Wednesday, November 25, 2020

So often mankind have misqualified many sacred matters

 In the earthly lives of all mankind countless opportunities are offered to hold, sustain and expand all the God-purity which was a part of the first sacred fire breath initiating and outpouring life in the sphere of individual consciousness.  One of the reasons why individuals seldom do take full advantage of these many opportunities is because they do not fully understand the meaning of God-purity.  So often mankind have misqualified many sacred matters which by all divine intent were created to be holy and wholly God’s with some of their own misgivings concerning purity--which unfortunately is often based on a pseudo-puritanical understanding--without ever considering or taking time “to be holy!”…

   Know therefore that grave danger exists in “feeding” the condemnatory forces of the world.  Self-righteousness is so subtle that it often permits one saint to find fault with another without qualms of conscience.  Be dispensers of life to others by calling for perfection and God-purity wherever you see it is needed.  If it is already there, call for its expansion!   Now the best way, blessed eternal hearts, to do this is to do it for all life—starting with yourself.


    I AM I AM I AM the fire breath of God from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega.  This day I AM the immaculate concept in expression everywhere I move.  Now I AM full of joy for now I AM the full expression of divine love.

  My beloved I AM Presence seal me now within the very heart of the expanding fire breath of God; let its purity, wholeness and love manifest everywhere I AM today and forever.  (3x)

   I accept this done right now with full power, I AM this done right now with full power.  I AM I AM I AM God-life expressing perfection all ways at all times.  This which I call forth for myself I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet.  

  The straightened shoulders, the stronger heart, the clearer eye of divine vision ever point the way to bearing one another’s burdens by the bond of eternal understanding.  This subdivision of the load makes “my burden ‘light!”  This is God’s way, this is the way of the Brotherhood.  All have erred in Earth’s spheres yet the Master’s admonishment “Love one another” must be fulfilled.  It is the way of forgiveness, the divine catharsis of heaven’s light of God-purity and mercy!   I AM pure in heart and see in you God—alone!       

-Goddess of Purity:  Pearls of Wisdom 3:10


  Speak the truth in the name of God and do not fear the consequences!  For I AM the Maha Chohan and my flame bears witness to the truth of every man’s being.  I witness unto the Spirit of Life within you.  I AM the inbreathing of the sacred fire breath.  I AM the giver of life; I AM the receiver of life. I AM the holy breath.  I AM love universal.  I come to adorn you with that love, to seal you in the cubicle of my consciousness.

   Now let your souls be pressed into the whitefire cube!  Let them be pressed then into this mediator of the consciousness of the Holy Spirit.  In the center of the cube is the flame as of cloven tongues of fire.  So it is the flame of the Holy Spirit.  And some of you have received that fire this day as it has come unto you in the period of the grail meditation.  So the great mystery of life is given unto you because you have prepared over a long time to receive that fire.  So the Holy Ghost will come on the day of Pentecost to all who are ready.

  The Holy Ghost seeks an abode here in Mater.  And so the cosmic cube is placed upon the altar of the heart, and your own heartflame blazes and rejoices and gives glory in the presence of the sacred fire of the Maha Chohan.  Therefore the momentum of my life victorious and triumphant merges with your own flame of Christhood.  And there is the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes.  There is the breaking of the loaf of consciousness.  There is the magnetization of the God-flame as heaven and earth converge in the heart of the anointed one.    

            -Maha Chohan:  Pearl 19:21,  probably on 4-11-1974 at Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet


  Children of my heart, sons and daughters of God, I come in the flaming presence of the Mother-ray.  I come with angels of love to intensify within you the love of the Mother, the love of God and the love of the Mother’s children everywhere.

  The warmth of my aura, the glow of my heart’s love I place around you that you might know that you are not bereft of love, of God, that you are not alone in the universe but that you have with you at all times the delicate pink-petaled aura of the rose of the Mother’s love.

  As I intensify this feeling of Mother in many of you who have long since forgotten the closeness of the mother’s touch, who have ceased to think that you have need of a mother, it is to show you why the fallen ones, the Antichrist and the archdeceivers have sought to tear down the image of woman, of mother.  It is because in the presence of the mother the child can do anything, can rise to his full potential, can realize his genius.  In the presence of the mother the child is always secure, always happy, singing a little song that flows from the heart, that says to God “I’m happy, I’m home in the bosom of my mother.”

  Mankind in this age feel dejected and neglected.  Feeling alone, they cannot remember that they have at all times a mother who believes in them, in each one—in the ability of each of her children to rise, to externalize a facet of God’s being.  Though all men might deny the beauty of that facet the mother always recognizes the jewel of perfection in the hearts of her children.    

              -Archeia Mary:  4-14-1974, Easter, at Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 53:7


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