Tuesday, November 15, 2022

to defy forces of rote and mechanism

Anything is possible with God and nothing is impossible. What remains is for you to get this profound truth through your own head and simply to act upon it—to8 defy22 forces30 of12 rote22 and10 mechanism40 and10 desire33 of12 the15 mental20 body19 to8 not13 think26=308 (=11 x 28). The carnal22 mind22 is10 an6 idolater39 and10 a1 slave14 and10 tyrant26=160=10 x 16, and therefore by these traits it snuffs out creativity.
-Lanello, Pearl 29:11 …………………….......................... Beloved hearts, the inner33 mechanism40 of12 the15 computer39 mind22 of12 the15 serpent34 consciousness49 is10 far16 more23 all-7 knowing39 than16 you16 realize40 (=438=6 x inner mechanism73). You must recognize that it has been the strategy of the fallen serpents for thousands of years to keep the children of the light from their own culture, from their own religion— to enslave them in the materialistic religion of the fallen ones, to enslave them and thereby have a continuous source of their light. For my light never ceases to flow through my own children and those who are tied to my heart by the blessed threefold flame.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearl 24:51 ………………………..........................

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