Saturday, May 21, 2022

smoke mirrors

But now just as the Soviet Union has reached new heights of nuclear and conventional military power, we are told that the Soviet threat no longer exists. The reasons for this are supposedly self-evident. Eastern Europe has broken free from Soviet control and the Warsaw Pact is defunct. And in the wake of the failed military coup of August 19, the Soviet Union itself has disintegrated. … In 1990 and 1991 the Soviets supposedly became our ally in the Persian Gulf war. They signed treaties to reduce the number of conventional arms in Europe and to reduce nuclear missiles pointed at the United States. These events made world peace seem like a sure thing. -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 34:63 …................... I speak to you then and I behold with my eye the military preparedness of lightbearers. And I say it is found wanting, especially in the area of conventional forces that are needed to take command of certain skirmishes and acts of terrorism as well as penetration of this nation of drugs from beyond her shores which ought to be dealt with by military forces inasmuch as this is a declaration of war against the United States of America and her divine destiny and the physical bodies of this generation of her youth! -Archangel Michael, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 11, 1982 at Camelot, L.A. Pearl 25:28 .............

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