Tall upon the hillsides of the world looms the figure of the Nazarene Master, serene and immovable through the centuries. While men have mutilated his image within themselves and while artists, under the direction of discordant energies, have created frightful distortions of images supposed to be like him, the diamond purity of his heart remains to the present hour a fountain of inspiration to a waiting world.
The great misconception fostered upon humanity--for centuries--that the power of the Christ lies in mere belief rather than in emulation--is a tragedy that touches the hem of the Infinite. If there is any regenerative power in the Christ that power is the gift of God for every man who will live by it. No belief that does not become both motivated and activated into imitation can provide a suitable unguent for the ills of the world.
As we have examined again and again the services of the avatars of light, the Sons of God who are periodically sent to the planet upon a mission of redemption we see that in almost every case these blessed ones go unrecognized save by the few, until their mission is completed and they have risen to higher octaves. This has in no way distressed the blessed avatars themselves although it often causes grief unto their followers who perceive in their messages and activities a panacea for world ills.
It is never the intention of the Indian Council or of any of the councils of the Great White Brotherhood to provide misinformation to mankind. We seek to clarify old errors and to act as wayshowers to all generations. Individuals should understand however that the doorways to their minds and hearts are fashioned largely, and certainly in part, by early training in their present embodiments as well as through the carrying over from past lives the qualities of toleration, motivation, self-honesty, sincerity and the universal desire to serve the immaculate concept.
As we begin the summoning of the gentle yet dominant ones from all walks of life who will act in conjunction with the image of the Cosmic Christ to further our aims upon the planetary body, always and especially by providing a magnificent example to their contemporaries, we are reminded of some of the ancient historical moments when sounding down the corridors of the centuries the ringing tones of the words “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” were answered by the valiant.
We must then be frank with all of our students and followers, with all who read our words, and say in complete honesty to you that many who have the opportunity to hear our words, to read our words, to have our vibratory actions directed at them are like dilettante bees, sipping nectar from many flowers and not always thereby providing the honey of purity and sweetness. In the main individuals who do not perceive the need for one-pointedness are often guilty of permitting their energies to go forth in many directions.
Now we have a plan, a world plan and a personal plan for each lifestream who will put his shoulder to the wheel and honor the burden of the Law of Love. We cannot in one moment, even if the cosmic Law would permit it, dip a sponge into the ocean of infinite purity and wipe the screen of mankind’s consciousness pure and clean so that forever thereafter he will be able to see clearly. We require not one opportunity but many whereby our words, our thoughts and our vibrations can reach into the world of the student--in the name of Christ’s Love--and assist the student in preparing himself for the great mission of his life. This mission does not always come at a given period when he may anticipate it. To some it comes at a very early age and to others much later, but whenever the message comes, with it comes the desire for purification of the consciousness.
Men desire to rid themselves of old hates, prejudices and frustrations. They seek to open the windows of the soul to the fresh breezes of the Holy Spirit. However there is a tendency toward excess introspection which must be governed, for after all, blessed ones, you can only bite off as much as you can chew with impunity. Thus leaving one’s hands in the hands of God and in a spirit of chaste obedience, the soul who seeks to do the will of God is often brought into the Gethsemane garden where communion with the Father is established as a ray of pure light, descending upon the head of the supplicant son who desires to serve the Law of Love and see that the bread of freedom is available to all upon the planetary body.
There is an earnest simplicity in that which we are bringing to you today, and it is a clarification which developed at our recent councils. It does not matter what form of early training the errant son may have had, as long as the desire today is to put away childish things, to set the house in order and to expand whatever talents one has into many more in order that service to the light be restored, regenerated, revivified and expanded. In this summoning there is the desire only to unite the soul with the Presence of Life that loves the soul.
The exoteric body of world servers, communicants of the Summit Lighthouse endeavor and of all endeavors truly serving the light will naturally in an exoteric way gravitate to the area of greatest service and love. Therefore the esoteric, the inner strands of holy Oneness, must be woven with the Divine Presence, excluding the vibratory action of all that seeks to lift up the little self into a position of prominence and enthroning on the altar of the heart the Divine Presence of God.
Thus the pulsating badge of the cosmic honor flame is called forth into action and the divine ideal expands without limit. As long as individuals are tethered to the idea of self as a separate entity there will always be the tendency to go downward into delusion. When God and the great masters are recognized as Father-Presence and brother-servers of great light, stars in the holy sky of the body of God there is hope that we can establish those links of spiritual magnitude which can serve to act as conductors into the world of form of the holy energies of freedom. These energies when ensouled and embodied will invoke and evoke everywhere the responses that will change the world. And as in all past years we stress that the world must be changed by itself or nature herself will do it!
We urge re-examination of motive, renewal of communion and love in service and a search for the Grace of God each day. I keep the vision for you,
Chananda: Pearls of Wisdom 10:5
I AM Chananda of the Great White Brotherhood, of the Indian Council, and I extend to you the passions of eternity, the understanding that it is wise to be moved by the divine sea and to find nestling within the heart of being, even within the heart of the great shell the beauty and iridescence of the pearl of great price--your contact with God, your contact with your true Self….
Beloved ones, there are those who have passed the initiation called the obscure night or the dark night of the soul. These understand that even if God cared nothing for them they still must kindle within themselves--within and upon the altar of being--the flame of love for Him and for others, for only then can God be born within them. When they are willing to forsake, to relinquish even the thought of someone’s concern for himself, in the brightness and illumination that God must be born as the Christ-spark upon the heart’s altar in the darkest night. The beautiful light appears; each must be God-born and God-ordained. Will you understand the meaning of that bubbling fountain of joy that the world feels as a part of the via dolorosa--“My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”--as the impassioned plea of one passing through the dark night of the soul portrayed in the writings of Saint John of the Cross?
Our Brotherhood desires to strip mankind of the concept of self-attention, of self-fear, of self-doubt. Man who says “I cannot do it, I cannot!” must learn to say “I can by God’s Grace do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me!” And the full fashion and measure of the Law is the extension of infinite love into the domain of each individual, lifting that individual and casting him not down into the depths of his own well of despair. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised--but can man see himself as God? Nay, through the sea of selfhood man drowns and is no more. For self-love will not truly bring you emancipation or the bounty of freedom or the strength for the years ahead. But God’s love will. Drawing with a power of infinite magnetism into the very fibers of the soul the strength of eternity does flow….
O beloved ones, above all I urge upon you then this night that you shed the skin, the horrible snakeskin of discouragement and cast it to the wind! Consume it in the violet transmuting flame if you are able and denude yourself of everything that is not joy and hope and peace. For born out of joy and hope and peace and the Spirit Most Holy comes the sense of man’s real identity--the fashion of cosmic times that bypasses all of the cycles of men’s lives that have gone on before and produces the miracle of cosmic devotion within the crucible of mankind’s experience, leading him at last into those holy and cosmic passions out of which is born a Christ in the garden of Gethsemane able then to extend his hands and even facing the very extinction of his life from a momentary standpoint to cry out “Not my will but Thine be done! O my Father, if it be Thy will let this cup pass from me!”…
Move forward then into the light of your Presence--rise upward in the strength of ten thousand Suns. Behold the newness of life that is before you as your own. Together there is strength and yet in oneness there is greater strength; for the oneness is of the Spirit, and the togetherness of the flesh may not endure except it be cemented with the power of the eternal love of Spirit.
-Chananda: 12-31-1971 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs
And so, my beloved, I have journeyed from India this night, bringing with me the breezes of the Himalayas, the silken waters of the Ganges. Bearing the lotus of God’s will I come representing the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood and representing hearts afire with God-determination to find and implement the God-solutions to the problems of India, which problems are about to affect all of Asia less they be resolved out of the heart of the Maha Chohan and the masters who guard the white-columned citadels of our subcontinent—stronghold of the Buddha and the Mother, here where we have chosen to come forth with the ancient wisdom--a land graced by avatars yet perpetually overrun with wars stemming from the petulance and perverseness of her children.
Whether from within or from without strife has been prevalent in India on and off and on again, century upon century--save for those brief golden ages where certain sons of light established eras of peace and the fruit of the culture of the Mother by devotion to the heart of one of her sons.
Now we live in an era when, from within and from without, corroborating forces of the fallen ones seek to make India an outpost of World Communism as the march of the Soviets in Afghanistan goes unchecked by the world forces of freedom to the shame of all! Because there is disunity and lingering animosities within Pakistan there is the open door to the marching on and on to claim the holy land of the Far East.
Blessed ones, Communists, Marxists, Maoists in India are more united than the forces of light who have not followed the ancient ones or their ancient words of wisdom or their most recent emissary in the person of Mohandas Gandhi. The disunity in those parties (which ought to be the defeat of Indira Gandhi and all of those forces of anti-God which she represents!) can scarcely muster enough light to maintain their own smug and separatist attitudes regarding what should or should not be done. They have not the eye of the eagle to perceive the oncoming threat to wholeness, but rather stand on person or petty principle of pride rather than upon the unity that is always required for the victory! Therefore I carry in my hand this night a dossier containing an outline of the problems of India today.
There are hearts within India pure and desirous of the God-solution. But there is a momentum of bureaucracy, the burden of karma, weather conditions, political strife, upheaval, drought, blackmail, buying of votes, mishandling of commodities--until if it were not for the Brothers in White and the true saints and our ashram in New Delhi you would have already seen the disintegration accelerating. I come to tell you that if it accelerate beyond a certain point it will be as the avalanche descending the Himalayas. It will not be turned back.
We are not desirous and it is not the will of God to see a dark cycle come upon this nation. Others have fallen. Soviet influence moves into Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand. We see that since the withdrawal of the United States from Vietnam,there is almost a carte blanche in Asia. Therefore I appeal to the devotees of the West to assist us in transferring the flame of the practical application of the Law of the Word to the immediate solutions to certain problems of India which cannot be delayed.
I point to the fingers in the dike in New Delhi—our devotees who have taken their stand for victory and for light. If ever there was a missionary calling to any of you who can perceive the threat to the entire balance of world power it is in this hour! And the mission is not to darkest Africa but to darkest India. For it could be said that India is in her darkest hour in modern time, not even so dark was the hour in the coming of Gandhi. For I tell you, beloved hearts, he was the light in the darkness and the instrument of our deliverance.
Therefore perceive: there is no Gandhi on the scene in India this day. And I will tell you why! Because they have not honored us in his person. He is an embarrassment to the leaders of today. Worshiped as a saint by the ignorant masses, his way is not the way of power politics. Though the name be the same in the present prime minister, never the twain shall meet, for it is light and darkness in the absolute sense in these two individuals juxtaposed.
Realize then that because a nation has rejected our emissary that nation must reap the karma of neglect. Therefore beloved, cometh Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, visiting me personally as I have prayed to the Lord God Almighty for mercy on behalf of my people.
Blessed Kuan Yin has comforted me in my hour of crucifixion for my nation as the comfort of the Divine Mother. And she has said to me, representing the Karmic Board: “My son Chananda, though it be the karma of India to be bowed down by her rejection of the saints and prophets and avatars and kings of light of the past, may we not together in prayer summon the Lord’s mercy that there might be intercession between this people and the descending karma that is due upon their leaders—chiefly the Nephilim themselves—though it is yet the burden of the people and their own karma for having allowed these leaders to remain, for having voted them in office and tolerated their infamy?” Thus together we have prayed for the solution to the problem of India. Thus I stand before you.
As in every age when the great Law of God itself withholds mercy--because the Law is the Law--then that mercy which is forthcoming must come from the heart of God as God Himself has placed His heart within His servant-sons and daughters embodied upon earth. This is the hour when the Masters look to their chelas and implore mercy on behalf of India.
Most blessed hearts of light, three and five chelas may hold the finger in the dike in New Delhi and for all of India--but it is not enough. We require reinforcements. Reinforcements are necessary. The violet flame from the heart of Saint Germain flows freely when it is invoked by stalwart hearts. We see results when the dynamic decrees are given--and we see increasing chaos when they do not inject the power of the Godhead into the cause and core of the condition.
I salute the brave heart of Mohandas who has determined with me to solve the problems of India by embodying in the West, thereby reaching to the very heart of the Mother and the teachings of the violet flame--to come again and to give life and love again for those who will hear and those who will listen. It is the West who has acclaimed Gandhi as their own,while the leaders of the East scarcely note the key of love that he brought.
When you think about the effect of one life upon millions--one candle in the dark--you ought to realize the choice you make when you choose to withhold the fullness of your flame on behalf of the cause of the Great White Brotherhood. I speak not words of intimidation—I speak truth! Let any man deny it and he will deny the truth of his own immortal being!
We have lived in ages past and we have conquered by God’s Grace and by the Love of the Divine Mother. This is the hour of the walk of those incarnated souls of light who have indeed seen the burdens of the final decades of this century and who have said “We will not remain in the etheric octaves.” And one and all, those of us who must stand as coaches in the wings have said “Go to, beloved! Go to! We will be with you all the way!”
I have overheard, as you may have overheard, the Messenger say that the mighty miracle of God that speaks through her and teaches and preaches the Word is all God’s and only God’s. And the only effort according to her is that she should be so fortunate as to be at the right place in the right time for God’s work to appear. Would that you all might understand this truth.
When you follow the intimations of the heart, when you follow the inner calling without human questioning and fear and doubt dissipating the spiral of cosmic purpose, when you put all that aside and walk with the Galilean Master upon the sea of life then you are found where the ray of the Sun converges in your heart. And you speak the truth and millions hear! The line is held! They shall not pass! And love defeats hate and prejudice and division and religious strife unto the death.
A religious fanatic assassinated Mohandas Gandhi! Let it go down in the annals of the Brotherhood that more of our sons have passed from the screen of life for the cause of blasted religion--which is no religion at all when it can justify the killing of innocent hearts. More than any other cause it has been the fallen ones and their denial of the God-man by their spiritual pride and their hatred that is an unmitigated hatred for the light in ye all.
Do not underestimate it, you who have come so recently from beyond the veil! Recognize that one and all--sometime, somewhere--you have fallen in battle by the arrow of hatred. Recognize that this hatred is never understood by the sons of God, but it must be known by them even as you are admonished to know the enemy. When you know the Self and you do not know the enemy you do not understand the anti-Self and therefore you are vulnerable. This is the condition of the vast majority of the people of India today! They do not know the self as the Great God Self. Though they call Him Brahma or Vishnu or Shiva or Krishna or Allah or Christ or Buddha they have not understood! They have not identified the interior God who dwells in the interior castle.
The only castle that is fortified as a fortress of light is the castle in whom dwells the knight who knows his God dwelleth with him. Only that knight can defend that castle in the King’s name who knows that God is--God is the inner being who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent! Therefore we long for the true lightbearers of India to come into direct contact with our teaching released through our Messengers--with the Chart of the Divine Self, with the decrees of the violet flame, with all of the teachings which El Morya and Lanello and Saint Germain have given to Mother for her stumping and the stumping of her chelas.
Some have come to our ashram. Some have been drawn by the playing and playing again of the videotapes of the dictations of the archangels and lectures and others. Some have been transformed immediately. And lo, the smoking lamp of Abraham is manifest in the rising incense of the violet-flame mantras that they have begun to repeat—all in their own Indian accents that would warm your hearts, precious ones, as they warm my own. Now we make fervent call to Maximus for the multiplication of the flame of Kuan Yin--for the multiplication of devotees! If there is one or three or ten, can there not be one hundred, a thousand and ten thousand? It is the principle of the squaring of the circle. It is the principle that the Life that beats your heart begets more Life.
Blessed ones of our band, I take my finger and I draw a line of fire around the border of India. It is a fohatic line. I draw it for the alchemy of the sealing! of our nation under God. As I perform this ritual of the sacred fire, elementals and angel devas and hosts of the archangels assist in establishing the whitefire line for the holding of the borders of India against the astral hordes, the demons and the fallen ones who would--surely if they could--destroy every shrine, every holy place, every opportunity for every newborn lightbearer to reach the fulfillment of the divine plan. We will not have it so! We will not allow it if our Word has any say in the physical octave and if chelas of the West can understand this predicament.
We of the Indian Council have said to beloved El Morya and the august body of the Darjeeling Council that if the military forces of the United States could not keep Communism out of Southeast Asia, out of Vietnam, out of the mainland China, then can we look to these forces to defend India when her prime minister has gone against the United States and openly courted Brezhnev and the Soviet regime, only using the United States when it suits her ulterior motives? In any case could we expect performance from America when there has been none that should have been forthcoming to stand with El Morya on the line where light meets darkness and swallows it up?
I tell you, the Great White Brotherhood is not in retreat! We are not about to accept defeat, nation by nation! We have not even asked for armies and tanks and planes and nuclear weapons! We merely ask for a few devotees who will hold the line of light in truth and honor and give the invocations and be at the strategic point in time and space--in New Delhi, in Rome, in London and a belt around the Earth that Saint Germain will reveal to you as Orion’s belt that he has desired to gird the Earth with a circle of victory!
India was won through nonviolence. We shun violence and exude the peace of the Buddha which is the all-power of God. But we would have our chelas understand that when you depend upon peace of the Buddha as the ultimate power then it would be well for you to study assiduously the terms of that peace. For you must make peace with your God if you expect your God to provide that power in the hour when peace is challenged by absolute war.
The sword of the Spirit is thy sufficiency--if thou wilt wield it as Excalibur, as a holy science, as a religion pure and undefiled, as the affirmation of God and the erasing of the self that God might be the All-in-all.
I know whereof I speak. I remember in a previous incarnation as the battle raged all around me and I stood holding the balance in the midst of thousands and ten thousand. Blessed hearts, I stood in their midst holding the focus of the sacred fire. And do you know--they saw me not! I was not visible in the physical spectrum though I was in physical embodiment. And thereby I became by my unswerving allegiance to the light which I owe to the Almighty and to Him alone--I was that pillar! I was that fire! And thus they could not continue the battle. And they retreated on both sides, leaving me standing alone in the midst of the plain of the battle itself.
By these acts is the ascension won! Jesus Christ dared stand in the synagogue, knowing they would put him out and out of the city and even attempt to hurl him over the cliff because he knew the science of sacred fire whereby he disappeared from their midst in the tube of light and in the fiery cloud. This is a necessity if you would do battle as nonviolent resisters of all that is anti-light.
To this end Saint Germain has given to you the teaching on the creation of the cloud. It is a teaching that has been all too neglected--to the hurt of the individual chela and sometimes, alas, to the organization itself. It was given many a year ago because its use is an absolute necessity in your life. Therefore Saint Germain came at the fall conference to this altar and dictated through the Messenger his commentary on his own work in Alchemy-Studies number two. He gave a meditation and released the light in the very spoken Word of his own causal body and momentum on the creation of the cloud, which you may tap each time you play this recording of the teaching and the meditation and the powerful release, sealing entire areas of the globe or a forcefield as small as the room where one beloved lies sick and dying.
The creation of the cloud is like the magician’s trick--ever available up the sleeve of the chela, ready to be drawn forth when all the world arrays itself against the truth for which you stand. Every noble knight exercises his sword and spends weeks preparing for the lists, hoping to be the champion of light over darkness, hoping to be chosen by the king or the queen to go forth and to deliver a town or a family from some marauders or intruders or an act of injustice--wherefore the courage of Arthur. How did he defeat, as legend goes, twelve kings--Nephilim kings--establishing their citadels against the twelve solar hierarchies throughout the British Isles? All twelve of them and their armies had to be defeated before he could even take up his throne, seating himself in the center of the cosmic clock, there to hold the balance for Britain and to plant the fleur-de-lis that would expand to include the entire British Empire. Yes! Out of the heart of El Morya I will say it though he desires not the praise.
And out of the heart of his chela Launcelot there came hearts afire for the expansion of a new world order. And we will not gainsay the light of the continuing Mother that passed through Camelot from the heart of Mary to the heart of Elizabeth unto the great victory of the ages. We will not gainsay our best servants who have not been content to lay down their life once but have returned again and again.
Thus it is my hope, by giving to you the mural of a painting that spans the ages of our lives together that you might realize--to well choose, to well defend life and light on the battlefield where that life and light meets its greatest challenge can be for you and for an evolution the greatest victory and the victory of greatest necessity.
I represent not only India, for my heart is with lightbearers of every nation. But India is my assignment--and you have yours! And first and foremost the light of America must be resurrected--first things first! Yes, first and foremost the light of America must be resurrected. Thus we have convened our retreat into the resurrection flame here at Camelot.
But if perchance you, in commemoration of the path of the wise men who came out of the East to attend His birth, might determine to be the wise ones of the twentieth century, to make the journey to India where Christ might be born because you come, then I should be eternally grateful. I place my heart upon the altar of God and upon the altar of the Mother here. And I know, in the faith that hath made me whole, that neither God nor Mother will withhold from me the comfort for my people and all people who wait for their deliverers. I bow before the light within you which God has ennobled. I kiss you with my heart’s love that you might have a touch of India and Chananda’s retreat this night. Farewell, my brethren and my sisters. May we meet again in New Delhi.
-Chananda: 4-16-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles
To the heroes and the heroines who have survived the ages I impart love--love from the home of love, love from the sacred tryst of the divine Guru and the divine chela. I am of course Chananda, Chief of the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood. I come in the midst of the fire of love infolding itself out of the heart of every true devotee, East and West. Thus the vortex of divine love builds out of the inner ashram of the Divine Mother of India and the Divine Mother of the Americas.
Thus there is now building upon the forcefield established by our chelas of the sacred fire in Malibu and throughout the world a momentum called forth by Elohim as that necessary offering of twinflames in the earth--twinflames who come in the name of Shiva and Parvati and Durga.
Thus twinflames of the Father/Mother God and all who represent that Flaming One, I seal you in the heart of hearts of the immaculate design of holy purpose. You were sent forth to fulfill a vow unto God’s holy will. You went forth into the mists of maya determined not to forget. Those who hear me physically or in spiritual octaves are attuned and attentive because you have not forgot--else you have been awakened by Maitreya, Gautama, Sanat Kumara, and his Messengers.
Happily then we greet you, O blessed souls. We come to purify by the fohatic light, by sacred fire in this hour. Now beloved, we come to purify the desire, for it is false desire that has enabled you to achieve the feat of going out of the way of the Godhead. It is a feat, beloved--self-defeating, because it is hard to go out of the way of the Godhead and simple and childlike to remain within the Godhead.
Thus by the complexities of the philosophies of the fallen angels you have let go the hand of your Mighty I AM Presence, thinking you could run and laugh and play in the streams of life with your twinflame without that fervent anchoring in the very depths of the cosmos and the cosmic causal body and the very deep penetration of the plane of Spirit.
How subtly, how carelessly, how thoughtlessly you have let go of the divine light, thinking to find it only in one another--ah, the fallacy of it all! For you see in the purest estate of light there is great light in the two halves of the whole. And therefore they may abide for a season in the embrace of the divine lovers and yet not realize that the light they now do enjoy and employ in their lovemaking is in fact no longer connected to the Source. And therefore when that light and love and life is spent, beloved, there is no recharging of the lower vessel that is become like the ship cut off from the mother ship.
Thus all seems well and you can imagine for a while that you remain in the divine embrace, but it is not so. Thus when bankrupt, eyes and chakras hollowed out, no longer the candle of sacred fire lit, you begin the search whether for God, whether for twinflame.
I counsel then that souls evolving in the earth in this hour of jeopardy to the nations realize that to reestablish contact with the Divine Mother, with the I AM Presence is the single most important means of reestablishing the tie to one’s twinflame! Those who seek for immediate satiation, those who seek instant comfort for their poor, sagging egos and incomplete identities: go please to another self-styled expert on soul mates but come not here.
For I am Chananda, I am an initiator of twinflames and I am a master of the Himalayas. And I am concerned with ultimate gains for your twinflames and not temporary enjoyment, for this temporal plane is truly a dangerous place to tarry. All goes well for a season, just long enough that you become complacent. And then--then the fallen ones who have sought to tear thee from one another come in to bind thee more.
Thus beloved, the only safe place for twinflames ascending to God is in the upward movement of the wings of angels and the cloven tongues of the Holy Spirit. The only safe place is in the movement of the spheres. When you are still, when you cease to dream, to imagine, to create and to will, then you are the target. Then you are like the ball that has been thrown into the air that comes to the point of stillness and immediately thereafter descends. Thus stillness begets the drop in vibration and subjects oneself to the magnetic pull of earthly karma.
Stillness in the divine sense is another matter entirely. I speak to you who seek the status quo and desire to arrange your lives all according to the enjoyment of one another. When this relationship does not have the actual meditation upon dedication to the Spirit of the living God it is doomed to terminate. Even if sustained it continues in the maya of astral illusion--in that illusion of the titillation of the senses that comes from every form of stimulus and the inordinate release of the seven chakras-light.
O beloved of the sacred fire, I come to give to you then this opportunity for the divine ascent and the acceleration of the sacred fire in the heart for the purpose of the soul’s individual union in God, for the soul’s balancing of the threefold flame and the divine light within. This above all then--to thyself be true, and thou canst not be false to thy twin lame.
Seek not the twinflame to provide thine own neglect or the results thereof. Blessed hearts, love God enough to supply unto Him the balance in the earth of love. Then love twinflame enough to intensify the spheres of light and hold the balance for that one. For even cosmic beings who have an unascended twinflame embodied upon earth require that balance to be held for them and in fact send forth a most excellent light into the chalice [of twinflame] waiting below.
Thus the duty of love becomes paramount on the path--not the gaining or the getting but the manifestation of wholeness in the full knowledge that when you do embody the light of the Father and the Son, of the Holy Spirit and the Mother you in your wholeness complement not only your twinflame but the Godhead, and you hold the balance for all incomplete manifestations in the world.
If the path of service is not your reason for being or seeking your twinflame, you have come to the wrong place! You who were born free to love, know this: this freedom carries with it the responsibility to set life free, to direct the light garnered in the third-eye chakra into the denseness of selfish substance, exclusivity, hiding oneself, removing oneself from the universal community of the Great White Brotherhood, from the path of discipleship.
Let not those who have failed as disciples of the universal light seek solace and sympathy in the embrace of one whom they call soul mate, counterpart or whatever term is chosen. If you are hurt, if you are bruised, if you are burdened by the encounter with God, with His emissary, with the living Christ abroad in the world, then I say take a deep breath, recite the mantra and run into the arms of your God. And let yourself be stripped and pummeled, for thus you prepare to become the bride of Maitreya, of the universal light. Thus you are adorned, thus you must prepare yourself also for the beloved.
Precious ones, let us consider then why it is paramount to join forces with one’s twinflame, especially in this hour, and why the Lords of Karma in recent years sent forth the dispensation for quickening, for acceleration of the uniting of twinflames--discovering one another for a holy purpose and a physical one--and releasing the light of the causal bodies of those who are of necessity separated in time and space but must serve then during the hours when the soul may take flight of the body and move at inner levels, or twenty-four hours a day, for the spiritual Self is always one with the counterpart when and only when it is first one with God.
Thus the reason for the joint service of twinflames is this: the assignment from the beginning wherewith and whereto you were sent is something that must be fulfilled in the physical universe, in the physical matter spheres, requiring the divine wholeness for the impetus of the movement of the t’ai chi and the sphere of light. Thus when causal bodies of twin lames merge and they are one, “as above and so below," it is the manifestation of the fullness of the Godhead dwelling bodily in the twain. For the twain embody the light [Christ consciousness] of Alpha and Omega, you see. No physical self has the capacity to be all in one. Thus the principle of helpmeet is balance, is helping each one meet the requirements of the divine wholeness for the mission.
Now in this case two halves do not equal one whole. Two halves equal two wholes. When the twinflame enters thy auric sphere thou art whole. When you enter the auric sphere of the twinflame he or she is whole. Thus you see in the completeness there are two manifestations of the fullness of the causal body--one therefore unlocking the light of the other’s. It is a divine interchange at the nexus of the Christ of both.
Thus the union of the sacred fire in the Mighty I AM Presence anchored here below enables each one to receive the release of light from his or her own causal body. This is why some have said--as poets, as initiates, as devotees--that one is not complete without the twinflame. The twinflame, you see in other words, is the only one in cosmos who holds the key to your causal body. These keys are held in the Holy Christ Self alone, for the Lord God would not allow even one’s twinflame to violate the heights of one’s causal body, just as you yourself are barred from access to that cosmic light until you have become the initiate of the sacred fire.
Nevertheless the inner union can produce that release, as above so below. And in the meantime the divine sharing below of the momentums garnered of mutual attainment works together for the fulfillment of the original assignment, the reason for being and for going forth.
Beloved, it is the requirement at the end of the cycle of the age of Pisces that twinflames balance their karma with one another. And in order to do this they must balance the karma which they have with others--various co-workers, companions, brothers, sisters, those of intense karma. If you truly desire the highest union and desire it with all of thy heart in all of the levels of being, pursue diligently the balance of karma with those who stand in the way, those whom you may have wronged, those who are the enemies of your love, your mission, your oneness.
The force of love within you unto the divine wholeness through the entering into the heart of the eternal Guru must impel and infire your God-determination to give the violet flame and the calls to Astrea and the judgment calls for the binding of the enemies of your divine wholeness and its manifestation on earth as in heaven. When it does manifest on earth you will say “Truly Thy kingdom is come on earth as it is in heaven! Thy kingdom, O God, is our kingdom--the kingdom of our joint causal bodies now manifest on earth as in the planes of light.”
Thus some have sought heaven on earth by joining forces with a soul mate. As I have said, this is but temporal unless all other requirements of the Law for the service of twinflames be met. Thus begin at the beginning, beloved ones. For the necessity of union in this hour is not only to the perfectionment of the soul unto the fulfillment of that very unique assignment but in order that you might stand in the earth as twinflames do stand—to become pillars in the temple of our God, to hold the balance for the nations, to hold the balance for the alliance of Himalaya and the God and Goddess Meru and the perfect union of the flames of Titicaca and the Himalayas.
When the force of light of the masculine and feminine ray of these cosmic beings is held by you--to the right, to the left and woven as the fiery blue, as the fiery yellow--these intertwining then create the magnet for the rising in the center of the pink-fire itself. Pink-fire rising then completes the triad.
Blessed ones of God, it is to the saving of the Earth that we call twinflames in service; t is to the saving of the Earth that all have come. Focus then thy desiring and thy love to this end. Give thy life to the cutting free of India, America, first and foremost holding the balance of heart and head unto the planet.
See now, mighty Sun of light, focus of Central Sun and Central Sun Magnet covering the entire nation of India and that of North America. See this as the Great Central Sun Magnet demagnetizing specifically, as it is so charged, all forces that move against the union of light of God in divine wholeness as above so below, all forces opposing the legitimate and lawful union of twinflames.
We seek to direct the flames of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother in the earth. This we seek to do through companion souls, partners on the path of life. Truly it matters not whether (exactly) in the flesh you may be wed to your twinflame. What matters is that you maintain harmony, that you anchor the light of that twinflame, and that you are happy, joyous, serving, free and full of the knowledge of the Lord with the one you have determined to share this journey with in earth. For you see, in one respect every marriage is the marriage of twinflames, for every union is a celebration of that light.
Thus remember the aura. Remember the holy cloud. Remember in the beginning in the center of cosmos—remember that you always carry the full momentum of the divine One even as you carry the I AM Presence. Thus you become—with spouse, with family and children—a molecule of light focusing the wholeness of twinflames, counterparts to each one. And what matters not is who is who in flesh and blood. What matters is then that you are in the divine harmony that carries through all spheres and unites you in service to that which is the divine whole of this mandala of your service.
This then is multiplied as the flame of community multiplies the strength of each unit of family and each unit of disciple and chela. No one is ever alone or incomplete or without the presence of the beloved Christ, the beloved I AM Presence or the beloved twinflame. Increase thy God-mastery and the one who comes in thy life may be the counterpart of that attainment. Without the attainment of the light in the chakras that which you attract will be a meager portion of the divine whole which is thine.
Thus take a moment, an hour, six months for the internal cleansing by the violet flame, for establishing and reestablishing your tie to Saint Germain, the great God of Freedom, the initiator of the Aquarian age, and the one who holds with his own twinflame, Portia, the key to your union. Realize what it means to become a God-free being, to transmute karma, to cut the old ties, to move forward in the light and gain that certain momentum that is fitting for your receipt of the master.
You see, at inner levels you are all masters at the level of the Cosmic Christ, of the higher bodies. You have, beloved, that attainment and that oneness. Thus if you would meet the masterful being who is thy counterpart in this life become the masterful being and you will be all the more the androgynous one. For by thy attainment of mastery the ascended twinflame descends into thy temple--the only one who can abide there with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit except it be the Guru himself.
Thus the vertical bar of the cross is for the union of the twinflame as above and so below. The horizontal bar is for the union in these octaves of those souls who have the affinity of light, the affinity of the commeasurement of the development of the aura and the spheres of the aura and of the causal body. Above all accept thy worthiness to ensoul this light and to work with cosmic forces and the Great White Brotherhood. And know and be of good cheer--be at peace, beloved, that God always unites souls whose destiny is intertwined at spiritual octaves.
God does not ordain the union of the dark ones or those with whom you have intense karma. For the Law itself and karma itself and wrong desire provides all the attraction necessary for the fulfillment of that karma and that cycle. Thus to the extent that the Law acts God has entered in. But to the extent of initiation and blessing and the impartation of the immaculate image and the spheres of the causal body, this is done only when twinflames individually reach a certain level of attainment. Thus when you are among those who ascend the mountain of God and seek your ascension in this life the initiation of twinflames is entirely different than that [karmic initiation of entangling alliances with fallen ones] which is found in the world.
Without the tie to the Master Saint Germain--who is the sponsor of this dispensation of this conference dedicated to the union of the soul with God and the union of twinflames--there may be only the outpicturing then of karma and karmic cycles and attractions and repulsions. And thus they have called these, and rightly so, “soul mates.” For it is at the level of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, where the karma collects in spheres of energy, that the attraction takes place. And in the course of the working out of these relationships from time to time the twinflame is found—merely by the similarity of vibration. And this of course is most fortunate indeed.
Thus, I am Chananda, one with the Ancient of Days. And I say to you: if you seek a path of initiation, understand that the highest path is taught by the ascended masters, free from the round of rebirth, who have accelerated the light in the atomic structure. A very few masters unascended have attained to the levels of the ascended ones. Thus be on guard.
If you desire the highest path and will take the most rugged and the most difficult course, know that at the point of the initiation of Maitreya, of twinflames returning--returning then to the Mystery School--you will be reunited with the highest manifestation of thyself whom you are prepared to receive. This is the definition of initiation unto wholeness. We are here then to help those who by this union and by this path may attain the highest and thus be of unique and singular assistance to the evolutions of Earth.
I initiate a spiral of the ruby ray from the base-of-the-spine unto the crown chakras of those who are able to receive it by prior application of the science of the spoken Word. This is a purging light, purging records and misuses of the spinal altar and the kundalini-fire. This ruby-ray action will be increased in you as you are able to receive it and internalize it. You may experience a certain chemicalization in the body, even manifesting physically. Use the violet flame, take pure water with lemon juice and then other juices if you become uncomfortable. Herb teas are also helpful when seeking to gain a new level of balance that truly does also affect the physical octave.
Fear not, for angels attend you and regulate the cycles so that there is no danger. This is something then which can be repeated at intervals, for the ruby ray is intense and is used guardedly by the Gurus.
Sanat Kumara has so sent me. And thus I say to you, our recommendation for the focus of light that is to be worn until you have a certain attainment is always the focus of the violet flame, the holy amethyst, for comfort and peace in the body the jade or the coral. We do not recommend that our students wear rubies indiscriminately, for the ruby, you see, may activate at astral levels more than the physical body can handle. Thus, beloved, a word to the wise is sufficient.
We begin then on the path of the ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood. And you must understand that if any world religion today were complete it would not be necessary to inaugurate this Teaching once again. All of the world’s religions have allowed themselves [in practice] to fall back into a certain materialism or a certain rote. Past dispensations are not adequate for the hour of Aquarius.
With this two-thousand-year dispensation it is Saint Germain and the figure of the Divine Mother appearing that does offer to you the stepped-up version of the traditions of both East and West. In both traditions you will find truth that will work, and in both you will find error or incompleteness or simply that which is for another age long past or another dispensation. Just as you no longer burn sacrifice, so, beloved, there are many practices which are behind the level of vibration of the lightbearers in the earth in this hour.
The greatest need of every initiate and chela of the masters is the gift of the violet flame. It supersedes all others, and those who use it shine as the stars of heaven in the earth. There is no comparison of any school or tradition, East or West, to the initiatic path of the disciples who follow (and those who follow the invocation to) the Holy Spirit and the release of violet flame from the heart of Saint Germain.
Wherever that violet flame is diligently applied the greatest spiritual and physical progress is made because it is indeed the highest vibrating of the spiritual light as well as the most intense action in the physical spectrum. It spans all octaves, liberates the light of the Mother, cleanses the chakras, pours through [flushes out] the organs and transmutes karma before it outpictures in disease.
If you really knew what is the extent of the preventative medicine that is the violet flame you would pursue it as the elixir of life. You would go and drink from it daily and hourly. Why, simply thirty seconds of a mighty fiat to the violet flame can fill your house with joy, with strength, with whatever is the requirement of the four lower bodies.
Thus we see twinflames in the love of the violet flame making the most valiant progress toward that point of world service which is greatly to be desired and ought to be desired by you. Putting first things first, all others shall be added. You have departed from the highest light, you must return to it according to the Laws of God taught by the Great White Brotherhood. Having let go the hand of God and His representative in the Guru thou must first put thy hand in the hand of God to fulfill the inner vow. All things that have been done [in error] must be redone from the beginning.
Thus rejoice, for the nearer you come to God the nearer you are to your beloved twinflame. In this I rest my word to you. In this I seal my vow to hold you in the heart of the Cosmic Christ, twinflames of love forever. To your initiation I am dedicated. Call unto me, I am Chananda, I will respond.
-7-5-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
copyright The Summit Lighthouse, Inc. Of course forever Chananda speaks for himself--none else speaks for him in any way, shape, form.
-Taj Mahal
-Taj Mahal
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