Monday, November 2, 2020

the factor of criticism that is responsible for the condition in your land at the present moment

1)  13. One should observe not only Ours but also the Black Brotherhood.  It is erroneous to minimize the strength of the dark forces.  Very often their victory is due to such neglect.  People very often say, "They are not worth thinking about."  But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against the assassins of the spirit.  One should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them.   -M:  Fiery World 1934


2)   it is essentially the factor of criticism that is responsible for the condition in your land at the present moment.  The assassination of your president is, in one sense, a direct action of criticism that flowed through many, many minds generating and fomenting tremendous hatred.  It takes as its focus one who is susceptible and then that individual carries out the nefarious act of the many. The thought processes of the many are carried out by the one.  Individuals then point their finger at that one and say, “Behold, what a despicable man!”  

        -Sanat Kumara:  12-1-1963 at Washington, DC via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 42:40

3)  At this hour, ladies and gentlemen, you must have the knowledge that the dark ones, the sons of Belial and of Beelzebub, are conspiring in chambers in Washington, D.C., and in other cities of this nation as to how they can accelerate the plan for the takeover of your government, which is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”…The divine document that is the Constitution, when properly employed, can deliver America from a bureaucracy and from those who are corrupt who presently hold the reins of power. 

     -Morya:  3-24-1974 at Detroit via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 61:12 

   On November 4, 1973 El Morya  warned: “There are matters of great import taking place this very hour across the planetary body in secret chambers behind closed doors.  There the councils of the sons and daughters of God are taking place. But there, also, the councils of the dark ones are in session.  While some are plotting the overthrow of the government of the United States, others are plotting to raise up a new president on the wave of mankind’s fears and doubts, uncertainties, and questioning attitudes.  The plot is to encourage the people of America to rally against the president [so that the forces of darkness will] have an excuse to bring in the dark horse, the one who is more representative of darkness still.  Therefore consider well [that] each time there is a change in government, each time there is the passing of a torch from hand to hand there is the opportunity for the falling of that torch to the ground or for the raising of that torch higher than before.   This is an hour when extreme vigilance must be manifest in the children of the light and those who call upon the Lord day and night.”


4)   the polarization of fear throughout the misqualified energies in the cells of the body.  -Messenger E C Prophet:  11-20-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 44:5


5)   Beloved hearts, it is indeed significant for this organization itself that on this day in Durban, South Africa, the shrine and the home, the documents, the books, and the papers of Mohandas Gandhi have been destroyed through rioting--burned utterly, beloved hearts. (footnote:  Unrest began around the South African port city of Durban August 1, 1985, with the assassination of Victoria Mxenge, a prominent black civil rights lawyer.  Later fierce rioting ensued in Durban’s blank townships, escalating into bitter racial conflict between blacks and Asians.)  This then is a direct attack on my flame in South Africa, as South Africa is the base and Mother chakra of the entire continent.     

       -Goddess of Liberty:  8-10-1985 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 28:45  


6)  Within a fortnight you will see the judgment of the LORD God Almighty.  You will see the right hand of the Buddha Gautama.  And you will see the driving back of those who have sought to take the Light where the Light has been ensconced, of those who have sought to tear down that true religion where it has been planted, of those who have sought to seize governments of nations unlawfully.    

                  -Archangel Gabriel:  2-15-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 29:86


7)  Realize, beloved ones, that the attack upon the Mother is upon the entire lifewave of the Philippines and upon the children and the families and the economy of the nation, which is a shambles as a result of the manipulation of one called Marcos and his wife.  Beloved ones, I come to anchor the judgment of these two.  And I declare it gladly in the physical octave that all the world might know that Zadkiel has not forsaken the nations or the flame of freedom in this hour.    -Archangel Zadkiel:  2-16-1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:34


8)   Ye are a people endued with grace, a people of a calling from the ancient times and the Ancient of Days.  This is your hour of victory.  I say to you:  Act in time and claim that victory!…Let the few be the sparks that fly.  Let the Holy Spirit quickened in you now, beloved, be that power of God that does empower you to speak, to be heard, and to have angels and the wind of the Spirit in your sails to deliver a mandate, as one voice does rise up from the din of the pleasure cult and the madness of the times, one voice of ten thousand saints and a million and a million again that does cry out unto God and demand of this government:  peace, protection, defense, strength, integrity and the living light of a people that shall no longer be hid but be upon the mountain of God as an ensign, not only to a planet but to a cosmos, that the lightbearers whose destiny is come have taken their stand and determined to defend a nation, a planet and all people by the living sword of Peace!  

                            -Maha Chohan:  10-24-1987 at Indianapolis via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 30:68


9)  For what is liberty but love in action in the liberation of the soul.…Life in these times is only so perilous as is your absence of true inner peace.  Let the power of the water of the Divine Mother be unto you truly the raising up of your soul unto Life….

  How long need the people of Earth be long suffering before the betrayers in office who squander their light and money and do not care for them or even provide for their basic defense?…Only those in embodiment can take the reins of government and demand a basic protection of this nation. If it come not, the enemy will steal in and steal away even the treasure of your heart….Blessed hearts, never submit to “the inevitable” else it will come.    

              -Nada:  10-12-1987 at Philadelphia via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 30:61


10)  I invite you to give your individual calls in this hour upon all the situations that I have placed before you, beginning with the assassination of President Lincoln. I ask you to also call for the judgment upon the condemners of the American people, the very ones who have betrayed us.       

-Messenger E C Prophet:  1-4-1988 at Royal Teton Ranch, Pearl 31:23


11)  You have seen through the lies of the fallen ones, else you would not be here.  But I tell you, all of those lies are directed toward the character assassination, toward the desecration and toward the impugning of the moral integrity of the Messenger.  Be it understood that such statements have been said about Mother Mary for two thousand years. They have been said about the saints, they have been said about you….

  I say to you, follow the living Christ and follow the Divine Mother. Bring Her down into this octave in your own temple, beloved.  

 (by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985)
              -Lady Venus:  10-8-1990 at Royal Teton Ranch, Pearl 33:40


12)  According to tradition, when Zarathustra was seventy-seven he was assassinated by a priest of the old Iranian religion. 

                 -Messenger E C Prophet:  7-1-1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Pearl 35:35


13)  Pray for those who have had the courage to bring unification midst the Jews and the Palestinians.  Yes, beloved, pray for unification.  Know then that these peoples, as all peoples, have the burden of their karma, have the burden of fear, have the burden of ancient superstition and fanaticism.  And they are not free to let go.   -Jesus Christ:  11-25-1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, Pearl 48:3


14)  There is no victory without pain; therefore embrace it.  Embrace pain until you have resolved its cause and core in your being.  Let the violet flame dance and sing with you.  But forget not to take seriously these evil ones, those who have nothing to lose and everything to gain by causing riots, by blowing up public buildings in this country, creating havoc throughout the world.  They, beloved, shall pass into the nothingness and the void, for they have nothing within themselves, having long ago lost the threefold flame.  -Lanello, K-17 and

Elohim Cyclopea:  10-11-1996 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 44:41


15)  Terrorism has erupted in New York, Oklahoma City, Dhahran and Riya

dh.  It marred the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.  It was narrowly averted in Phoenix and again in New York.  It can happen anywhere.  Is there no recourse when it comes to dealing with terrorists?  There is little recourse through law enforcement.    

           -Jesus Christ:  Thanksgiving 1996 at Royal Teton Ranch, Pearl 39:41





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