Friday, January 26, 2018

real-time hacking map worldwide! I AM Cyclopea! real-time hacking map worldwide!
    I AM Cyclopea!  I AM Cyclopea!  I AM Cyclopea!  the all-seeing Eye of God, holding in the perfection of my Eye of light the very beautiful image of salvation and deliverance for every one of you. There is in me no darkness, for I represent the cosmic mind of God–the holding of the immaculate concept for humanity, for each lifestream–and the power of infinite freedom in concentric rings of light pouring out its mighty pulsations to the world and bringing the advent of cosmic deliverance as the Sun of righteousness does rise with healing in its wings….
  I have designed for you the infinite mountain of life to climb, I have given you the wisdom to climb.  I have given you the grace to climb, I have given you the power to climb.  I have given you the desire to climb; I have given you all things.  And at the summit of your being I have conferred upon you the crown of Life.  It awaits your coming.  
  The scepter is there–the sword and the stone:  the stone–the dense calcination of the world, the stone–the density of the world, the stone–the density of the self, the sword–the sword of the Spirit whereby the way can be cleared that leads to the Tree of Life where man can pass through the wilderness and stand at the gates of Eden, the great cosmic Eden whereby the infinite message of all eternity is once again made manifest where the power of the sacred fire and the breath of the Holy Spirit does descend upon mankind to quicken them in the great fiery passion of the Universal Christ, the Lord of all life, and to bring about the ascended masters’ power in the world of form whereby there is reformed in the consciousness of humanity the great infinite holy chalice of the sacred fire, the great crystal goblet of life, and where the power of the lost Word once again regained floods mankind with light!  floods mankind with light!  floods mankind with light!
  And the little children are fed in my name, and the great baskets of life will take up the loaves and the fishes of life produced by the cosmic advent of the cosmic miracle of the infinite Word of Life as it brings to mankind the awareness that man can clean escape from the density of his form and raise his consciousness into the very sacred fire of heaven….
(by Sindelar)
         -Elohim Cyclopea:  12-29-1969 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
    There is a need for a matrix of the cosmic cube, for so many are not able to expand God’s energies according to the perfect square of the Holy City for their four lower bodies are not aligned, wedges of darkness come between the mind and emotions, and there is an off-centeredness, a crookedness, an energy and a grid that does not conform to the inner blueprint.
  Most often and in most cases where this has occurred it is because of your contact with the dissonance of the world--the jagged rhythms, the noises of the city, the artforms that come before your gaze from the time you are born--so much that is jagged, so much that defies the inner geometry of God’s Law.  And so these patterns have been impressed upon your soul and upon the four lower bodies and you could almost say, “There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile.”  And I smile as I say this and I hope you will too.  For I behold your Christed presence and the inner design.  I behold by the power of the all-seeing Eye your victory in the flame.  I know the hour of your ascension.  I know the beauty of your countenance.  And I see the light even now shining through your eyes.  But I come to heal, for I am the fulfillment of the healing ray.  I come with science and I must exact by the power of pure seeing the mathematical formula of your being.
  Hence the cube is placed over the heart of each one who accepts it now.  That cube will assist you in expanding the threefold flame, and as that flame expands so the cube will expand also.  This will provide you with a platform and a forcefield for energies of the Elohim to descend into your forms.               
             -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:  10-13-1974 at Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet

      Let each individual lifestream count then that self-worth….And beloved ones, for the survival of the nations, if they pass the test of survival in the economy, in the government, in their education and their misuses or uses of science, then I say, beloved ones, there will come an era preceding and presaging the great golden age.

    (Ongoing warfare is) the greed for the very blood itself of the life and light of the martyrs on behalf of those who have not that light….(I warn you of) those who will murder and kill because they have lost all reason of the mind of God….The betrayal is not abroad; it is in this very nation, it is in the government, it is in the business community.  And I charge those capitalists who have provided the enemy with the technology for the destruction of America:  you will give an accounting before the Lords of Karma, you will give your accounting before the Four and Twenty Elders.  And you will know the meaning of the sacred fire….I invoke the judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of Elohim that judgment descends again and again, and it begins here in America.      
                                 -Elohim Cyclopea:  10-6-1978 via Messenger E C Prophet

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