Saturday, April 17, 2021

do not take lightly my word in this hour

   Therefore, my beloved, do not take lightly my word in this hour.  For I tell you:  this is the line.  Thus far and no farther!  The fallen ones shall not mock life or its essence or its purity or its precious element of love….

  This is an hour when you will see sacred fire descend.  And you will see the manifestation of plague, and you will see the manifestation of war, and you will see the manifestation of the Death Rider and the opening up of the bowels of the Earth and the very spirits of hell coming forth….

  I AM not here with sweet words.  For you can imagine them yourselves in your heart.  You have heard them spoken without spirit and without love.  And you have accepted the mechanization man for your leaders--even for your spiritual leaders.  You have allowed them to bring into the temple of my Father their rock music, their drugs and their perversion of the sacred fire, their consorting with demons in the name of the Holy Spirit….

  Have they not read what is in store?  Do they think the prophets are old-fashioned?  Do they think that somehow that Holy Spirit that spoke long ago is in a state of decay?  is no longer relevant to the hour?  They have put out those with the Holy Spirit from my temple.  And they have allowed those who are the agnostics and the doubters and the nonbelievers to enter the pulpits and to denounce my God-flame where I AM.  Lo, I AM come into this land!  They have called me by their lips.  Now I come for the purging of their hearts!  And they have not known the meaning of the sword.  Therefore I say, let it go forth!

  Angels of light are relieved that ultimately there can be the separating out of light from darkness and the binding and the judgment--no more then to strive with flesh, no more then to indulge those who flaunt the Law and continue to flaunt it.  Those who have the most precious teachings of all, those who have had the way made plain through my brothers and sisters in the ascended octaves, ought the more to consider themselves at the hand of the Lord’s mercy for their own disobedience, their own ignorance, their own setting aside of the highest teachings while they have gone here and there in the marts of entertainment or the cult of success….

  Indeed the meaning of my birth is the availability of Personhood in God, of the descent of Christ.  Let all other gifts be set aside and let them pursue the highest gift.  For it is the pearl of great price, even the great causal body of Almighty God.  And it 

is offered to you as the hand of God even offers to you a world, saying:   “Take dominion over the earth!  Take dominion over life!  I give it unto thee.”  Therefore let us take dominion over these fallen ones who are murdering our children.

  Beloved hearts, I AM here with a fervor of my Life and I pour it into your waiting vessels and I say:   I wait no longer. You can wait no longer!  It is the hour for the overturning of the tables of these fallen ones and it is the hour when you have the full reinforcement of the archangels….

  Blessed hearts of light, this is a gross selfishness that is manifest.  And these leaders are the fallen ones and I declare their judgment.  And I say in God’s name I AM THAT I AM:  they shall not pass!

  Those who have refused to act against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan by denying to that nation more wheat, more technology, more of anything and everything they want--I say:   they shall not pass!  They are judged!  And the blood of those who have been lost in Afghanistan is required of them in this hour.  And they shall not pass!  And I send the sword of my Father. Watch and pray.

  Do you understand that the very presence of Soviet troops aligned on the border of Poland is enough to cause all nations of the earth to cut off the Soviet Union?  That is a threat, as surely as the threat to Cuba.  Where is the spine?  Where is the Kundalini?  I will tell you.  It is lying in a bed of wickedness!  It is spent upon surfeiting in pleasure.

  And these fallen ones, I say, their day is done!--they and their house. Let the children of light cry out with a mighty shout!  Let them invoke the judgment of God, for the hour of that judgment is come.  They shall not pass!  And the Lord God Almighty will not allow it—will not allow the encroachment upon our light, our activity, our Messenger and our chelas of the mockery of the Word, the mockery of the testimony of the Lamb.  Therefore I AM come.  And my Electronic Presence contains the momentum—the momentum of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.

  I represent the hosts of the Lord.  I come as the Prince of Peace, and my sword shall ultimately ring with peace throughout the Earth.  And there shall be peace.  And that peace shall be a resolution and not a covering over and not a hiding of sin or a misuse of the light—not in Ghana, not in any area of this activity.  We will come, we will expose and we will reveal that the foundation of service of life on earth is the flame of purity and of individual Christhood.  And this is the Rock upon which we build.  And we reject those stones who have not allowed themselves to pass through the furnace of the Lord God Almighty for the purging of those elements of Antichrist.  You cannot slip into the temple and allow yourself to become a part of its building when you have not passed through the fires of initiation.

  There are none who are counted my own save those who will enter by the door of the personal crucifixion.  There is no way that you can come around or under or over the Law.  You must pass through the very gate of the nexus of the living Christ.  This is my message and I will not have it flaunted!  I am undaunted in the will of God in this hour and I move with the fury of the intense whitefire purity of the wrath of the Almighty…. 

  Do you think that the Lord God will stand by and allow the Satanists to take over this planetary body in their murderous intents, in their blood rites and rituals, in their misuse of life as it is my Life in the holy child?  I tell you, nay!  God is alive and well on planet Earth.  And the future of Earth is in His hands.  Contrary to all appearances the light is ongoing.  The light is in His stars appearing within you.

  Therefore I demand response!  I demand a leaping into sacred fire as you would leap into a mighty waterfall of cooling light descending!  I ask that you leap into the very sacred fire, that you assimilate it, that your word become the very flow of this infinite light to Earth, and that therefore there come an era of God-justice and a turning back of crime….

  And as this occurs in your temples with some uncomfortability, know that for the fallen ones it is not a simple uncomfortability.  It is the very annihilation of their seat of mockery and scorn and condemnation.  And therefore there is upheaval, there is overturning and there is earthquake in the Earth….

And my comfort in this hour is the mighty sword. And as I hold it before you, my beloved hearts, you know that the standard is raised and the ensign of my people is raised up.  And the sword is the sign of the teaching of the science of the Word.  And it shall be a sign to all nations that there is a way out and that way is by Christ within you, by Immanuel born….

  Where the Spirit of the prophet is, where the Spirit of the Messenger is in the heart of the chela, there the entire mantle of the Great White Brotherhood is upon you.  Where there is true inner alignment and not mere lip service, where there is  willingness to be divested of all filthiness and uncleanness, where there is willingness for exposure of the lie of self-deception there the true Spirit of prophecy will flow!  Early seek counsel while I AM here.  Early seek light while ye have light.  And do not be as betrayers, sorting out a mechanical righteousness to this side and to that of an apparent (apparent to their eye) human consciousness in the Messenger….

   Beloved hearts, they have their day and they have their hour which is the hour of darkness.   Let them speak and let them be silenced by God.  For by their expression of their own uncleanness they too manifest the acts, decisions that result in their own judgment.  It is written that they will wax dull and therefore not be able to receive the truth lest they should repent and be saved.  It is written that they will believe the lie and that their damnation will be just.  It is not just merely because they have believed the lie but because they themselves are the fabric and seed of the liar.  What they are is their judgment.  What they do remains proof of what they are.     

                                -Jesus Christ:  12-25-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 24:3

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