Friday, April 16, 2021

The veil of the temple divided the Holy of Holies of the high priest from the next level of the ordinary priest

1)  For example the gnomes, although scarce recognized by the average Westerner--yet made known to the Irish as the little people or as mischievous fairies called leprechauns--do exist and impart to the mineral kingdom a wonderful quality of spiritual radiance which passes through the consciousness of the elemental’s own being directly from the Sun-parents of this system--Helios and Vesta.  The gnomes are charged with the responsibility of administering the divine pattern for each rock, precious stone and element of mineral life.  

                                          -Kuthumi:  Pearls of Wisdom 6:46    …………………………………………………………………........................

2)  Those who know not God, who have not received the Spirit of God, have no right to stand in the pulpits of the world.  Let their compromise of pure religion that is undefiled be exposed!  Let it be exposed by the children of God, by the little people who, by their numbers and their faith, their hope and their charity will transform this world and bring the flame of Christ back into the churches, will restore the sacred fire burning on the altar and will expel from their midst the hypocrites who have pursued their apostleship not as a calling of the Spirit but as a trade--for a salary, for a price.    

                          -Hilarion:  1-25-1976 at Minneapolis, Pearl 19:43    …………………………………………………………………............................

3)   And so there is never a moment when you can rest upon the mountain or upon your laurels, but your rest and your re-creation is always in action; for to lose hours and days, to withdraw yourself from holding that flame, you see, may set you back many cycles because of the movement of the return of karma and  oncoming light and the juxtaposition of the two.  Do you see, beloved ones, in the face of great darkness we must send cosmic currents and we do.  But the little children, the little people of the Earth who are caught in the change of cosmic tides they can neither withstand the light nor the darkness.  

                                 -Lady Venus:  4-23-1978 at NYC, Pearl 21:41   …………………………………………………………………............................

4)     When Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost it is written, “the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.”  The veil of the temple divided the Holy of Holies of the high priest from the next level of the ordinary priest and then the people.  It was the chief priests--who finally had become the fallen angels in embodiment, edging themselves in positions of power among the Jews--that crucified Christ.  They did not crucify Jesus, they crucified the Christ.

         -Messenger E C Prophet:  4-1-1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:28a    ……………………………………………………………………........................

5)   O let the light now traverse the Earth!  Let it go to the heart of the little ones, the great ones empowered by the Lord’s Spirit!  And let them be increased this day by that Spirit in the hour of Pentecost, in the light of peace which they have gathered.  These are the peacemakers which are called the children of God….And let there be a miracle of Almighty God as the power of those freedom fighters is increased and as there is a welling up of world conscience that will not betray, will not stand aside, will not turn their heads and pretend they do not see the slaughter of my holy ones, these little children.

  For I tell you, it is one thing to have the karma of slaying the little child, but it is another to have the karma of standing by while another slays that child!…And you will truly weep and reap, as certain of your prophets have said, as you face the awful specter of yourself with your misdeed and you are called by God to live and serve again to give life to these little ones.  Beloved hearts, this we might say “ingenious” evil plot of the wicked must prove to all that there are wicked [spirits embodied] in the earth that are not of God or of His people but are fallen angels who kill and kill and kill!…

  For the rings of peace will guard the way of the Word of God in my Messenger, in my disciples and in my little ones cooing the sounds of angels, speaking with the Nature spirits.  Truly they enjoy the communion of saints and are blessed.  May you be blessed this day as the little child.   -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  6-10-1984 at Camelot, Pearl 32:14  


6)   Would to God that you could see.  Would to God that you could see, my beloved! even the millions of angels of light who come knocking on every door on this planet and every door of the heart.  The majority of the people do not hear the knock, are not looking for divine intercession and therefore do not receive the emissaries of God who come for the awakening….Therefore by a path of freedom is true adeptship won.  And the people have been made to believe that their governments, their bankers, their banking houses, their common market and their universal temporal religion must dictate to them the terms of life.  And inch by inch they have surrendered their freedom in order to have someone make for them the most vital decisions of their future concerning their spiritual life, concerning their inner self-government under their own I AM Presence, and concerning the freedom of the flame of the heart when drawn forth ingeniously to be the true fulcrum and measure of supply.  

                        -Archangel Uriel:  2-27-1988 at Lisbon, Pearl 31:36     …………………………………………………………….…...........................

7)  Thus, my beloved, not in mere instruction, not in telling of the Word did I realize the fullness of that Christ of Maitreya with me, did I bring to fruition that which was begun and continued through numerous previous incarnations:  I must go forth in confrontation, I must challenge, I must meet and sense even the armor and shield of the dark ones and what it would take of my own sacred fire to part even the steel, as it were, of the mindset of their fortresses gainst which the little people could not prevail.

  But in this hour it is they who are arrayed against the people of Maitreya East and West.  And thus this people must also know initiations of the heart which I endured.  [For] the heart is not strengthened except in action.  

                          -Jesus Christ:  12-26-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:88    …………………………………………………………............................….

8)   May you understand that when we descend to such dense levels we can scarcely remove from our faces the sternness that we bear as we go forth to bind the demons, fallen ones who attack the little children, who abort them if not in the womb then outside the womb by destroying their minds, their very psyches.

  Blessed hearts, we are stern because this world has made this life to be not what God intended.  And the stalwart sons and daughters of light who could [turn things around] make themselves scarce and are so easily called apart into the path of worldly success and fame….

  Yes, beloved, the powerful people are the ones who receive the aid and the little ones are left in the storm and under the tents of life.  How injust!  How can there be injustice, beloved?  I tell you, where there are not men and women and children who are reared in the power of God’s Law and His will, who see the discipline and know it as necessary and remain tethered to the Law by love [there can be injustice].  Only those who love the Law can correctly adjudicate the Law, and those who have not love in their hearts bend that law to their own devices and crush the little people.

  When and where did these conspirators of the Nephilim ever defend the sweet Afghans, the sweet people of every nation who have been trampled underfoot of these armies of steel and of hell?    -Justinius:  3-28-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:17


9)   On this day when nations have raised up the Christ in the Spirit of the Resurrection we come to raise up the Christ and Spirit of the Resurrection in all servants of God upon earth.  For though they have glorified God in him they have not glorified God in themselves.  You say “Ah yes they have, my Lord.”  But I tell you, had they done so, they would not have crucified the Lord in his little ones or tolerated one single abortion upon planet Earth.  Had they glorified God in their bodies and their members, they would be transformed and walk the Earth in his likeness.

  It is sin and the sense of sin and world condemnation [put forth by] fallen angels in church and state that have wrought this devastation upon all souls of the people of Earth save the very few who have resisted this tide of world condemnation….

   Saint Germain has said:  “Go then, ye Fourteen Ascended Masters.  Tell them!  Tell my people gathered on the Mount Zion in Montana!  Tell them that they must galvanize a people not according to political alliances but according to the alliance of Almighty God!”…

  Yet you can no longer withhold that exposé that will show these plots of fallen ones and international moneyed interests and what they have done with the free enterprise system and money of little people, of shopkeepers and of farmers and of those who truly sweat by the brow to earn their daily bread.   

-Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America:  3-31-1991, Easter, at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:19     ………………………………………………………………........................…

10)   Many people will work together, but the battle that must be fought and won is the battle being waged by fallen ones to deprive the individual of his right to commune with God directly and to do so in peace without being hassled by the powers that be.

  This then being the dilemma, I ask you, one and all, to remember to keep the vigil with Archangel Michael and his hosts, to remember to keep the vigil with beloved El Morya.  This is a time for prayer vigils and vigilance.  This is a time to see and know that some would take from you your birthright, while others will stay laid back and not intercede in the rescue mission….

  This is my call to you, for the fallen ones move on as they accrue power to themselves at the expense of the little people and then abuse the nation’s resources.  And blessed hearts, they accrue that power that they might destroy any individual or group who should challenge their right and their authority to run the Earth under a planetary dictatorship of the power elite.  Mind my words, beloved.  Be keen and alert, and do not fail to pray.  For I AM Gautama Buddha, a very practical sort of fellow, and I move here and there in my many manifestations.   

                        -Gautama Buddha:  7-3-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 37:23    …………………………………………………………………….....................…

11)   How wicked it is to withhold from the children and their teachers the knowledge of the deep things of God.  No other knowledge has been so deliberately withheld from the people.  But the deep things of God are not set at table as daily fare as bowed heads pray the Our Father, the Hail Mary or Buddhist chants in gratitude for daily bread.  How much greater is the soul’s need for spiritual food.  And how great shall be the gratitude when you dispense it….”I will go forth and defend the children and people, the little people of the nations who love God, are God-fearing, are honest and truthful who have been done in by the fallen angels who are charlatans.”   

                                   -Lanto:  10-9-1994 at RTR, MT, Pearl  37:42    ………………………………………………………………................................….

12)   What can I do for you that will enable me to have more from you that I might give to God and that these individuals whom I shall not name, who are in positions of power at top levels of government [shall no longer be allowed to represent the people] when they will not keep themselves in the integrity of sacred fire of the seventh ray?

  It is truly a very dark hour in Washington, D.C., a very dark hour in many nations of the West.  It is dark because people do not have integrity--integrity through the violet flame, integrity through the great causal bodies of all as­cended and cosmic beings.    

                              -Saint Germain:  1-2-1997 at RTR, MT, Pearl 45:40    ………………………………………………………………...................................


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