The Word concerns the science of rhythmic vibrations and is the key to the equilibrium of all forces and the harmony of eternal nature. (At book’s finish he expressed this as: Its secret lies in exact vibrations under mathematical and synchronous relations; its Law is equilibrium or eternal harmony.)
Conscience is the effort of the individual to adjust precept with practice
The kingdom of heaven is taken by force, but it is moral force or moral courage; and the first great battle is for the conquest of self
“He who can best work and best agree” is called a Master. Service and harmony: these are the sign-manuals of the real initiate.
-Mysttic Masonry by Jirah Buck, 1897, Robert Clarke Co., Cincinnati

above: Jacob Boehme, born 1575, German cobbler, mystic.

above: Jacob Boehme, born 1575, German cobbler, mystic.
It stands to reason that, in the strict scientific sense, a thing cannot be demonstrated unless true….The riddle of the Sphinx of Life can be solved only by self-knowledge; and back of this are alway the aims, the ideals, the purposes and the conscious achievement that alone make life worth the living, to every individual….
this is the very genius of natural science--first, demonstration; second, realization; third, service--and these three are ONE. -J. Buck: MODERN WORLD MOVEMENTS, 1913, pp. 15, 18
this is the very genius of natural science--first, demonstration; second, realization; third, service--and these three are ONE. -J. Buck: MODERN WORLD MOVEMENTS, 1913, pp. 15, 18
-Novo Clavis Esoterika by T. Hogan, 2016:
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