Saturday, April 17, 2021

We come to bear witness to light in your heart.

   Although the knowledge of man has broadened, his spiritual understanding is very narrow to the present hour.  While the ascended masters and your own beloved Saint Germain continue to serve with beloved Jesus and the mighty hierarchy of life, it is a fact that the planet is overrun with lifestreams who selfishly pursue their own ends.  Knowing the imminence of death and destruction all around them and understanding some measure of nature’s power, they are still unwilling to depart from the realm of the "normal”and mass intelligence that seeks to conquer the universe.  They are unwilling even to attempt to understand the mighty miracle Presence of Life that is within them and the need to harness cooperatively the God-power as a means of unification and brotherhood.   -Archeia Faith:  Pearls of Wisdom 9:14 


  How well I remember the misuse of the altar and the temple of my Father.  They made it a den of thieves.  Thus in this hour I come to overturn the tables of the moneychangers in the halls of science and of religion and in the very hearth and home where the little child is aborted.

  I, Jesus, come again with my Christmas message and I deliver unto you this mandate of Almighty God:  The karma will fall upon this nation surely as I stand unless this people shall rise up and take command of the ungodly slaughter of the holy innocents….My beloved, the sacred law is written in your hearts.  Why will you not obey it with that pure God-intent instead of manifesting as the twig that is bent out of the way of righteousness?…

  This people have allowed drugs to enter their marts.  They have defended their freedom to have all manner of license and misuse of the sacred fire and the perversion of the life-force--defending homosexuality, defending lesbianism as though it were of God, and attempting to lead the children of the light into these activities.

  Is it any wonder there is murder and crime in the streets and insanity?  It is the abuse of the Mother-flame.  And they shall not pass!  And all who remain silent and all who are led in these directions--they will pay the price and they will be swept aside with the coming of the wave and with the coming of the sword.

  Do you not think that I cry out?  I indeed am crucified anew when I see the killing, slaughter and murder of my own in senseless manifestations of war.  In the very midst of the prophecy of Isaiah for the birth of the Child--there was war, there was bloodshed, there was the threat of the enemy of light.  Has there ever been another condition?  As my Mother has told you, study well the conditions and circumstances of the war of Nephilim and their councils.  For, beloved ones, there are more among you that have known death by Herod’s sword than I would care to enumerate.

  Beloved hearts, if you have paid the ultimate price embodiment after embodiment, I tell you—and it is so—you are entitled in this hour to know the protection of the Great White Brotherhood and to realize that you have given that sacrifice and you are come again to live under our protection.

  We cannot give it if you do not invoke it.  We cannot descend unless you speak our name.  But the karma is there, the good karma, to rejoice in that grace which is due your lifestream whereby you can know God face-to-face, enter the arena of life, and be the instrument of the separation of the tares and the wheat.

  Legions of light are on the march.  And when you see the infamy against elemental life, when you see a single soul risk his life for the freeing of 600 porpoises caught and ready to be slaughtered--is there not one among you who will risk his life for the freeing of those children about to be aborted as soon as they come forth from the womb?  Beloved hearts, elemental life cry out as they are aborted.  Children of the Sun cry out--and I demand that you give answer!  And I demand that those who are the insane fallen ones, who appear to be the leaders of this planet, give their accounting in this hour!

  You will watch and you will see as my Word is released, for it is the certain Word of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood reflecting the very altar of Almighty God.  For emissaries of earth and saints of the inner church have appealed before His very throne in my name.  You have seen demonstrations upon earth.  I tell you, the saints robed in white have demonstrated in this hour for the utter desecration of this Christ-mass throughout the Earth.  Where, O where is Christ born in this hour?  Let him be born within you!  For unless he be born there is no Life in earth, there is no manifestation of Sanat Kumara.

  Let there be the binding of the fallen ones.  Let there be the binding of the seed of Satan, for the prophecy is written. You need only read and run with the many, many promises of victory.

  I AM Jesus.  I come to nourish the children of my heart.  I come with the strength of cosmic love.  Fear not, little flock, I carry you in my arm, I enfold you in the light of my mantle, I carry you beyond harm, I carry you far, far beyond the alarm of the fallen ones.

  Precious hearts, can you know how--simultaneously--the peace, the profound peace that comes with your alignment with God and your obedience to His will can be established in you, even as all these things must also come to pass?  Beloved, in my Father’s house are many mansions:  if it were not so, I would have told you.  I seal you now in the mansion of my own causal body that you might dwell there--dwell there safely while in the very midst of the battle.  Beloved hearts, fear not.

  Some of you postpone the choice of your own reckoning with truth and with reality. The battle is upon us.  There is no thought yea or nay.  All will take up the sword.  All will fight.  All will prepare themselves as God has given you potential and mind and heart and resources.  So I say, you will prepare!  You will enter into the divine calling!  Let the seed of light descend.  Let the divine potential be welcomed.  And cast aside all resistance to the inner God-man.

  When you enter the war and you see souls literally being destroyed, when you see body temples desecrated, when you see the flow of the abundant life in this nation hoarded, misused, manipulated for profit, for filthy lucre by Arabs, by multinationalists, by those who have no God in them--will you turn your back and go away with your loved ones and say “Let us enjoy another lifetime.  Let us not look”?  I say, you will not!

  You will assail them and their bastions in Wall Street!  You will tackle the international bankers!  You will turn over the tables of these moneychangers!  For if you do not, beloved hearts, then the golden age will not come.

  Look at those who have been selected.  Do you think that they have the elevation of Christ within them, serving in the cabinet and as department heads and in agencies?  They have, beloved hearts, at best human experience.  But it requires more than human experience. It requires the all-power of heaven and earth.  And therefore I give it unto my Messenger.  Let them say what they will!  I give it.  I deposit it in her heart.  And I say to you:  I have raised her up and I have raised you up to be with me a mighty people!  We are determined that this body of light shall serve as the anchorpoint for the armies of Sanat Kumara.

   Let us be up and doing!  Let us not allow them to taunt, mock, blackmail, abuse and make folly of this nation.  Let those within it who do not honor the cosmic honor flame understand that the hour is come--the hour is come and descent of the sword into the marts of pornography, into the very focuses of prostitution and misuse of  sacred fire in motion pictures illustrating that misuse throughout this city and every nation.

  The judgment descends.  They are overturned.  And the armies of fiery salamanders, sylphs, gnomes and undines are ready.  And they follow with Archangel Michael, and they don their helmets and their blue-flame swords.  And, beloved hearts of light, you can scarcely tell them from blue-flame angels! for they have so identified with this cosmic purpose of the deliverance of the Divine Woman and Manchild.  You would rejoice to see them!  And therefore I open the veil that you might see these elementals as they troop in mighty formation with legions of the seven archangels.

  The Christed ones are here!  The hosts of the Lords are here!  And they will not allow this infamy to pass.  They will not allow this desecration of my Father’s house and His kingdom to pass.  Therefore let us see how children of light and sons of God will respond, for you must give that mighty thrust and that call.

  Beloved ones, I challenge you with the full fire of my sacred heart to speak the call into the face of every injustice as you have never done before and watch how God will show you the outcome of your invocation.  And you will see them go down, even as the light of God that never fails can arrest a plague of locusts upon an entire nation.

  So the God of Israel is in the midst of His people!  That God is upon us.  Let them rise up!  For opportunity is at hand as the sword that I bear, as the sword that I wield, as the sword that goeth forth out of my heart, out of my mouth.  It is the flaming sword!  It is the sword of the Faithful and True!  Thus you will see that mighty sword  as thought-form going out of the mouth of Gautama Buddha, of Sanat Kumara, of Lord Maitreya.  Truly the hour of judgment is come.  Truly those who have wearied in this message of the judgment may not weary much longer, for they themselves will know the meaning of it. Therefore set thy house in order, my beloved.  Let each and every one be a part of angelic bands and when weighed in the great scale of Life not be found wanting.

  Let us rejoice!  For our rejoicing is in the deeper mysteries of God.  Most would not hear my message.  They prefer to dwell upon an event that took place 2,000 years ago.  We live in the present, not in the past.  We live in the moment, we live in the light of God.  We live in the eternal and progressive revelation of the Holy Spirit.

  Lo, I AM the fullness of that Spirit unto ye all and unto my people everywhere!  And by the fire of the Holy Spirit I AM come to heal the broken-­hearted.  I AM come to heal and make whole those who are mine and of my very soul, born with me in the beginning of the Word.  I search them out.  I send out the line of my heart.  And every one of mine own is touched in this hour.  And I reinforce that love, O the love of the Father and Son, as we come to dwell in each little one--those who keep our Word, those who love, those who understand that my commandments are the very bastions of identity.

  O love that will not let me go, O love that would bestow upon mine own that nectar of the Spirit, O precious child--for one precious child born into the midst of community I tell you, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood would gladly lay down its life.  The Brotherhood is nigh.  The Brotherhood is determined that these little ones shall not be desecrated, shall not be decimated or know the discouragement of the apostates, the atheists, the rebels against my Father.

  They hated without cause.  And they continue to hate without cause.  And their anger against the Mother is even greater than their anger against the Father.  For it is Mother who is in the matter cosmos, who is in the very earth--exacting the requirements of the Law as Guru, exacting the judgment, demanding proof and testimony of their use or misuse of sacred fire.  It is Mother who exposes.  Therefore behold the hatred of the Virgin Mary.  I strip it!  I expose it!  I uncover the ugly recesses of the subconscious!  And I call to Elohim Astrea and legions of light:  bind these interlopers!  Bind the invaders of the temple of all mankind!  Bind the hordes of war and demons and death!  Bind them in my name!  For I AM Jesus.  And in that name shall all evolutions of Earth know the fullness of the light of the eternal salvation and of the second death….

  Beloved hearts, ignorance shall no longer remain.  I set a torch to it.  And it begins to burn.  Watch then the burning of layers of ignorance.  Watch the burning of that trash literature that ought never to be precipitated in matter.  Watch the judgment of Oromasis and Diana and the fiery salamanders.  For this is the hour of victory of our God and this is the hour of His vengeance.  Therefore in these final months of this cycle of the Dark Cycle you will see what is the meaning of the vengeance of our God.

  Hold fast what thou hast received!  Hold fast unto light and do not forget my word!  Do not forget my release.  For I am giving you light in this hour to meet the Adversary for an entire year!  Therefore tarry in the temple and know that on this day I AM Jesus, I AM your Lord and your Savior subject unto the Lord God Almighty even as ye are all subject unto Him.  And I have come to see to it that your lamps are filled with oil and that you invoke light that will also see to it that the physical oil of this nation is protected and that energy of Almighty God flows freely unto this people….Therefore use it wisely.  For the hours of intensity of the battle always appear in the month before winter solstice, and that is the hour when you require the last morsels of light held in the very flasks of your own inner laboratory of soul.  Therefore that which is received in solstice is for every day of the coming year.  Treasure it, use it.  It is the most precious commodity of life.  We are intense in this hour because Sanat Kumara is intense.  Therefore let us meditate upon the intensity of our God and let us not let the light of true prophecy go out in the land….

  We come to bear witness to light in your heart.  You require that witness.  The Messenger requires that witness.  I AM the affirmation of the I AM Presence and living Christ indwelling in ye all--all who submit unto that light in purest love.  I AM the ever-present witness.  I AM walking with you on the road to Emmaus which is the road to your own divine plan fulfilled on the path of initiation which I have walked.

  I will not leave thee, my beloved.  I will not leave thee in ignorance of what is coming upon Earth.  I will not leave thee in a state of confusion or unknowing.  I will not leave thee without the comfort of truth.  And in this hour truth is a sword.  Thus be comforted in knowing.  For when you know you can act; and your actions will fulfill the requirements of the Law….I seal you and I seal my place in the cosmic cross of whitefire.  

                                -Jesus Christ:  12-25-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 24:3


   We desire to see the two-edged sword of Maitreya outplayed in this community.  We desire you to understand that psychology only goes so far and it too must be endowed with a flame.  Beware of the terms of humanism and democratic interaction between parent and child, for this is not true to the Ascended Masters’ Teachings.  The interaction is with respect of the office in hierarchy of both personages--the office of parent being that of parent and teacher representing the Godhead; the office of child being that of chela and that of the heir becoming the son. 

  Thus if there is only equality in the democratic sense or the humanistic sense, we lose the sense of respect, we lose the sense of the mantle.  Where there is no sense of the mantle, the mantle itself cannot be active.  And the mantle is of each one’s Christhood and causal body, which apparently must be somewhat (and in fact a great deal) outpictured in the adult, whereas it is not intended to descend in the child except by increments each year.

  Beloved ones, understand that you must go beyond the psychology courses you have seen and recognize that the effort toward communication, toward interaction, toward right motivation and toward the support of the child must come through inner contact of child and parent with the Christ-mind. …

  Beloved hearts, how can we fight and win a battle when the armies of that battle have not identified themselves as knights and ladies of the flame and defenders of that holy grail within themselves, first and foremost, and then out of all due respect to the manifestation of that grail within the child?  It must be therefore a parallel path of common sense and good works and observation of educational methods that work.

  Whatever works, whatever is practical is the Montessori revolution.  It need not have been spoken by Montessori.  Therefore beware of a flesh-and-blood-savior consciousness and of a flesh-and-blood-devil consciousness.  All people are instruments of God a good deal of the time, and some may fall prey to be instruments of error as well….

  Beloved ones, it is not a physical location that is the salvation either; it is a spiritual state of consciousness.  And therefore beware of idolatry.  Beware of thinking in terms of time and space, and understand that development of heart and love of heart is that which must be delivered unto children and youth—the heart of support, the heart of compassion, the heart that sternly rebukes that which ought to be rebuked and the heart that never holds the child in idolatry but holds the child as a manifestation of God as oneself and is comfortable with being that manifestation and working out self-realization of that God within and without.

  We call then for victory in education of the hearts of all members of this community; and therefore the fruits of that victory may truly be laid upon the altar of our children and youth and all who come here seeking that cup of cold water in Christ’s name.  And that cup of cold water is truly education of heart.  It is truly enlightenment of the age.  That which refreshes the soul is a new vista--a new understanding!  That is what is needed.

  And this is why churches are empty all over the world:  because there is not a new awareness and a moving forward with the age of those who represent various world religions.  There must be a renewal and a reinfusion and a resurrection and a sense of regenerative mind of the Buddha, for instance, who surely has progressed over twenty-five hundred years--and of Jesus Christ who in two thousand years has become more and more and more of that Universal Christ.  Thus the universe is progressive and unfolding and ongoing.  Thus you also are more today, I dare say, than we found you twenty-five hundred years ago!  And none of you would want to go back to that point….

  Understand then it is important to keep up with your Teacher.  It is important to move when Guru moves!  It is important to let go of old fantasies of self and selfhood when they are to be let go of.  When we give dispensations of healing it means there is a dispensation and it is a moment when you can accelerate in rejuvenation because this is what is important to the Lords of Karma and this is the opening to heaven’s gate in this hour.

  Therefore when we come and see talent and teaching unused, what can we say?  How can we build upon a foundation that is not laid?  Where is the chief cornerstone of your own building who is Christ the Lord within your temple?  Some therefore have resisted….

  There is a responsibility for knowledge given.  Until you apply it we cannot increase it.  Yet we come with a mandate of Jophiel and of Lord Himalaya and of the Manus of the races.  Therefore we say, make haste for the revolution in Spirit and consciousness!  And in this hour we require a revolution in the body.  For the sword shall descend, the two-edged sword, and it shall separate and divide; and one shall be taken and another shall be left.  And you will understand that those who are left are left because they have pre-destroyed the body and not allowed it to grow in the grace of capacity to contain more light, which more light is the key to entering of the new age and golden age--and that means entering in to the etheric octave and higher consciousness of eternal life here and now….

  Beloved ones, it is an hour for action and manifold action, and the sword of the Spirit must come forth not only from the mouth but from all of the chakras, dividing the real from the unreal in all octaves and planes of consciousness.  I speak by the Holy Spirit and the rapidity of the Mind of God that you might understand that the intellect itself must be stepped up.  Your thinking process, your memory process, your reaction time must be accelerated!  If you are to become immortals, you must put on immortality in this hour….

  And the dispensations given to us of the Great White Brotherhood to work through that Ranch are directly connected with its absolute invulnerability to any forces known or unknown.  And this can come not only by paying off of the land but it must also come by hearts and minds united physically on the land as the presence of the might and strength required by Mother Mary and Morya and Maitreya and ourselves.

  We stand waiting for you to settle yourselves and settle your personal problems so that our decree sessions may move and focus entirely on Central and South America and the oncoming darkness of World Communism and conspiracy there….

  All worry and anxiety only attracts to yourself more.  Be at peace for God is in you—and act from that standpoint and do not look to another to act for you.  For each time you think another will act in your stead you forfeit the mastery of your own Christhood.  Thus be it so in your community, your homes, your businesses and in the recreation of life.  Understand in the building of the City it is the white stone of each one that counts, and none may do it for another.  Thus pursue now the bedrock of your attainment and build from the reality of that attainment and not a false sense of security in the labor of another.  The only security that each one has is in God within.  I increase it by light of our hearts.  I seal you in the victorious golden flame of illumination which is the flame of divine action.   -Lord and Lady Meru:  1-6-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 28:8    


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