10-18-2018 Belgian authorities arrested
11-7-2018 According to the indictment MSS officials in Jiangsu targeted a variety of companies involved in the manufacture of jet engine turbine fans, including U.S. aerospace companies based in Arizona, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Oregon and California; a technology company in San Diego; and French and British aerospace companies. The indictment details how the ministry employed a team of hackers who used a variety of techniques against the targeted companies: spear-phishing campaigns, watering hole attacks – an assault in which hackers plant malware on a specific website to infect visitors – and domain hijacking. The hackers not only stole information but also took advantage of their access to the system to send additional spear-phishing emails to employees of other companies and conduct further watering hole attacks. https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2018/11/07/chinas_corporate_espionage_looms_large_113946.html

The new charges stop short of explicitly accusing Lee of giving classified information to the Chinese. Instead they say he agreed to do so, received repeated requests from the Chinese, and made hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash deposits to his personal accounts, even though a business he was operating at the time was failing....an NBC News analyst called the case "a horrific loss for the intelligence community. And it's not a loss that can be recovered from easily. Sources, informants, recruitments are built over time."
This chapter describes the methods by which the PRC attempts to acquire U.S. technology for military purposes. The types of technology and information that the PRC and individual PRC nationals have attempted to acquire, however, are far more broad. The PRC appears to try to acquire information and technology on just about anything of value. Not all of it, by any means, presents national security or law enforcement concerns.
The PRC's appetite for information and technology appears to be insatiable, and the energy devoted to the task enormous. While only a portion of the PRC's overall technology collection activities targeted at the United States is of national security concern, the impact on our national security could be huge....
he political, governmental, military and commercial activities of the People's Republic of China are controlled by three directly overlapping bureaucracies: the Communist Party, the State, and the People's Liberation Army. Foremost of these, and in ultimate control of all state, military, commercial and political activities in the PRC, is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).1...
In 1986 "Paramount Leader" Deng Xiaoping adopted a major initiative, the so-called 863 Program, to accelerate the acquisition and development of science and technology in the PRC.10 Deng directed 200 scientists to develop science and technology goals. The PRC claims that the 863 Program produced nearly 1,500 research achievements by 1996 and was supported by nearly 30,000 scientific and technical personnel who worked to advance the PRC's "economy and . . . national defense construction." 11
The most senior engineers behind the 863 Program were involved in strategic military programs such as space tracking, nuclear energy, and satellites.12 Placed under COSTIND's management, the 863 Program aimed to narrow the gap between the PRC and the West by the year 2000 in key science and technology sectors, including the military technology areas of:
� Astronautics...In 1996, the PRC announced the "Super 863 Program" as a follow-on to the 863 Program, planning technology development through 2010. The "Super 863 Program" continues the research agenda of the 863 Program, which apparently failed to meet the CCP's expectations.
� Information technology
� Laser technology
� Automation technology
� Energy technology
� New materials
The Super 863 Program calls for continued acquisition and development of technology in a number of areas of military concern, including machine tools, electronics, petrochemicals, electronic information, bioengineering, exotic materials, nuclear research, aviation, space, and marine technology.
COSTIND and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly manage the Super 863 Program. The Ministry of Science and Technology focuses on biotechnology, information technology, automation, nuclear research, and exotic materials, while COSTIND oversees the laser and space technology fields.13
Combine military and civil; combine peace and war; give priority to military production; let civil support military. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRPT-105hrpt851/html/ch1bod.html
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