-Rakoczy Castle, Translvania, Rumania
1) Following formation of the first Grand Lodge in England (1717) were Grand Lodges in Ireland (1725), Scotland (1736), and in the United States (by 1734 when Benjamin Franklin became Grand Master of Pennsylvania). Each state in the USA has its own Grand Lodge.http://www.masonicsourcebook.com/grand_lodge_of_england.htm
2) In 1738 Pope Clement XII forbid Catholics from becoming Freemasons. Clement XII wrote, that these kinds of associations are "not consistent with the provisions of either civil or canon law" since they harm both "the peace of the civil state" and "the spiritual salvation of souls."
So did Pope Benedict XIV (1751), and Pope Pius VII (1821.) In 1825 Pope Leo XII: "to condemn them in such a way that it would be impossible to claim exemption from the condemnation." Afterwards so Pope Pius VIII (1829), Pope Gregory XVI (1832), Pope Pius IX (1846, 1849, 1864, 1865, 1869, 1873.
3) ...early members of the Royal Society, which began its life as the Invisible College, an organization at one time led by Francis Bacon, before securing a Royal Charter from Charles II in 1662. It is understood the Invisible College often met in the early years in the Compton Room at Canonbury Tower in North London, a room embellished with wood panel carvings of Masonic significance commissioned by Bacon like the one below.
![Wood carving with masonic signification commisioned by Francis Bacon](https://tabascolodge271.org/sites/tabascolodge271.org/files/image014.jpg)
4) A significant number of the signers of the Declaration of Independence as well as the drafters of the Constitution were members of our Fraternity, many of them most active in the affairs of their Lodges. George Washington was a staunch Freemason, and it is said that before the close of the Revolution he placed no one but Freemasons in posts of importance. He was the first of thirteen Masonic Presidents and the only one to serve as Worshipful Master of a Lodge and President at one and the same time. The others after Washington are Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman and Ford -- of whom Jackson and Truman served also as Grand Masters.
In the struggle for Independence such well-known patriots as Paul Revere, Joseph Warren, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, as well as Lafayette, Von Steuben and many others, were members of the Craft. No doubt Freemasonry was responsible for and shaped much of their thinking and opinions. http://www.kellermasoniclodge1084.org/history-of-freemasonry.html
In the struggle for Independence such well-known patriots as Paul Revere, Joseph Warren, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, as well as Lafayette, Von Steuben and many others, were members of the Craft. No doubt Freemasonry was responsible for and shaped much of their thinking and opinions. http://www.kellermasoniclodge1084.org/history-of-freemasonry.html
5) While Freemasonry is not a religion and does not attempted to supplant religious institutions, it is founded on faith in God.
Freemasonry is not a political organization and does not seek the control of political institutions, it is concerned with the problems of society.
Freemasonry abhors all forms of tyranny whether over the mind or the spirit of mankind. Yet, it does not advocate armed revolt against civil or ecclesiastical tyrants.
Freemasonry understands clearly that the improvement of mankind and society is dependent upon the activities of good men. Its conviction that each individual is created in the image of God, and is without equivocation the supreme value in this world. It is therefore the individual's duty to live a life full of character and service; and those individuals best equipped are those who accept Masonic truth which enlightens their mind and frees their spirit; and that Masonry is able to impart such truth only to those who seek it.
These Brothers migrating from Western Europe to make homes for themselves in the American wilderness, erecting Masonic altars in this new land so that they might fellowship with their brothers and impart Masonic light to others in quest of it are this nations first real patriots.
The great truths they taught inspired American Freemasons to struggle and win freedom for this land and to be the leaders in making it a constitutional Republic.
Since time immemorial Masonic law has decreed that within a Masonic lodge all Master Masons are equal in respect to rights, benefits and the obligations they owe the Craft and their brothers.
From this Masonic law and tradition it was only a small step to the conviction that all men should stand equal before the law, and that the power of government is derived from the people. The abhorrence of taxation without representation was yet only one additional step. It, however, was a step that would lead to political strife and revolt.
From the old operative guilds of the Middle Ages came the concept of useful work and opportunity to improve one's standing. From this seed came what the world knows as the American free enterprise system.
From ancient times Freemasonry has taught that each owes it to himself, the Craft, and mankind to engage in a never-ending search for light. Once again it is a simple transition to the concept of freedom of thought, speech, press, and the public education of children.
While Freemasonry requires each initiate to confess a belief in a Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul we do not go further. Theocratic in faith and philosophy, freemasonry does not attempt to limit any Brother's conception of the divine. Each is free to fashion his own creed and his own theology. Such teachings and practice are the fabric of the idea of religious liberty. Compelling a man to profess or support religious dogmas he disbelieves is not only sinful it is tyrannical.
For these reasons and others Freemasonry has encountered opposition across the ages and in many lands. They are also the reason why Freemasons were in the forefront of those who resisted the tyrannies of King George and the Parliament. Historians have concluded that 20% of America's Freemasons of the time were enrolled in the Continental Army or the militia of the various states. -Alvin Rogers
6) According to Alfred Dodd, in 1580 at the age of ~20 Bacon secretly founded the first Rosicrucian brotherhood—the Rosicrosse Literary Society—and the first Lodge of Free and Accepted Speculative Masons....
The challenge of Masonry is to be reborn “incorruptible” which must be preceded by the death of the lower nature. The Masonic third degree is the allegorical crucifixion, death and resurrection of Hiram Abiff, the teacher or Guru who is analogous to Christ. Thus the intention of Masonry is not the building of a temple but the greater science of soul building.
-Messenger E C Prophet: Saint Germain on Alchemy, S. U Press, 1985, pp. 124-5
Concerning the materials of seditions. It is a thing well to be considered; for the surest way to prevent seditions (if the times do bear it) is to take away the matter of them. For if there be fuel prepared, it is hard to tell whence the spark shall come that shall set it on fire. The matter of seditions is of two kinds: much poverty and much discontentment. -Francis Bacon: Essays, "Of Seditions and Troubles," 1597
(The question may arise: has Britain a Constitution? By fiat Bacon revealed four pillars of government--perhaps as close to a Constitution as Britain has come. -r, mt. shasta)
8) the success of the career son or daughter of God depends upon the defeat of love's adversary, point counterpoint....There is no power greater than the ruby ray for it is actually and symbolically the blood of Christ. And the blood of Christ is charged directly from the Godhead with the very source of Life itself; and Life consumes anti-Life that is death.
-Nada: 8-28-1982 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
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