Thursday, May 10, 2018

Therefore we come to uplift and to lift the pall of darkness

    The descent of pure light is my annunciation.  For pure light delivers the pure wisdom of the Manchild where thou art, O soul of great worth.  I salute thee, companions of Life, compatriots of the way of free­dom.  
  I AM indeed Gabriel, and Hope that I AM is the most gracious lady I know.  And therefore we come together to bestow the fiery light of Alpha and Omega--purity’s light descending as a mighty sphere on New Year’s eve.  Thus from your own mighty I AM Presence this pure light, this sphere that is the pulsating life of your own God Presence, is for the establish­ment--for the establishment, I say--of the sphere of purity’s consciousness in the earth.
  Therefore we come to uplift and to lift the pall of darkness--astral darkness that hangs over the land--therefore the descent of light!  Therefore the pressure from below increases, and there is upliftment.  There is transmutation by purity’s light!  There is the relief of the burden, even of Damocles’ sword that hangs over the heads of the nations of Earth.
  My beloved, in the flame of the Virgin will you take your rest and be seated while we commune in love.
  Hear, O light; hear, O light I AM.  And therefore there is a part­ing of the Red Sea--there is a parting of the way of the astral plane that stands between thee and thy God!
  I will not allow the shadowed hordes to stand between thee and thy Christhood!  Therefore I send these sendings of sacred fire as keys of light from my heart.  Therefore I AM, I AM, I AM creating an action whereby the crystal fire is intensifying.  And there is a cleansing and a purging and the establishment of the holy light of God in earth.
  We come indeed to clear the way for the incoming golden age.  That age appearing is descending.  Therefore the brides of the Spirit must rise to meet the Bridegroom midair.  Therefore there is the rapture of souls.  And this meeting of heaven and earth is that the New Jerusalem may appear as the golden age.  And the rising and the descending of the golden-ratio spirals is for the establishment of light and the dispersal of all opposition to that light above and below--as the light of the mighty Spirit-sphere above and the matter below.
  Therefore strive, strive for the nexus of thy Christhood!  Strive to be at that point where error is denounced, truth is proclaimed, and a holy science and a holy religion are wed by the cloven tongues of the Holy Spirit….We know what it is to engage in the saving of a planetary body!  We know the requirement of the Law!  We know the science of the sacred fire--and we implement it!
  And therefore God has sent the seven archangels for the rescue of the people of light upon earth.  And we are gathering our own into our arms, into our causal bodies.  We are establishing coor­dinates of our retreats in the planetary body.  And these coordinates are focalpoints of light that shall be for the turning of the way of the sword.  And it is the mighty sword--replica of the sword that kept the way of the Tree of Life in Eden.
  And therefore the Cosmic Christ is the mighty sifter of men’s hearts.  And there is the sifting of the thoughts and feelings of an entire planet.  And there is ever the hour-by-hour judgment, and there is ever the pressing out of the grapes.  And there is the distillation of consciousness, and there is the purification, and there is the judgment.  And there is the establishment of the cross where I AM….
  Most intense is the activation of the ancient rites of Satanic ones, of the murder and the murderous intent--the crime wave sweeping the earth.  To this we give our attention.  And into the core we direct the sacred fire!
  Those who are the leaders give their analyses, make their pronouncements and say “This must stop!”  But, beloved hearts, aside from meeting and talking about the deplorable conditions they do not understand how to solve the problem of the Satanic hordes’ invasion of the mental belt and the emotional belt of the earth in these end-times.  This is up to an archangel--and thereto I AM come!  And I come to establish within you that focalpoint of fire, that whirling sphere of purity’s light, for the deterring of this condition in the City of the Angels and throughout the planetary body.
  The problem is complex; it cannot be simplified.  It cannot be pointed out that inasmuch as more crime exists midst the minority groups that it is due to their depression and absence of education--or other attempts to explain why, in particular, crime is at certain sectors of society.  The greatest hedonists as well as sadists have existed among the white majority and other accelerated races, beloved hearts.
  This is more than a superficial discussion of social conditions or gun laws.  And therefore try as they will, unless they come into the understanding of Armageddon, of karma, of reincarnation, of the lifewaves and the seed of the wicked and the existence of astral forces and of the fallen ones, they will not deal with this problem. …
  And this is the meaning of the keystone in the arch.  This is the meaning of the flame of Life!  It is the focalpoint of the entire building of the temple.  And therefore when used in the hour of the judgment it can travel right through--all the way back on that anti-Life momentum of death itself to the origin of that seed.  And it is the seed that must be bound in the recesses of the minds and astral bodies and wicked hearts of the deceivers.  The seed must be bound in the grids and forcefields that comprise the auras of the Watchers themselves.  It is a conglomerate.  Looking upon this conglomerate and its penetration and its ten­ta­cles throughout the planetary body John the Beloved himself was wont to describe it as “the dragon,” as “the beast.”  For it is indeed a mass entity that takes the form of the perversion of the Kun­da­lini….
  Hearts of infinite fire, there is the spreading of a disease in the astral bodies of the people.  It is a virus like physical viruses.  It is a cancer affecting the entire astral plane and the astral bodies of those who are already unhealthy in consciousness in that they mis­use the light of purity and they compromise the Laws of God.  And therefore their four lower bodies are not whole, are not healthy by the natural and harmonious distribution of the light.  There is clogging and constipation of the astral body even as there is this condition within the very tiniest physical cells.
  This cancer affecting the astral bodies of the races of the people most notably affects those who are a part of the mechanization-man consciousness whether by adoption or by the intent of their original creation of the fallen ones, that is, whether by the intent to set aside their own God-flame and follow in the path of sophistication of the seed of the wicked.
  Therefore those who have the least light or no God-flame at all are the most susceptible to astral viral diseases which create a forcefield that in turn is susceptible to the murderous intent and to the blood-rites of Satanic councils who exist both on the physical plane and on the astral plane and in certain levels of the mental plane.  Therefore the fallen ones who proceed by deliberate design also spawn their viruses in their astral laboratories….
  Therefore understand that those who walk in the way of righteousness, those who respond to the I AM Presence and worship the God of very gods, those who are open and pure in heart and not deceitful are clear channels for that light to flow. And that light as a mighty waterfall daily cleanses and purifies the four lower bodies, thus displacing any condition whatsoever which would tend to accumulate those forcefields that are con­ducive to the establishment of diseases of the astral body.
  There are also diseases of the mental body, and conditions in the physical body make possible their establishment.  For instance, beloved hearts, the effects of nicotine on the brain and on cutting-off of the flow of light through the upper chakras will also weaken the interaction of the flow of light in the mental body.  And therefore at inner levels there is the weakening and there is the entering in of that disease which causes lack of judgment, poor understanding of life, poor perspective, paranoia and unwise and unrighteous and unlawful decisions on a day-to-day basis.       
     -Archangel Gabriel and Hope:  12-31-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles  (Gabriel with Mohammed, as in Prayer and Meditation, 1978)

    Understand, precious hearts, that the greatest healing of all and the greatest victory in the battle is transmutation by the violet flame whereby the enemy fades away and the transmutation of that philosophy of the enemy takes place and the children of the light rise to preeminence and their philosophy [rises] to dominance in world thought.  And suddenly the enemy and all of his efforts are simply out of style, out of step.  This is the revolution we would see whereby the world itself, moving up that great spiral of the golden ratio, is elevated out of the morass, out of the swamplands that are the dwelling-place of the serpents.          
                     -Archeia Mary:  3-8-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles

                   -Shasta sundown of Ascension Thursday

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