Monday, November 23, 2020

Let those who come to the altar

 Let those who come to the altar for the teaching realize that unless they keep the momentum of their adorations and invocations, there will be such a setback to hierarchy on Terra that it will be impossible to regain that ground of light which has been lost by their failure, by their selfishness.  We must have chelas who are ongoing, forward moving, upward rising, rising higher and higher!…

  So let those who hear and read my word be warned that you cannot expect the few to accomplish what only the many can accomplish.  You cannot expect the messengers to provide all of the light and all of the cosmic action for the freeing of Terra. Shame on you who have failed to give your decrees daily!  How can you look at the faces of the ascended masters whom you place in your homes as a decoration, as an adornment of your ego?  How can you look into their eyes when you have failed to give your two hours daily of invocations to the light?  How can you?   How can you?

  There is only one answer.  You are blinded by your own selfishness!  Let it be put into the flame this day!  For this is crisis!  It is crisis when those who have seen God face to face fail to recognize the battle of the hour.  I AM Saint Germain!  I stand in the flame of freedom and I wait for the reinforcements of light!    -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 20:49, given via Messenger E C Prophet at Colorado Springs on 3-7-1976

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