1,063 attacks on Christian churches and symbols were registered in France in 2018
The 6-6-17 near Notre Dame attack followed other attacks or attempted attacks on French landmarks in 2017, including the Louvre machete attack in February, the Orly airport attack in March, and the Champs-Elysées attack in April.[7] French landmarks have received constant police protection because they are regarded as being "especially vulnerable,"[9] these security measures are part of a state of emergency which has been in place in France since 2015.[7][10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Notre_Dame_attack
3-24-2019 By JUPITER | In France every day two churches are violated, the world reports Sunday. Also in Germany Christian churches and institutions have long been the target of attack.
A total of 1,063 attacks on Christian churches and symbols were registered in France in 2018, which is 185 more violations than in 2017. By comparison, around 100 synagogues and mosques were damaged.
In February, an attack on churches in Lavaur, Dijon and Nimes caused a sensation and shock. In Nimes, the tabernacle was broken open in Notre-Dames-des-Enfants, a cross painted on the walls with feces and the hosts pressed into it. The holy of holies has been desecrated.
For Germany, only figures from 2017 are available. The BKA registered almost 100 "anti-Christian attacks", reported German newspapers in February 2018 textually thin and numerically contradictory. It is therefore worth recalling the essays of the " Prussian Allgemeine Zeitung ", Vera Lengsfeld and AfD Bayern . In this country there is a creeping war against everything that symbolizes Christianity: attacks on summit crosses, on holy figures on the way, on churches (also PI-NEWS reported ) and recently also on cemeteries.
In Bavaria, three summit crosses fell victim to hatred. Offender unknown. The Prussians: "At the same time as the ravages on the mountains, widespread devastation has been going on in the valleys since about 2013. Around 200 church abuses are currently reported annually in Bavaria alone. Crosses are broken, altars are smashed, Bibles are lit, baptismal fonts are overturned and the church doors are smeared with Islamic expressions like "Allahu akbar". "
The "Prussian" draws from the simple hatred of Christianity and its symbols, the logical conclusion: "And that is imported to a large extent from the Islamic world: There are now no junkies in need of money, who beheaded Jesus figures and statues of saints arms and legs chop off to light it afterwards. Although the Criminal Police warns of "premature conclusions", but met in their investigations but again and again "youthful rioters with a migration background.” https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.pi-news.net/2019/03/wams-jeden-tag-zwei-kirchenschaendungen-in-frankreich/&prev=search
4-15-19 The Paris prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into the devastating fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, a spokesperson told CNN on Monday.
Prosecutors will be investigating an "involuntary destruction by fire,” the spokesperson said. https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/notre-dame-fire/h_0f4366aba10bec788005689eca661ec8
4-16-19 Time columnist Christopher J. Hale writing: “A Jesuit friend in Paris who works in #NotreDame told me cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set.”
Geller noted France has been hit with a string of fires at Catholic churches, some of which occurred alongside desecration of sacred objects and acts of vandalism.

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