Complete cultural changes usually take months or years because they are deep-rooted. We need to change the written and unwritten rules by which we operate that keep us in the old way of doing things….Key among our cultural paradigm shifts is moving from fear to love. Vertical organizations tend to promote following the rules and pleasing the boss….
In the boom year following the depression and World War II the government and big business began to be very generous with their spending programs.. Whenever something went wrong the government willingly provided a solution….As Price Pritchett explains: “Spoiled by success we gradually programmed ourselves to believe that big government and big business could and would protect us. Worst of all, we convinced ourselves that we deserved all this,…that success should be ours,…that it was our right. As popular thought shifted toward this entitlement mind-set America’s ethic of personal responsibility grew still weaker and still weaker. Also our culture’s basic belief in equality of opportunity somehow got warped into an insistence on equality of results.”…
So let us realize that when we allow the State to feed us, to clothe us, to give us money, to pay for all our expenses, all of our medical things and so forth what we are creating is a group of people who do not have resources in situations of very severe calamity, calamity itself, unexpected situations. So I just want to point that out to you that what we do on our own, what we do best on our own, what we do because we did it ours is what counts, not what somebody else did for us.
-Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet: 6-30-1997 at San Diego
For these tunnels of light are established by heaven above and to you here below. That cost then is repaid by you as you give the calls and therefore prove the usefulness of the dispensation….
Realize then that as the memory of freedom was once lost in the Earth so it can be lost again especially through the philosophies of the fallen angels who sit in the seats of notoriety and authority in the universities, in the governments and in the economies, distorting the true knowledge of freedom….
Blessed hearts, it is the love of freedom, the love of the ministration of freedom, the love to teach freedom and all its applications in all fields that has sparked once again creative intelligence in the Earth….
But many among them (initiates), beloved, took from the originators the oil (of wisdom brought by Sanat Kumara and his bands to the Earth). And they said “We will take this knowledge but use it to our own devices; now that we have the knowledge we need not the oil or the Messenger who came bearing the oil.” And therefore the knowledge was kept. And yet by the very absence of the holy oil it became a materialistic knowledge without the fire of the Spirit. It was misused for purposes of humanism, for the perpetuation, modification and engineering of humanity and all civilization until it was no more. And thus, beloved, there was the rejection of the Guru/chela relationship. Every son of Sanat Kumara did preach his name, his love and the great Hierarchy of Light. Thus deliberately they [the interlopers] said “We have no need to give obeisance to a chain of command of beings of light; we will do what we will.”
Therefore the few retained the lamp of Knowledge, and the rest took with them the fragments which were a sufficiency. For so powerful is the vastness of the knowledge of Sanat Kumara that even crumbs from the Master’s table should endure and sustain civilizations for thousands of years.
People have made the simple statement that today there is a science without the true religion or the true communion with God that is necessary to be responsible for the uses of that science. You can see, beloved, that a little bit of religion and a few hours or less a week set aside for worship have naught to do with a path whereby the heart does burn by virtue of its oneness with this hierarchical chain of light that passes through the heart of Sanat Kumara and unto the Great Central Sun, with all of the Great White Brotherhood serving this Earth coming under the canopy of this one, the Ancient of Days.
Blessed ones, the sponsorship therefore of America by Saint Germain was the sponsorship of Sanat Kumara and with him that of Surya of the God-Star. That sponsorship was that this land (and if all of North America so should elect) should be then a Master/disciple nation. Into the midst of this nation Saint Germain was sent as the most likely one to whom the reincarnated twelve tribes (of Israel) should respond, they themselves being a part of those who had forgot. It is a long history, beloved.
(by Ruth Hawkins)
-Nada: 6-28-1987 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
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