1) You can arise and clothe yourselves in garments of light, garments of rainbow hue and always know that the whitefire core is the basis of all substance. When that core is perverted by the absence of light, the blackness of doom and darkness and despair, you are not clothed upon with divine glory and therefore you cannot invoke it. For you do not have a focus, a point of the great magnet, whereby the Great Central Sun can descend and infuse you with greater light.
Therefore that which you desire to become you must first image forth within yourself and outpicture on a small scale and thereby draw to your heart the full magnificent perfection of the Father’s mansions, the many mansions of his heart, of which beloved Jesus spoke to his disciples.
The causal body of man is the mansion of God’s heart. It is the dwelling place, the temple, of the Most High. And locked within the causal body of everyone are the patterns and the mighty outpicturings of energy that has been stored there by noble works and service.
Precious ones, locked within this mighty treasure-house, this reservoir of gold and power, is all that you could ever want or need for the fulfilling of God’s plan for you. For He has given you the wherewithal to fulfill that plan. -Fortuna/Lakshmi: 10-16-1966 at Colorado Springs via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 52:9
2) There must be a concentrated service. Beloved Mary established the Order of the Sons and Daughters of the Flame. Beloved Keepers of the Flame, I would that you would make yourselves a conscious part of this order by offering yourselves in the service for and on behalf of the youth of the world. It is so important, beloved ones, I cannot stress it to you enough….
You remember the test that was given at the Easter conference to see who could hold the harmony and carry Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays. Beloved ones, I will not tell you how many succeeded nor will I tell you how many failed. But I will tell you that the opportunity is renewed. It is ever renewed, beloved ones. For God awaits to bestow upon the prodigal son the fullness of the divine appearing and the authorship of holy wisdom, divinity of love, power of truth and of the holy fire. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
I, the Queen of Light, baptize you one and all with the holy waters—the waters of life that I bring to you and with which I anoint you this night. These are the waters of purification, of cleansing. And they shall penetrate, together with the holy oil of annunciation, to bathe and invigorate your four lower bodies, to pave the way for the coming of the Christ, who now steps forth from the tomb, as Lazarus of old. Grave cloth descending, the Christ appears, the inheritor of immortal life. But he must go forth and prove it, win it, regain it. The gift is not given for keeps until the one receiving it can accept it, live it and make it work. Carry then with you the blessings of the Mother of the World and the Mother of the Flame.
3) The light of God that never fails will carry you through the year and all cycles to come unto the victory of your ascension in the light if you trust and if you tarry with the light and take with you each precious morsel of instruction that you receive from the ascended masters and from these blessed messengers, who have devoted their lives to the salvation of the light within you. It is not always the obvious instruction by which you learn. Sometimes it is a remark, sometimes it is a chastening. Sometimes, yes, it is an involved dissertation. But there is always opportunity to learn, to increase light, to dedicate your heart’s fire to the stars above and the stars below. And so the moment has come for the touching of the hearts. [8-second pause] Elohah [chanted]
It is done. And you are baptized in the light. As newborn babes, go forth into the year to live the life of light, of the Christ, as wayshowers for an age that is weary and heavy laden. I AM the Queen of Light, and there are many beings of light who stand with me in cosmic service to you, and to you, and to you. We go forth into the night with our stars.
Let us go then into the night. Let us dispel it. Let us be where mankind need the light. Each one of you, go forth. Go into the night and carry a light. Go forth into the earth and be a child of worth. Be a tribute to Mother, a tribute to Father, a tribute to Saint Germain, a joy to El Morya and a blessing to all mankind. This is my blessing for the new year, and this is the benediction of the LORD God of Hosts. Invictus!
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all Earth’s evolutions and the beloved Queen of Light, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life--fire, air, water and earth! I decree:
O holy innocence, Descend we pray
From the Queen of Light’s heart
On purity’s ray. Exalt our youth and parents too
To love the Truth I AM shall do.
The way is plain,
Thy kingdom to reign
When error’s transmuted
All that’s vain.
The Cosmic Christ
So dazzling bright
Illumines the world,
Disperses the night.
Descend we pray,
God’s Queen of May,
And flood all men
With light today!
O dazzling bright Queen of Light,
Thy beaming will release our might.
Help us all to win our way,
For action’s ray invoked today
Is wiping all our tears away.
I AM calling for the Earth
And my family too;
I AM calling for myself
And everyone I knew:
O bathe us now in Purity’s light,
In Purity’s ray so steely white,
Thy radiance in the heart command;
O God, our purity now demand.
Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM!
-Queen of Light: 1-1-1973 at Santa Barbara via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 54:15
-Saint Germain: 11-20-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 21:7
7) In the etheric octave, in the seven major etheric cities of light, gold is everywhere, light is streaming. Angels walk freely with masterful sons and daughters of God. Children are God-free, realizing the fullness of their causal body. You can see the transparency of the suggestion of the Christ and causal body and I AM Presence visible above these lifestreams. The streets are golden.
Gold is the conveyor and conductor of the light of the sun, the balance of health in the physical body, and the precipitated sunlight from each one’s own causal body of earned supply from previous incarnations on earth and service in heaven. Therefore you see, all are not equally wealthy even in the etheric cities of light. But each demonstrates (by his adeptship, love and God-mastery) the precipitation of that abundance of gold and beauty and light, culture and soul development, and all of the many facets of God-mastery of the seven rays.
One hears by a soundless sound and inner attunement of chakras the keynotes of all of the masters of cosmos. One can tune in, through meditation through one’s chakras, to various wavelengths of sound, light, beauty, inspiration and the mystery schools and retreats of other planets and far-off worlds.
The beauty of nature is resplendent and many-colored—the crystal-clear streams, the freshness of the air, the piercing vitality of the stars, the sense of the permeation of life with the blue ray of the will of God. There is peace and balance, equanimity. There is the sense of well-being and not the irritations and nervousness of the denser bodies we wear, the diets we eat, the vibrations of death and hell in the earth plane. Apart from these seven major cities of light there are the open spaces of the etheric plane where there are isolated temples, edifices of learning, other communities and types of gatherings of students of the masters.
Now we see the tremendous abundance of light and of gold and of crystal descending from one of those etheric cities over the city of Washington. We hold our hands outstretched. We are the recipients in trust of tremendous wealth and abundance in every chakra and every octave of our being. This means the abundance of wisdom, of vision, of supply, of the power of the spoken Word, of the power of the love ray of the heart, of the purity of the heart and the desire body—in each of the levels of the chakras, opportunity to precipitate the levels of the abundance of God. The base chakra reveals the power of the creative force to precipitate the divine economy into this nation through sons and daughters of God now in embodiment, yourselves prominent in this role.
Therefore we see tumbling out of heaven millions and billions of pieces of gold and light and the wealth of the Godhead. It is absolutely God-sealed in the Holy Christ Self and the plane of the Cosmic Christ. It cannot be qualified by the human. Its purpose is to manifest here as a mighty electrode of power, an electrode as a divine Great Central Sun Magnet--to magnetize the consciousness of all the people to see the simplicity of the divine plan of the divine economy and how it may be outpictured.
Thus this gold in the etheric octave becomes a very living and tangible presence to penetrate the mind, the consciousness, the awareness until everyone can think no other thought except to replace the worthless paper with the substance of heaven. This manifestation, ladies and gentlemen, must come forth as a prerequisite to the great golden age. This gold must be in abundance in the hands of the people for trade, for commerce, as the lawful medium of exchange, value for value, of the sacred labor of the people. This wealth can never be hoarded by the fallen ones unless the people give them their God-ordained control of the systems, the coining and the distribution of money.
Let the coins be of gold and of silver. Silver is one day to become that metal, held in the Cave of Symbols by Saint Germain, which looks like silver and yet is a precipitated light-substance possessing many qualities, not only of strength but of resiliency and of being capable of carrying the higher light of Omega. Until that hour, the gold and the silver focus the light of Alpha and Omega. There must be the transmutation of the lower astral self in order for the silver to be transcended by this more precious metal, yet not so precious that it cannot represent that which has been represented by the silver coins in value.
Beloved ones, this manifestation must come forth, and it is an alchemy which you can achieve by the violet flame, by your daily fifteen-minute pledge to Omri-Tas and the beings of the violet flame. As you have a momentum on violet flame you therefore must declare the will for the channeling of that violet flame. For it is God’s gift to you, not alone for the transmutation of karma and of forgiveness but for alchemy.
After all do you not expect, beloved hearts of light, that by and by you should have transmuted that karma and gone through all of the vials of forgiveness necessary and stand free and clear a son and daughter of God, transparent for the light? Is it not so then that all the violet flame that you invoke ought to be for the divine alchemy of the precipitation of the will of God in your life as abundance, as wisdom and as God-mastery? Do you not expect to be adepts in embodiment by the path of love, by the path of crystal, by the path of a mighty compassion?
After all you have been Keepers of the Flame many years, and you have many years before you. Expect to achieve maximum attainment to the glory of God and maintain a humble heart, and you will never be faced with the dangers of succumbing to the left-handed path by the stealth and deceit of these fallen ones. And no greater deceit has been practiced upon the people than that of the phony money passed around for the real on this planet.
Hearts of living flame, I blend my voice with yours. And I deliver to you this mighty wisdom that you might have that third-eye view, which truly is the bird’s-eye view, into the etheric cities of light and realize just how close this earth is to becoming the manifestation of the etheric cities.
If you can think of a mighty rod of power--the upper portion of the rod being that of Alpha, the lower portion of the rod being that of Omega, and the center of the rod being at that point between the etheric octave above and the physical octave below (that is, the center of the rod therefore being the point of the heart)--you may visualize therefore the hand of Elohim seizing this rod, now turning it. And as it is turned directly in place, the poles are reversed.
And lo, in the twinkling of an eye the etheric octave is on earth and the physical octave now occupies the place previously occupied by the etheric band. The lower ascends for transmutation; the higher descends for assimilation. And thus the balance occurs by the power of Alpha and Omega, which is repeated in your own electrode of authority, which is the spinal altar of your own Kundalini-fire.
And thus you see, when you pursue those postures of the divine yoga and you do the headstand you are, beloved ones, imitating this reversal of the rod and therefore drawing the etheric body down and giving the opportunity for the physical body to be charged by the higher light. And the shoulder stand will suffice, for not so many in the West can, without danger, pursue that headstand.
Beloved ones of light, realize the great power even when you hang upside down from your modern instruments of exercise. It is the same principle—being upside down draws the power of attainment of the sacred fire and the etheric body into the earth. And thus this is the meaning of the twinkling of the eye of God. I give you an exercise for visualization, for alchemy and for the physical exercise of your bodies.
Children of the Sun, I am the God of Gold, and I speak to you because at this very moment in the nation’s history you have four years then to call to me for this change in the coin of the realm. Never has there been a greater possibility. But you must increase the fervor and the call of your hearts and the realization that you are indeed alchemists of Saint Germain and you can change not only the base metals into gold but paper itself into gold! It is the divine exchange, as simple as my handing to you now from the etheric octave a single golden coin inscribed with the eagle of Sirius. Take it to your hand and put it in your pocket. It is real, and it is practically physical.
Now, beloved ones, take from your pocket and put into my hand that paper money. And you will see how I will put it in the very heart of God, and I will return to you many times over that which you lay upon this altar. For I want you to give me a physical, tangible manifestation that I may use for the alchemy of this nation. And you have indeed received, and you will see how it does come into manifestation in your life in many ways—a focus from my heart, a real and living coin of the eagle of Sirius for the focus of God-government and the God-economy. Beloved hearts, this exchange which we enter into this night can be repeated for this nation and this world just as easily as it seems.
Beloved hearts, this must be done, accompanied by the spoken Word of the ordained messenger who bears the mantle of the Great White Brotherhood. It must be precipitated by chelas of the ascended masters who make the call. This is a physical action and the most basic, fundamental physical action that does coincide with the base of matter, the base-of-the-spine chakra.
Thus the gold that I give you is placed in the center of the base of your pyramid of life as a divine magnet accompanying and adorning the Divine Mother, the Goddess Kundalini, who rises up that spinal altar and--by the power of the crystal, the whitefire and the gold--raises to the crown chakra the attainment in the physical universe.
You all have God-attainment in the physical octave. You have God-mastery. It is locked in the white sphere of your causal body, locked in the base-of-the-spine chakra. When you have sufficiently harmonized your energies, overcome the disruption of your emotions, raised the Kundalini-fire and guarded the sacred energies of life, you will find a greater and greater flow of this Mother-flame. And through that rod and scepter of the spinal altar, you will open the door by the key of your physical attainment of all past lives, the momentum of that attainment out of your causal body. And it shall be in your life that wealth and abundance which for some is yet lack and poverty. It is the absence of the fixing of the crystal chalice of your temple and the healing of your world that causes the absence of supply, creativity and ultimate resources in all planes of your being.
I give you this exercise in this hour. For by God’s grace heaven is very near. By the presence of Helios and Saint Germain in this year, you must understand that the alchemy of the golden age is nigh, even at the very door. And on the other hand, the misuse by the sinister force of the power of this earth causes ultimate and dire destruction to also be nigh and knocking at the very door. Thus I am the God of Gold with, if I might say, an immense causal body that does fill the earth through your presence in this most holy capital of the nations, this most holy city of light. Thus the alabaster city above must become the alabaster city below.
Let us join our hands and our hearts in this very moment to feel the current of cosmos as it does pass through the community of the Holy Spirit worldwide. Form now the golden ring of the God of Gold, and see how it will electrify a people to restore this economy.
[Messenger: All hands must be joined so it becomes one circle of light. If you back up against the walls, you can find the circle. Let the serpent fire of our circle wind around the walls of all the rooms so that we can have one single continuing circle for the God of Gold. Messenger and congregation give a decree for abundance:]
O God of love, thou God of Gold,
My true success you ever hold
In the hollow of thy hand,
Supply is mine by thy command!
Come, come now by all thy love
From thy treasure-house above,
Set me free from every lack,
Fulfill the Law and lead me back!
For abundance now outpoured
My God Presence is adored;
Complete the glory of thy plan,
By thy grace I AM God’s man! (6x)
Beloved ones, I address you thus because you are the manifestation of the Law of the One. Therefore you are beloved ones. I see you as one indivisible manifestation of Almighty God--cells in the body of Christ, the universal Corpus Christi, the universal light itself.
Now from my heart of hearts I pass through this circle of light the mighty extension of my presence of the law of the One that you might feel yourself a part of me, even as I am a part of thee. And in this hour and moment, know the oneness of hearts and feel the strength of the saints above and below.
You now are drawn into the etheric octave. Seal your eyes and meditate in your heart as I draw you into the etheric sphere of your lifestream and into the etheric octave of this city. The saints who occupy that plane now take your place in the physical level, and once again we see the goal of the divine alchemy of the cosmic interchange.
Beloved hearts of living flame, I now ask you to send my pulse through this line, beginning with the heart of the Messenger. [4-second pause] Receive it firmly and strongly and send it strongly as you receive it that you may understand that in this same manner you are connected to the heartbeat of God in the Great Central Sun. Your hearts are one now with your mighty I AM Presence.
Fear not! For fear is the great plague upon the economy of this nation. Yet have not the superficial confidence of those who have no realization of death and hell pitted against the abundant life but have the confidence that exudes from the power center of the heart that is one with Helios and Vesta. Let us salute the mighty God-Parents of this system and give now the mantra that will sustain your heartbeat, through their own, with the Central Sun. [Messenger and congregation give the decree to Helios and Vesta:]
Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Let the light flow into my being!
Let the light expand in the center of my heart!
Let the light expand in the center of the Earth
And let the Earth be transformed into the New Day! (4x)
Beloved hearts of living flame, all things are possible with God. I request that the next issue of Heart magazine shall present the case for gold. Beloved ones, it is the time and the space. And wherever you now stand on Earth there is an opening established into the etheric octave. Remember your calling, the garment of God upon you. So walk the earth as emissaries of heaven. Know your place. Hold your peace and let the example of your presence be a reminder to all that the golden age is a reality now in the etheric octaves.
It takes but the acceleration of consciousness to precipitate that octave on earth. Not death but life is the open door to the descent of heaven. In your lifetime you can see God's kingdom on earth if you will it so. God has already willed it.
I seal this circle of fire, this circle of gold. As you daily call to me and give my mantra with the mantra of Helios and Vesta and beloved Fortuna, Goddess of Supply, and wrap the mantra in violet flame and in the God-protection of Archangel Michael, call for the circle of gold to be reestablished. Call for it to include every lightbearer on earth, everyone who is a part of the Great White Brotherhood and the saints tarrying in the etheric cities.
Beloved ones, the circle of gold exists. It is the oneness of the devotees of God. Our brotherhood of light does extend to you rings upon rings of cherished love. The circle cannot be broken. It is infinite! And it becomes the sphere. In reality your circle is around the golden sphere of the causal body of the Cosmic Christ. And I place my causal body and superimpose it in that universal Christ consciousness. Thus the circle is infinite. The individual electrons who have elected to be infinite comprise infinity when they are one, as the beloved, the beloved one. Now you separate hands and you are the beloved ones--one times one times one, still the universal One. Retain this God-consciousness and you will never know the limitations of time and space again.
Remember the circle. Now form it again and see how easy it is to go back to the consciousness of enveloping the sphere with the circle of gold. Is not the wedding band forever? Is it not the band which weds you to Maitreya and the Cosmic Christ and your twin flame? Is it not the band of light whereby you vow to bring that consciousness into your life and not one but many earthly marriages you have experienced over tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years?
Thus the circle is one. But the individual parts represent the stepping-stones of experience along the way. You are stepping-stones to God consciousness. So be as the buddhas and the bodhisattvas. Let the world walk across your path—passing through each one of your hearts, gaining the experience of your causal body registered there and the compassion that comes from having lived on earth, experienced pain and understood the troubles of the hearts of many. Thus in embodiment, beloved ones, you are ideally suited to anchor infinity and to be the open door for those who are the finite ones—soon to become with you the beloved ones.
Think of me. Think of my heart. For I am ever the golden sphere of infinity, the golden ring of the cosmic union. Thus you may do this in thought and meditation—reach up for the hands of the circle of saints. In fact, though the physical hands now separate, the tie is forever and the circle continues in the etheric octave. Once again the divine interchange--the saints resume the etheric command and you the physical. For this is your hour and the power of God-victory in you. The Christ saluteth thee. -God of Gold: 9-3-1984 at Washington, DC, Pearls 52:7-8 …………………………………………....................................
8) For in this hour, beloved, the economy is misused and compromised by heads of state, even the head of this very nation. So, beloved ones, if you desire to see appropriate action, remember that the United States of America is the place that Saint Germain has chosen for this victory. This victory must take place across the states of the Union. This victory must be a sacred fire that descends from above into the heart of each one who shares this day’s victory….
Therefore I seal you in the heart of your beloved El Morya and your beloved Lanello. By Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays let the action of the Great Central Sun reach every heart in this room and every heart of love and light throughout the planet. With joy in my heart I seal you in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother. Amen.
-Goddess of Liberty: Pearl 41:12…………………………………………………….….......................................
9) Yet from the beginning unto the ending this planet must fulfill her reason for being. You are the mighty pillars. You are the ones who must see to it. -Goddess of Liberty: 7-9-1998 at San Diego via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 41:35
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