Friday, April 16, 2021

You come then to be initiated.

   Preparing for the secret-ray action and the test of the ten, America admitted the two states Alaska and Hawaii, making a total of fifty--the power of the five secret rays times the test of the ten.  Hence you are not alone in facing that test, but all citizens of the United States face that test of the going within to the heart-chakra, to the center of being, and there becoming totally selfless, aware only of the great God-Self.  For how can you be aware of aught else when you dwell in the secret place of the Most High God?

  Prior to the admittance of these two states, America was facing another test--four times twelve, forty-eight, showing the action of the twelve Hierarchies of the Sun initiating this mighty people in the planes of fire, air, water and earth for the building of the four sides of the City Foursquare.  The test was passed by many.  Cosmic cycles came and the time for the secret rays descended, which is also the time of the coming of the Mother-flame.  Thus as you say, time marches on; and as we say, eternity flows as the dawn.  Eternity flows and I AM here.  And I proclaim to you a plan for this decade and for the fulfillment of this century.   

                                 -Godfre:  12-28-1973 at Mexico City, Pearl 55:15


  The armies of light who come from far-off systems of worlds this very morning to defend that island come because of their ancient tie to the people of Chin, the people of the light, the people of Cyclopea and Jophiel, the people who carry the golden wisdom of the Buddha, of Confucius, of the ages.  They come to defend that island.  They look only for your calls, hearts of light!  For that is the focalpoint whereby the hosts of light will turn the tide of World Communism.

  From Taiwan they will back up the Communist forces across China, across the mainland, across Russia.  And the rescue of Terra will not be from Europe, but it will be from that focalpoint of light.  And thus the extension of the light of the Mother from that focus in Santa Barbara and all focuses on the West Coast must push on to the islands of Hawaii, to Japan, to Australia, to Indonesia and to Taiwan.

  And I am calling to children of light who have embodied in this organization who are yet in their mothers’ arms.  I am calling to these souls who have reincarnated from this mighty people to arise now and keep the flame and guard the flame.  And I urge you who are parents to not neglect one day to bring these children into the decrees; for their heart-chakra extends the light of the decrees into that land, into that island where there are souls and avatars and some of the greatest souls who have ever lived on Terra.    

        -Saint Germain:  12-8-1975 at Colorado Springs, Pearls of Wisdom 20:46    …………………………………………………................................................… 
  The call to light is the impelling of the soul to new dimensions of cosmic consciousness.  The call to light evokes the response of ancient hierarchies of the Sun.  The call to light is from the Lord of Love and from the soul of a planet and a people.  The call to light is answered in the fullness of cycles, and until the fullness of cycles is come, the answer must be a silent one.  But when the cycles are fully turned according to God’s own times, then even the lack of preparation of evolutions and lifewaves cannot stay the hand of God.

  You have heard of the coming of the judgment, and of the judgment that is love defining identity as souls have chosen to individualize the God-flame.  With the coming of the judgment of love many find themselves far afield from their native land and home.  With the coming of the judgment of love the fires of creation are released.  There is a swelling of the mighty sea.  There is a swelling of light.  This is an era when light is oncoming.  It is the era when the flame of Mu must rise, compelled by the call to light of cosmic law.  This is an era for the raising of  consciousness of Mother-flame in the seven rays.

  We come then for one purpose; that purpose is to anchor certain fohatic keys in the form of electrodes for the spiraling, rising energies of the seven rays in seven aspects of the Mother-flame.  The raising of these energies is from the point where they descended on Terra.  The point of the descent of Lemuria and of the Mother-light must also be the point of the rising of that Mother-light….

  We see then in these seven islands seven aspects of God, seven bodies of man and the mastery of seven chakras.  We see in the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Oahu and Kauai the development of the four lower bodies of mankind.  And we see that the physical body in Hawaii is still expanding--still expanding to become the vehicle for the expression in Mater of Mother.

  Here in Maui there is the expression of the feeling of God as the feeling of Mother.  It is the emotional body that is governed by the Mother-flame; it is the place where souls will come to realize Mother even as they come to master the astral bodies and emotional energies.  And because Mother is the flow of water, the desire in the water body will be mastered by souls of light here whom we will select to carry the flame of Mother.

  The island of Oahu illustrates the mental activity of mankind and the acceleration of commerce and of many souls, for in America there is much mental activity--some the agitation of the lesser mind and some the activation of higher mind.  For good or for ill the mental body must be mastered, and with these energies the light of Christ, the Only Begotten of your own causal body, will come forth.  Because mankind have failed the tests so many times of the Christ consciousness we find that where there are focuses of the mental body, teeming thousands and millions are found [especially] in the large cities, and their mental activities are often a disturbance to those who prefer to meditate on the Mother and in the Holy Spirit.  Nevertheless it is in the battlefield of the mind that light and darkness must be resolved.  And the light swallows up the darkness and it is not, and the light is the light that lighteth every man and woman that cometh into the world.

  You know that civilizations have been lost because of compromise of mind and conceptualization of the God-flame.  For the raising of the Mother then there must be  restoration of the Christ Child, for it is the children of the Mother, the children of Mu, who will reclaim the Cosmic Virgin on Terra.  And unless they be endued with the power from on high of Christ and Holy Spirit they will not be the possessors of that light, which is the light of the defense of the Mother-flame.

  Kauai then is the focalization of the etheric fire-body nature of the Holy Spirit--remote, removed from the mainstream of outer awareness yet very powerful as fohatic energy.

  The interchange of the energies of the islands is for the mastery of the flame of Mother.  The very ones who were a part of ancient Mu in the hours of her descent have been drawn to these islands for balancing of karma, for championing of the light, for making right that which has been the wrong of the ages.

  The other three islands, Molokai, Lanai and Niihau, less important in the chain, show the recession of spiritual awareness, the lesser awareness of causal body, I AM Presence and Christ Self, yet very present and very much a part of the energies that we are to release this day according to cosmic timetable.

  You who have come by your election and who have been elected to come to focus in your seven chakras the flames of the rising Mother-light are to be entrusted with a  precious crystal-fire light, according to your cup, according to your capacity to hold the balance.    

         -Sanat Kumara:  6-12-1976 at Maui via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 42:24    ……………………………………………………………...............................…..
   Hail, sons and daughters of flame!  I AM Peace in the flaming sword of truth.  
I come forth out of the retreat of the white light of Mother adorned by the fires of purple and gold.   I AM Peace, I AM Aloha, and I AM the energizing of that consciousness within you that is the return to perfect peace.   I instill the fire of Elohim and I come forth to tremble consciousness, to shake lethargic ones and to let you feel the presence of Peace that is the power, the very power that is the fountain of your life.

  Let the light, the fiery core in the islands rumble.  Let there be the rumbling that is the signal of the coming of Mother within you.  Let worlds be disturbed.  Let energies now be quickened.  Let all awaken from the sleep of ages. for the hour has come, the hour is come for your response to the light that is God.

  There are some among you who have slept the sleep of ages for numberless embodiments.  There are some among you who have not slept the sleep of ages and yet you have never been awake.  And some have never died because they have never lived.  And some die daily who have consecrated the lesser self to the flame.  What do you think?  What do you think, you who fancy yourselves chelas of Peace, disciples of the Prince of Peace?  What do you think when peace is skin-deep and when your initiations in peace fly to the winds at the little offenses, and then come the defenses, and then the seething of anger because someone has stepped upon your toes?

  You have heard the saying “Do not make a move until the elephant steps upon your toes.”  The elephant, symbol of the memory body of man, is the agitation.  Yes, it is agitated!  Yes, it is agitating and irritating to remember misuses of the sacred fire.  Therefore O mortal, conveniently now cover over the memory body, the tablets of mem, and create your own laws and be a law unto yourself—do it if you will.  But I perceive the delusions of the deluded who entertain that peace which is not peace but already the rigor mortis of death.

  Who is dead then does not know he is dead--are you?  Are you in the death consciousness and do you know it not?  Questions of introspection ought to arise.  The self-satisfied are never introspective; their self-satisfactions are the ignorance of the cattle upon the hillsides.  As cattle they chew their cud, energies constantly being diverted, constantly soothing, soothing the mortal, soothing the mortal to sleep--not the sleep of rest but the sleep of death.  Awake in the name of Buddha.  Awake in the name of Buddha!  Fulfill that inner potential of your calling.

  You imagine a God who placates.  You imagine a love that is tolerant of anything, any misuse of sacred fire, and you say “anything goes.”  Well, I am here to tell you that the Law that you have abandoned and the Law that you have trampled upon is nevertheless the Law inexorable.  If you doubt my word, poor moth saturated with self-doubts which you project upon an Elohim, I say, beware!  For I will not receive your doubts but I will hurl them back to you as a cosmic football player.  I can hurl those balls of doubt as fast as they are hurled.  Doubt--the desecration of peace. Doubt--the agitation of peace.

  You come then to be initiated.  With Maitreya I say, the burden of initiation is upon you.  You must initiate spirals of God-consciousness.  Who do you think you are, coming to another to obtain that which is already within you?  Who do you think you are, placing the burden of responsibility for your lack upon an entire cosmos?  And cosmos laughs.  It is not the laugh of derision or of scorn, for we are tender toward the child of the heart, but it is the laughter of joy, the bubbling of the fountain of the Mother rising to touch the hem of the garment of the Buddha, rising then and again to tease the Buddha that he might come down from his centeredness in the throne to touch the fountain of the Mother.  The Buddha cups his hands and receives the water of Mother and drinks of the water of life freely.   Do you question the wisdom of the Buddha?  Then I say, drink also of the waters of life that flow freely from the heart of Mother.

  I AM the peace of the living sword.  If any component of the lesser identity be placed before the path of attainment of the Christ consciousness, then you are not worthy to sit or stand or to lie down in the presence of Elohim.  The words of Christ Jesus are the words of the Elohim of Peace, words that he learned as a disciple of Peace long before he took incarnation to be the Prince of Peace--our representative for you and you.  He instructed his disciples that their human consciousness of father and mother could not be placed before the living presence of the Christ, that their consciousness of son or daughter could not supersede the awareness of Self as Christ, and the losing of life is the finding of the life.  Loose your life unto God!  It will do you no good to cling to that life.  Let it go into the flame, let it recycle.  Be the ecologists of the hour who understand the recycling of Mater unto victory.

  Yes, a man’s foes shall be they of his own household--the household of his consciousness.  Who have you allowed to inhabit your consciousness?  What do I see as fallen ones and foreign ones, what do I see as creations of carnal mind?   You have created your own zoo and you have made yourself the zoo keeper instead of the keeper of the flame of Peace.  And so you guard the animals of your consciousness, of your human creation that you have fashioned out of your greed and your darkness, your self-concern and your revenge.  You keep them all around you.  You say they are the signs of your zodiac.  Indeed they are.  They rotate and they revolve as satellites around your world.

  Puny cosmos you have made, puny indeed.  Would you not rather have the Elohim revolving around the center of your heart because you have become Christ?  There is a price to be paid.  There is always a price; it is said “You get what you pay for.”  And the price of God-consciousness attained only through Elohim, only through Elohim is the pennies of your human creation–the forms of your zoo.  Pay with the price, pray with the offering on the altar of sacrifice that is acceptable unto the Lord, and let the rising smoke of sacrifice signify that God is well pleased, that you have not held back a part of the price.  Ah yes, you say, this is the same old Christian theology I have heard before.  I hear your thoughts, proud mortal.  Be proud no longer if you would retain the identity of the One that you proclaim.  I hear your thoughts.  The Christian gospel is the good news, it is salvation.  It comes forth from the Elohim of Peace and the Archangels of Peace.  It comes forth from those who are the teachers of the mastery of energy flow.

  Take care that you do not perceive in my words then that this is but an imitation of a fiery gospel preacher.  I tell you, the fiery gospel preacher is imitating the Elohim of Peace.  And well might he, for indeed the imitation of Christ is the way to the becoming of Christ.  We do not project fear:  there is no fear.  If you have fear, it is in you and not in us--we project peace.  But peace coalesces in human consciousness out of the elements of that consciousness.  To one, peace is a sword; to another it is the sword of Damocles; and to another it is the sword that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Faithful and the True. 

  Angels of living peace, come forth and strip these mortals of their garments of mortality.  You have placed yourselves in my aura this night and therefore you have given some consent to be receptive to the flame of Peace. Therefore I take opportunity to increase that peace.  As Morya says “Let the chips fall where they may.”  So let the sword of Peace descend, let it cleave asunder the real from the unreal, and let all who live or let all who live not but who will to live accept the alignment of that sword.  Let them come alive in the peace of the Buddha.  Let them be goaded, let them be jibed, let them be spurred.  All that I say is to increase the reaction to my flame--for good or for ill.  At least react, at least respond; and heaven laughs in joy.

  Do you rebel against true peace because it is not your concept of peace?  O mortal, do not think the universe is fashioned after your concepts evolved in a few short years of incarnation.  O mortal, the universe is real without thee but the universe is God-sealed when you are immortal.

  I AM Aloha.  I AM the Mother of peace, I give birth to peace.  I AM the power of peace; I AM the love, the fiery love of peace.  I AM the instrument of peace; I AM the fulfillment of the manchild of peace.  I AM the Mother of waters and of air, of earth and of fire.  I AM Mother Peace, Aloha is my name.  I salute you one and all.  And I AM the softening of the sharp, two-edged sword of my divine complement.  I AM the softening that you might receive him.  I AM the softening and the arms of love.  The softening is for the gentle penetration of your life, of energies unknown to you, therefore misunderstood.

  I break the news to you, blessed ones, that ninety-nine percent of your consciousness, you energy, is outside the flame of peace.  Yet you have thought that you have attained to peace.  Be quickened then in our love and be willing to begin anew.  We construct, we destruct, we tear down, we level, we level the buildings that mankind have erected, scraping the skies of their vanity and their pride and their ambition.  Where do they think they are going, scraping the skies?  Their skies are earth yet beneath our feet.  Wonder of wonders that mankind think that they have the attainment of peace.  A planet of freedom is Earth.  But if Earth is to be free, Earth must have peace.  Yes, all agree and all have said it again and again but they have forgotten that peace begins with self.

  Every one of you who has lost that peace for a moment, an hour or a day has contributed in ways small and great to war, to crime, to murder, to mayhem, to cataclysm and to the death of these little ones.  When you hear the judgment of  Elohim of Peace you will hear:  “Thou hast been weighed in the balance.  Thou hast been found wanting.”   When you hear the coming of Elohim you will know that indeed the sword is the most precious gift of peace for it is the means whereby you are cut free from that which is less than peace.  Peace, peace, peace [chanted.]

  Activate for peace, demonstrate for peace, walk the Earth for peace.  Preach the gospel of the kingdom of God for peace.  Let peace start in the center of the chakras.  Let it begin the rising action as light of Mother.  Let the worlds of mankind tremble and quake, let there be disturbance, let there be upheaval–for this is peace.  Let mankind be disturbed and let them not think that in their self-righteousness, their self-holiness, their quiet voices and their imitation of ‘churchianity’ that they have attained peace.  And the fallen ones in their smug sophistication who are unmoved at the plight of the poor, they think they have peace but they have it not.  Where there is rumbling, where there is disturbance there is the chemicalization that will result in peace through and through from the depths to heights of consciousness.

  So we come.  We come through the Prince of Peace to overturn the moneychangers in the temple of God.  The moneychangers are the imitators of the Great Integrator of Life--the Buddha.  They come changing and interchanging energy, energy of greed and selfishness and lust.  We overturn their tables and we take those who would become worthy chelas.  We seize the worthy chelas in the grips of the consciousness of an Elohim.  We turn you upside down and inside out.  We shake you through and through.  We stand you on your two feet squarely on earth and we say “March!  March with the warriors of peace and let us see action!”  We are tired of those who are sleeping under the trees, tired of those who rest along the way, tired of those who see not that this is the hour of action.

  So let us see those who would be on the path of the Brotherhood respond then.  You can leave your selfishness under the tree.  The fairies and elfs and gnomes, they will come.  They will come as instruments of the Mother and Holy Spirit to assimilate your refuse and they will transmute it in the fire of service and their laboring in the fields.  All of elemental life is crucified by your inaction, by your stubbornness and your willfulness and your refusal to clear the body of the Mother, to clear the air, land and  sea, rivers and waters--to demand purity for purity’s sake.

  You must prepare the manger for the birth of Christ.  Can the Christed ones descend into this matter energyfield polluted with your selfishness in all planes?  You who have demonstrated against war, now demonstrate against pollution and make your cries heard across the land.  Make those who govern be ashamed to be called representatives of the people until they have disregarded blackmail and payoffs of large corporations who continue to pollute and to manage energy that belongs only to the Mother within you.

  Can you imagine creating an energy crisis?  Can you imagine a people who will succumb to a crisis that is nonexistent except contrived in the minds of fallen ones and their deceptions?  They would steal the light of the Mother.  This is a ferocious manifestation--ferocious, I say, like of the ravening wolves, ferocious, I say, but more than that.  Far worse than the crimes of these fallen ones who have already sealed their own self-annihilation in the flame, far worse are the children of God and sons and daughters of God who know better but do not do better.  Those who know not and do not are forgiven in Christ, but those who know and do nothing, they bear the responsibility of their own shame and their own guilt.  Shame on your indulgences while the world suffers and God Himself as energy is confined to pockets of hatred and sockets of selfishness!  If you would have peace you must be peace in the highest, dearest, truest sense of the word.

  I AM Aloha in the compassion and fire of the Mother.  I have come to spank the children of peace, I have come to spank the flower children.  I have come to say, now grow up and be sons and daughters of God, now be the flower that unfolds in the heart, now be the ones that are spoken for by God.  Your spanking is that you might come and measure yourself beneath the rod of my own, my very own beloved Peace.  We shall come again to see how the children have risen, how they have loved their discipline, how they have known that they are loved because Peace and Aloha cared enough to come to speak, to chastise.  So chastisement is the love of God for His dearest, most precious children.

  I return to the flame of peace, the fiery core of peace that is yet locked in the place of the Sun.  When you have shown yourself worthy of the initiations of the fires of Peace I will come forth from the sphere of your own place of the Sun and I will be unto you Mother of waters of peace flowing for the fiats of Peace, my beloved, in the science of the spoken Word--peace in the silence.  And when you break your silence let it be a clap [Messenger claps hands] of thunder!  Let it be a clap of thunder! and the thunder and lightning for the coming of the notable day of the Lord.   -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  6-12-1976 at Maui, Pearl 21:16  


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