Thursday, April 4, 2019

It is in the very next step!

 Think what a mighty army will come forth on this Earth when the sine wave of the revolutionaries of the Spirit--that sine wave passing through my heart, through the heart of the Messenger to your own--does deliver through our magazine the message that is so needed in this hour:  the wielding of the sacred Word!  It is the path of Mother, East and West.  Cut through!  Cut through!  Cut through! my beloved….
  Then see how all the worth is in the striving.  Remember the principle of the teaching and the path of the Mother:   not alone in the goal but in the ritual of attaining the goal is the diamond forged, is the lesson appreciated, is the teacher loved!  Cherish the ritual of the becoming!  Be not farsighted ones, looking only to the distant hill where the cross is raised for a Christ to be crucified by your own name!  Do not be the nearsighted ones, looking so much upon the self that you do not see the next step, clearly the most practical step of your own Christhood.
  It is not here in nonaction.  It is not on the distant hill!  It is in the very next step!  And over that step you see the Star.
You need not tilt your heads backward to see your own Star of Bethlehem.  Look up.  For it is always over the point of action and the nexus of God’s will for you!  It is not in your yesterdays.  Look not back to Sodom and it will never appear in the stars of your future.  How important is the testing of yourself.  Do you measure carefully, day by day, that next step?  Or do you trip and fall because you look too far ahead, too far back or too far into the pool of lesser self?…
  Let tomorrow take care of itself because tomorrow is a fiery coil released out of today’s step.  And as you take the step, you the surefooted ones, you also look up and see a vast panorama of the divine plan.  You look to the hills and the mountains.  The divine plan is there, it is in the Eye of God, reflected on the lens on your own consciousness.  See then that the Word is to externalize the vision rather than to sit in confusion or derision, to try to plan what is ahead when that which is ahead is already there.  Is already there!  Do you not understand you--the reality of you now?  You coexist in the distant past and in the distant future!
  The concept then that God Himself has ordained the plan has naught to do with the denial of freewill.  For you are that God! You already have lived your futures as you have lived your pasts, for you are spherical beings!  Now in the physical dimension you are weaving the pattern by the design of the Mother’s embroidery of that which you have already experienced in the future, represented by the etheric octave where your soul even now does dwell.  Yes, you have fashioned by your freewill far more than you can know or hold in store!  For the finite vehicle is designed to take care of the next step.
  This day is the day of the chalice!  In peace, in confidence see it as a blessed matrix for the perfect externalization of the Mother’s embroidery.  On the other side, see how tangled and entangled the threads become when today you live the yesterdays you should have lived before or dream of tomorrows and waste the precious sands that turn to liquid gold.
  Ah, they have invented glass out of sand and fire and water. But they will also see the precipitation of other compounds just as easily synthesized.  And these will come forth out of the Cave of Symbols when the sons of God have gotten the victory over the beast of human greed--human greed to have all things at once instead of the inner contentment to have the victory of the now in the (eternal) now!…
  Understand that it is the humble people who work the land and build and toil in the factories who are the very foundation of life.  Many of them have been stripped of a proper American education.  Some do not know how to read because of the playing with their minds by the fallen ones and the humanists.  I say:  rescue them!  Educate them!  Love them!  They will know you.  And do not be caught up to impress the proud and the high and the mighty who glad-hand the little people and stab them in the back.
  Dear hearts, it is necessary at times to interact at all echelons of life and with all individuals with equanimity and poise.  And this is not playing the part of the hypocrite.  Why, even in a cardgame there is a logical sequence of the playing of the hand--and you do not play all your cards at once, neither does the Chief in Darjeeling nor my Son.
  There is a wisdom in the heart of the Pope and even an understanding not revealed.  Holding the balance at the physical octave is another matter from holding the balance spiritually.   Here in this sanctuary We can afford to be outspoken, for We know to whom We speak.  Understand the levels of life and measure the commitment by the fire of the heart…Clean the trumpets!  Shine them!  For when you speak it must be the clear clarion call to which angels may respond and give answer and transfer to the altar of the tabernacle of the temple the witness of your prayer.    
-Archeia Mary:  Christmas eve 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles
  Blessed ones, I can save you only if you and I are one.  We must be in agreement as one, in agreement on all of the major points of the Law--on direction, on the defining of being, on looking at the goalpost and saying "That is where I am going and none shall deter me, and I will do everything I must do between here and there to get there and I will leave nothing undone."
  We shall assess all communities.  We shall assess all lifestreams in those communities and we will determine—given their present levels of commitment and what they are doing regularly on a day-to-day basis for the keeping of the flame of the mystery schools on planet Earth--just what we will be able to do for planet Earth and what we will not be able to do.
  Therefore the best move that each and every one of you here can make upon returning to your residences around the world is to get together with other Keepers of the Flame and Communicants and to say to yourselves “What is the level of commitment we can guarantee our Lord Jesus that we will maintain for him?”  Do not make it too high, do not make it too low.  Set your house in order.  Secure whatever place will be your semipermanent place of operation, for there is nothing permanent in this world.  Secure your altar, your study and meeting rooms where people can come and receive the Teachings.
  You have tools, you have videos, you have books, you have audiotapes.  What good are they to you if you do not know their content, if you do not study them, if you do not assimilate them, if you do not drink the blood of the Son of man and eat his flesh?  If you do not assimilate me, if we are not one, if we are not in one body and one in the mystical body of God, if you are not my twin and you are not my spouse, how can I save you and how can you be one with me to help me save others?
  Think of yourselves, beloved, when you were with me two thousand years ago, when you had all of these Teachings and you knew them well.  And suddenly lifetime after lifetime they were not there, and so you came under the woes of orthodoxy, the heavy weight of dogma and doctrine which continually stripped away from your Tree of Life that strong and healthy bark of the Teaching itself, stripping and stripping and stripping.
  And then you awoke one day in the twentieth century, two thousand years later only to find that some had labored long to preserve the Teachings.  Some had discovered the ancient manuscripts and brought them forth.  Some had translated them into modern language.  And when you read them some of the texts quickened your minds to all that you remembered of my words, and the Holy Spirit came upon you and you were comforted.
  Now turn around, beloved, and look at the millions behind you who did not come through the dispensation of my Piscean service.  You must rise to the place of oneness with my heart that we might save them.  You cannot save them alone; you need the mantle of the Savior with you.  And since you have not attained to the grace of the full mantle of Christhood in your own Christ Self I am offering you the mantle of my own Christhood and that of my Electronic Presence as well for the saving of the people of the world.
  My plea to you is great because my vision of the future is, on the one hand, the glory of the golden dawn of a God-victorious Aquarius and, on the other hand looming large and looming near, the antithesis of a golden age of enlightenment and peace because those who had the sacred fire and the divine spark decided they would postpone their mission another decade or another lifetime.  They made the choice to enjoy themselves another round before getting on with the challenge of stumping the planet until every last lightbearer was reconnected to the Source and could receive the torch that was passed to him and move on.
  Either way, beloved ones, unless the Teaching is preserved because you embody the Teaching it will not be preserved at all.  For heaven and earth may pass away, but my words shall not pass away:  they shall live forever in akasha and in the repository of the hearts of my true chelas!  Thus I summon my true chelas and I tell you, I am accelerating the light in you even as I am withdrawing the light from those who have not seen fit to purge themselves of those conditions that they know very well are no part of their real selves or of this Mystery School.   I AM Jesus in the fullness of the resurrection flame.  And my angels will hound you to come back to your own right mindfulness until you speak to them the command “Leave us!  We no longer want to hear from you.”
   This is my Easter message 1993.  May you take it and cherish it, for I have delivered it to you with all of the cherishment of my heart forever and forever, amen.      
-Jesus Christ:  April 11, 1993 via Messenger E C Prophet


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