Thursday, April 29, 2021

For the knowledge is inside, and it can be evoked upon a second’s notice.

  When a consciousness that is the gift of God chooses to crucify God in the energy veil then the ever merciful Creator expresses mercy unto Himself and releases His own atoms from the framework of identity that personifies chaos, death and discord.  Thus you see, the second death is the highest expression of God’s mercy which is expressed unto God Himself and His imprisoned energies….

  And thus you can never judge a book by its cover.  You can never judge a man or a woman by name or by origin, by race or religious background.  But you must understand the nature of the mingling of races and the mingling of the blood itself, which is the conveyor of the Christic-light and Christic fohat….

  But when all is said and done all people are God’s people.  All people are His children.  And I tell you that the love of the Cosmic Virgin literally burns in the heart of the Divine Mother until She has become a magnet for bringing into this activity of all peoples of all climes and races.  And thus fear not to bring in every type and every person of every belief, blind and maimed and halt.  For all will receive the unprejudiced tutoring of Her heart and of the Ascended Master Hierarchy.

  This is the true place where all can truly sit together of one accord in one place and find that every man is equal in the eyes of the Mother and in the eyes of the Christ.  And this is the reason that this focus and this activity is anointed as the body of lightbearers, for there are no bars and no restrictions.  Fallen ones may come to this altar and be saved; and no man, no woman will hold against them their past actions.  For the consciousness of sin is not present here but only the consciousness to win the victory for the right    

-Divine Director:  7-3-1973 at Land of Lanello near Colorado Springs  Pearls of Wisdom 17:5-6                 


   Don’t you think that it is time that you signed the Declaration of Independence of your soul from all enemies within and without, all forms of instruction that are less than whole?  I think it is time.  I am certain that you have gained great good from many sources along the pathway of light; but when you have the ascended masters as your guide then realize that the standard is perfection.  There is and there can be no compromise with human error; for every ascended master, angel and archangel focuses the consciousness of mediator between God and man.  And each one who has earned the ascension stands in the place next to your Christ Self, mediating with you, for you working together hand in hand with your Christ consciousness to lead you into that awareness of the light which shall give you your freedom.

  I have overshadowed many avatars who have won the race of life, and I have sponsored some who have also taken the left-handed path.  Through pride, through self-indulgence some have come into a state of fear and doubt and then taken the intellectual path of reasoning until they have reasoned Hierarchy right out of the cosmos and thus gone forth to proclaim that mankind do not need the ascended masters but only themselves to get to God.  Such hauteur can only originate in the human ego; for the soul that knows, the soul that stands in the Presence of God leaps with gratitude for opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Hierarchy.

  Beware then of those who have been our disciples and who have taken our name to perpetuate their teachings and their claim to fame and yet have changed those teachings and who are leading even this very hour thousands astray through the path of intellectual pride.  By their fruits ye shall know them….

  Precious hearts, remember, the personality-cult consciousness has no place in the way of the Cosmic Christ.  Therefore do not become attached to the outer identity of any teacher or leader or of one another; for the outer consciousness may fail, but the Christ-light and the Law will uphold you and support you foreve

  Sometimes you do not know that you have human attachments or entertain the idolatrous consciousness.  It is well to honor the vessel and cup.  It is altogether in keeping with Hierarchy to pay allegiance to our representatives, to honor them.  But remember that the homage that is paid as a ritual of your life in form is always intended for the God within and always accepted as such by our true emissaries.  Therefore give God the credit in all that you do.  And take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink;  for the Lord God will nourish the flame that nourishes the form and provide all things at the feet of the true masters of light….

  On the path to Cosmic Christhood you must realize that the first level of attainment is the total awareness and Be-ness of your own Christ Self.  This is the individualization of the Christ-flame, the personal Christ that ministers unto humanity.  Then you have attainment of the Universal Christ which is won on the Buddhic path as you expand your mastery to include more and more aspects and greater and greater light of the heavenly hierarchies.  It is largely a question of degree, of first becoming Christ in the microcosm and then expanding that Christhood to the macrocosm.

  Now I have come to you specifically to inform you this night of my office as initiator of disciples on the path.  I am known as the Great Initiator.  Even as the Great Divine Director is known as the Initiator of Cycles, so I initiate mankind and all who desire to be tested must ultimately come under my jurisdiction and under my sponsorship. Those who enjoy the challenge of new tests, the raising of the bar, the raising of the hurdle for a higher and a higher jump, these are those who are counted in my classes in the retreat of the Lord Buddha.

  I am the one who stands before your Christ Self and before you to see whether you are worthy of your idealism and whether you are willing to actually put on the line the beautiful words, the beautiful ideas and the longing of your heart to be free to serve mankind.  Then comes a test.  It may be a test of pride, a test of fear, a test involving the total bent of your consciousness in its tendency toward compromise or error.

  Surprisingly enough to many disciples, these tests come when they are least expected; for we must know how the disciple will act under the greatest of pressure, the greatest of fatigue during periods when he may not have the full faculties of God-awareness.  For testing is of the consciousness and of memory within consciousness of precepts learned within our retreat, within our books and in our instruction that comes in many ways not the least of which is experience in the schoolroom of life, for experience remains the greatest tutor of the soul….

  Jesus claimed me as his Guru and called me Father, and yet I transferred that to the Almighty on high and to his own God Presence as I served to anchor through his consciousness the Cosmic Christ energies that gave him the authority and the power over all human conditions and circumstance….And thus he too even in his great state of attainment abided by the rule of the Brotherhood to fast only under the protection of Hierarchy.

  I warn you of this, for I observe that some of our children of light in various parts of the world through the diets they have practiced have had enter and intrude upon their consciousness demons and discarnates and direct emissaries of the black brotherhood. These forces entering in when their body metabolism was at its lowest ebb identified with the soul and with the etheric envelope and began to subtly weave an alter ego, an alternative pattern to true awareness of Christ within.  Thus these precious hearts who ought to be in the company of highest devotees upon the planet are caught in delusion and in strange practices that are not in keeping with a balanced manifestation of the true spiritual life.

  I offer this information to you this night because I perceive that you are sincerely desirous of making progress on the path of purity, total purification of your four lower bodies; and indeed this is a correct goal.  But let us understand that ascended master standards of purity are not always the same as the world’s concepts of what purity ought to be.  For the world gauges purity from the standpoint of its own impurity.

  Therefore because mankind entertain a sense of guilt and sin, they have a vast condemnation which they bear against themselves for having partaken of human error and sin consciousness.  And therefore their concept of purity is to completely wipe out the forcefield of the evolving human consciousness, and only then will they be satisfied.  And thus they deprive themselves of all human joy and expression and true happiness which God intends the saints to have.

  And so I say, when you call for purity realize that God has ordained the platform of the four lower bodies (fire, air, water, earth) in the present state which you now enjoy for the purpose of evolution.  Total denial of the needs of these four lower bodies can result in a warping of consciousness and an ultimate rebellion of  outer consciousness against the path and against the very Law that you desire to outpicture.  For the four lower bodies and your evolving consciousness can stand only so much beating, so much whipping, beloved ones, and then there is a time for balance and a need to have balance to regain one’s perspective along the way.

  I urge you then to consider the teaching of the eightfold path of Buddha as it is being taught by the Mother of the Flame in her discipleship under the Lord of the World, for she has been given precious concepts which are to be included in the next volume of Climb the Highest Mountain.  And we have stood with her to see that the recording concerning the eightfold path will open the way in the West for millions of followers of the Lord of the World, for he is to be adored for the flame of Alpha that he expands.

  And thus acknowledgment and devotion to the Hierarch of this planetary body is in order.  And thus as I speak of him whom we adore and call Abba, Father, I expect that you shall stand in homage to his very presence upon the planetary body.  [audience rises]  For you are greatly privileged, precious hearts, to have such an advanced soul desire to remain and fill the office of the one who keeps the threefold flame on behalf of your very life.

  Do you consider then that the kingdom that is ruled by the Lord Buddha should have within it subjects who know not who their Lord is?   Can you imagine some people within these United States who would know not who their president is?  This condition blocks the flow and the great antahkarana of the Buddha which is held from his heart to the Great Central Sun.

  And thus you see, as missionaries have gone forth from the West into the East to make known the teachings of the Christ, so I come forth from the East as an emissary, a missionary, for the Lord of the World.  And I say, let him be elevated to the proper place that the flow of Hierarchy may continue uninterrupted around the planetary body and that the peace, enlightenment, meditation practices and all that the Buddha teaches might be known and followed and be used to take disciples of Christ another step higher in their evolution.  I thank you for your homage to our Lord….

  I cannot even begin to tell you the rejoicing that has occurred in the retreats of the Brotherhood around the planetary body to know that there will be a school and an open door where young men and women of every age may enter and find there the path that leads all home, the path that will ultimately connect millions to the retreats of the Brotherhood, to the chakras of the Earth, to the elemental kingdom, and to service with the Cosmic Christ on behalf of the avatars who will surely descend into form if there be among you enough who will uphold the torch in their behalf.  This is a great moment in the cosmic history of this solar system, and it is great because of the efficacy and accuracy of our teachings which have been preserved in this activity. 

  Our concern with various schools of theology and religion has always been with the percentage of Ascended Master Law that is taught.  The less percentage of pure truth, the less concentration of truth can be made within the consciousness of the students.  And when the equation of truth and error is out of balance to the extent that error is in the majority--and I tell you that this is the case in the majority of schools upon this planet--then the students that graduate from these schools do not have the equipment within their outer consciousness to meet the tests of the path….

  I would then continue my explanation to you concerning your initiations upon the path, for it is necessary that you be initiated to more advanced levels of discipleship in order to hold the balance for the planet and for lesser souls whose evolution has not reached the level of your own.  Therefore I say, I am willing, most willing, to initiate you.  But, precious hearts, please be ready.  Please expect the test.  Please write down in a very important place that you do not forget to look upon each day that you have asked to be tested.  And then please pass the tests for the sake of the Lord of the World.  For I tell you, Hierarchy is fatigued with those who come forward to be tested and then constantly fail those tests over and over and over again through lack of emotional control, through human pride and by a disregarding of our precepts long taught to you.

  I say to you, precious hearts, you need the discipline and the whiplash of our fire this night as well as our peace.  For you must understand that it is the Law of cosmos that not one of you is ever tested before you have been given the full information, tutoring,  drilling and knowledge by energies hard-earned by Hierarchy, dispensed to you through many sources.  You never come to a test unprepared!  Do you understand?  Do I make myself perfectly clear?

  If you fail, it is because there is a will to fail in the subconscious.  And I ask that you rout that consciousness from your subconscious this night, that you kick it out, and that you realize that if you desire to win, you will win.  For the knowledge is inside, and it can be evoked upon a second’s notice.  I say to you, you must not fail.  You must not go down in spirals of degradation.  You must uphold the Law of Hierarchy and show some worth to the Lords of Karma who have extended mercy again and again and again….

  I say to you then that the ascended master code of conduct that shall be presented for your study and that shall be enacted by the Mother of the Flame for the university is the very same code of conduct that was delivered into the hand of Moses, the precepts of the Law that were delivered in the Sermon on the Mount and the teachings that have come forth through the Buddha and the hierarchies of heaven.  You will not be asked to submit to any discipline that has not already been present in our retreats for thousands of years.

  This is indeed the age of fearlessness; and I promise you that when you place yourself in the hands of our representatives on earth and in heaven, you will be treated royally, as kings and priests unto God.  But you must also understand that you must earn the right to be thus treated.  And thus we will demand absolute cleanliness of body and person.  Is that such a hard requirement?  We will demand that you pursue the vegetarian diet.  Is that such a hard require­ment?  We ask you to garner your energies for the opening of the third eye and to maintain celibacy during your period of instruction unless you have been lawfully married in a church of your choice.  Is that too hard?

  I say then, the disciplines of Hierarchy are universal and exacting. And unless you are willing to come under these disciplines, how can you expect to be crowned with the many crowns that the Lord of the World stands waiting to place upon your heads?  For there are openings in Hierarchy, and there is a great need for leadership upon this planet.…

  And thus I say, trust in the Law, it is your greatest friend and defense.  For when you understand that anyone who breaks that Law regardless of who or what he may be must be chastised of the Law, then you will find the greatest security you have ever known in the Law, for you will understand that it upholds your righteousness and forces you to surrender your unrighteousness.  And this is precisely how you rise….

  Trust in the Lord and recognize that as Kuthumi gave forth the Word in the Theosophical Society to Sinnett, the greatest enemy of the disciple on the path is fear and doubt–doubt of oneself and one’s ability to attain, doubt of the teacher and doubt of the teaching.  Diabolical enemies!  Diabolical, I say!  For once you set your foot upon the path to turn back is suicide.  To let down is to cease to exist, for that upward spiral goes higher and higher.  While you are still in the marshlands and at the level of the earth, earthy there is time to hop off and you will not feel the pain of the fall.  But when you ascend stories high, higher than your highest skyscrapers, into the realm of Hierarchy and then hop off, how great is the fall!  The plummeting into astral consciousness is inevitable.

  Therefore we have Laws, therefore we have codes of conduct, and these are for preservation of your very soul!  Without the Law as protective forcefield, as fence, guardrail on the great spiral you might find yourself tottering off as you reach those dizzying heights where the Cosmic Christ Consciousness is attained.

  Therefore I say to you, one and all, set your mark, set your foot upon the path.  And be not concerned, for you will walk the way of the Christ.  As Jesus was able to fulfill every precept of the Law, so the focus of Jesus and Kuthumi in our retreat will give you the same support, the same momentum.  And if you will, you will win!  

   I AM the Cosmic Christ magnetizing the lodestone of your consciousness to its highest potential in God.  Peace be unto you.  I AM that I AM.  

          -Maitreya:  7-3-1973 at Land of Lanello near Colorado Springs via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 17:7-8


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