A dissident writer dubbed the “Chinese Solzhenitsyn” yesterday said that his homeland is a “threat for the whole world.” Liao Yiwu (廖亦武), who was jailed for writing a poem called “Massacre” about the Tiananmen Square protests, told reporters that it would be better for humanity if the economic superpower “splits up.” “My dream is that China splits up into 10 or so countries, because China as it is today is a threat for the whole world,” he said as his latest book, Bullets and Opium, was published in France.
The book, which has been banned in China, recounts the stories of dozens of victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, in which troops killed thousands of pro-democracy protesters in Beijing in 1989. The massacre, which is also known as the “June Fourth Incident,” is a major taboo in China. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2019/04/06/2003712910
The point of chess is that it is calculation, otherwise called math. This fact allows man to correct for aberrations of his consciousness through thorough math review, otherwise called analysis or objective crosschecking. In a complex and ever-changing world this quality-control process is essential.
Now computers have vastly aided the quality-control process in chess because their math is faster and deeper than man's, being focused for just that job in the case of chess programs. For example, in the Carlsen-Karjakin match a keypoint was reached wherein Karjakin had a l point lead and had a big advantage on his clock and a subtle board advantage too, though not as experienced and perhaps not quite as solid overall in chess as Carlsen. But he did not go into the advantageous line.At 38….with several minutes of time left Carlsen dropped his Nd5 to Ne7, although 38…Bd8 was probably an easy drawing line.
At 39. Karjakin spent 26.5 minutes to not play 39. Qb3. But what if he had done so?

Friends of Liberty,
The condition of human thought frequently involves the most trivial matters. Thus it is ever so wise to “take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself” (Matt. 6:34); for the meaning of living today and thinking today is the key to progress. The now that is the day of salvation recognizes the potential of each day for accomplishment and sees each day as though it were eternity. “This too shall pass” may well be spoken of all darkness and unwanted conditions, but the impetus for building rightly should begin in the present.
Each hour is its own open-ended compartment. It is its own because man has freewill, time being his unique opportunity for energy qualification; it is open-ended because the effects of his deeds are far-reaching.
-Goddess of Liberty: Pearls of Wisdom 13:25
According to cosmic Law, the people who have the highest level of initiation have a much greater commitment and responsibility. Given two lifestreams the one with greater attainment makes greater karma for the same mistake. This is the Law. To them to whom is given much, much is expected.
-Saint Germain: December 18, 1977 via Messenger E C Prophet
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