Tuesday, April 6, 2021

to accelerate and to be on the cutting edge of being

1)   With the coming of the new age old things shall indeed have passed away!  Men have thought destruction for so long that the main part of the whole prophecy mentioned above, upon which most have thought, has been in connection with destruction—and especially planetary destruction or the downfall of civilization.  Let me hasten to assure all mankind that while cataclysms do occasionally manifest by natural law, the passing away of the old order is purposefully to clear the way for the building of the new!  This always brings the birth in consciousness of the Christ tendencies or divine propensities. 

  You have perhaps heard it said even by your earthly mothers  “As the twig is bent—so the tree is inclined to grow.”  You see, the inner intent of heart in man is in part inherited.  Of course whenever the war entities or hate entities and other mass-created, malign influences which cause the world so much personal and planetary unhappiness are removed or transmuted, the world or individual breathes free for a moment—but only long enough for someone to again start the chain reaction of misqualified freewill in the same old discordant pattern which for centuries and millenniums has made suffering on Earth and in mankind’s experiences.  Therefore only by universal acceptance by the world at large can final victory come to Rarth and its multitudes, and only by rising in consciousness to your own ascension can you find personal escape.  There is no other way!

  The inner intentions of the heart are developed only in two ways: either by hallowed attunement with your own God Presence I AM or by listening to the mass voices of discord from the megatons of misqualified energy which mankind have created.  Seed produces in kind.  Therefore the only safe counsel comes from above where all cosmic virtue and purity are born.  That which raises you into your ascension comes from above, that which pulls you down into discord is from below.  It is that simple.  Forget then personality, even injustices, forget even your own needs for a moment if need be, and concentrate on service to others in the holy name and power of the Christ.  Do this and you shall find life even among the illusions of so-called death.  The great Law cannot be broken!   

                                         -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 4:10 


2)  From the rolling sphere of our planetary home I bring you, friends of light upon planet Earth, my radiation and that of beloved Venus, and we bring salutations to friends of old and friends of light.

  Peace be unto you, children of the Most High God, and the eternal benevolence that I hope you upon this planet will soon use in all your relationships with one another.  The salutations of grace that were used in the early Christian Church, “Peace be unto you” and “Grace be multiplied” are abundant, manifest expressions of our great enfolding love.

  This eternal love which comes from God flowed through me long ago as I sat in the great halls of Shamballa, that great city of light in Asia’s past, and was known then as the Ancient of Days.  Today I would ask you to leave behind in consciousness the darkened sphere of Earth, the ordinary human effluvia.  I would ask you to rise in your arms of light and journey back up toward our planetary home on the great shaft of light on which I came.  In consciousness travel with me to perceive a vision of our lovely planet as [an image of what] Earth shall some day become.    -Sanat Kumara:  1-1-1963 at NYC, Pearl 42:42


3)  In the stillness of the heart temple individuals are able to command energy and say as did Christ upon the sea of old “Peace, be still!”  And the command, exercised by any lifestream in God’s name on behalf of the search for the hands of the Mother of the World, will bring into the domain of the heart an understanding of the flow of cosmically magnetic love--the love that tears away the veil of separation, of fear, of illusion to reveal right where you are that God is the unifying power who unites distant hearts and far-flung worlds.

  I AM the Ancient of Days.  But as I say it I am reminded of those moments of wonder when each of you, all men coming forth from the universal consciousness of the All-Father, reveled in His light.  As was said or almost sung, “The morning stars danced together, sang together for joy.”  Those moments can be rekindled in the heart as the ancient memory reaches out to the Universal Source--those sublime moments, forgotten by consciousness in its meanderings through the valleys of the shadow of death and decay.   

          -Sanat Kumara:  7-28-1968 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl  42:34


4)   I am come to initiate the spiral of God’s will to men and women who see that the purity of heart, spoken of old by Jesus the Christ, will enable them to see God, to know His Laws, to know His will and to manifest that dominion over the earth which will produce in the annals of time and space a record of nobility, of chastity and of charity to all.

  I come as the Chief of the Darjeeling Council, teaching men of goodwill how to govern themselves and then how to govern the cities and nations.  This is a time for God-government upon Earth.  This is a time for the sealing of the governments of the nations, by divine edict, in the flame of God’s holy will.

  That divine edict comes forth from the Almighty as well as from your own divine God Presence.  For the authority in the footstool kingdom is in the freewill of man.  It is in the crucible of your decision and your decision-making apparatus.  If heart, head and hand you are willing to pledge your energies to the establishment of God-government upon Earth, then I say it is time to examine your hearts, to examine the apparatus that establishes a decision for or against an issue, for or against the light.  In the domain of human politics and human politicking there are those who are totally aligned with darkness, souls of light who descended (to dense vibration) of old.  

                                     -Morya:  9-1-1973 at Atlanta, Pearl 52:13


5)  This is a year of decision, yet some have made it a year of indecision.  They stand at the crossroads of life waiting for someone else to make the choice.  The traveler in the unknown country looks for waymarks along the way.  Direction is needed though the goal be fixed in mind.  All roads lead to Rome, they say.  But then will you be a traveler forever and a day?  Or will you take the shortest route to the hub of Life?…

  The testings and markings of the Law must be identical for every soul; but the application of the testing, the interpretation of the markings by the individual consciousness creates out of the impersonal Law the very personal path of initiation.  Thus the lives of the saints and sages of the centuries who have carved a destiny preordained tell the ever-new yet old, old story of the soul’s overcoming in the planes of Mater.     

                                    -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:32


6)  And now, my beloved, I greet you once again out of the Spirit of Liberty whose handmaid I AM.  I welcome you to the heart of a Cosmic Virgin’s love of liberty.  I greet you as I have greeted all pilgrims who have made their way to a land of higher consciousness and have demonstrated a willingness to leave behind the old world and to enter into the new.  For this indeed is the requirement for the passing of initiation of the Goddess of Liberty….

  You have heard it said that those who approach the shores of America receive the initiation of my heart.  This initiation of the threefold flame may not be experienced physically by the soul unless the soul has received understanding of the Law and has demonstrated a willingness to comply.  The leaving behind of the old world of  human consciousness—of one’s own ancient karma and ancient past and ancient enmity with others—is that requirement.  And therefore though Christ as representative of the Cosmic Christ will overshadow each and every one who does come to these shores, be it known that only those who aspire to higher light receive it or its options for the multiplication of greater light.

  This explains how some laggard evolutions who have come here have continued to multiply their laggard consciousness while others have moved onward and higher into a new image of the Christ that I hold for the entire race that yet waits behind them in line from their own home country.  Nevertheless the blessing of this land, so consecrated by Saint Germain, does impart by the very aura of the people a new start, a new mind and a new heart for many.    

                             -Goddess of Liberty:  7-1-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:39


7)  Some respond, but many turn away.  Even when we stand in the presence of individuals who need more than anything else our care and our love instinctively they pull away, turn their backs upon us and will not surrender the old hurt, old resentment, old determination to get even.

  Therefore beyond us the Four and Twenty Elders do announce in this hour, through our Karmic Board, that for some this turn of summer solstice and this gathering and statement of purpose by these disciples of Liberty will mean an increase of judgment, an increase of [karmic] descent of the nonjustice and nonmercy that they have sent out, whether an absence thereof [of justice and mercy] or a direct misqualification thereof.  Thus the accountability of those who have not loved life to set it free by justice and by mercy is due and long overdue.   

                               -Portia:  7-4-1983 at RTR, MT, Pearl 48:37


8)  How oft in the night I have come to your bedside and stood as I did when Joseph of old at the bed of the sleeping Jesus— there to pray fervently to God that you, beloved, might realize the perfecting of the heart in paths of righteousness that the pure Christ might appear in this life in you.

  O beloved, I am ever the watchful presence of Father among you. For I do raise up the figure of the Father as I raise up the light of those who must play their role on the stage of life in the person of the masculine incarnation.  Beloved, the loss of the Father-flame within family and society is a contrived desecration of the heart of the Divine Mother within you also.  Therefore I say, men and women, understand the nobility, the sacredness of the holy calling to be co-creators with God.   

                          -Saint Germain:  6-8-1986 at San Francisco, Pearl 29:59


9)  Thus, beloved hearts, I have called this Messenger in this week.

 I have called this Messenger to my altar in the upper octaves of light and I have called for her to give invocations on behalf of certain among you who have come here.  And these invocations directed by myself have been to cut you free each one from that [substance] of past karma and human momentums which had not theretofore passed into the flame.

  And these old momentums, crusty and sometimes wicked, have indeed attracted to yourselves the opposition of black magicians who thereby have gained entrée into your worlds through that old familiar electronic belt.  You understand that of which I speak—it would be useless to bind the false hierarchies that beset you when within the subconscious you would still retain the very magnet that draws them to you.

  Thus we understand the value of the Messenger.  Therefore the Messenger did come to you at inner levels and call for the binding of this substance, but not until she did secure from each of you the bending of the knee before the Lord Sanat Kumara and his Christ and Christ in the great Spirit of the Brotherhood and Christ in the great Spirit of the embodied chela.  Therefore if we bow to the Christ in the Almighty, we must bow to the Christ in the heart of the least of these the brethren.    

                       -Archangel Michael:  12-6-1985 in West Germany, Pearl 29:9


10)  I embrace the children of the world in all octaves, for I have long, long, long been in the Earth.  And as Saint Germain was wont to say as the Wonderman of Europe, I too am very old.  Thus I know  millions upon millions of souls in the Earth from the vantage point of the etheric octave, the ascended master octaves and of having been in the Earth myself on every continent.  Indeed you might find my footprint on the lands of every nation.  So on the ground you find my signature, so in the star of your being.    

                                   -Lanello:  10-6-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:36


11)   We have called you the avant-garde, and so ye are.  When you put on the mantle of illumination and walk the way of that path you set an example for all to emulate.  You show that there is a way out.  You show them still what is the meaning of the scriptures East and West and that in this new century and in the new millennium there is the hour and time when the interpretation of the old dispensations must give way to Aquarian-age interpretation and to dispensations that are new for those who would move forward swiftly with the accessory of violet flame.

  We then are simply delighted that you have invited speakers to this conference who can teach on subjects of accelerated learning, of teaching values for children, of bringing children into an awareness of seven types of learning, the seven types of intelligence.  This is important, beloved.  And when you realize that you can stimulate all seven types within your children you also rejoice as we do.  For these shall be the true renaissance children of the Aquarian age, even as those who came before did light the way in the arts, in sculpture, in building, even in understanding of the core of being.

  So, beloved, to accelerate and to be on the cutting edge of being able to internalize not only knowledge but wisdom, this is our great desire. Do not shun it!  Do not think you have missed the boat, you are too old or should have been born in a future century or a past century. There is nothing you can do about it.  You are here today, of a certain age and time, and now is the acceptable time for you to accelerate.   

-Lord and Lady Meru:  6-30-1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:3


12)   For God has ordained me hierarch of the Age of Aquarius and given me the assignment to do all in my power to make the coming age a golden age.

  In order for me to accomplish this great task I must enlist the aid of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, including and most especially dedicated servants of God and country who will pledge to me “their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.”  My beloved friends old and new, I ask of you nothing less than to be myself in action here on Earth–yes, not only to be my hands and feet but to be my purple fiery heart twenty-four hours a day, waking and sleeping.

  The Darjeeling Council has asked me “Saint Germain, who will go to the nations for us?”  And my answer to them will depend on your response to my plea.  For I cannot speak in your behalf.  Only you can speak in your behalf.   

                          -Saint Germain:,  3-4-1996 at Porto Alegre,  Pearl 39:14  


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