The pouring out of the vial of the misuses of the light of the sixth ray must precede the judgment of the Great Whore, that perversion of the feminine ray that sitteth upon many waters. And in her fornication she has perverted the sacred Mother-flow of the whitefire core in matter. And this flow of the great River Euphrates was for the nourishment of the body of God upon earth who formed the Church of our Lord. And yet that church has become as Babylon the Great, the apostate church that is “become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”…And I told him (John) that the waters which he saw where the Whore sitteth, even the waters of the great river, are the peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues who gave their energies to Babylon the Great….
The rending of the veil of innocence is the great calamity of mortal existence.
-Archangel Uriel: Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, 1975-6
Move back to the center. Rise now in this golden spiral staircase from the base chakra to the crown through thy Christhood and thy I AM Presence. Visualize Self as this fiery coil, this dimension of being that is infinity somehow mystically penetrating time and space as the rod of power descending--electrodes of power, pillars, if you will, in the temple of the universe. So be the vortex of fire infolding itself which signifies that consciousness always must return to the Law of the One….
Wherefore the science of the solar ring? Draw it around the self. The circle of being must be well defined. Who am I? Not the narrow stalk but the full branches of the Tree—this is the I AM WHO I AM….Thus the integrating spiral is the counterclockwise spiral because it draws back to the center all that is, all that has gone forth--the daily exercise of rising in the morning, going out in the Omega domain, fulfilling all responsibilities well and returning to the center….
Demons like to enter and sit upon that throne of glory. And they taunt and tempt and take dominion and subjugate the soul until the soul does rise up as Noah did, even to challenge the Nephilim gods as Abram did. The soul must come to the place where she no longer fears the dark ones--their intimidations, their condemnations, and their demands for more and more and more human sacrifice, when it is not human sacrifice but divine sacrifice that is due the living God….
Thus remember: identity as the point of the I, as the point of the rising cylinder of sacred fire in you, is God. This which you behold, and all of life, is the effect of causes set in motion by that portion of thyself that has gone forth that is known as the soul.
-Jesus Christ: 6-16-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
The beggar extends a begging bowl--and Christ [extends] the cup of communion, initiation, oneness unto eternal Life. Thus if thou wouldst receive, if thou wouldst hold the light, now form the chalice: build from the foundation, raise up a stem of light, create the base strong–and let the chalice be now the power of light to focus in the etheric body and in the mind. Let its base and stem be the power of concentrated desire and the foundation of the pyramid of Life….
Beloved ones of the eternal Flame, I come for the protection of your lifestreams as you engage in the battle of the astral plane with psychics at every level and in every nation [and with] psychotronics generated out of the centers of the KGB across the Earth and in America. I come to you so that you will understand that there is a strategy and an anatomy for the dissecting of the planetary beast of World Communism and of the Nephilim gods and the fallen ones and their spacecraft….
Those who understand great odds ought to study the sling of David. Those who would defeat large armies ought to reduce them to a single one, the archetype, without whose figure and pattern in matter all the rest should suddenly cease to appear on the screen of life. Therefore encircle the pattern and the seed and the serpent’s tooth and the egg.
Beloved hearts of Victory, securing the physical base and the oneness of Community is [to establish] the cradle of the new age. Let none deter thee, for it is opposed because it is the ultimate trump card of the Brotherhood. It is a great idea. It is an ideation of the mind of God. It has existed longer than its antithesis that would decry it. For from the beginning the great mind of God perceived Community as the means to manifest in a finite sense or in a span of matter the facets of the Godhead that no single part in a certain frequency could contain….
Life is not without purpose! Life is here and now the opportunity to prove Elohim where you are in your chalice, in your bodies, in your temples, in your children, in your institutions of learning and culture and life….
Why was the fire withdrawn [from the altars of organized religion]? Because the priests, the rabbis, the ministers did not offer an acceptable Grail. It was not a question of discrimination. Nor do we have particular interest in being iconoclasts to tear down and destroy beliefs and belief systems, but rather we would divest people of a false doctrine because it is a deterrent to the presentation of the Grail….I offer myself to hold the light of protection and the blue fire until they (devotees of the One) are able, until the crystal shines in every atom and cell of their manifestation in matter….
I AM Hercules. Bind the anti-Grail and the anti-Chalice! You have no power! I AM here! I AM there! I AM everywhere in time and space in the heart of my chelas and I declare: No foul thing shall pit itself against the purity of the soul of the Mother and the Child, the Father and the Son, the Chela and the Guru, the Master and the Disciple!
I draw the mighty solar ring. I, Hercules, with joy stand upon the altar and I draw the mighty solar ring. And I AM reinforcing now the beauty of the Word that is planted in your heart by the Mother, watered by angels and elementals, and does increase by the innate God-potential of Life itself….Beloved hearts, if you will drink, stretch forth thy right hand. Take from the angels, the angels of the elixir [who stand before you]. Draw now and drink the full cup of that golden liquid light….
Extra-Christ-Perception will deliver you from those who think they will conquer you by extrasensory perception. Why, sensory perception can never be the vessel of the highest senses of the Spirit….
You dare not dwell at levels of the astral, at lower levels of vibration! You know you will not survive! You cannot find heaven in the midst of hell except in the fire of your heart but not in the lower chakras where the untransmuted astral energies and the dweller-on-the-threshold will surely attempt to devour you. You must rise! You must be a pillar of fire! You must be giving off the fire that consumes all unlike itself, else you will take in every type of poison, toxin, disease and death. -Elohim Hercules with Amazonia: 5-6-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Blessed ones, the desiring to be wed to truth, to the Christ Self, must come upon one in a mighty way [in order for you to be able] to reject the [temptation of] going after other gods.
Thus Israel became a harlot, and so it was spoken to the prophet. And therefore in the state of going after [the Nephilim] gods the soul of Israel remained unclean and could not be wed to the I AM THAT I AM. And therefore the prophets came, but the prophets could not achieve that union without the obedience of Israel and Judah; and they did not give obedience in time….
See it, beloved. They were not wed then [to their Mighty I AM Presence] and they are not wed today [to their Mighty I AM Presence]. Thus Assyria and Babylon came between them and their God through the wedge of spiritual pride and intellectual rebellion they had allowed themselves to manifest which became their point of karmic vulnerability.
Did not we go forth in those times? Did not we warn? Was there not miracle upon miracle? Did they not come through the hand of Moses and all who followed thereafter?…
You must find greater reasons outside of yourselves and outside of one another and outside of those things that you allow to come upon you [yes, greater reasons to espouse the truth, the whole I AM truth, and nothing but the truth]!…
You would think that a crystal-clear etheric body would represent 25 percent of oneself or of karma balanced. But I tell you nay, it is greater; for the corresponding lines go to the astral body.
The etheric holds the matrix of all misuse of the sacred fire, all black magic, all witchcraft, all records of death and even records of hell. Thus when this body becomes truly the light body, the heavenly body of the saints, you have more than 25 percent of oneself that is in attunement with, vibrating at the same chord with, the etheric octave where there is the golden age, where there are the etheric cities and retreats of light, where there is the Holy City….
Understand, beloved, that to clear this body you must be aligned with the forces of Archangel Michael and his legions. For what did they do as an example for you? Why, they did cast out of the heaven-world the fallen angels….Blessed ones, you must be astute, you must be logical; you must write those words on your mental body: Be astute and be logical….
Blessed ones, I give you a key then to perpetual bliss and rejoicing in the will of God. It is to come to the place, beloved, that you have no other desire in life [than to do the will of God]. Do you think that is a hard place to come to? You may think so, beloved, by your present attitude.
-Lanello: 2-26-1989 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
-Noah at Yerevan
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