Friday, November 6, 2020

the one being tested may rationalize the wrong choice as right; You have continued as seekers after light to pursue many devious paths in trying

1)  Of course everything has its place and everything is in place. And I do not for one moment wish to tell you that by the mere reading of the plays which I wrote [under the pseudonym of] Shakespeare you will find your freedom.   

       -Saint Germain:  4-1-1960 at Washington, DC via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl of Wisdom 58:5


2)  Do you see, blessed ones, that true discipleship can never be false?  It must go deeper than the surface mind and retain solid quality to the very core of one’s being.    

                                                        -Jesus Christ:  Pearl 5:12


3)   It is the power of seeing, the power of hearing and the power of the senses that enables you to contact at once both the outer world of form and dimension and our world of light….However, if their consciousness, like a child, is merely gazing out upon the world to see what is taking place around them, they become embroiled in countless ideas and fleeting images which can never in a million years give them their freedom….

  Beloved ones, some of you have heard that I attended my own funeral as Francis Bacon.  Well, beloved ones, I would like to tell you that the mankind of Earth today seem more interested in attending one another's funerals than they do in attaining their ascension!  But this is not our desire for them….

  I am speaking tonight, in the holy name of freedom, to inspire by the love of God those true and whole hearts among you who have long yearned to know the secrets of life, of immortality, you who have long desired to cut yourselves free or be cut free from all that binds.  Those of you who have seriously contemplated and meditated upon life have lain upon your beds at night and pondered as to the mysteries of life, you have wondered from childhood how you might attain a higher way.  You have continued as seekers after light to pursue many devious paths in trying to express the great Christ consciousness of light.

  Having fallen short of the mark, you have continued to pursue “the light that never shone upon land or sea but that beckons within your hearts and within your beings and guides you onward.  You have not forsaken the search; you have continued to seek.  And I tell you, the hand of God shall not let you go.  The ascended masters shall not forsake you.

  Beloved ones, if we do not forsake the world, which has utterly forsaken God, how can we forsake those who are our close brethren, those who are candidates for the ascension, those who are aspirants upon the spiritual path, those who desire to see the victory of God triumph upon earth, those who recognize that the essential elements of truth within religion must come alive within the hearts of men and manifest everywhere before the planet can be free?

  These true souls--these true aspirants to be brothers in white, to be the elect, to be friends of freedom--must rise as one unified body to express the beauty of God.  Everywhere they must cease dissension, cease disunity, cease disharmony.  They must cherish and love those who love the eternal Presence of God whether known by the name of God or known by the name of Allah or by any other name.  And yet they must recognize that the name of God is locked within the precious words that convey to man a sense of his own consciousness, existence, bliss and peace--the words I AM.

  I AM is the name of God.  I AM is the wisdom of God. I AM is the power of God.  I AM is the Shining One manifesting in you as strength.  The I AM, the being of God within you, is that which gives to the reeds of your body the strength to stand upright, which gives fiber to your souls and light to the spiritual man that is within you and fills that spiritual man with the manna which came down from above, the bread of heaven and the light currents that flow into your spiritual body.     -Saint Germain:  12-29-1962 at Washington, DC via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 50:20


  4)  So you begin to understand how the one mind of our beloved Francis Bacon influenced the course of Western civilization and laid the foundation for the New World, the new science and the golden age.  Realize that many who walked the earth in his life took on the very profile of his soul.  Think of it and think of the one who has in his heart the pre-knowledge of becoming the hierarch of the Aquarian age.

  Think of your own destiny.  Think how Saint Germain therefore did write down all of those molecules of Word--coded, ciphered--demonstrating the interactions of light and darkness in the human scene and on the stage of the world.  Thus the lessons of the parables now become the plays of Shakespeare, which you ought to know far better than you do.  Let lovers therefore of Shakespeare teach, demonstrate, act and show the magnificence of the transmission of a teaching of the Christed One of the Aquarian age.

  Realize that in the absence of Francis Bacon this world would be several octaves lower in awareness, in enlightenment, and in illumination.  This must tell you something about the genius of the mind that has its correlation in the genes of the body--and the genes, focalpoints of the seed of Christ.  It ought to tell you about the power of God in you!   -Jesus Christ:  11-24-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 26:56


5)   And based upon action and the fruit of that action, you will then know the new birth of spirit for which the new birth of body may be provided by you or us or both.  For we must have cooperation in the re-creation of the body as well as the spirit.  

  Beloved ones, you may think of any hour of history when all hung in the balance of a few souls and you may know that the fate of this Church yet hangs in the balance of your hearts. Only you can supply this demand of the Law.  Thus listen well and understand the requirements, yea, the rights of passage of which Morya speaks often to you in Darjeeling—the right to pass through beyond veils and beyond.

  Thus I say to you, O soul, pierce! the veil of blindness that covers the eye of God whereby you see not and in seeing not choose not the right course of action.  This initiation well-passed will afford you then not only the piercing of the veil of selfishness and self-love but the seeing clearly by comfort--by comfort’s flame and the abundant life--of those things which must be seen by thy life in order to enter in to the level of initiation which truly, beloved, you have personally earned as you have stood with the Christ in the hour of temptation.  

  And these are the temptations of the sinister force that have come all these years which have said again and again, “Follow me and I will give you power in the kingdoms of this world.  Follow me and I will give you the deliciousness and the delights of all these things and worldly riches and honor.”  And these of course are placed in subtle notes and not so obvious, whereby the one being tested may, beloved, be confused or rationalize the wrong choice as right or the right choice as wrong.  Thus the Eye of God demands that the Law of the One be fulfilled.  And the convergence of the four sides of the pyramid must be, beloved, by the elimination of the excesses of each side of the base.  We form not a cube but a pyramid, beloved.  Therefore realize that for the sides of being to be no longer four but one, each side must sacrifice the excesses.  

                  -Archangel Michael:  4-13-1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:4


6)  Let it be that those who are the poor in Spirit (and each and every one of you may claim that condition) recognize their poverty and be filled with illumination’s golden flame.  Until ye are complete and wholly filled with light, you see, beloved, in some area of consciousness there does remain a paucity of Spirit.  And ye who are wise ones, observing the signs and cycles of the seasons in your own life, may surely see where a paucity of Spirit does therefore deny you the fullness of a victory long sought, well deserved--and yet in that moment of the slip ‘twixt the cup and lip you have denied yourself the victory.

  Blessed ones, be grateful that in this hour all is not lost.  Aye, for some the step not taken upon the ladder of life has had ultimate consequences.  We must be chagrined for a moment.  We must be charitable.  We must move on and determine with a new fervor and fire of determination to help those who have a greater poverty of the Spirit than ourselves.    -Meru:  12-28-1986 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 29:79


7)  You may read of these in that embodiment where I was called Francis.  And some yet call me that in tenderness, remembering, as I remember well, that to set a course and path to defeat the Fates, the gods and daemons all is surely to set an example for a chela, a Keeper of the Flame having the worst of karma and enemies.

  Blessed ones, I can assure you that adversities that came to me in that life were grave for the momentum of darkness that came through them.  Some of you well know that of which I speak.  Blessed hearts, let all overcomers know that one must set one’s teeth to the victory.  One must become so determined in the face of every procrastinating liar that whispers in the ear, “Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow...”  Today and now is the only acceptable time. 

                                        -Saint Germain:  5-30-1987 at Overland Park, KS, Pearl 30:29


   A scientific binary cipher such as the one Francis Bacon demonstrated in his philosophic masterpiece back in the 1600s would necessarily have to be:  a) seen plainly and clearly, b) shown in example plainly and clearly, letter by letter, to function accurately, and c) evidence for and against a) and b) needs to be stated in open view.  Otherwise, poetic fancies are not at all paramount!  Athena is the Goddess of Truth, not of poetic license and wishful thinking.  -R., 12-21-2013  



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