the descending light, I AM the purging light, I AM the ministering light. I AM the light of service.  I AM the light of Purity and Power and Love and Wisdom.
  Lo! we are that light intensifying in the Earth body and in the four quadrants of thy being, beloved.  Lo! the light is delivered in this hour for the holding of the balance.  And the balance is out of the heart of Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World.  Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World.  Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World.  Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World.  And therefore in the name of Sanat Kumara we join you now in the singing unto Gautama Buddha and the meditation on the Western Shamballa and the Eastern Shamballa that the Earth body might be sealed in his vibration and song in this hour.
  In the name of the Holy Spirit, in the name of all angels of sacred fire, in the name of the beauty of Almighty God, in the name of Venus:  Hail, lightbearers of the Sun!  Hail, sons and daughters of God!  Go forth, champions of the light.  Go forth in the freedom flame. Go forth, O beloved hearts, for this is an hour when there is the mandate of change, and you must ratify it and be that joy of the Lord.  Enter thou into the joy of the Lord!  Enter thou into the joy of the Lord!   Enter thou into the joy of thy God—here and now I AM THAT I AM.
  Lo, I AM the victory of the light!  Lo, we are Uriel and Aurora!  Lo, the angels remain!  Angels of the sixth ray, go forth then to cut free light­bearers.  In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother, amen.
(Precious Gautama
To the Lord of the World
Who Wears the Mantle of Sanat Kumara
Precious Gautama
We welcome you as our new Lord
We want to serve you
So help us, Great Karmic Board.
Your gentle Presence
Now help us to manifest here
Help us outpicture our Father, so dear.
We are so grateful
That you have prepared to this time
Ready and willing
To free such a Friend sublime!
To you we’re grateful
For showing us God’s Middle Way
Help us to live in its vict’ry each day.
Gracious Gautama
Our Teacher and Friend of the past
Flood men with Wisdom
And set them all free at last!
Bless them with Freedom
And hold them in Love’s violet fire
Purify always their every desire.
Helios and Vesta
Reward this great Master of Peace
Flood all his being
With blessings that never cease!
Make our dear planet
The fullness of all she should be
Her evolutions forever all free.
Melody: “Moonlight and Roses” adapted by Ben Black and Neil Moret from ”Andantino,” by Edwin H. Lemare)
            -Zarathustra and 

        Archangel Uriel and Aurora, deliv­ered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 11,1985 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 28:48
Copyright the Summit Lighthouse, Inc.

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