Thursday, November 19, 2020

These forces have created a veil of “all is well,”

1)  Many are the couriers trained in Moscow who have gone forth in the name of religion, in the name of brotherhood, in the name of Christ to create an ecumenical attitude in the hearts of men.  Concealing their real purpose of world control through a world council, they espouse noble causes--but their motives are dark. 

                            K-17 for the cosmic secret service, Pearls of Wisdom 13:24


2)  The forces of darkness are working feverishly night and day to secure their strongholds in preparation for nothing less than the complete take-over of the planetary body and the establishment of a one-world government with none other than Lucifer at its head.  These forces have created a veil of “all is well,” and they have lulled to sleep, along with their sheep, many who this very hour ought to be the watchmen upon the wall of the Lord.    

                                                  -Lanello:  Pearl 16:20


3)   You have seen how representatives in government have squandered vast quantities of America’s wealth around the Earth, favoring this and that government and nation, only to the detriment of America.  You have seen how so much wealth given to the unworthy and the ungrateful has evoked in them only hatred and more hatred, only more resentment of the light and the Christ consciousness.   

                -Godfre:  12-28-1973 at Mexico City via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 55:15


4)  We stand for the protection of freedom in every land. And we are not partial to any nation as such, but we are partial to the sons and daughters of God who keep the Flame in every nation upon earth. And we watch as the infiltration of the dark ones is carried on as an international spy activity and an intrigue from the capitals of those nations who seek to dominate the world with their darkness, their totalitarianism, and their tyranny that is spread abroad solely in the attempt to snuff out the Christ light….

  Thus the conquest of Europe by the black magicians that used Adolf Hitler in a mass mania of pride, of the superrace, in the conquest of nation after nation–these forces used people that were indeed children of Light mixed with children of darkness.  But by the hypnosis of that leader, der Führer there was brought to pass the capturing not only of nations, but of energies that were intended to be used for the bringing-down of the stronghold of Light in America.  And I tell you, if it had not been for the mission of Saint Germain, of Godfre and Lotus during that period, this nation would have fallen into the hands of the black magicians by the very energy spirals that they were increasing by their conquests each day….

  For to allow the hordes of darkness to take command of this planet and to turn it over to a one-world government under Lucifer, to allow this to take place when you know better, is fraught with grave consequences.    K-17, Pearl 17:12


5)  And when the Christ consciousness is realized individually in each nation as the fulfillment of the Law then we will have a one world and a one-world government because all have united in the Christ.  And until that time Saint Germain is the champion of the guarding of the individual rights of each people and each nation in order to keep them in their circle of fire and their circle of the aum so that they can fulfill the mandala of their destiny and then offer it as a jewel of attainment on the altar of a world humanity.   

             -Messenger E C Prophet:  10-13-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:46


 6)  Out of the East comes the principle of Father.  Out of the West comes the Personality of Mother. The intertwining creates the culture, the government and the civilization of the lightbearers….

  It is by the unguent and the oil--the very balm of Gilead itself and even the precious ointment of spikenard, which the Mother uses to anoint her children preparing for the crucifixion--that the Mother softens the barriers….

  Do you not understand that at every point when World Communism is challenged and checked, it recedes?  It is the very philosophy inherent in the [Communist] system to press on where people are weak, where there are the marshlands….

  And so the same lie concerning a one-world government [must be refuted]--that only in a one-world government by the fallen ones can you have salvation in the form of peace.  You will notice that they never promise you freedom, but they only promise peace….

  We sit in the chambers where God-government is planned and its application to these nations and to this system of worlds.  Negotiation is the negotiation of light and law and its application to an evolving humanity.  This is the only place for discussion.  And our compromise is never a compromise of the Law, but it is the compassion of the Christ meting out to an infant humanity their daily requirements through the best form of government and the best form of an economy that we can evolve given their present state of selfish, sensual evolution.

If you do not think that this is a dilemma for the ascended masters, well I tell you:  to know the perfect forms of God-government and of the flow of abundance and then to have to work through a people who cannot take the pure forms but must have a stepping down of those forms, which is always extremely dangerous--this is indeed God’s challenge to His ascended sons and daughters….But you see, even the highest of the evolutions of mankind, even those you find among the greatest people, have not understood the path of initiation as the path of Christ and Buddha.  And therefore we must rely upon the soul, the inner light of the soul and its knowledge of inner spheres, to interpret the way, the truth and the life.   

       -Gautama Buddha:  7-4-1976 at Washington, DC via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 44:35


7)  It is to free the nations to be whole within themselves and not to come under, then, the boot and the darkness of those who proclaim a one-world government and yet do it not in the name of Christ but in the name of a scientific humanism.    

         -Saint Patrick:  4-3-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 56:2


8)  This is the purpose of God-government:  it is always the governing of the flow of energy from God to man….he who is closest to the Governor of the flow of energy is the one who has the right to rule on earth.  As we survey world government this day, we see that those who are closest to the dark ones who govern the flow of dark energies are the ones who rule in America, in Russia, in China.  And the dark ones who have ruled in India have been put down by the voice of the people who were closer–even in the villages–to the heart of God than their leader. But one leader of light is not enough.  There must be many souls of light who are in the positions of government who can turn the tide of the nations….

  It will come then when they have reached the peak of the carnal mind in anti-Christ, anti-Buddha and the Dragon that would cover the Earth with the darkness.  And in that hour of the culmination of that consciousness of the fallen ones the light from the Great Central Sun will break their government, their darkness, their false hierarchy.  And the hour of the breaking and confounding of the fallen ones may not be disclosed; it may be decades or hundreds of years after the crucifixion of mankind by their one-world economy and one-world government.    -Gautama Buddha:  5-3-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 21:28


 9)  “By the full power and authority of the Lamb vested within me, by the light of the ruby ray I invoke the Presence here and now of the Lord God Almighty, the Holy Trinity and the Mother manifest in the Person of Lord Sanat Kumara the Ancient of Days, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, the two witnesses and the living saints; all of the hosts of the Lord’s Hierarchy serving with them in heaven and on earth through the Threefold Flame of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the great multitude of the children of the Most High God.

  “I call forth the judgment of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother through the Ancient of Days who sitteth upon the great white throne, the four cosmic forces and the Four and Twenty Elders, the Cosmic Council and the Karmic Board, the eternal Lamb and the embodied Lamb upon the entities of evil--“the beast that was, and is not, and yet is,” the personal and planetary dweller on the threshold--the cause/effect, record/memory of the seed of the Wicked One, their conditions, circumstances and hate and hate creations:  war, famine, plague, pestilence and pain; death and hell and whosoever is not found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, their words and works of iniquity wrought through: 

7.  “The Devil in the person of the beasts out of the sea and out of the earth and the dragon who gave them their power, seat and great authority; the one named Blasphemy:  his image, mark, name and number, 666; and their agents in the one-world government and economy, the international bankers and money changers and the capitalist/communist conspirators, manipulators of the Law of the abundant life and the light of Alpha and Omega in the sacred labor of the children of God; the Archdeceivers of mankind; demons and discarnates working through the godless, soulless creation of the monstrous mechanization concept–who subvert the authority of the Holy Spirit and usurp the Office of the Calf occupied in matter by the great multitude who are the children of the Most High God.”  In Jesus’ name, amen.  

 (by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985)
                                             -Sanat Kumara:  Pearl 22:38


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