1) God is a fire! God is on fire within you! So the face of God, the face of the Holy Spirit--smiling the sweetest smile, the most tender gaze--is upon you and upon the little children. Children in the womb, behold the image of the Holy Spirit. Children everywhere, children of God, know that the Father-Mother Presence of life is nigh. [The Maha Chohan chants in a singing tone:] O Spirit! O Spirit! O Spirit!
Life is flowing. Life is flowing, O hearts. Come ye into union. Come into the union of the hosts of light. I send forth fire on earth. I come in the fire. And now--as waves, undulating currents, ribbons of fire projected from the hands of God, infinite hands as rays of light--energy penetrates. Energy crosses every plane in every direction, omnidirectional energy flowing, piercing, consuming.
This is our God. And there is an alignment, now, of forces, an alignment of elemental life. As I breathe the breath of the Spirit there goes forth the cleansing breath unto fiery salamanders and undines, sylphs and gnomes. [The Maha Chohan speaks softly:] purusha purusha purusha The winds of the Holy Spirit blow, blowing through, blowing through the latticework of identity. And the roses on the latticework blowing in the breeze nod the smile of the Maha Chohan, smiling into the face of God, unfolding souls’ identities. O wind, O wind, O wind, blow and blow and move and cleanse. Cleanse and blow, consume and glow, O wind of God, O wind of God.
-Maha Chohan:
12-30-1974 at Anaheim, Pearls of Wisdom 61:5 ……………………………...................................................................2) I AM Chamuel and Charity. I AM now the manifestation of the coming of the judgment of Earth by the action of the flame of Almighty God that is the action of love. I AM the sweeping aside of all misuses of the sacred fire. I AM that judgment now!
Let the cycling of the Great Central Sun of love come forth. And let all sons and daughters of God who are gathered here be now the manifestation of the holding of the balance. Let it be the holding of the balance now as we cycle into the earth a cosmic action of love more than the world could contain without the devotees of the Mother throughout the earth, who at inner levels now are one in uplifting the great chalice to receive now the fires of love.
Let these fires come forth! Let them saturate the chakras, the four lower bodies of all who are in the intensification of the love fires, in only love, in the cathedral of Gabriel and Hope, in the whitefire core of the Buddha and the Mother.
I AM the action of cosmic love. I AM the joy of cosmic love. I AM the judgment of that love descending now into the whitefire core of being! purusha purusha purusha purusha purusha purusha
Let love intensify through the centers of awareness. Let love intensify. Let the balance fourfold of the cherubim and seraphim, as a cosmic cross of love, be upon each one. Let it be upon each one. Let it be for the alignment of the cosmic sun within the four quadrants of being. Let the vehicles be aligned. Let the threefold flame come into balance. Let the fire of love transcend itself. Let the fire of love transcend the old manifestation. Let the full power and action of the law of love be upon this manifestation.
I demand absolute stillness! I demand absolute concentration! I demand the elimination of all interference with this release of cosmic energy! I command atoms to be still! I command feelings to be still! I command thoughts to be still!
Let the great light of love of Creation command the respect of every electron within the temple of being. For I AM the fullness of Almighty God in the manifestation of cosmic love! I have descended into your midst for the translation of these temples, and I AM in the midst of that manifestation for an action God-willed in wisdom and in love!
I rebuke all darkness! I bind all darkness! I bind all discarnates! And the fire of love goes forth from my heart, from my hand! It touches every one! And through you it is translated to every lifestream on Earth. And by the drop of love, the increment of sacred fire, each one receives that portion of the judgment that is meted out this day as the stripping of error and its removal and the replacement with truth.
Let the hand of the Great Surgeon be upon all life. And let all life be still to receive the transfer and to adjust to the new energy of the New Age. Let all who are coming into the New Age be infired with love. Let love be the transformation! Let love be the chastisement! Let love be the eternal strength! [6-second pause] Be still! Light into the heart! Light into the soul! Light into the crown! Blaze forth! Blaze forth the Trinity! Blaze forth!
As the lightning, descend, descend, descend that souls might ascend, ascend, ascend in the light of Mother this day! [6-second pause] For the evolution of the Great Central Sun, for the evolution of Elohim, for the evolution of the Great Silent Watcher I AM come. For the evolution of sons and daughters of God I AM come.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity:
7-3-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 58:13 ……………………………………………….................................…3) Be not concerned about this Messenger. Be concerned about your own relationship to the Great White Brotherhood. That is what counts. It is the teaching that counts and it is your application of the teaching. Messengers have come and gone, but it is the Word they bear that lives on. It is the Word that we transfer to you and we must have a physical messenger and a physical temple. But your relationship with us must be sought and won on your own merit and your own love.
Take then the gift freely given and know that in the community of Camelot we have called forth the sangha of the Buddha and the community of Christ and his disciples. We have prepared a home and a school for children and a place for retreat and study. It is our cradle for you to give birth to the Manchild within you. Won’t you come as the wise men of old and attend your own birth in this lifetime, the Mother’s giving birth within you of the eternal Christ.
We have come to celebrate your own Christ Mass. Welcome, my beloved. I pour forth my love to you and I breathe a breath for that transfer of the Spirit. [The master breathes the holy breath.] purusha Be sealed in the love of the Brotherhood and your own God Presence.
- Paul the Venetian: 8-10-1979 at San Francisco, Pearl 48:51……………………………....................................................................
4) And you are so bold as to assume the mantle of the Comforter, the Compassionate One, even the mantle of the Lord Buddha, and to say:
I will care for thee, my Lord and my Savior!
I will affirm thy victory.
I will praise thee in the hour of seeming death
That truly is life eternal here and now!
I will bind up the brokenhearted in thy name!
I will find thee, my Lord, in the very heart
Of thy children helpless, thy disciples not yet whole.
I will give compassion as roses on the vine of my becoming
The fullness of the rose of Sharon.
I will.
I will give the precious essence of thy Life given unto me.
With each inbreath of the sacred fire, I will breathe out—
I will convey that element of Godhood
That God has given to me this day!
And after a million billion breaths in the life of Brahma,
So I will know that Christ himself is formed in me.
And I am all aglow!
And the floral offering of angels of the resurrection
Will adorn my form that is God’s.
For, lo! Christ has come to live within
This temple where I AM.
In the fullness of the joy of the Godhead dwelling in me bodily.
-Archeia Mary:
4-17-1981 at Camelot,
Pearl 24:17
……………………………………………………….........................5) Hail, O eternal, never-ending Word! Hail, O light hidden in the heart now unveiled! May the lumination of the eternal Christ planted as a seed in the heart by the Divine Mother now grow and expand that the seed itself might bear witness of the righteous Branch. I champion the light of the raising of the Mother-flame within you, the prophecy of the fulfillment of Israel. I champion your word as my word, as the message of Sanat Kumara. We come for the manifesto of Alpha and Omega. We come that all may read clearly, simply that which is of the light and that which is not. Let the preaching and the publishing of the Word be for the rallying of the hosts of the Lord and the judgment of the fallen ones!…
Let the dance of the virgin souls of my people truly be the dance of Shiva. And let the Holy Spirit be felt now! Now therefore I send it as the portion of my own being upon you. Upon all who can receive it—the portion of my own Spirit is upon you! I breathe it forth and I transfer the sacred breath. Purusha.
And my dispensation and my anointing shall be for all time and space of those who come under the dispensation of the righteous Branch. I AM the Cosmic Christ representative, very much a part of this Community, very much a part of the day-to-day plans for the Inner Retreat. Make haste to divest yourselves of those things of this world that are excess baggage. Let the alchemy of the sacred fire transmute them into supply that may be laid upon the foundation of the city we would build. Yes, it is an inner city. Yes, it is an outer city, being a citadel and a fortress unto the
lovers of God.
I am with you now for the victory. And I watch the signs of the watchman of the night, Saint Germain, who places his hand as the right hand of the age upon the governments and the economies of the nations. His right hand as the prophet of Israel is upon this and every nation and upon the fallen ones in their meetings and upon those who would betray the people. The hand of Saint Germain is upon them! And he does hold them and stay the action of their wickedness that the faithful and true followers of the light might now enter in to the very streets of the earth and command life free by truth and its sword!
I AM in the Amen and in the heart of the AUM. I AM Maitreya, Mother-flame in action! It is an exercise of stillness to be in the heart of the Christ and the Buddha. It is an exercise of action to go forth and implement the Word. Bless you for your constancy in the yin and the yang of life whereby we are able to bring to you, Keepers of the Flame, the deeper mysteries of life. You are our first love.
7-19-1981 at Camelot, L.A.,
Pearl 24:70
……………………………………………………………........................…6) My heart is open and it is flowing!
I say, let the divine memory be upon you
And let your soul remember
All that has been of our oneness.
And therefore, you will enter in
And perform that perfect work of God
Set before you by your own Self
From the beginning
And before your incarnation in this life.
Feed my lambs in the womb. Do not let them be aborted. Challenge the fallen ones, and let us overturn those laws that have made it a possibility to abort life from conception almost to the hour of birth.
May the reward be the termination of this mighty indiscretion against Life itself. This is my prayer on behalf of the light-bearers entering the path of birth, and on behalf of all who suffer the dire, dire karma of causing one of these little ones to perish. Let us not neglect so great a salvation.
I seal you in my threefold flame. Verily you have your reward. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Blessed Mother, be healed of thy affliction, O my soul! Purusha Purusha Purusha.
2-26-1982 at Camelot,
Pearl 25:19
………………………………………………......................................…..7) Let us sow seeds of fire, and let us even take the seed atom of our own lifestream and weave therefrom an individuality forged and won in God. And let that individuality be an archetypal pattern of the hundred and forty and four thousand. Let all of this be sealed in the newborn babe of Aquarius, in the Manchild, and let the genes of an age be sealed by Christed ones.
Let those who live to outpicture the blessed science of the Great Alchemist of Aquarius draw from the mighty seed light of your own causal body that has endowed an age and an evolution with the heart of the living flame of freedom, the spirit of freedom--even the heart of Saint Germain!
O dedicated ones and Keepers of the Flame, welcome to the violet-flame heart of a cosmos! Welcome to the heart of Omri-Tas, who has never left off serving with me in Shamballa East and now also anchors his flame and momentum in Shamballa West! Welcome to the heart of freedom! I welcome you, for you are freedom! You are endowers and co-creators of the light of ages to come!
Think therefore what wild flower, blowing free in the breezes of the fields of an age, you shall be--you therefore the key, the alchemical key to what shall be in the foundation and in the capstone of Aquarius!
Saint Germain, my son,
I have told them of a victory to be won.
I have revealed oneness and individuality And the purple-fire flowers, immortelles, Which they may choose to be.
Now, my son, give it to them!
Give it to them, I say!
Give it to them with all
Of the fervor of thy heart.
For I, Gautama, will now meditate. In the mountain of thy heart
For the fulfillment of this freedom in the Heart 1983.
In the name of Padma Sambhava and his anointed I AM sealing your heart in freedom, and I breathe upon you now the Holy Ghost of my being. Purusha! Elohim, come! Come, freedom! Come in fire. [outbreath]
-Gautama Buddha:
6-30-1983 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 48:29
………………………………………………………….............................8) You who are worthy, you who are able, accept the love of my heart. I have known you long and therefore because of my tie to this people, I am sent to this place. [24-sec. pause]
I release sacred fire in each one for the quickening of the crown, for Jesus desires that you should be endued with his mind and consciousness. Let that mind be in you. Let that heart be in you. Let that Presence be in you. Let his angels into your home and life. Know the living and tangible awareness of angels ministering unto you and of the Lord Christ a regular guest at your table.
I release light to the capacity of your souls and I step aside as Saint Germain, faithful to his promise, does stand here now to seal the servants of God in the forehead. Therefore come, beloved, receive him. His heart’s devotion to your own is truly an infinity of the seventh ray.
I, Nada, bow to the light within you, to the pink rose of the heart that is budding and blossoming in you now. I am your friend on the path. Call in time of trouble and I will also answer. [16-sec. pause] Purusha. Purusha. Purusha.
1-30-1988 at Salt Lake City,
Pearl 31:11
………………………………………………………….......................…..9) Therefore know the power of an Archangel who has come to rescue you in this hour and know that I sponsor you and I release the coil that can be your deliverance and that of your twinflame! You need but claim it, accept it and rise to your mission in life, for the hour is short!
My legions of light have formed a vast circle of fire around this city. Know then that when the Lord God does speak through me and I speak through the Messenger, by the law of octaves that light does descend. It is for the holding of the balance and for the purging of all persecution of the Divine Mother in the earth–the Divine Mother who does reside in each and every one of you.
For the Divine Feminine must be raised up in you and I AM the defender of that Woman within you. And you shall see the clothing of the Son of God within you, you shall know all things that must be made known unto you if you receive that light that is delivered. Therefore the power of Helios and Vesta is released! And not an erg more may I deliver, for it is by cosmic dispensation that we speak. Therefore I seal you with the cosmic cross of whitefire, and my blue flame sword is plunged into the earth as the sign of an archangel that has come! Purusha.
-Archangel Michael:
2-4-1988 at Tucson,
Pearl 31:14
……………………………………………………………..........................…10) O Divine Mother, raise on high the Manchild ere flood tide take him from thee. O Divine Mother, many-armed Kuan Yin, blessed Mary, O Divine Spirit of Omega, O Mother of the World, receive thy children ere it is too late! Seal them in the Immaculate Heart that they may not lose faith or hope or courage.
Let fearlessness flame pierce, then, the darkness surrounding the children of God! Angels of the Diamond Heart, seal them in the fiery protection of Saint Michael that they may no longer be abused, misused, trodden upon. Father, take them in Thine arms. I AM Morya, so concerned for the little ones and the tender hearts and the little feet and the blessed hands that pray and the lispings of the tiniest child in crib.
I stand before you in this city as I have stood before. I receive you, if you will receive me, on a path of discipleship that shall lead to a practical and swift application of the Law for the defense of life. Life must needs be defended, beloved. I implore you, defend life and know your own freedom!
I seal you by the sign of the first ray--know then the signet of the blue rose of Sirius.
. 2-12-1988 at San Francisco,
Pearl 31:19
………………………………………………………………11) Blessed ones, in the reality of thy walk with the Holy Spirit I AM at thy side, the Maha Chohan, for the victory of life in you. O keep the flame of Life and know that the breath that is breathed upon you in the hour of your soul’s descent into form is truly the breath of the Holy Spirit!
As the years go by through absence of mantra or prayer the sacred fire breath is no longer native to the body but must be reinvoked by you. To this end the Ascended Master Djwal Kul dictated the Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura that you might have a simple exercise for the breathing in again of the breath of the Holy Spirit. Therefore take it. Practice makes perfect.
In this hour of our oneness I therefore in holy emanation breathe upon you the breath of the Holy Spirit. [The holy breath sounds]
Thus, beloved, the initiating spiral of the Holy Spirit has descended this night in planet Earth in this city and citadel. So it is done! It shall not be turned back! Let he that is holy be holy still and let all who know God embrace that Spirit and live forever in his sacred fire breath.
I bless and love you. I caress and seal you with the kiss of peace upon the brow.
I AM that Lord, that Lord of the Ninth Ray and the power of the three-times-three. Purusha. [The holy breath sounds] -Maha Chohan: 2-21-1988 at Beverly Hills via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 31:29
12) Blessed hearts, it is prophesied that the people who experience cataclysm will cry out to the mountains “Fall on us! Fall on us!” You need never arrive at that moment of desperation, for when you become the mountain and the fire in the heart of the mountain, one with nature and Mother Earth, you are already at the level of vibration where you contain the oncoming wave of light.
O to merge in the cosmic sea with divine reality! O to retain individuality in the flame of God! Such a wonder and grace [it is] to do this, beloved! The key is to begin. The key is to begin to fan the fire of the heart with the holy breath. Purusha! [The holy breath sounds] So [is] the breath of an Archangel.
So remember the coal that is placed on the tongue of the prophet to purge and purify the mouthpiece of God. So remember [that] thou too must prophesy in this age, for thou art a prophet and knowest it not. For the spirit of prophecy does emerge out of the deeds of the past. These are the prophecies you yourselves have written and can unwrite in this hour….
Thou art therefore held in the chalice of the Divine Mother’s matrix, the immaculate concept for the fulfillment of fiery destiny!Purusha! Until we meet in the heart of the flame, I AM
Uriel, Archangel of the Sixth Ray of God.
2-26-1988 at Long Beach,
Pearl 31:30
…………………………………………………………….13) Though you pass through veils of karmic conditions and even relationships required, remember the first love who is thy God and out of thy God who hast made thee, thy beloved twin flame. Let all other loves then, be to the goal of that union and serve the end of the blessing of life, the ministering unto life, as by your giving you are also balancing on behalf of thy other self.
This then is my sealing of your heart and of your chakras. Read then out of my message the warning, if you will, that with the coming of the initiations of the Holy Spirit there are the [tests] preceding the encounter with Maitreya.
All things have been prepared for thee, beloved, to enter into a path of soul-testing and to win. The Teaching is there, the blessing, the sponsorship, the angels. Only you may choose, may determine, may will to be and to be in God an immortal, God-free being.
I AM the Eternal One, the immaculate sphere of wholeness. I set before you the reality of that original sphere, the ovoid where in the beginning thou wert one and then made twain for the purposes of incarnation. Now in the ending return by love to the Law of the One and know the promise. Fulfill all things. Realize thy Christhood.
Not only the crown of Life shall be waiting but also the glorious morn of the reunion of twinflames. Out of the light I have descended. Purusha. Purusha. Purusha. [The holy breath sounds] -Maha Chohan: 5-15-1988 at Pasadena, Pearl 31:55
14) In the dynamic decree of the Ruby Ray I AM Buddha. I AM the light now. And I send gratitude and secret-ray action to the Almighty and to his own for this opportunity granted me that I might once again open the pathway of Buddhas of the Ruby Ray on earth leading to the heart of Sanat Kumara. May you so aspire to be and to know, for I AM One that some of you have known of old. I AM your Friend.
Think back now upon the day when you did see me, as from Shamballa I went forth at the command of Sanat Kumara and of Lord Gautama. And they did command me and all did watch as staff in hand, Ruby Ray focus about my neck, I did enter a cave and I did begin to walk and I did walk to the center of Earth.
Blessed ones, some of you here today who were there then said in your hearts, “Not I, I shall not enter a cave. Who knows where it ends or where I shall be or if I may ever emerge?” For I was told in that hour and all heard it “You shall not come forth until there be those on the surface of Earth who can hold the balance for the attainment that shall be thine own.”
So, beloved, you might say that I have been confined to hold the nucleus of a planet at the mercy of such as yourselves until you should arrive at the place of a similar love for the ruby ray. A love you indeed do have, that we now share, can surely be a mighty gift to Sanat Kumara.
Thus I step forward and may you also. And remember, nevermore shall we be separated by time or space. And you also in your hour and your time, receiving assignment from Sanat Kumara, shall accept it where’er it may take you, knowing that in the heart of Love is the fullness of all thy desiring, all thy becoming, all of thy Buddhahood, all of thy Motherhood. Purusha. Om, beloved. -Buddha of the Ruby Ray: 7-3-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:69
…………………………………………………………….....................….15) While in the process of change then by the alchemy of God and all methods known to you, let Archangel Michael become your great Guru of the I AM THAT I AM. Truly he is the angel of the Lord and he will protect you as long as you walk a true path of chelaship with no nonsense and no compromise.
Thus with his flame around you, [as you] abound in his Love, your trust, your doing of the will of God, and your faith will bring you to the place where by the reinforcement of his Presence you will pass every test and victory will always be yours! It takes fierce determination and fierce chelaship to attain this end.
Spoil not the child of self! Do not spare the rod. For the rod of the Almighty is upon you to assist you, to correct you, to align you, to chasten you, to love you, to heal you, to make you wise in the wonderment and the awe of the Almighty One, who even in this hour does yet send legions of light, emissaries of God, and the delivery of the spoken Word for your beneficence.
In the beauty of the lily of fire descending Christ can be born. May you become fierce chelas, beloved. Thus I leave with you many of my legions in your midst that you might get the feeling transferred to you by fire of the fierceness of those who serve in the flame of the fourth ray. I AM Zarathustra! I ascend into the flame! Purusha 7-1-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:34
16) The Lord will have this people one way or the other, beloved. Happy are ye who are led by love and do not pull back as Love approaches the fields of pain. On the other side of the fields there are other fields, and beyond them others of flowers and immortelles, until the Lord Christ himself is found beyond these fields, truly as the lily of eternity.
I AM the Maha Chohan. I bow to the light of the one God in you. I pray you will also bow to that one light forevermore.
This I promise you--I shall return. I trust to find you at new levels, not that the levels [to which] you have attained are not acceptable, for many are acceptable, but that it is the law of cosmos that the manifestation of God, the soul, must ever be transcending herself and her sense of self. Purusha.
-Maha Chohan:
6-3-1990, Pentecost, at RTR, MT,
Pearl 33:19
………………………………………………...........................................…17) But when your heart burns with the fire of my love and I am with you and in you, I say, you cannot fail, you will not fail–even as I say again to Kuan Yin this day: Kuan Yin and beloved Mary, we must not fail! We will not fail in God’s name!
I AM Morya. I return to the diamond hearts of lightbearers across the Earth. And now watch me, for I become a billion Moryas! And so I go, and so I leave a portion of myself with you.
O precious ones, diamond chalices of my heart, such as you make life worth living for the ascended hosts! Keep the flame and do not be moved by the outer mind and the lower consciousness that tells you to go here, there and anywhere: now is the time to stay with me at the altar of our God. Purusha. I send the breath for the quickening of your own. Godspeed. [48-second standing ovation] -Morya: 12-13-1992 at RTR, MT, Pearl 35:68
18) Yes, I AM the Lord of the World and I am grateful to be of service to the great Atman within you and to your soul and to you personally and to who you are and what you can and shall be. For I decree it! You shall become who you are! I decree it in God’s name and you may affirm it: Lord Gautama Buddha, I shall become who I AM! [Congregation gives the affirmation:] Lord Gautama Buddha, I shall become who I AM!
Let your words be the final words you have spoken in the old year, for with them you have bridged the new year. My peace I leave with you. Keep the peace! Purusha. -Gautama Buddha: 12-31-1992 at RTR, MT, Pearl 36:4
19) Are you ready for the seraphim of God to place the live coal upon your mouth? [“Yes!”] Maybe yes and maybe no, yet it is well that you aspire to this goal. For the Lord God seeks you and He will pursue you as the hound of heaven until he can mold you and shape you to be His instrument, yea, to be His mouthpiece….
In the beauty of this place set apart long ago by archangels for the coming of the Mystery School, we are gathered. These are precious moments that all look forward to in heaven and on earth.
Therefore, beloved, in this hour and moment I am silent that you might speak to God, to His Christ, and receive, if you so choose, this seraph as your tutor. He is ready to stand with you for the rest of this lifetime if you will it. [Congregation prays softly to God and to His Christ.]
So it is enough. If you are undecided, you may take your time to decide until the hour of midnight. This then is the greeting of God to your soul, sent and sealed, delivered by the presence of a seraph who will walk with you and counsel you day by day. In the light of Purity, in the light of Astrea, I AM THAT I AM the sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads. So it is done. Purusha. [24-second standing ovation]
-Elohim Astrea:
6-26-1993 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 36:34