Saturday, May 23, 2020

for every head chopped off the Hydra would regrow two heads--need to cauterize and follow thru

According to Cambridge Prof. Kelly, one of the few serious thinkers to have considered the practical implications of taking an economy ‘Net Zero’, decarbonisation is neither desirable nor possible – at least not outside a 400-year time frame.
Even reaching the old target of an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions would be miraculous; this is a level of emissions not seen since 1880.  I assert that a herd of unicorns will be needed to deliver this target, let alone full decarbonisation.
  Later versions of the Hydra story add a regeneration feature to the monster: for every head chopped off the Hydra would regrow two heads.[5] Heracles required the assistance of his nephew Iolaus to cut off all of the monster's heads and burn the neck using a sword and fire.[6]

At 16:50 of video linked below,
Elizabeth Prophet says:
We know that there were fallen ones about.  There were black magicians and witches and warlocks, their potions and their magic spells and their attempt to dominate, take-over and control the mind and the emotions of those who were the initiates.

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