Sunday, November 8, 2020

Uranian epic


-Elohim Cyclopea by C. Sindelar

Cycle of Uranus around the Sun:  84.01 Earth years.

Our story is epic, Uranian epic to be precise……  From 1539 Uranus in 84 years brought Uranus round one time to the same point, and the year is 1623, first folio of complete Shakespeare plays published in London.  Bacon before he passed in 1626 laid down that the Masonic and Rosicrosse Orders needed to be underground for the first hundred years.  This then took the Master’s plan to circa 1723; the next 84 year Uranian cycle ran to year 1807, the Napoleonic wars period in which the Comte de Saint Germain played a key role.  Forward 84 years further:  1891, Constance Pott, of the Baconian school of Shakespearean authorship, completed her second major contribution to that rather rising genre.*  Forward 84 years:  1975, Saint Germain hosted Shasta 1975 Conference and afterward drew the Mother of the Flame, his Messenger in embodiment, back to Colorado Springs for crucial work for the Brotherhood of Light.

  There is more.  Uranus is said to be exalted in Scorpio, and some may be interested to locate the so-called fixed star of Princeps--its position relative to the zodiacal circle. (A.D. 2000 at 3°09’ Scorpio - *Princeps: Ability to research, keen, studious and profound mind, business, government, law, science, arts, lies.  Fortunate; (of the nature of) Mercury/ Saturn 

  Uranus is basically a very high vibratiom, and its fine tuning requires many steps of unfoldment, even some teamwork in excellence.  An example of this is radar.  Naturally there is possible possible misqualification of its vibration as well.

  The Baconian school had long carried, more or less underground, the story of Robert Dudley and Queen Elizabeth giving birth to two mighty children, the elder being Francis who had been farmed out to the Lord Keeper of the Crown Seal, the Nicholas and Anne Bacon family whose natural son showed Frances some of the ropes of diplomatic service for the Crown when they ventured to the French court when Francis Bacon was about 17 years old, circa 1577-8.  

  And that is more or less the inner story on a Uranian thread, folks, full of twists and turns.  Although the Wells Gallup/Dr. Owen contribution to the Baconian school was pretty sketchy, they were Baconians but unfortunately mostly not practicing inductive logic well or thoroughly.  As for the Mother of the Flame, she had a plate full of tasks, and the Baconian school’s details were not her cup of tea.  I drank that cup; I found the pattern too that connects the dots.

   Regards from Mt. Shasta, R.

*see and/or for Mrs. Constance Pott’s work 

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