Sunday, January 21, 2018

a free-enterprise system with the least interference by federal or local government


-Maitreya, acorns, Romanov family gold plate, chart of I AM Presence, Shiva, Noah at Yerevan

   Saint Germain planned a free-enterprise system with the least interference by federal or local government so that the mastery of time and space and the individual proving of self-worth would be on the shoulders of the individual.  As long as this plan of Saint Germain was sustained there was a platform for initiation, a platform to become the Christ….
  We no longer find a free-enterprise system as it was intended to be but instead more and more government and a maximum of government controls and a minimum of initiative required on the part of the individual.  This has limited the path of initiation….We find now that the government takes from the people what is required for the intelligent development of the Christ consciousness….Thus when people work a labor and a sacred labor of their hands they do not have returned to them the wealth that they have contributed to the nation.  What does this produce?--lethargy, sloth, indifference, no longer a pulling together of the nation….
  When you force community upon individuals who do not have first the (at least minimal) attainment of the Christ consciousness and the tie to the Great White Brotherhood (through inherent harmony/surrender to the flame of life) you have totalitarian states….This becomes the stripping of the individual of his (inherent) Christ-identity, of what he has developed of individual genius before that Christ-identity is complete.  It is stripping the nations of their individual identity, their group karma and their group dharma….
  Those who would implement the plan of God for the brotherhood of man should recognize that the philosophy of World Communism is a counterfeit of the golden-age culture.  Communism is based on dialectical materialism which is a doctrine based on Karl Marx’s adaptation of Hegelian dialectic to the study of history.     -Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  Path of Brotherhood, S. U. Press, 2003, pp. 97-101

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