Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Absolutely crucial discussions of key issues between US and Russia—or any other pair of nations—cannot possibly be left to secret meetings

   Absolutely crucial discussions of key issues between US and Russia—or any other pair of nations—cannot possibly be left to secret meetings between very small elites, whether these are bureaucrats, popular leaders, insiders.  Why?  Key issues end up involving everyone.  Yet secret deals are very very fashionable.  With those deals usually come cover stories, denials, “Stay Out!”, etc.
  The RTR “core group” from 2002-4, for example, conceived that they themselves, basically about 8-12 people, were in a position to dictate to others, to make deals with subtle elements involved not obvious perhaps even to themselves, to push votes through on matters of far-reaching import.  In the name of expediency or in the name of God or of monopoly this keeps happening through history.  Even Mark and Elizabeth in sheer naïveté or even bravado knocked on the door of the Council of Churches in an unwitting attempt to “register their activity” early on.  Some who know better keep silence and observe.  How long did it take someone to learn that not all doorways lead where one hopes/wishes/surmises/imagines those doors/doorways lead??
  Everyone could site an example of assuming/presuming that didn’t work out so well.  Getting in is often easy; getting out, especially when the original error has been compounded, is another matter, eh?
  Well, I don’t always learn fast either.  Where was I when the RTR tied themselves to Mr. KGB or made some deal to cut out ~10 1976 KH Pearls of Wisdom of 1976 from general circulation?  Sure, many felt that to dump some Sergei or Ketino in Moscow would be expedient because “a few in some position thought so.”  “So minor a matter, why get excited!?”  But what does that pathway entail, say, 16 years later!?
  Some are in so deep that they don’t admit even to themselves….

  Meanwhile, the real Mark and Elizabeth are NOT still knocking on the door or down the pathway of the Council of Churches, not even, not even a little.  But where are you today?—is that not the question?  Do you review, still yourself, reason, hearken, move in the wind?  Do you face the music that your profession/mission necessarily entails, or is it that you just think you do?    -r, mt. shasta

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