1) Beloved ones, the great ascended host and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood have long desired to see the people of America and the world blessed with an unusual outpicturing of cosmic freedom. Do you think, beloved ones, that it is our desire to have an exclusive club where only a few individuals may belong to and obtain the blessings and benefits of this club? I tell you nay. For it is our desire to see all of you cut free from every type of human domination and every type of power which causes you to be oppressed and to obtain for yourself such victory as never before manifested upon this planet. -Saint Germain: 9-7-1963 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet
-Rakoczy Castle, Transylvania
2) Now when the Law of the One gets interpreted as an exclusivity instead of as the all-inclusive light that’s when you get into the consciousness of the insiders and the outsiders, like in Boston where we find the old aristocratic families
-Messenger Mark Prophet, see http://books.google.com/books?id=B06Ui8lSd34C&pg=PA59&dq=clare+prophet+exclusivity&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SId7VMbfKorooAT-s4LgCA&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20exclusivity&f=false
3) Bear in mind that compassion and concord are of greater importance to the plan of Hierarchy than the exclusivity of spiritual pride….Let men learn tolerance and the wit to create a winsome condition and a wholesome attitude that will not, while professing to adhere to Christ, destroy His purposes by false proclamations. -Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 15:12
4) Through the culture of the Spirit there is developed in men a feeling of teamwork–of striving together as one body–to carve out the destiny of the race that is the common destiny of everyman because all of life is one. In the culture of the Spirit men learn that a sense of the unity of life and a reverence for every part of life as a part of oneself provide the basis for the golden-age civilization.
-Messengers M and E Prophet, see http://books.google.com/books?id=gsGSDrSBb5wC&pg=PA90&dq=clare+prophet+teamwork&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8PMRVJm8Eam4igKs5IDYAw&ved=0CEgQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20teamwork&f=false
5) if we genuinely love others we cherish and uphold their freedom as well as our own.
-Messenger E C Prophet, see http://books.google.com/books?id=2B0gyHJXqVMC&pg=PA46&dq=clare+prophet+uphold+freedom&hl=en&sa=X&ei=mPIRVO6NCYKGjALK5IHwDw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20uphold%20freedom&f=false
6) When you are immersed in the fires of truth and all things within you are true to the plumbline of Being, can aught manifest, I say, than perfect health and wholeness?…Thus we see the mystical body of God and the Church Universal as the composite of the saints and not of those who have failed in the path of sainthood. Let us distinguish then….Let the Christ in you rise to overthrow the lordship of the fallen ones whose judgment has come! But though their judgment has come they are unwilling to give their place, cede their throne to the lightbearer; therefore they must be unseated. -Archangel Raphael: 8-16-1981 at Camelot via Messenger ECP
7) The brain is the outer effect of the inner cause. The inner cause is the light retained in the crown chakra.
-Messengers M & E Prophet: Path of Christ and Antichrist, S. U. Press, 207, p. 174
8) You who were born free to love, know this: this freedom carries with it the responsibility to set life free to direct the light garnered in the third eye chakra into the denseness of selfish substance, exclusivity, hiding oneself, removing oneself from the universal community of the Great White Brotherhood, from the path of discipleship.

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