Thursday, April 8, 2021

We are determined to turn this nation around.

    Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor?  This he said, not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the bag and bare what was put therein.  Then said Jesus, Let her alone:  against the day of my burying hath she kept this.  For the poor always ye have with you, but me ye have not always.  

    Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there and they came not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead.  But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death, because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus.   -

                                                -John 12.


1)  O my beloved, do take pity upon poor souls buried under a heap of carnal illusion spawned by mass media and educational systems--saturating the thinking/feeling/memory process of an entire generation!  Now when I said “The poor ye have with you always,”  I was in no way limiting access to the abundant life that is available in the universe to every man who will reach out his hand and partake of the waters of Life freely.

  I referred to the fact that men and women of the carnal sense are always in the process of shedding that sense--the impoverished sense of material life—for the abundant life of God.  And until they complete the process, they remain poor in both the spiritual and material things of life.  (I also referred to the fact that someone always occupies the lowest rung on the karmic ladder; therefore the poorest of the poor will remain an economic category as well as a spiritual one, just as there is always someone at the top and bottom of the graduating class.)

  The world is no different today--except that there has been a proliferation of both the rich and poor, increasing the demand for shepherds to feed my sheep and ministering servants to heal both states of consciousness, for the rich as well as the have need to be healed of their false belief concerning their true identity.

When I said “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” I referred to the fact that those who are poor in the spirit of the material sense are usually less encumbered by the things of this world and more ready to accept the spiritual sense.   

                   -Jesus Christ:  Pearls of Wisdom 6:47


 2)  Early forms of practical democracy thrust upon the citizenry of the United States the need to make decisions and to participate in them (e.g., the New England town meeting).  Today men have accepted their traditions as a dried branch, a staff to learn upon which they seek to preserve without enhancing.  The opportunities of this day are greater than those of the past.  Labor-saving devices have given men freedom, and the middle classes enjoy a prosperity that once was for the privileged few.  Yet unfair advantage has been taken again and again of these situations and pleasure seeking has replaced man’s joy of providing for his posterity through preserving his heritage and the opportunities inherent within it.

  With the advent in America and the world of greater and greater destructivity as the vicious forces of violence and unrest continue to manifest as the fruit of discord in the youth of the world, we advocate the formation of vigilantes of the spirit who recognize that they must start right where they are to do something to reverse the downward course of the world order.  Where is the spine and spunk of mankind?   -Lady Meru:   Pearls of Wisdom 10:42   


3)   Some of you are aware of the fact that many years ago in ancient Egypt your beloved El Morya did erect at Faiyum, at Lake Moeris two mighty obelisks and charge them with talismanic magic to connect the little space of Lake Moeris.  Then when they were excavated and moved, one to Central Park in New York and the other to Trafalgar Square in London, behold the larger body of  the Atlantic Ocean stood between them.  Yet the talismans contained within those obelisks continued to function, and so the airy realm of Atlantis-Atlantic was once again bridged by the selfsame thought in symbol form that Morya wrought in that age at Faiyum long ago.

  And thus you see, talismanic magic is of use and value when it is understood and when its symbology does not become a means to a modern Robin Hood or some form of debauchery practiced on the children of men, some form of black magic come to Earth once again.  Not at all, this is not our thought.  For we would guide the race away from that pace and point them to light.  The light enables men to understand how to use the Law aright for their freedom and the power of the flame so that it can descend and shape them for the higher game that they can win.    

                     -Sanat Kumara:  7-28-1968 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 42:34


4)   Children of my heart, I come in the love of the Cosmic Christ for your souls and for your souls’ advancement on the path of initiation.  You see, in the very nucleus of God-consciousness of the Cosmic Christ is the seed-awareness of every living soul, and within that seed is the deep desiring of God for return of the soul who has gone out of the way of wholeness.

  Therefore we do contain the intensity of God’s desiring for initiation, for by testing and then adding unto the soul the increment of light because of victorious passing of the test, an increment of our consciousness is added unto the soul whereby that soul may increase its awareness of the desire that God contains for the soul.

  Do you see, beloved ones?  One must contain within one‘s self an element of that seed in order to have even the desire for initiation.  You must be of God and of that Cosmic Christ, then that seed within your soul responds to the desiring of God.  Within the seed is the memory, the ancient memory recorded there of the origin of being in God.  Only through that memory can the Lord God transmit the desire.

  Beloved ones, did you know that fallen ones who moved against souls of light on this planet know that locked within the memory of the seed of every soul is God-consciousness of the inner experience in the beginning with Alpha and Omega? Therefore do you know, beloved ones, that these fallen ones have determined to destroy the soul’s desiring for God?  For by this they contrive to take from the path millions who are held in the balance in this hour.  How have they determined to do this?

  You need but look around you.  They have created, East and West, a civilization based on desire for myriad things--circumstances, powers, controls, entertainments, conquests.  Beloved ones, forcefields of desire and desiring of human consciousness are as legions of demons. 

                        -Maitreya:  7-2-1978 at Camelot, Pearl 43:33


5)  Why do you select middle-class neighborhoods?  Why do you go to the neighborhoods of the rich?  Mother Mary has always appeared to the poor and humble of heart.  When you go in her name go and find them whose hearts are overflowing with love for God!  They will receive you and you will know the hospitality of angels.  And though they have frailties and though some of them are burdened by  entities of alcohol, nicotine and other more deadly substances, yet you will find underneath it all the heart of light that needs rescuing.  This is a rescue mission!  This is the bottom line of the mercy flame.  Legions of Kuan Yin must go and nourish little people of the planet. 

             -Kuan Yin:  12-11-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 25:1


6)  It is to this end that I have come, for there is truly a super­stition and a sense of revenge upon all descen­dants of the Spanish conquis­tadores by descendants of those people who did suffer needlessly under the conquests of the Spanish in South America.  Let it be understood therefore that this curse has indeed come upon the middle class and  white man of America and the Earth through that very deed.  And you can understand that history is tarnished; history is replete with acts and deeds that come full circle and therefore take the lives of the seeming innocent when they are in their very bud and blossom.  Realize therefore that the vulnerability of the people who succumb to cocaine in every race is also conditioned by prior neglect, prior agreement, prior consent in some form (great or small) of allegiance to their own carnal mind, allegiance to the dweller on the threshold, and allegiance to those fallen angels….

  Leave it at once, depart from it, turn your back on it and run for the Sun!  Run for the Sun! is our cry and our call to every lightbearer on Earth!  Now depart from the dark places and hellholes and astral pits!  Remove yourselves from fallen ones who are the purveyors of drugs and rock that go hand in hand and draw you down into the very darkness of hell.…

  Yours is the joy and path of those who become the unsung and unknown heroes of the age.  Your reward is with you, and your light banner shines across the galaxies.  But expect no welcome cooperation or helping hand from the world, for there is a gap between this science and its understanding and most of the educated people of the nations….

  Let your light so shine in the eye, heart and body temple.  Let the fervor of your spirit recognize with all wisdom that which is taking place.  Let your hearts go forth as the brooding Mother and as fire of Kali to bind these devils. 

              -Saint Germain:  4-29-1984 at Camelot, Pearl 27:32


7)  O people of the Lord, East and West, O children of the Sun, my sons and daughters, hear me then.  For I also come of late from the Darjeeling Council chambers where winds that blow through the trees high in the foothills of the Himalayas do waft on their breeze sweet incense and prayers unto the great principles and persons of the Godhead.

  Thus you have celebrated the incarnation, lo, of the Word East and West.  Let it be then for the balance of a planet and more, aye, for the raising up of a soul of light unto the victory of the Eternal Mother.    

                   -Saint Germain:  10-3-1987 at NYC, Pearl 30:55


8)   We desire this awakening principally to draw them to a path of individual Christhood, as it has been said.  We desire them to become aware that they are also victims and that those things [which] are wrong in the Earth are no accident and that they do come about by conspiracies that are based on the fundamental necessity of those have-nots–yes, sophisticated ones, wealthy, godless, the have-nots who have all the money and power but have no light, no Presence, no threefold flame.  These have-nots desire to have the light of the haves; and the haves are common people, poor who must be cared for, homeless, children, middle class--all those who are a part of the body of God.

  Let it be known, beloved, that what you have they cannot live without.  Your lifestream and life-force is a daily transfusion that they must have.  Know this, beloved, and recognize that to this awakening, this divine awareness we would bring the people of Earth once and for all that they will no longer hand over their money nor be enslaved by fallen angels who have embodied in their midst, but they will adopt Alpha’s Agenda and see that the planet must be cleaned up, the bodies that have been sown with impure substances must be cleaned up, the minds must be cleaned up, souls must be cleaned up.    -Archangel Jophiel and Christine:  3-28-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:22   


9)  It is sin and the sense of sin and world condemnation [put forth by] fallen angels in church and state that have wrought this devastation upon all souls of people of Earth save the very few who have resisted this tide of world condemnation.

  Therefore we come!  And I am the spokesman for the Fourteen Ascended Masters who would govern the destiny of America.  [28-second standing ovation]  We stand upon this platform as representatives of the Cosmic Council.  Our point of origin is the God-star Sirius.  We have come today to take counsel together with you who are sons and daughters of Earth--at least [you are such] yet for a little while.  For shortly as centuries pass you will also return to your home-star.  Therefore while you and your children and your children’s children do occupy Earth we would explain what must be done if we are to succeed in directing the course and destiny of this nation and all nations.  Therefore, fellow sons and daughters of light, be seated.

  Simultaneously as we meet a meeting does take place in the Great Hall on the God-star.  And the Four and Twenty Elders who have sent us take part in this session on this Easter Sunday 1991 as you reckon Earth-time.

  We place before you the challenge, the challenge that you know, yet it must be so stated, it must be so written.  And you must be so notified by the Cosmic Council that you have full awareness of that which Saint Germain himself has referred to as “the realm of the possible.” 

  If we are to direct the course of this nation as we were appointed by God to do–and summoned by Saint Germain, the great founder with the Goddess of Liberty of this dispensation, this grand experiment in freedom--then we must have in place those individuals who have attunement with the Mind of God, who are humble and will obey the inner calling and direction.

  At this date on planet Earth we find entrenched in all nations, midst all peoples and sadly in houses of worship and in organized religion those arch-deceivers and fallen ones, the godless in whom there is no spark of Life, for they have long ago extinguished it by their denial of the living God….

  I will tell you, beloved, that this must cease!  We have called upon the Messenger to deliver you even an outline of this century’s [doings] of the fallen ones in positions of power, their betrayal of the people, their loss of the peace, their ulterior motives, their “other agenda.”…We have the key.  It is quite simple.  When you know the profile of the fallen angels incarnate, this Establishment of the power elite you understand that it behooves them by their own inner alignment with darkness to snuff out the candle of freedom in the heart of every freedom fighter on Earth nation by nation, people by people….

  [Citizens of America:]  You were dedicated and did receive the divine approbation and opportunity to teach the way of Christ-freedom to all nations, to defend the poor and to use the power of God to overcome these Nephilim.  As Moses, as Joshua, as the great patriarchs of old, as the Lord Jesus Christ did challenge them, so may you go and do likewise!

  May you set aside the folly of leaving your sword and armor at home.  May you know that if angels need to wear armor, you [also need to wear it], doubly and triply so, for you have bodies of flesh that weary and hearts that can be snuffed out by many subtle means of the sinister force in embodiment….

  We come to tell you that the people must know and be warned of what is the condition of karma, why America is “America the vulnerable.”  All this must be spoken!  I can tell you, beloved, to do this demands of you as well as of the Messenger a new level of commitment, a new level of determination and a courage that you must borrow and then fully integrate with from the Goddess of Liberty herself….

  Blessed ones, we will not set aside our vow.  Therefore have we come in person that you might feel our presence, that you might draw from our strength, our wisdom and our garments--and each one of you serve as ten for the purity of your heart’s love in this cause….

  We are determined to turn this nation around.  What we have spoken through the Messenger must be known.  The people are ready to hear it!  And the rotten apples are ready to fall from the trees!  Let them fall by the right hand of the Son Jesus Christ and you will see how much the people really know about their leadership, about “spiritual wickedness in high places.”    -Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America:  3-31-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:19  


10)   tend the children who have no caretakers and are not even with their own mothers and fathers.  These children are in every echelon of life.  They are among the wealthy and poorest of the poor and middle classes and those of every race.  Everywhere is there the assault on the child.

  Do the devils know that the divine Manchild is to be born?  Do they fear my coming again, this time in the hearts of all children of the world?  Yes, indeed, they fear it!  They fear it to a level of fright that does impel them to [commit] atrocities against little children at every level of their being and life.   

                    -Jesus Christ:  11-26-1992 at RTR, MT via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 35:67


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