12-12-15 The Kremlin leader, Vladimir Putin, is at the mercy of bandits in organized crime groups, especially the group called "Tambovskaya," says a former investigator from the Russian Federation's Inquiry Committee in an interview for Radio Svoboda. ...
According to the expert referring to the interceptions of the Spanish Prosecutor's Office, Alexandr Bastrîkin, the head of the Investigation Committee attached to the Russian Prosecutor's Office, was named at the direction of one of the heads of the "Tambovskaya" group, Evghenii Petrov.
Zikov says the criminal group "Tambovskaya" has very close ties with former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdiukov, scandalized after a real billion-ruble state-breaking machinery was discovered. Petrov's acolytes are also President Sberbank, Gherman Gref, as well as other former or current officials. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ro&u=http://unimedia.info/stiri/audio-Intercalarea-dintre-puterea-de-la-Kremlin-i-Mafia-rusa.-Vladimir-Putin-la-cheremul-bandiilor-105952.html%3Futm_source%3Drss%26utm_medium%3Drss%26utm_campaign%3Drss&prev=search
The Tambov Gang now includes several hundred active members.
In August 2001, Interior Minister of Russia Boris Gryzlov said that the Tambov Gang controlled up to 100 industrial enterprises in Saint Petersburg, including PTK, the leading fuel retailing operator in the city, as well as four main sea ports of Northwestern Russia, Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk.[1][5]
On 16 January 2007 the Prosecutor General of Russia Yury Chaika announced that the Tambov Gang had recently forcefully taken over 13 large enterprises in Saint Petersburg and was being investigated.[6][7]
On June 13, 2008 Spanish police arrested 20 members of the organization's Spanish branch.[8] In connection with the raid Russian politician Vladislav Reznik was investigated[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tambovskaya_Bratva

Key political allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin helped Russian mafia operate in Spain for more than a decade, prosecutors in Madrid said. Members of the St Petersburg Tambov crime syndicate began money laundering operations in Spain in 1996, while Putin was deputy-mayor of the Russian city, prosecutors Juan Carrau and Jose Grinda claimed in a petition to Spain's Central Court obtained by Bloomberg.
Prosecutors claim that Tambov boss Gennady Petrov's contacts in the Russian government include some of Putin's oldest allies. It names Alexander Bastrykin, who runs Russia's Investigative Committee, which oversees major criminal inquiries; Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak; and Gazprom president Viktor Zubkov as being involved with Petrov. Another alleged key government contact is Victor Ivanov, now head of Russia's Federal Narcotics Service. Putin is mentioned three times in the document, including in a transcribed wiretapped conversation between Petrov associates in Spain.
Vladislav Resnik, a member of Putin's ruling United Russia party and deputy head of the finance committee in Russia's lower house of parliament, is accused of helping Petrov's associates to be appointed to key positions government positions in Russia in exchange for bribes, including Spanish properties. https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/vladmir-putin-allies-named-key-allies-russian-gangsters-by-spanish-prosecutors-1508620
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