-Shasta area
Courage of action, the courage to do battle when all of the world is set against thee, must be evoked from the very heart of hearts. And prayer without ceasing must accompany the devotee who would win over human consciousness with all of its deception, with all of its illusion, with all of its attempts to preserve itself against the day of the appearance of the Christ. For in the hour of the Second Coming as the thief in the night the human consciousness is dissipated, it is scattered, it is no more. That very human consciousness anticipates the coming of the great light of the Son of God, and so it attempts by devious methods and means, by all sorts of ruses and insanities to preserve that last straw of identity.
Quicken the heart, quicken the mind and quicken the determination, beloved ones, to slay the last foe! For the hour is indeed five minutes before twelve, it is the hour when the tail of the Dragon Tiamat (Chaos) swings as a backlash against the sons and daughters of God and against the holy innocents. It is the hour of victory for those who are ready to draw forth the light and challenge the tail of the great dragon—the challenge of the misuse of the sacred fire and the tail of man’s own carnality,….to say to that proud wave: “Thus far and no farther. Halt! I challenge you in the name of the living God.”…
The Keeper of the Scrolls, that great being of light who sends forth his legions of angels to keep the record of every man, woman and child upon this planet, will draw forth from the Book of Life in your behalf—if you will call to him and to the Lords of Karma—those pages that require seeing and examination if you are to make the proper calls….
O Lord, have mercy! (3x) upon their souls. I, Mary, stand before the Most High God this day to intercede on behalf of humanity everywhere--those who call to me, those who spurn me, those who know me not. From the least unto the greatest all are children of my heart, and I stand with my heart bleeding, as it were, as the sword of mankind’s disobedience pierces the heart of the Mother once again….This is the hour of the new order of the ages, this is the Second Appearing, this is the hour when the capstone is placed upon the pyramid of each man’s identity: for the all-seeing Eye is the Eye of the immaculate conception of the Christ
-Archeia Mary 10-13-1972 at Colorado Springs via Messenger E C Prophet
-Keeper of the Scrolls (by Auriel Bessemer, ~1971)
3-4-15 the SBU identifies one of the callers as "Sergey Nikolayevich Petrovsky", an officer with the Military Intelligence Service (GRU). In interviews, "Khmury" - as Petrovsky likes to be called - said he was discharged from the Russian army in April 2014 with the rank of major general. Immediately after leaving the army, Petrovsky joined the Russian rebel leader Igor Girkin, better known as Strelkov.
"At the time of the crash, Petrovsky was an intelligence officer and Strelkov's deputy commander in Donetsk. In the SBU's sound clip, Petrovsky's conversation partner greets him as “Nikolayevich”….
Petrovsky was the one who arranged the transport of the BUK missile-system to Donetsk, and from there to the battlefront. "There's no need to hide it, it's going there straightaway", Petrovsky tells "Buryat" on the phone. Petrovsky uses concealing language - "Is it what I think it is?" - Buryat, however, is less careful. "Yeah, yeah, a Buk."
Evidence of the residents of Chervny Zhovtnya near Torez indicate that the Malaysian Airline Boeing was shot down by Russians, - Reuters
Residents of the village Chervony Zhovten testify that the "Boeing" MH17 over the Donbass was shot down from the territory, which is controlled by the militants—as reported by the residents of the village of Chervony Zhovten near Torez who told Reuters that they saw the launch of the missile from a nearby area minutes before the flight of Malaysia's MN17-Boeing 777.
The agency emphasizes that at the moment this is the most detailed evidence that indicates the guilt of pro-Russian terrorists in the crash of the aircraft.
Chervoniy Zhovten as then, and now is controlled by the militants. Eyewitness reports are important, writes Reuters, as the missile was in the early stages of the flight. Thus, the agency concludes, the aircraft was most likely attacked from the lands of terrorists, which refutes the words of Moscow and the militants themselves about the fault of the Ukrainian army, which was then at the nearest distance of about 6 km.
Before the species and photos pointed to the Beech, which was taken to Snezhnoe, 7 km to the north of the village, on July 17. His exact location at the time of the attack was still unknown. One of the villagers told Reuters that the missile battery was placed in the field near Chervonim Zhovtnem on the day of the tragedy of MN 17. The local resident who left the ranks of militants confirmed this.
On the afternoon of July 17, a 45-year-old Valentina Kovalenko digging potatoes in her garden in Chervon Zhovtn when she saw the flight of a rocket. Her 14-year-old daughter Anastasia also saw the launch of a rocket over the village and the subsequent remote explosion of the aircraft.
According to the 30-year-old Olga Krasilnikova, she also saw a rocket about 16-17 hours. "I saw her flight, she just flew over me.” She was released from there (pointing to the outskirts of the village), I saw smoke in the sky, after I heard an explosion and saw huge clouds of smoke, "she said. The MN17 flight was shot down around 16:20 in Kiev. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=https://censor.net.ua/news/328255/svidetelstva_jiteleyi_chervonogo_jovtnya_pod_torezom_uka
-ice sculpture at Harbin, China
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